Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15 Oct

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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#41 Post by Zhym »

Let’s give Alethan some more time. I can wait for the action to resume.

If Alethan is out, are there any other idle fighter types we could recruit? With Bandy and Winnie out, is there anyone left with a halfway decent charisma who could recruit an NPC?
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#42 Post by Zhym »

In the interests of getting this moving, would it be possible to add Bandy back in when Alethan returns? I know you don't usually add PCs mid-expedition, Marullus, but I think it makes some sense in this case where you're waiting to hear from the player either way.

Or we could just say that Bandy came with us. Alethan did say he was planning on sending Bandy on this expedition, right?

Assuming Bandy is out, I think that leaves us with Fingers, Markd, Idriss, Hengist, and Alysse. A thief, fighter, magic user, cleric, and utility NPC. That's not a half bad balance, but more muscle would be useful. Here is who I know of that's available as NPC fighters, by location:

Mercenary Encampment in Gaul:
  • Zirina, F5 (-/-/full-share)
    Halla, F3 (6/30/full-share)
    Mormont, F2 (6/30/half-share)
    Gord, F1 (4/20/half-share)

The Frogmorton House:
  • Berylla Frogmorton, Enterprising Daughter, Level 3 Halfling (+2 penalty to recruit)
    Isengar Frogmorton, the Defending Son, Level 2 Halfling (+1 penalty to recruit)
    Fastred Frogmorton, the Eager Little Brother, Level 1 Halfling

The Winged Hind Tavern in Beith's Watch:
  • Bera, Ranger-woman of Beith (level 3) ("Desires opportunity to hunt hybrid threats in the forest.")

It seems like we should be able to try to recruit some dwarves, too, though nothing is explicitly set up for that yet. And I don't suppose we're limited to named NPCs.

We could try to recruit Zirina or another (unnamed) fighter of at least level 3. This expedition may be too dangerous for any fighters of lower level.

What does everyone think?
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#43 Post by onlyme »

Do you have recruiting available? I thought you were limited? Markd really cant try to.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#44 Post by Zhym »

Yeah, I didn't think Markd would be able to recruit. ;)

We may have lost all our PCs with decent charisma. Winnie had the best, and I think Bandy's isn't awful. Maybe we can find a way to sweeten the offer, maybe we'd get lucky, or maybe Marullus will cut us a break since we're losing a PC. One question, though, is whether we can recruit with a level limit—i.e., wherever we recruit, say that we're only willing to hire NPCs of level 4 or above.

Marullus, any thoughts on our NPC recruitment options?
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#45 Post by Marullus »

Anyone can recruit Fighters at the Mercenary Camp. Everywhere else (including wizard towers and cleric temples, or mounted fighters and thieves from the Guardsmen) requires you get Friendly status before you recruit a retainer.
If you want a specific level you need to try and recruit a named NOC and risk rejection. You can also just try for anyone willing and I randomize their level to be your level or below (weighted downward).
You get a total number of recruiting attempts equal to open retainer slots for your CHA. (Both Fingers and Markd have one permanent Vassal. Markd is only allowed one so he actually CAN'T test.)
Bera just died on another Expedition. She's not available.
I will allow you to retroactively recruit with your available rolls if you specify where. Remember each NPC needs a share of treasure and a half-share of XP.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#46 Post by Zhym »

Looks like Zirina should be on board:

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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#47 Post by Spearmint »

Bera, Ranger-woman of Beith (level 3) ("Desires opportunity to hunt hybrid threats in the forest.")
sorry, she just got melted by a dragon and Amistad's fatal ignorance.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#48 Post by Marullus »

So, Bandy stays home and Zirina comes? Hengist gets NPC'd? Everyone okay moving forward?
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#49 Post by Zhym »

I mean, if Bandy coming with us as an NPC an option, I'm in favor of that. I suspect Alethan would be, too, especially if it's the only way Bandy can join the mission when Alethan gets back. Otherwise, it'd be nice if Bandy could join us when Alethan returns. But if the only way to bring Bandy along is to wait for Alethan to log in and give confirmation...well, I guess we should probably get moving with Zirina.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#50 Post by Marullus »

For Hengist, I have explicit permission and he also has an NPC purpose as a HealBot. Bandy's purpose is creativity, which I cannot NPC, and I'd rather not bring him without Alethan. If Alethan returns, I am fine having him "catch up."
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#51 Post by Zhym »

That's fair. Let's move on, then.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#52 Post by Marullus »

aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzYXJhbWEuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9pLzAwMC8yNjEvODkxL2kwMi9TaWYuanBn.jpeg (63.74 KiB) Viewed 1131 times
The party sets out, Markrd mounted, Fingers and Hengist leading their pair of mules, Zirina with you. The warrior woman, impressive in her polished banded mail and with her twin, slender longswords, is light of foot with only a small backpack of essentials. She moves with purpose, outpacing the horses and routinely scouting ahead as you go. She is serious and reserved, avoiding the friendly banter of Fingers and Alyse, as well as that of the more familiar party.

[Resuming the fight]

Zirina snaps off a shot into the darkness as the beasts run towards you, a yelp answering from the gloom (-7). Idriss waves with a flourish and rises straight up from his bed roll and into the convenient tree whose fall foliage provided the canopy for your cozy campsite.

The pack of five monsters leaps into your campfire's light at a run. Fingers brings down his sword, expecting the head of a wolf, but instead bites the mid-back of the bipedal wolf-headed form.
download.jpeg (18.57 KiB) Viewed 1131 times
The wolfman collapses, slain instantly by the expert blow from the invisible rogue, and upon hitting the ground begins transforming into a young teenage human girl clad in sewn wolf pelts.

The beasts otherwise move with single-minded purpose, coming straight at Alyse, who screams, curling up into a ball and trying to hide. Sprinkles stands over her and growls, showing bravery he clearly doesn't feel, judging by his tucked tail. Zirina drops her bow and leaps, landing with both longswords drawn, possessively protecting the shopgirl. She fends off the snapping jaws of the wolf with an arrow in his side and then his companion, who she knocks off balance and into the campfire (-4, critical fumble) then slashes the massive alpha wolf-man (-5). Markd is quick to join her, smacking another one with his staff and felling it to the ground unconscious with mighty blow (-13) and keeping the final fifth one at bay. Hengist tries to help, but ends up fumbling his own mace as he tries to gain his footing after being abruptly wakened. (crit fumbles, lose action)

With an angry snarl at Alyse, two felled, two wounded, and a wall of swords and staves protecting their quarry, the Alpha snarls something that sounds like words, though you don't understand them. The remaining three appear ready to fall back into the darkness...


Date: 16 October 2021, 5:01am
Light: Campfire, waning gibbous moon / partially cloudy
Effects: idriss (levitation)
Injuries: None

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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#53 Post by onlyme »

Not that it may affect anything, but did Owen get in a shot? I think its first kick could have been successful.

Markd continues swatting as if he is legitimately pissed at being woken up mid dream.
Staff (thac0 14) [1d20+5] = 14+5 = 19 ; damage [1d8+5] = 3+5 = 8

and finishes with a flurry not seen since the great Gargoyle Swat of last month.
: Staff (thac0 14) [1d20+5] = 20+5 = 25 ; damage [1d8+5] = 5+5 = 10

He even does it fairly quickly...
: Initiative [1d6] = 5

Owen the horse? not so much... 1st[1d20] = 5;[1d6] = 4 2nd[1d20] = 2;[1d6] = 5
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#54 Post by Zhym »

Fingers steps back and takes a protective stance in front—he still can't believe he's doing "in front" now—of Sprinkles and Alyse. But behind Zirina and Markd, if possible. It's a very complicated positioning move.

He holds his sword in front of him, ready to swat any werewolf bold enough to attack again. If they flee, he will not pursue.

Longsword +1 (THAC0 17) [1d20+2] = 9+2 = 11 [1d8+2] = 2+2 = 4
onlyme wrote:Not that it may affect anything, but did Owen get in a shot? I think its first kick could have been successful.
Unless Owen is wearing silver horseshoes, I doubt the kick would have had any effect.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#55 Post by Marullus »

No, Owen is tied up over with the mules and not in combat. You're not riding him and he's not rushing into combat of his own volition. :)
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#56 Post by onlyme »

Marullus wrote:No, Owen is tied up over with the mules and not in combat. You're not riding him and he's not rushing into combat of his own volition. :)
damnit, I need to send him on a goblin raid just to get some xp...
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#57 Post by Spearmint »


Quite enjoying the liberty of fresh air and away from danger, he stands on a bough and points his fingers at each of the wolves in turn. He pictures a mouse head with rather large buck teeth erupting from his fingers which flies towards the rumps of each of the lupines and takes a meaty bite out of their furry ends.

Magic missile damage [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5 [1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5

"Oh jolly! That is my 'Rat-attack-tack' routine. Simply creative don't you think?" he says as the ethereal arcane energy is intoned.
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#58 Post by Marullus »

Idriss flings his magical energy, reminiscent of illusiory rodents, at the three who remain on their feet. One wolfman sprawls face first as it flees the firelit circle. The one who fell in the campfire rises from it unharmed, takes the magical blast to his posterior, and continues running into the night.

Markd steps toe-to-toe with the pack leader and knocks him out cold with his staff (-8, -15 critical hit). The large male collapses in lupine form at your feet. Hengist recovers his mace and Zirina steps back, declining to strike a fleeing foe.

There is a moment to catch your breath before Alyse cries out a warning. The creature felled by Markd in the first round and the one just knocked down by Idriss scramble to their feet and flee immediately into the darkness. Alyse says she saw their wounds knitting. Indeed, you see the contusion from Markd's staff blow shrinking on the pack leader's skull, healing as he lies at your feet as well...

Date: 16 October 2021, 5:03am
Light: Campfire, waning gibbous moon / partially cloudy
Effects: idriss (levitation)
Injuries: None
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#59 Post by Zhym »

is the one Fingers killed still dead?
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Re: Expedition: Fingers/Wizard Tower of the Ghost Keep - 15

#60 Post by Marullus »

Yes. It is the only one that transformed back into a person.

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