Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#81 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Three attempts to parlay, with no attempt to fight back, begins to take a toll on the Monk's sense of fair play. He takes one step back from the Shape Changer, never dropping his guard and ready to fight if anything changes.

"You want to tell me something? Take a knee," he says. "I don't trust you, and if you want to tell me something, you will do so from over there and give me the advantage if it is a trap. In return, I will give my word that you will get to finish your offer, even if the others catch up. If I refuse your offer, we can resume our chase just as we left it just now. Nothing more, nothing less."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#82 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"I agree to your terms." Glansandi nods his head and takes a knee.

He starts to tell you what he has to say, but he speaks very softly. So much so, that you cant really hear him over the normal din of the jungle.

When he notices this, he waves for you to come closer to him.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#83 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Knowing this can only be a very obvious trick, Jaxsen responds as promised, "For someone you think has...potential... you seem to think I am stupid." Jaxsen says as he attempts to snap kick the kneeling monster. He immediately remembers that speaking before striking was one of the things his fighting masters warned him against... more than once. He sees their wisdom as the monster avoids the kick, even kneeling.

Jaxsen w/ Open Hand to hit [1d20] = 5
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#84 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Your descriptions are fantastic. :mrgreen:

When Jaxsen surprise attacks the elf with a snap kick, he seems ready for the ruse. Glansandi grabs at the young humans leg and tries to wrestle him to the ground by turning his foot and ankle.

Can I get a series of ability rolls, please?
Hard Dex
Normal Str
Hard Str
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#85 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Hard DEX check vs 16 DEX (Jaxsen) [4d6] = 15
Normal STR check vs. 16 STR (Jaxsen) [3d6] = 11
Hard STR check vs 16 STR (Jaxsen) [4d6] = 14

As the shape changer tries to grab and spin Jaxsen into the ground, Jaxsen rolls in midair with the attempt and tries to counter by kicking the monster with his other foot, but his focus in staying out of the thing's clutches costs him his aim.

Jaxsen w/ Open Hand to hit [1d20] = 9
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#86 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Jaxsen hops on one leg before deftly yanking his foot free form the grip of the elf. He spins around to kick Glansandi in his head, but the spry elf is barely able to evade the blow.

With astonishing speed, the constable leaps for the monk, catching him sideways as he recovers from his attack. He knocks him to the ground and attempts to pin the young human down by his arms.

Bralm's Brother is horrified to see that Glansandi seems to be undergoing some kind of change, as the elf's eyes have suddenly been coated over with a grey film. What's even worse, is the watery grey ooze-like substance that is beginning to drip form his ears, nose and mouth. The stringy ooze seem to move of its own accord, and appears to be trying to get from inside the head of the constable and drip down onto the head and face of the monk.

Jaxsen hears heavy rustling coming from the path they just took to get here, wondering if the constable has an ally that has come to his aid.

A Hard Str check will get you free and offer you an attack. If you should fail that, please give me a Hard Dex check to see if he can avoid the nasty drippings. :confused:
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#87 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen silently curses himself as he wrenches free from the slimy attack of the shape-shifter, and returns to his feet. "Lesson one, grub!!" he hears the voice of Master Garen in his head. "Strength lies in the swarm! Never forget that! Alone you are at your most vulnerable."

Hard STR check vs 16 STR (Jaxsen) [4d6] = 12

Jaxsen attempts to punch the creature once more. But whether it is apprehension of the slimy fate he knows the creature has in store for him, or if he is simply still recovering his balance from the leg hold the monster tried on him, once again his punch goes astray.

Jaxsen w/ Open Hand to hit [1d20] = 9

Hoping that his first suspicion was wrong, and that Raythan and the others are still pursuing, Jaxsen yells, "Do you hear them, monster? That is my swarm! Your time has come!"

To himself, he thinks, "Yes, Master Garen. But even when the swarm attacks, one wasp will always get there first."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#88 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The fight for control continues, as does the stalemate.

The evenly matched combatants wrestle and punch at each other, fighting through the mass of trees and plants, neither one able to get the upper hand. Glansandi attempts to tackle the human to the ground again, but his attack doesn’t actually harm the monk.

When Jaxsen points out the commotion coming their way, the elf picks up on the noise as well. He suddenly releases his leg hold and dives face first onto the uneven jungle floor, screaming as he hides his face and head.

“Help me! HELP ME!!! I’ve done nothing wrong! This man is trying to kill me!”

Jaxsen looks up to see Liam and Raythan suddenly appear through the trees.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#89 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam makes his way to the changling, holding the glave over the former constable's head. In the name of the Beachtown Council, you are under arrest for murder of our Constable and the Militiaman known as Miguel, changling!
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#90 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"Raythan, beware!" calls Jaxsen. "This thing tries to invade your body with some kind of slimy .... slime." Jaxsen takes one of the javelins from his quiver and holds it against the thing's back. "No more tricks." Looking to the newcomer, he says, "He hides his face because a moment ago, it's eyes changed. But I'm sure they will look normal when he rolls over again. I'm not sure tying it up will work, but I don't know of another way to take it back alive."

Suspecting the creature's next trick, Jaxsen says to Raythan, "One day, when I was too late to help Marge's swarm fetch water, I came to your house and helped you build your roof. We toiled mightily. I don't know that anyone else came by that day, so no one else would know that."

Looking to Liam once more, he says, "If you work with Raythan, I believe you work for the hive. I am Jaxsen."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#91 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Constable Glansandi knows when he has been beaten, so he continues to lay face down on the ground while Liam makes his jungle arrest using the monks discarded weapon. The elf doesn't respond to the accusations, he just whimpers into the dirt, shaking slightly from his latest ordeal.

With the culprit now seemingly well under control, Jaxsen lets his aggression calm, but continues holding a weapon to the elf's back. Raythan claps the young human on his back after he makes his wise introduction, also predicting what might happen next. "That is true Jaxsen. Very good thinking, friend. I trust that it really is you in there," he says, only half joking.

Then he turns to Liam. "This is the young man I told you about, the same one who did all that work on your bee hives while you were away."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#92 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"It is an honor to meet you at last, Liam," Jaxsen says before getting down to work. "If you will hold the edge against the back of his neck, I will secure his arms. Do either of you have rope?"

If either of them have rope, Jaxsen will quickly tie the creature's hands and lower arms. If not, he will use his belt to secure the prisoner.

"I would also put something over his head. The ... tendrils he attempted to touch me with came from his eye, ears and nose. If we can bag his head for the trip, we'll be much safer."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#93 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam nods, moving the glave as told. His concentration remaining on the changing. I have some rope in my pack, feel free to take it out. I don't want to take my eyes off of this... gentleman? And it is good to finally meet the man that has been helping my poor bees so much as well.
I honestly thought getting the hearty Jetsom bees would be the key to success here, but something about the bugs here seems so unnatural. But for now, let's get this man in and straighten this whole thing out.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#94 Post by OGRE MAGE »

While Jaxsen and Liam make acquaintance, they continue with their attempt to secure their catch. When Glansandi's arms are pulled behind his back, again he doesn't resist. The elf is content to lay flat on his stomach, groaning and gurgling audibly with his face pressed firmly to the leaf covered ground. His captors notice that he is shaking a little more now, but he still doesn't respond to their accusations as his arms are bound.

Raythan watches the affair, concerned about the lack of response from the normally outspoken constable.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself Glansandi? Are you guilty of the crime Liam has charged you with or not? Have you nothing to say now that you are caught, monster?"

Again, there is no reply.

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#95 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen quickly gets the rope from Liam's pack and ties the creature's hands and arms securely. He also ties him around the waist as a leash. "This might have gone much easier," he says to Glansandi. "If you had surrendered earlier. But I'm afraid there is no taking any chances with you now." He gently takes the elf-looking monster to his feet. "If I see anything come out of you that shouldn't, I'm going to yank you off your feet, pin you down and ask both of these gentlemen to stab you until you stop moving. Do you understand? If you cooperate, you will get the chance to tell your side of the story to the hive."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#96 Post by Bluehorse »


Does his part and looks one once the constable is tied up and held by the younger and much more strong Jaxsen. He seems concerned about the shaking and gurgling though. This is such an alien creature it could mean anything. Then a though occurs to him. Careful he doesn't pour out! It might be less a changing than it is something that invades a body and occupies it! We might have the real body of Glasandi here and our captive is only taking up a residence...
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#97 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Hearing Liam's comments, Jax quickly looks back to where it was lying, looking to see if anything is there.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#98 Post by OGRE MAGE »

With no reply at all to Raythan's questions, Glansandi eventually stops shaking and moaning at about the same time Jaxsen jerks him up off the ground.

When the elf is spun around, his entire face is covered with a grey colored watery snot-like residue that appears to have leaked out from his eyes, nose and mouth. Jaxsen has all he can do to keep the constable upright, as it appears that the elf has now dropped out of consciousness.

After the disturbing comments from Liam, Jaxsen looks back at the ground where Glansandi was lying, finding a head sized wet spot in the leaves and dirt of the jungle floor. The wetness also has a grayish, snotty tint to it.

Raythan is astonished to see the condition of the constable and whatever he has left behind. "Good Gods, man! What kind of unoerthly monster are we dealing with here?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#99 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"I don't know," says Jax, shaken by the appearance of something completely outside of his experience. "I don't know what it is. But we need to wait a minute and watch. We need to know if Glansandi could survive this.... corruption." He uses the rope to lower the body into a sitting position against a tree. "If it's a parasite like a tick, then he might live, if he is strong. But there are molds and fungi that can take over wasps and ants and control them, and when they are done, there is nothing left but more fungi. This isn't exactly either of those."

He considers their options. "As a follower of Bralm, I do not use fire, except in the darkest of places. But the two of you may want to consider it..."
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