Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#281 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Soul Survivors
Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

The paladin aids the elves in retrieving their belongings, making small talk as he hoists the chest up to the deck, ready to carry it into town for them. Feanol makes a good point about the captain's continuous supply runs with his vessel, handing the coin they made to the slightly surprised thieving gnome.

The Knife asks the captain if any of his men are up for a swim, but the man seems confused by the offer. "I cant ask me crew ta do anything like that, but ye could ask one o’ them yerself, if ye like. As long as it doesn't take long or mess up our schedule. Ye might be surprised ta find out how few o’ them can actually swim, though.”

Quark tries to listen to the others questions and comments, but has trouble hearing anyone besides the swooning princess. “Very suspicious indeed, princess. I wouldn’t say these folks would be completely dependent on us, but....we do bring most all of their supplies, I suppose.” The aging human straightens up tall and proud after hearing the comment about his strong back, the creaking and popping of his old joints telling a different story.

“I’d be happy ta do any business with ye princess, or any o’ yer friends here. But we’ll be shoving off shortly, so any propositions will need to hurry........or wait.”

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#282 Post by Ahlmzhad »


"Ah, naturally is probably the best answer. My parents are both mages. They left the court long ago choosing to find a more secluded spot for their studies of the sky. We lived in the outer edges of Celene in the Welkwood. The high trees there provided a wonderful perch for the study of the sky, and so I learned both my parents main skills."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#283 Post by Jernau35 »

The Knife

The Knife looks a little confused when the captain doesn't immediately order his men into the water. He shrugs. "Very well captain. Let's find out". The Knife tries to attract the attention of the crew. "Hello! Hello everyone!". Then he realizes that his size makes it hard for him to be noticed on the busy deck. He bounds over to the ladder up to the quarterdeck where he can be more easily seen.

"AVAST YE SCURVY DOGS!" he bellows. "Wait, are you sure that's right? They don't look very...Er yes...Hello...I have a job I'd like some help with. My backpack is in the water over there. And my armor is in the water over there. I'll give 10 pieces of that the same as eight pieces of ten? Of course not? Why not? I never was very good at math... Anyway, that much gold to anyone who can get them back for me. "

"So, is anyone interested? It's a lot better than a dose of the cat, right? A cat? Where did the cat come from? Nine tails? Why not eight? You just said eight!"
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#284 Post by Paladin »

Sir William Narramore

The massive man raises one eyebrow and nods along with Feanol's tale of her youth. "That sounds like quite the place to grow up and learn your craft, lady," he says with genuine interest. "Perhaps one day I might be privileged to visit."

Narramore glances shoreward. "If we plumb the secrets of this strange place and make it out alive, that is."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#285 Post by Karaunios »

Elnaerel limits herself to help with the luggage. She can't avoid cracking a smile at The Knife's announcement.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#286 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess and the Captain

"Thank you." She looks around at the bustling crew getting set to make way. "I see what you mean. Very well. I have a small number of supplies with me, but could always use more. Possibly tools and seed would be the most useful, and lightest. I think, for now, I'd like to ask you to return with some food and drink. That should help a bit."

"That reminds me! Who are you making arrangements with now that the leader is gone? A harbormaster of sorts? I'd love if I could get a letter of introduction. I'm sure such a thing would hold immense weight coming from you." She pauses and finally asks: "Could you also tell me when I would get to share the pleasure of your company once more?"

She watches her new friends gather their things and order the crew around. "He's an amicable fellow, isn't he? An avid reader of those pirate tales, I think."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#287 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Soul Survivors
Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

As the others gather their items, ready to depart, The Knife takes a moment to both insult and confuse the crew simultaneously. Once his rambling is complete, the baffled sailors ignore his proposal completely, going back to their many tasks. Finally the closest human calls over to the gnome. “Yer pissin in the wind, mate. Mosta these lads is afraid a the water. Why don’t ye ask yer lonely elf friend down there? He don’t look busy. Er is he too light in the loafers ta sink ta the bottom?” He sneers a bit after the crass comment.

Quark looks perplexed by the food and drink order, answering the beautiful elf maiden as politely as a sailor could. “Nallissa is the one ye need ta see, highness. She runs all the trade in Beachtown at the moment. All ya need do is tell her I sent ye. We’re a trusting lot, until someone gives us reason not ta be.”

“We should be back here again in four days er so. If ye want to leave the funds for us to bring back more rations, I will return with as much as you can afford.”

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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#288 Post by Ahlmzhad »


To Sir William "You would be most welcome it is a lovely place".

Seeing the poor Knife having no luck, and hearing the comments she turns to him "Knife, that's probably a good idea. Have you got our gold? Ok lets head for the lodgings to split it up, and we can have Keyon retrieve your goods then we can split up the money once he brings them."

She'll then check to see if Elnaerel is ready, and if she is approach the Princess "We have gotten all our things, and are ready to head back to lodgings. Captain thank you again for your information, and for your assistance." Then I'll wait for her to lead us off the ship.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#289 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess

"I beg your forgiveness. Yes, rations is what I meant. Let's see. How about one hundred gold worth of rations." She struggles a bit on the word, as if she's never had to use it, and hands over the gold.

As Feanol approaches, The Princess nods and addresses Quark. "You have been most kind, Captain. I look forward to our next visit in four days. I'm sure it will seem like weeks. For now, I must go see this Nallissa." She curtsies and turns to lead the group off, making sure the captain is able to see her go.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#290 Post by Jernau35 »

The Knife

The Knife double checks that he has the money and hasn't accidentally left it on top of a barrel or something. Then he follows the ladies and Sir William off the ship. Once he reaches the bottom of the gangplank, he turns back to address Quark.

"Captain, before I depart, I'd just like to apologize once more for that terrible, unfortunate and deeply embarrassing misunderstanding on our first day out of port. As I said at the time, if you are going to insist on calling part of your ship by that name, you can't blame someone for making that kind of mistake. Though, yes, I will admit I did wonder why there was only one bucket for a whole ship full of people...But I'm glad we could put it all behind us...Oh dear...that was an unfortunate choice of Sailing...trip..?
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#291 Post by Paladin »

Sir William Narramore

The stalwart warrior raises an eyebrow at Quark's exchange with the others, particularly the princess. Given his contemplative nature, Narramore's thoughts remain unspoken, but he wastes no time in striding purposefully back down the plank laden with goods. He enjoys the mild exertion after being kept aboard ship and welcomes the rush of blood to his sluggish muscles.


The slighted elf narrows his eyes at the stick and shrugs. "Not today, mate," he says under his breath and turns to meet the others as they disembark. He sends TK an apologetic shrug. "I found your stick, my friend. But a hundred-yard swim is beyond me right now. My apologies."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#292 Post by Karaunios »

Elnaerel helps with the baggage, thanks Captain Quark for keeping his word despite the situation they had made him and his crew live through and follows the princess and the rest of the group, ever thankfull of her generous action.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#293 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Soul Survivors
Starday, 20th of Goodmonth
Late Afternoon
Hot, Humid, Sunny, Sandy

Quark takes the gold coins from the princess and smiles. "I will see to the ration purchases myself, highness."

Wishing the girls well as they depart, the captain seems slightly perturbed by The Knife and his odd comments."Luckily a gnomes shite is only the size of me pinky finger, er we'd of had us a bigger issue."

With that, the combined group departs the ship and reunites with the salty elf Keyon back on the long dock.


Since most of our players know the ropes around town already, I will allow you to investigate whatever avenues of exploration you have in mind. If you dont have something in mind for your character to do, you can either join up with others who do, or snoop around until you find a direction of your own. If you have any questions about what to do, just ask. Thanks!
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#294 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Once descended to the dock Feanol will address Keyon "If you would like to accompany us back to our accommodations we will make a split of the money".

She will then move up near the Princess "I hope your discussions with the Captain went well. I do believe he's a fairly honest man. I do believe we have two more that would be candidates to join your company if you so desired. The Gnome has his peculiarities, but he seems to be helpful although very independent, Keyon has much to offer, and has proven himself brave in the face of danger, he probably needs a bit more training to more often do the right thing."

"Dropping back with Elnaerel "Well I hope dearest sister that you got all you were looking for on ship?"
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#295 Post by Jernau35 »

The Knife

The Knife sighs heavily when he hears the news about his walking stick. "We'll just have to make another one then. Oh yes you will help me Mr Laah-dee-daa! Of course I know you are not an axe, but you are good for cutting things! At least you are good for something! You know exactly what that means! Oh yes, now you say it was just an accident, but we both know what really happened! Oh shut up!" He looks around. "Sorry everybody. He's just grouchy because he thinks all this saltwater will make him rusty. Well, yes, I know it will, but not right this moment. Anyway, I thought I told you to shut up?"

Before they depart from the end of the dock, The Knife asks Keyeon if he will recover his backpack and armor. "The armor is right here, at the foot of the piling. The backpack is over there. It has fifty feet of rope already tied to it. If you can just attach a bit more rope, we can pull it right up. I'll pay you, just like the others", he says hopefully.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#296 Post by Monsieur Rose »

The Princess' posse

The Princess departs and makes her way down the dock. "Keyon, I believe? Nice to meet you. I'm sure that whatever unpleasantness occurred is now in the past. These ladies have offered for you to stay in Max's tent for the evening, please join us."

As she walks back to the tent, she chats with Feanol. "The Captain does seem like a nice enough fellow. Always good to have people of importance on your side. Who knows when it may prove useful. As for my company, I have much to do tomorrow. I'll outline my plans then and you are free to act as you see fit."

She includes the rest of the group. "Thank you all for your help today, especially you Sir Narramore. I apologize again for my temper, it sometimes gets the best of me. Let's get settled and then I for one plan on looking around this town a bit."

She'll 'help' get things back to the tent, then head towards the Treehouse, as it seems to be the logical gathering point.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#297 Post by Karaunios »


The elf is in a good mood. They've survived, earned their pay and also found new friends, most of them of her own race, no less.

She puts her hand on Feanol's shoulder. "Yes. It was actually easier than I thought! Glad to have you around." Now to the group. "Once we're done with settling down, who wants to help the poor Knife recovering his gear? We could use a rope and maybe take turns in trying to recover it, with the others pulling it when it's necessary."

To the princess: "Anyway, your highness, like I said, I'm at your disposal. If any of my companions agree with helping The Knife after leaving our stuff in a shack or various shacks, I'm for joining you at the tavern."

She turns to Feanol, Keyon, The Knife and Max: "What say you?"
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#298 Post by Paladin »


The elf raises an eyebrow at The Knife. "None of our comrades among Quark's fearless crew would help?" He pulls a wry grin. "Of course, my friend."

"I'd like to take what remains of Jinx's things to replace what the Stoneguts took from me, if no one objects." He shifts his gaze to Feanol when she speaks regarding the gold and nods once.

The stormclouds clear from the dashing rogue's emerald eyes as he regards the princess. "With great pleasure, lady." His anger fades somewhat in the presence of such beauty, but he's used his own appearance and body language for personal gain often enough to recognize his own kind.

"I need to find food and drink and a bit of merriment before I rest my weary head tonight. It's been...quite a day. But yes, I have no problems coming back for those wayward belongings."

Sir William Narramore

Narramore inclines his head toward the princess. "I have one of my own, highness," he replies simply. "I'd like to look around as well, now that things have calmed down." His motives and goals remain private, but it's obvious that the big man is seeking something. Or someone.
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#299 Post by Ahlmzhad »


Feanol responds to Elnarels touch with a friendly pat of her hand to the one touching her "Yes I was afraid when I heard his comments to Keyon that he wasn't the man I took him to be. And, yes I'm glad for your company let us stick together, and with those around us."

Turning to Sir William "Well Sir, I bid you well in your check of the town, but hope you will return in time to dine with us, as I do believe I owe both you and the Princess at least a meal for all this help. I guess the big question is there somewhere serving hot food, or any place to buy something that could be cooked? I know I sure don't fancy going after another ray for dinner."

Then looking over at Keyon "By all means take whatever you need or want from those things, you're most welcome to them."

To the Knife, "I'll be happy to provide moral support, but doubt I'd be of much assistance in actually getting them back."
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Re: Quest #26 "Wet Rays Of Sunshine"

#300 Post by Paladin »

Sir William Narramore

"You are all too kind," he rumbles. "Alas, I fear tonight may be the last time I share your company. At least for a time." His brow furrows as he gazes across the ramshackle sprawl of Beachtown. "My order has a goal in mind here, and though I am loathe to speak of it yet, my work awaits me." He smiles and dips his head in a small bow to the assembled ladies.

"But the idea of sharing a meal with such good company is impossible to deny."


Keyon will rummage through Jinx's things. I assume the armor is too small to be of use. But he will take:

Hand Axe
Belt pouch
Rope 40’
Quarter Staff

Hefting the quarterstaff, he looks at The Knife. "Will this suit you?"
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