Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

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Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#1 Post by ybn1197 »

Channing reached up and pulled her copper-dyed hair up into a black clip that had been dangling from her flannel overshirt. The flannel button-up was unbuttoned and wrinkled, a pattern of dark blues and whites criss-crossing throughout the material. Under it, she wore a black crop top and some high-waisted jeans with black heeled boots.

"What's your poison?" she asked loudly to be heard over the band playing, half leaning on the bar to get closer to hear better.

"Natty Boh and a shot of tequila," Julia tells the woman without preamble. Since she's the woman's only customer at the moment, she figures she might as well strike up a conversation. "So who's the band playing tonight?"
Last edited by ybn1197 on Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing & Julia]

#2 Post by Gremlin »


Julia leans sideways against the bar to size up the crowd that's gathering while she waits for the bartender to fill her drink order. She's in a pretty good mood tonight. She'd gotten some work this week so she had some money to spend and she intended to have a good time. She hoped to get lucky but she was definitely getting drunk.

As usual Julia's outfit was a mishmash of whatever she happened to grab that was clean. Tonight it was a black leather miniskirt over some torn leggings, sturdy black ankle boots with next to no heels, an old Siouxsie shirt, a studded leather belt, an old denim jacket and too much eyeliner. Her left ear only had a few studs in it, but her exposed right ear was riddled with various earrings. It was an eclectic mix.

She kept half her attention on the bar will she scanned the other patrons, looking to see if she spotted anyone she knew or anyone who might otherwise be... interesting. Hopefully the band that would be playing later on was good.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing & Julia]

#3 Post by strawberrey »


Channing grabbed a beer mug off of the display behind her and flipped it over to set it on the bar. She grabbed the beer nozzle for Natty Boh and filled the drink to the brim, only pausing as she registers the woman's question. "Uhhh..." She hated being quizzed on stuff she was supposed to know that she never bothered to learn. Luckily, she had spent her life getting by without studying, so she was quite used to cheating. Trying to be subtle (but probably failing), she leaned back to look at an unpeeleed sticker she'd stashed behind the bar with the band's name on it. "Iron Man." She stayed staring at the sticker for a moment to make sure she read that right, all sorts of geeky comic book related comments flying through her head, before determining that she was not reading that wrong. She looked back up at the woman. "Yep, Iron Man. Black Sabbath cover band."

She finished filling up the mug, grabbed a shot glass, and filled it to the brim with tequila before sliding before over. "If you like what you hear, there's a table set over by the front with their merch and CD's. Support the local bands." She spoke in basically a monotone, sounding almost robotic like, as she spewed off the merchandising slogan she'd been forced to memorize when she started here. She grabbed her rag again to wipe down the bar where the nozzle had dripped a few droplets of the beer as she put it back. "Or you could just go see the movie." Damnit, she couldn't hold it in.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing & Julia]

#4 Post by Gremlin »

Julia doesn't bother trying to hide the scowl on her face when the bartender parrots off the 'support your local band' monologue. Up until a couple of weeks ago, Julia was one of those local bands and it was still a sore point. Fucking Tommy. Well ok, maybe not technically 'local' but fuck Tommy anyway. Still, she can't help but snort a quick laugh at the snarky movie comment, obvious as it was.

"I'm sure they'll pipe in a bunch of movie quotes during their set anyway, like they're the first Sabbath cover band to ever think of that," Julia comments sarcastically. She knocks back the tequila and starts to nurse her beer while she continues to look over the crowd, not yet moving from her spot at the bar.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing & Julia]

#5 Post by strawberrey »


"Or they'll try, get the quotes wrong, and then have a bunch of die hard fans angry at them," Channing dryly quipped. She couldn't help it; thinking of worst case scenarios was like her favorite past time. But realizing that perhaps talking ill of the band that her employer was currently using as tonight's crowd draw was not the best idea, Channing looked up at the stage to give the band another look over. She shrugged. Enthusiasm was not her forte, but she could give it a shot. "So far so good. I've definitely heard worse."

Yep, she was a marketing genius.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing & Julia]

#6 Post by ybn1197 »

With Julia's order finished, another patron moves in closer to the bar. He nods in greeting and asks if they have any good scotch. "Lagavulin 16? Maybe Springbank 12? I'd even settle for Walker Blue." He says with a wink. The bar has Springback 12 at $40/shot.

He sets down a hundred on the counter. "How long have you worked here?"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing, Julia, & Moreau

#7 Post by strawberrey »


Channing turned her attention from the woman she'd been speaking with to the new customer that approached the bar. She leaned forward, as was habit, to make sure she could hear him over the sound of the band playing up on stage. She started to shake her head at the first request, but as soon as the second request reached her ears, she nodded and grabbed a clean shot glass from under the bar and an open bottle of Springback 12. She slid the shot over to him.

"Forty," she said, holding up four fingers in case he couldn't hear her very well. She took the c-note and turned to the cash register to grab his change. With her back to him for the moment, she made a face at herself when she heard his question. A few less than savory reasons as to why he would want to know that crossed her mind, and she had to remind herself that serial killer Larry was an unlikely theory before she turned back to him to hand over his change.

"A couple of months. Why? Want an application?" she said dryly, partially as a joke and partially as an out loud reminder that there are plenty of reasons why people ask mundane questions every day.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing, Julia, & Moreau

#8 Post by Gremlin »


Julia snorts a quick laugh when she hears the bartender snarkily deflect the old dude trying to chat her up. She gives him a sidelong glance. He must be at least twice her age. Nice suit though. Not that she liked suits, but wearing something that dressy and colorful to a dive bar with a live metal band spoke to her 'I have no fucks to give' attitude. But he is still squarely in her creep file for trying to hit on a woman young enough to be his daughter, and she can't help but wonder who he thought he was trying to impress throwing around that much money at a place like this.

Shaking her head, Julia is starting to regret coming here tonight. The music isn't that bad -- the lead guitars and drums are pretty good, but the bass guitarist sucked. Not that she holds bassists to a higher standard. Not at all. But most of the people in the bar tonight are much older than she generally preferred. Maybe because the band itself looks ancient. Sure the bearded dude on lead is playing well -- I bet he has great hands..." Julia muses to herself -- but he looks even older than Mr. Colorful Suit here. Probably has no stamina at all, she concludes sourly.

Resigned that she will likely be going home alone tonight, Julia can at least still get drunk. Finishing off her first beer, she orders another round of Natty Boh and tequila for herself.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [Channing, Julia, & Moreau

#9 Post by ybn1197 »

strawberrey wrote:Channing

"A couple of months. Why? Want an application?" she said dryly, partially as a joke and partially as an out loud reminder that there are plenty of reasons why people ask mundane questions every day.
Before the man can answer, a woman wearing a nun's headgear tabs him on the back of his shoulder. "Excuse me," she calls out, "Do you come around here often?"

With his attention drawn to the woman, another patron approaches and takes the moment afforded by confusion to place his order. "Two beers, 4 shots of tequila and whatever you're having" he says with a friendly smile.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#10 Post by Monsieur Rose »

David the Suit

"Thanks" He says as he tastes the shot, not downing it entirely. He smiles at the body language of the bartender. She must think I'm hitting on her. Doesn't bode well for the bar.

When she returns with the change and a job offer, he's about to ask her to set a tab when someone taps him on the shoulder. Ugh. Boyfriend already? What a place.

He turns, ready to duck a punch, when he sees the instigator is a nun. Taken a bit aback, he pauses. "Um. Sorry, Sister, first timer. Do you come here often?" He asks with a wide smile.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#11 Post by strawberrey »


Channing was halfway through pulling the tequila bottle back out for the rock chick sitting at the bar when a younger guy came up to the bar, ordering something similar. She paused, though. He was a much younger guy. Young enough guy where he could be anywhere from 17 to 30. She looked up toward Robbie manning the door, trying to decide if he had actually been doing his job tonight or not. Whatever. Robbie let him in, so if this kid was spoofing his age, that was Robbie's problem, not hers.

Because of her trying to figure out if this guy was of age or not, she almost missed his attempt to flirt. She let out a little sigh. "Sorry, dude, I am flying dry tonight. Anyone else for tequila?" she called out to the small crowd forming around the bar as she lined up the shots. She poured a line of the alcohol across each of the shot glasses, then lined up three clean beer glasses and did the same with the Natty Boh on tap. She pushed one beer and tequila shot toward the woman, then placed the four shots and the two beers on the tray for the guy. "Need help carrying that over to your table?" Some people just had no balance.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#12 Post by SeaSaltSong »

Hannah chuckles, "Surprisingly no. This might come as a shock, but this isn't quite my scene."

The sister takes a look around again, never truly keeping her with on the door, "A shame it's your first time though. I was hoping you knew someone I was looking for."
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#13 Post by Gremlin »


Julia is flabbergasted to see a nun of all people in a bar with a heavy metal cover band playing. Between her and the old guy, this place certainly manages to attract all types, she thinks. If nothing else, at least I'll have a story to tell about tonight.

Once the bartender pours her second round, Julia knocks back the second shot and raises her beer to the nun. "Rock on, sister!", she says and takes a swig.
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#14 Post by shaidar »

Leo notes the subtle rebuff from the bartender, but doesn't break his smile. The night is still young he reminds himself.

"I'm sure I can manage" he replies as he parts with the cost of the drinks, plus a reasonable tip.

As he turns to head to his table he addresses the nun "Are you alright there sister? You look a little uncomfortable, worried the Mother Superior will catch you?"
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Re: Prelude: A Night at the Depot [At the Bar]

#15 Post by Monsieur Rose »


David smiles at the sister and the surrounding comments directed her way. "If you're looking for God, you may have the wrong place." He winks and continues. "But seriously, I know lots of people in this town. Who are you looking for? I'm David Moreau, by the way, but people call me 'The Moor'."

"It's been a while since school, but I swear some of the sisters had something in their morning coffee. Would you like a drink while you wait?" God. Between accidentally hitting on the bartender and then offering to buy a nun a drink, this bar has had a bad influence on you.

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