[001.2] Building Momentum

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[001.2] Building Momentum

#1 Post by Faanku »

Lightning Fast Vehicle Repairs, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Tuesday 25-01-3200

"Still alive, you old soak? I might have salvaged another piece of junk for you to utterly destroy on the circuit. You got 24 hours before it's stripped for parts, so sleep off your fucking hangover and get down the yard asap. K out."

The message arrived yesterday, Silas' long-standing associate Kiera McInally her usual cheery self. Knowing better than to let such a display of generosity go to waste, the Empire pilot now finds himself standing amidst an impressive tower of used gravcars, totalled landspeeders and myriad other vehicles in various states of salvage. One vehicle in particular is drawing his attention at the moment, primarily because a female mechanic with a cybernetic arm is explaining to him the repair job she's done on it. "The gyro is from a KK-7 that went on the heap, nav and satdrive are completely fucked but it ain't like you need them, dump-throttle was fine so that's original, so's the pump, and nearly all the chase fittings... most of it was fine to be honest, pretty lucky find. Almost seems a shame to give her to a shithead like you." She beams at him, then takes a long drag on her rollup. "Same deal as always; you front for the rig, I get you on the track, and we split the pot down the middle. You in?"
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#2 Post by eirei »

Silas grins at the mechanic. "Alive and kickin', despite that deathtrap you sent me out in last time."

He gives the "new" machine a few kicks to make sure it doesn't fall apart. "This one looks fit for an emperor in comparison. I should be glad to ride your chariot into battle." He puts on his best awestruck face as he reaches for his creds. "Name your price, o maker of wonders, and it shall be paid. Uh, as long as it's within my modest budget."

After the transaction, he lights a synth-cig and sits down on a nearby heap of junk, offering one to Kiera as well.

"Been thinkin'. Aren't you tired of these small time races? They're good for some easy creds, don't get me wrong, but there's gotta be more excitement in the BIG leagues."

He puffs out a cloud of smoke.

"Thought I might give Lorina a try this year." He turns towards the young woman. "Assuming, of course, I could somehow get my hands on a frame. I'd be mighty grateful to someone who might procure one. Might even be willing to split the pot with them, if the price were right."

Before she has a chance to answer, he stands up, flicks the remainder of the cig onto the floor and stomps it out.

"Well, think it over. If you find something suitable, you know where to find me, yeah?"
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#3 Post by Faanku »

Lightning Fast Vehicle Repairs, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Tuesday 25-01-3200

Keira accepts a smoke, and sparks it whilst Silas confides in her his desire to enter the Open. When he's done, she fixes him with an assessing stare, takes a deep drag, then exhales a large cloud of smoke before bursting into raucous laugher. "You?! Racing the Open?! You're fucking serious, aren't you? Shit man, every time I think I got you sussed." She laughs again, this time longer but less intense than before, as if she's considering that the proposal rather than reacting to a prank. "OK, fine, I'll play along. One: where the hell are you going to find a a rig good enough to compete with the fucking Big 12? Two: how the hell are you going to pay for something that sweet? And three: How the hell are you even gonna get an invite there? You know better than most how hard a rec for the Open is to earn, shit's fucking golddust, man. Nah fuck that, more like a solid gold meteor the size of fucking Mejo." She expels another huge cloud of smoke, then holds a finger up. "Actually, if you mean this, and I know you do, I might, MIGHT, have a lead on number three. You know how Suyin got her start down here on the Market circuits before making it real big over on the Silver? Well APPARENTLY the rest of the Big 12 think lightning can strike twice, that they're looking to snap up some promising new hopeful by dangling their latest prototype in front of their faces." She winks at Silas. "They got eyes open right now with the Open coming close, or so they say; it's a long shot, but if you pull enough attention down here..." She shrugs to finish her sentence. "Like I say, it's a fucking long shot, but what else have we got?"

Seeing Silas' grin at her utterance of "we," she sighs and grins back. "Well who the fuck else would put up with a drunken piece of shit like you? Ah fuck!" She stubs out the cig on her robotic arm then flicks the butt into the air, causing a small cleaning drone to collect it from where it lands. "For now you just worry about winning that Bolt and earning some more cred for that GTR; no fucking way is that baby worth 500, she's damn near mint."

"I mean it, fuckwad!" she calls after Silas as he leaves. "You stack this thing drunk and you can kiss your Open goodbye!"
- Silas is now the proud owner of a semi-restored Lakon GT350R, a TL4 groundcar that has seen better days, but still offers solid racing performance to a decent driver. It cost him 500 cred.
- The Bolt, the common Mejoan name for an organised street-race, will take place around 8pm on Thursday 27th. Hundreds of people show up for a good old-fashioned groundcar Bolt and many more will watch a stream of it. They are considered more gritty and 'raw' than races with grav vehicles by the Market connoisseurs, and they tend to draw an even split of people there to gamble and those just looking for a real nasty crash.
- The Silver or Silver is an affectionate name amongst pilots and mechanics for Lorina, stemming from the planet's penchant for sleek starship design and mirrored finishes on both their vehicles and buildings.
- The Big 12 is the name given to the top dozen corp-states that dominate Lorina on all levels. Each of the Big 12 is allowed a certain number of automatic entries in the Open, as well as several "wild cards" to offer to promising new racers.
- Suyin Nehru is a living legend amongst racing fans, a name that even people with zero knowledge on the topic has heard. A real rags to riches story, she ran the circuits on Mejo before being scouted by Magnate Heavy Industries and went on to become the first person to ever win back-to-back Lorina Opens.
- Alcohol is generally accepted to impair ones ability to drive. Generally.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#4 Post by eirei »

"You have a heart of gold, sweetheart. You'd best come watch this Bolt - I'll make it one for the ages!"

With that, he waves and gets into the mechanical chimera. "Sure hope this one doesn't catch fire before the race..."

After several attempts to spin up the engine, the third time does indeed turn out to be the charm as the 350 starts emitting a horrible amount of noise. Silas turns towards Kiera and gives her a thumbs up as he takes the car for a test run.


After returning to his rental, he collapses onto the squeaky mattress. Two days until the race. He'll stay clean tomorrow - mostly - to make sure he's in top shape, which means tonight... it's time to party. Good thing he stocked up beforehand.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#5 Post by Faanku »

Lakkon G-Bolt Circuit, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 27-01-3200

With nothing but a hair of the dog to keep the worst of yesterday's hangover at bay, Silas arrives well ahead of time to the Bolt track to find it already half full. He goes through the race-day security and registers his vehicle, then takes at a look at the docket displayed on one of the holoterminals to see who he's up against, and how the bookies rate his chances.

Code: Select all

5/4(f) "Mad Dog" Lan Liang
11/8   Hinata "Hawkeye" Ito
2/1    Reza "Razor" Naser
6/1    Daichi Miller
7/1    Stavros Kemerovo
9/1    Irina Amur
11/1   Silas dan Mallory
25/1   Cesar Moretta
30/1   Kalin Nakamura
50/1   Edgar Martins
66/1   Eva Kostroma
Now the reason the place is filling out already becomes apparent. Not only are there three epithets racing, circuit champions with enough wins under their belts to be officially granted a nickname, but two of them are Mad Dog Liang and Hawkeye Ito, popular local rivals that haven't raced against each other in months. It's going to be an incredibly tough race, but the high profile might work in Silas' favour, given his ultimate goal. The Empire man is snapped out of his reverie by a hard slap on the back, originating from the metallic limb of Kiera McInally. "Well well, on time and surprisingly lucid; looks like you are taking this seriously. Quite the fucking line-up eh, Mr Lorina Open?"
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#6 Post by eirei »

Silas puts on his best smile. "I'll admit, I might be having second thoughts."

He takes in a deep breath. "The odds sure are stacked against us, huh? But if I can make it into the top 3..."
He looks at the other competitors and their vehicles, the shiny splendour of their chrome hoods a stark contrast to his patchwork hybrid, then takes in a deep breath. "Yeah, just... top 3."

Turning back to the mechanic, he tosses her his last pack of cigs and grins as he gets into the car. "By the time you're halfway through the pack, I'll be on my way to Lorina!"
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#7 Post by Faanku »

Lakkon G-Bolt Circuit, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 27-01-3200

"T-5 until we get underway here and the Circuit is just TEEMING! Everyone and their mother is here to see the Mad Dog defend her course record against the Hawkeye herself; remember folks, these two haven't fought each other here on Mejo since that infamous meeting last year, which saw Ito's ride TOTALLED on the final lap by Liang herself! No love lost in this one, folks; keep those 'corders prepped because we're in for a BLOODBATH! Of course while these two ANIMALS are chomping at the bit to get a piece of each other, let's not forget we have a third Epithet in the mix; Bolt veteran Razor Naser never disappoints, and you'd be crazy to bet against him on his home turf! This is ONE FOR THE AGES, folks, and it all kicks off in JUST 4 MINUTES!"

The familiar voice of Ele-G, Mejo's bolt commentary AI, shouts merrily over Silas' comms, simulcasting in a dozen languages over the roar of tuned engines at the go-line. Kalin Nakamura to the Empire man's left blows him a kiss, then Stavros Kemerovo to his right draws his finger across his throat in an exaggerated gesture that needs no translation. The smell of biofuel and raw metal fills the air as the hololights materialise in front of the racers; 30 seconds until this cacophony tears off at 200km/h.
Race Time! To see how you start, roll me a Reflex save Mr dan Mallory.
If you or anyone else wishes to place a bet on the outcome, I'll be rolling dice in secret to work out how this pans out. Choose your fighter!
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#8 Post by eirei »

Silas winks at Nakamura and shows Kemerovo a cocky grin accompanied by a flipped bird as he revs up the engine.

Evasion save (12) [1d20] = 13
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#9 Post by Faanku »

Lakkon G-Bolt Circuit, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 27-01-3200

The blue GO light erupts in a theatrical holographic explosion in front of the assembled racers, and eleven accelerator switches are immediately hit full throttle. Vehicles slam into each as the competitors jockey for first, or failing that a better position to take out their rivals; Mad Dog and Hawkeye practically move at a 45 degree angle to take each other on physically, sparks flying as the two collide at the head of the metallic storm, with the unfortunately positioned Irina getting caught in the middle and spinning off into one of the softsteel crash barriers. The crowd goes wild, but some sounds of minor disappointment can be heard after the vehicle fails to catch fire. Daichi takes the most advantage of the go-line chaos, a couple of neat gearshift manoeuvrers seeing him clear out in front and away from the duelling behind him, but the gap is closing fast with two epithets on his tail. For his part, Silas has to make an emergency brake to avoid being totalled by the spn-out Irina, but his deft driving keeps him in the race. There's plenty of time to make up the distance on Miller if he can think on his feet, but his closest rival is none other than Hawkeye Ito herself, pissed from losing her initial battle with Mad Dog...

Code: Select all

1  - Daichi Miller
2  - "Mad Dog" Lan Liang
3  - Reza "Razor" Naser
4  - Stavros Kemerovo
5  - Cesar Moretta
6  - Edgar Martins
7  - Eva Kostroma
8  - Hinata "Hawkeye" Ito
9  - Silas dan Mallory
10 - Kalin Nakamura
R  - Irina Amur
Make a roll that isn't piloting to represent you gaining an edge on the competition. Anything you can justify that would help you in the race; Connect to know how certain racers might behave, Shoot to try and take out a car ahead of you, Know for course familiarity; the more interesting the better!
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#10 Post by eirei »

Cursing under his breath as he swerves to evade the out-of-control vehicle, Silas somehow manages to stay on the track but loses precious time. For a while, he sticks as close to Hawkeye as he can, not making any moves. As the first curve gives way to a fairly long straight segment, he takes his chance: he locks the steering wheel into place and opens the window.

He was ready to break the glass case it turned out to be stuck, but thankfully, it opens without a hitch. As the car keeps its forward momentum, he leans out the window and takes aim. In the distance, after a sharp right turn, a street light leans over the racetrack. It's a difficult shot, but he has confidence he can cause it to at least fall next to the track, if not onto the street itself. He takes aim...
Edit: fucked up the roll

[2d6+3] = 3+3 = 6 Shoot + DEX
He fires and falls back into his seat, barely having enough time to make the turn without spinning out - any longer and he would've had a close encounter with the railing. Hopefully that shot did enough to at least get Hawkeye's attention. If so, he can attempt to steal her position...
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#11 Post by Faanku »

Lakkon G-Bolt Circuit, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 27-01-3200

The gunslinger's aim is true, but his target doesn't quite fall as expected. The ruined streetlight collapses at an unexpected angle and he ends up cutting off not only the cars in front, but himself also. It takes some quick manoeuvring to avoid spinning out, and some aren't so lucky; a huge cheer erupts from the crowd as Stavros Kemerovo collides with Cesar Moretta and the two slam into a safety wall, and Silas can feel murderous intent aimed at him from the surviving racers as they approach the final lap. Mad Dog and Daichi have pulled well ahead of the pack now, but third place is a free-for-all after Silas' gunshot reset the order. Now's the time to go all out.

Code: Select all

1  - "Mad Dog" Lan Liang
2  - Daichi Miller
3  - Silas dan Mallory
4  - Hinata "Hawkeye" Ito
5  - Reza "Razor" Naser
6  - Eva Kostroma
7  - Kalin Nakamura
8  - Edgar Martins
R  - Irina Amur
R  - Stavros Kemerovo
R  - Cesar Moretta
Make a Pilot/Dex roll to gun it to the finish line.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#12 Post by eirei »

Silas's eyes widen as he sees the lamppost crash onto the racetrack a bit too close for comfort. The pilot's reflexes kick in and he manages to brake and turn just in time to avoid joining the other soon-to-be-retirees.

"Fuck! Shit! That was... fuck!"

He's lets out a sigh of relief as he gets back control over the vehicle and looks back at the havoc that he wreaked. Seems at least three cars were out for good, and the gap between him and whomever was behind - fuck, was that Hawkeye? - widened a bit.

Alright. Calm down, man. Just two drivers in front of you. Just two fucking EPITHETS.

Silas takes another deep breath and manages to follow his own advice. This is just a race, after all - and he's a damn good racer.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#13 Post by Faanku »

Lakkon G-Bolt Circuit, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 27-01-3200

The next few minutes of the race pass in an instant, Silas and Hawkeye well away from the stragglers now but still a ways off Mad Dog and Miller out in front. As the long, final straight approaches, the gunslinger and Hawkeye are neck and neck, her sleek Lorinan trading 3rd place every few seconds with Silas' own GT, its engine roaring harmonically as the accelerator is locked on max. With one last slight curve before the finish line, Hawkeye takes a risk and pushes on the outside; Silas' instincts see the chance to clip the epithet out of the race completely, easily securing 3rd place and maybe even giving him a chance at 2nd. It's incredibly risky, but it's the sort of manoeuvre that would certainly grab the attention of any Big 12 scouts watching...

Code: Select all

1  - "Mad Dog" Lan Liang
2  - Daichi Miller
3  - Hinata "Hawkeye" Ito
4  - Silas dan Mallory
5  - Reza "Razor" Naser
6  - Eva Kostroma
7  - Kalin Nakamura
8  - Edgar Martins
R  - Irina Amur
R  - Stavros Kemerovo
R  - Cesar Moretta
You can make a Mental saving throw to keep your composure and guarantee a flashy 3rd place finish, or you can forgo the roll and hope for the best.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#14 Post by eirei »

With the final stretch in sight at last, Silas has no plans of giving away his spot on the pedestal. Epithet or not, he's fully committed to making Hawkeye eat his dust as he switches gears and pushes the battered engine as far as it can go.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#15 Post by Faanku »

Lakkon G-Bolt Circuit, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 27-01-3200

It's a technique more art than science, to tap a rival's vehicle in just the right place as you take a corner at 200km/h, and Silas' GTR is an instrument in his steady hands. Hawkeye's machine wavers, then starts tumbling over itself as the epithet loses control completely, spinning wildly before sliding on its roof into softcrete safety wall. There is a flash of crimson as her car bursts into flames, a fraction of a second before a white cloud of fire-douse engulfs her; the machine's automatic safety systems were luckily still working. The crowd noise is so immense that it rivals the scream of Silas' engine, the speed readings ticking over to 220 km/h as he surges down the final straight to the finish line, gaining now on Miller in second place who fell foul to some of the Mad Dog's tricks. The GTR edges closer and closer to the silver medal, the gap decreasing by the nanosecond as Daichi struggles to accelerate back to top speed, the two eventually battling neck and neck as they speed over the finish line. The crowd explodes as the results come in...

Code: Select all

W  - "Mad Dog" Lan Liang
2  - Daichi Miller
3  - Silas dan Mallory
4  - Reza "Razor" Naser
5  - Kalin Nakamura
6  - Eva Kostroma
7  - Edgar Martins
R  - Irina Amur
R  - Stavros Kemerovo
R  - Cesar Moretta
R  - Hinata "Hawkeye" Ito
The second the standings are in, several drones speed over to the racer's machines, each projecting a small 3D image of Ela-G to conduct simultaneous post-race interviews. The colourful, cat-eared hologram enthusiastically congratulates Silas for his performance, luminous glitter falling off her. "Silas; can I call you Silas? Silas! What a race! Up against THREE epithets, you left one in the dust and completely ended a second yourself! And before we go any further let me just confirm..." Ela-G theatrically holds a finger to one of her ears as if listening intently to an earpiece. "...yes, I'm getting reports that Hawkeye's shock absorbers were undamaged in the crash. She's unconscious but completely stable; a clean takedown!" The hologram gives you a thumbs up as several tiny fireworks explode behind her and a short musical cheer plays. "So a narrow third AND an epithet scalp. What are your thoughts right now? The whole of Mejo is listening!" The interviewer thrusts a miniature microphone in front of Silas' face as the cam-drone hovers a few feet above him.
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Re: [001.2] Building Momentum

#16 Post by eirei »

Silas tries to open the door but it seems to be stuck from that last bump. Not to be deterred, he climbs out the window, wearing his best smile.

"Well, Ela, all I can tell our dear viewers is that it's a right shame my mechanic and I haven't had the chance to show off our skills on the big stage. If only there were a sponsor willing to pick us up..." He raises his hands to no one in particular in a display of theatrics.

Turning back to the hologram, he grins again: "Of course, if someone were interested in talking business, we'd be more than willing to hear you out."
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