SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#21 Post by max_vale »

OOC: (Sorry, I should've put this in my last post.....Jackson and Cal have heard stories of Droids abandoned on smashed up ships in space or bases in places where they can't travel to other habitats like on an asteroid or moon with no other bases/colonies/etc. In these stories, over time, the Droids lose their programming as they cannibalize anything that will keep them people going crazy and doing anything to survive....this phenomenon is known as 'Void Droids'.....they both thought these were just spacer's tales....but, considering the situation going on here....maybe not. Or maybe, the KS or IT droids were bored and wanted to turn Mouse Droids into weapons for their own amusement)
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#22 Post by Rex »


Kit stays silent, watching the droids, her light held so everyone can see clearly.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#23 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Unwilling to comply with orders from machines, Zuul tenses and starts planning his combat actions. He is simply waiting for the first shot to be fired. "Your call, bosss."

It's unclear who Zuul is referring to. What is clear is that he is focusing his attention on the KS security droid.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#24 Post by max_vale »

On the 'surface' of the 'Trash Moon' in the 'Paradise System'

The tall KS Droid cocks its head to one side and speaks slowly with a sigh; "Apparently these biologicals are SLOWER than most of their kind.....PUT...DOWN...ANY..MECHANICAL....DEVICES...WHICH...HAVE...A
...POWER...SOURCE...AND....LEAVE"; it repeats itself in a tone that conjures up irritated teachers or parents talking to unruly small children.

"I will graciously give you 10 more seconds to comply, then we terminate you", it finishes as its twin blasters move to point at Vale and Zuul respectively. As it finishes speaking, the Rebels note that the hum of the IT probe Droids' repulsor engines get a little louder as they inch closer and the sounds of the wheels of the Mouse Droids wheels and the plodding steps of the DDX anti-vermin Droid echo as they move closer as well.....
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#25 Post by Starbeard »

Seeing that his diplomatic skill is useless against these automatons, Vale steps back to let someone else do the talking, but resolutely keeps his lightsaber in his hand, ready to be ignited.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#26 Post by Rex »


Seeing the Jedi ready himself, Kit prepares herself mentally to swing her blaster carbine into place to start shooting.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#27 Post by kipper »

Clark makes an attempt to defuse the situation.

"Be reasonable. We're not going to give you all our power sources, and if you try to take them it's going to get messy for everyone. But we did come here for a reason, there is a particular item we seek. We are willing to trade for this item, we will even pay you in power sources."
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#28 Post by ybn1197 »

"Or with services," Jackson adds. "Are there repairs you need but unable to perform yourselves?"
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#29 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul slowly cracks his neck and happily imagines all the ways to dismantle a droid. "Seemss like they need a fix. Maybe we could hook them up to the ship and give them a boost?"
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#30 Post by max_vale »

On the 'surface' of the 'Trash Moon' in the 'Paradise System'

As the different Rebels speak, attempting to work out a deal with the 'void Droids', the KS-0 Droid that seems to be the leader seems to consider the options, slightly lowering the two blaster pistol and then he hears the Barabel mention a ship. "They have a ship? We have the means for power AND a way off this place! Take them!", and he/it rapidly snaps up the twin Blaster pistols to fire shots at Clark and Vale....

OOC: I have decided to arbitrarily place the characters in the following formation, I hope its okay with everyone....

2 ranks of three across with Spilfer the squib in the middle between the two rows....

1st row: Jackson, Clark, Vale
2nd row: Cal, Zuul, Kit

The multi-appendage IT droids repulsor engines hum louder as they move in to attempt to slice and inject Jackson on one side and Vale on the other (2 attacks each, one scalpel and one needle)

The 2 mouse droids on the left wheel in and fire a shot from their attached little blaster at Spilfer and Cal while the 2 mouse droids on the right move in and open up on Spilfer and Kit....

Finally, in the rear, the big DD-X droid slowly moves forward while firing a blast at Zuul while the two MSE 'mouse' droids wheel in with one firing a shot at Zuul as well while the other fires a shot at the albino Wookie Kit'katarra....

OOC: Okay, so there is no surprise here so you can all declare your actions and I'll then determine the order these actions take place. Remember that Dodges (or Lightsaber Parries) always take place BEFORE attacks as long as you're not surprised....

There are 10 Droids front is the KS-0 Droid; to the left and right are an IT Droid and 2 mouse Droids on each side and in the back are a DDX Droid and 2 more Mouse Droids
Last edited by max_vale on Sun May 31, 2020 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#31 Post by Rex »


Kit swings her blaster carbine to her shoulder and fires once at the big DD-X droid.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#32 Post by Starbeard »

Vale Starcloud hears a rousing, heroic trumpet fanfare in his head as he ignites his saber, reflecting the incoming blaster shot back at its attacker and slicing through the IT droid coming after him.

(OOC: That's 2 actions, spending a Force Point on the Lightsaber Energy Parry)
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#33 Post by kipper »

Clark fires his Heavy Blaster Pistol at the KS-0, hoping that if he can take down the leader the other droids will retreat. He'll use a Force Point for the attack.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#34 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson fires his blaster rifle at the IT droid approaching him.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#35 Post by Solo4114 »

Cal fires at the two mouse droids closest to him.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#36 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Stupid droidss. How do they think we got here!?" Zuul roars and levels the light repeater blaster at the DD-X droid and fires a burst, filling the room with the lovely sound of heavy fire.
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#37 Post by max_vale »

On the 'surface' of the 'Trash Moon' in the 'Paradise System'

In an instant, the stillness of the 'trash moon' evaporated as blaster fire, a lightsaber hum and the distinctive sounds of Droids scrambling about suddenly filled the wide open, empty room.....

At the head of the group, the KS-0 Droid snapped up both blaster pistols and fired two perfectly placed shots....the problem was that the targets reacted even quicker.....

Vale ignited his blue lightsaber and feeling a STRONG connection with the Force, he was able to whip his blade out in an arc that deflected a blaster bolt that would've hit him in the left side of his chest back into basically the same place on the Droid, causing it to smoke and stagger for a moment. The Young Jedi followed thru with his swing and stepping into the IT Droid floating towards him he lunged and impaled his weapon straight thru it's spheroid body; leaving it hanging there for a moment....before it collapsed to the ground, suddenly just a ball of non-moving, non-working metal.....

In a move that would've made Lothar Brightsun proud; Professor Clark executed a flawless quick-draw and turned his body as he extended his hand holding the Heavy Blaster Pistol at the KS-0 Droid and both fired at the same time. The Imperial Droid's bolt grazed the side of Clark's Flight Helmet, leaving a scoring trail, but failing to inflict harm on its wearer. Meanwhile, the good Professor-turned-Rebel's shot caught the Imperial Security Droid right in its face....causing it to jerk back and then collapse forward to land on the ground in an non moving heap....

To the left of the good Professor and Young Jedi, Jackson Crodowski suddenly had an IT Droid come humming over towards him and try to inject him with a needle AND slice into him with a scalpel. The Rebel was able to dodge out of the way of the needle, but the scalpel sliced thru his Flight/Vac suit, his armored clothing and leave a painful cut on his side.....AND the distressing sound of his suit's air leaking AND the freezing nature of the near-vacuum 'air' touching his skin. Gritting his teeth against the pain, the Rebel Engineer managed to jam his Blaster Rifle right up against the spheroid Droid's body and pull the trigger....turning it into a BUNCH of non working parts clattering on the floor....

In the center of the Rebel group, little Spilfer the Squib found himself the target of two of the modified Mouse Droids and with a deft twist and drop he managed to avoid both blaster bolts AND as he sprawled on the ground, he cut loose a blast from his OWN little hold out blaster, yelling "HA-HA MOUSEY BOT FACES! YOU MISSED! TAKE THAT!" and he tagged one of the little box-on-wheels droids and turned it into a smoking ruin on the ground....

In the rear of the group, Cal Tak Dornan managed to tag the MSE droid that was about to shoot at him with his blaster, destroying it in a shower of fragments.....

Next to Cal, Zuul turned to bring his massive Light Repeating Blaster to bear on the DD-X Droid, but the Droid managed to cut loose a blast first that tore into the Barabel's side causing him to roar in pain as part of the suit was burned away and the fiery pain hit his scales, followed by the freezing cold of the near vacuum air. Zuul's return burst tore into the big pest-control droid, dropping it to one knee as the mid section blew out.....

Kit'katarra the albino Wookie whipped around and cut loose a blast from her Blaster carbine at the DD-X droid right after it was hit by Zuul's fire and her shot tore thru it's now 'not so armored' middle and cut thru the important circuitry in its 'spine'; dropping the Droid in two halves.....neither functioning....

The last two little Mouse Droids both fired at the Wookie and one shot missed while the other grazed her suit, but miraculously failed to tear thru it. Suddenly, the last 3 standing MSE Droids rolled around, seemed to 'see' that all of their larger brethren lay strewn about on the floor and with high pitched squeals, they zipped back and away from the Rebels, racing away in all directions.....

The room was suddenly quiet again, except for those wounded who also realized they needed to fix their suits......QUICK!
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#38 Post by Starbeard »

Vale Starcloud immediately stows his lightsaber and offers a medpac to the wounded barabel. "That was short work. Is everyone alright?"
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#39 Post by kipper »

"I think it's more important that we get that hole sealed up quickly!" Clark says to Zuul and Vale as he whips out his Equipment Tool Kit and begins the repair.

Jackson's got a better repair skill than Clark, so I figured he'd probably want to repair his own suit?
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Re: SCAVENGER HUNT: Episode Three: That's No Moon

#40 Post by Rex »


Kit will try and help Zuul patch his suit, using a MedPack if it can be improvised (duct tape?).
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