The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#21 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

"Well, I think it sounds fascinating. After breakfast, we should go see what the excitement is all about! If the locals are too scared to check things out, and they're offering good gold, why not?"

The gnome settles in at a table with his plate, setting aside his hat with care before he eats.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#22 Post by Urson »


To Willow: Did they seem to be well-armed professionals, or were they more... rag-tag? He smiles, hoping that no one will point out how 'rag-tag' he and his companions are.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#23 Post by ybn1197 »

Bentley tips his mug towards Filius. "Hear, hear. No job too small, nor payment too high is my motto." He then digs into his breakfast with relish as if he hasn't eaten in days.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#24 Post by polyhedral »


Savendra eats her pie slowly, as if trying to savor each bite, and listens intently to the exchange between Willow and Marcus.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#25 Post by tpj »

"I don'ts remember thems so well sir, but theys did look to be carrying swords an' whatnot. I supposes they'd done this sort of thing before. Willow responds to Marcus.

Moving along then ...

The group finishes their breakfast and thanks the owner, amidst some quiet scowls and grumblings from the three old men, and set off to see the farm for themselves.

What started as a damp, miserable morning has turned the corner as the sun comes out and heats the land. While the air is still chill from the cold night, warm breezes pass through and rustle up dried crisp leaves from the ground.

You walk along the main road heading north and survey rolling green hills dotted with farmhouses, cottages and small patches of fiery-leaved woodlands. Folks tending to their daily chores occasionally stop to see who this group of strangers are.

Finally the road moves up a small hill, and you see the Dolmenwood forest in the background looming greatly, as well as a clearer view of the standing stones upon the hill at the edge of the wood.

As you come over the dome of the hill and the terrain flattens again, you look to your left and realize you've arrived at your destination. A small dirt path leads through overgrown, dried grass toward a small farmhouse and barn. Off to the left, behind a broken wooden fence is a large field, or what appears to have once been a field. In the middle is a gigantic crater running several feet into the ground, filled with a mesh of overgrown vines, leaves and abnormally huge pumpkins forming a large dome protruding from the crater. The dome appears to rise well over 10 feet up out of the crater. You see what appears to be a small darkened entrance on this tangled mess, guarded by a lone armored soldier carrying a short sword and a large pitchfork. He is skinny and appears to be in his late teens or early twenties.

You see several onlookers gathered at the periphery of the broken fence, and they appear to be camped out and waiting for something to happen. Amidst the onlookers you see more individuals with goatlike features, as well as some shorter folk that look like halflings, some with bat-like features. They gawk and converse among themselves. Some small groups of children are running around and playing.

Between this abhorrent construct and the farmhouse, you see some men standing in a small half-circle. One appears to be an old farmer, tall and lanky with a thick greying beard, a straw hat covering his balding head. Beside him is a tall and thickset man in his fifties, dressed in fine clothing, with densely curled auburn hair on his head and face. He is accompanied by another soldier, a stout man about forty with dark skin and a thick beard, wearing a mail coat and a longsword at his side. They are engaged in conversation and do not notice you approaching up the pathway.

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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#26 Post by Urson »

Marcus looks over the crowd, his hands itching at the thought of all the pockets to be picked and purses to be stolen among these folks. They'd probably never notice... He shakes his head. Business first. he thinks to himself.

He scans across the crowd, looking for any enterprising vendors who may be selling food or drink to these folks. He also looks for people who may be clerics or healers- this seems like the sort of thing they'd involve themselves in.

When the rest of the group moves down to the crowd, he'll join them.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#27 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Filius takes in the scene with a grin on his face. Even the sight of the obviously unnatural dome of pumpkin vines can't tempter his excitement. "It's like a festival day here, isn't it? The vines don't look dangerous themselves, and it must be that nothing dangerous has come out yet. "
Seeing the well-dressed man with an obvious bodyguard, Filius adds, "That's probably Lord Barrathwaite, don't you think? Should we just go ask him about the reward?"
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#28 Post by ybn1197 »

Bentley Marlow AC 13 / HP 2
Koren n'Rhys wrote:Filius
Filius takes in the scene with a grin on his face. Even the sight of the obviously unnatural dome of pumpkin vines can't tempter his excitement. "It's like a festival day here, isn't it? The vines don't look dangerous themselves, and it must be that nothing dangerous has come out yet. "
Seeing the well-dressed man with an obvious bodyguard, Filius adds, "That's probably Lord Barrathwaite, don't you think? Should we just go ask him about the reward?"
"I don't see why not. If the regulars in the inn know about it, I'm sure its general knowledge. And if one group has gone in and failed to return, we may be able to get them to up the reward."
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#29 Post by Urson »


Marcus grins at thsi comment. Always a good idea.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#30 Post by rossik »

Bor, looking grumpy, goes talk to the guard, asking what is this all about
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#31 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Urged on by the wise words of Bentley and Marcus, little Filius marches right over to the finely-dressed gentleman and doffs his hat as he bows.
Pardon, m'lord. Filius Dinwiddle at your service. We understand there is a reward to be had for venturing into the this here dome to learn it's secrets, and my companions and I, he points out the others, might just be wiling to offer our services. Though, knowing one group has failed to return, perhaps the pot might be richened a bit, eh?"
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#32 Post by polyhedral »


Savendra follows Filius quietly, curious to hear the nobleman's reply. While Filius speaks, she scans the faces of the three men, trying to get a sense of them.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#33 Post by tpj »

The guard at the entrance sees Bor approach and stops him. "Go speak with Lord Barrathwaite over there. He's the well-dressed gentleman." He gestures toward the nobleman standing with the farmer and soldier closer to the farmhouse.

The rest of the group approaches Lord Barrathwaite and Filius addresses him directly.

"Right to the point, eh? Well, Filius Dinwiddle, we had a group just like yours come up a week ago. They went right through that entrance where my guard, Arthwit is standing. And we haven't seen them since. Arthwit says there's not been a sound from inside that damn thing."

He gestures over to Arthwit the guard, then looks over the ragtag group and sighs, looking to the soldier beside him, then to the farmer.

"Well Merle, looks like we've got a second chance here." he says to the farmer, who nods with a concerned look.

"Sargent Burl here has sent a dispatch for a squadron of soldiers from the north, but they're still likely two days journey away." he says back at your group. Sargent Burl, the tall, dark bearded man, nods in agreement.

Lord Barrathwaite ponders for a moment, looking like he's in a difficult place.

"Alright, you want at it, go in there, and find out what's beyond that entrance. I offered the first group 300 gold to get rid of this problem. I'm prepared to pay you 450 gold total, with an advance of 50 gold for supplies if you're serious."

"We can give you a lift back into town to stock up and I'll have a wagon bring you back out before nightfall if you're willing, but you get started today."

"That's the best I can do until the Sargent's men get here. You get some supplies, but otherwise you're on your own. Agreed?"

Assuming the group is agreeable, we can fast forward the trip back and forth and the merchant visit in town. You can use the extra 50gp for supplies you think you may need, torches, rope, spikes, 10 foot poles, oil, rations, etc. or if anyone desperately needs some additional equipment.

Once you're settled up you'll start at the entrance to the domed structure. Arthwit is overseeing your entry and the sun is going down. He has a large torch set up by the door and a lantern so he can keep watch.

When you're ready to enter, please supply a marching order for the party and state what you're carrying in your hands.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#34 Post by Urson »

I think Marcus is good on supplies. If the group does go back to town, he'll purchase another dozen arrows.

Marcus studies the dome itself, trying to see how the vines and gourds interweave.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#35 Post by rossik »

Bor looks to the structure , searching flaws in its structure
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#36 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

We need food after that no good ruffian took everything we had. Exploration is hard work. Builds an appetite. Filius offers to go back to town and fetch supplies if everyone else wants to stay and examine the dome.

We have the 50gp advance, and will at least need rations now. Iron are 15gp for 7 days. Filius still has enough gold to buy another week for himself, but do we need to spend some of the 50 to get more for the rest of the party?
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#37 Post by Urson »


Marcus digs around in his pack, finally coming up with 2 gp. If you're heading into town for food- here's all I have.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#38 Post by tpj »

Once you have any additional gear settled up we'll carry on at this point ...

You return from Lankshorn to Merle's farm. The sun is far in the western sky and casting brilliant hues of red and yellow across the gathering clouds. The warm breezes have faded and been replaced by a chill in the air.

The crowds have largely dispersed as most of the townsfolk retreat to their homes for dinner and rest. A few stragglers and onlookers remain, setting up some torches and small campfires along the perimeter.

Arthwit remains at his post, guarding the entrance into the growth.

"Good hunting folks! I'll pray that God sees fit to bless you with victory in your charge!"

You walk past him and step into the darkened entrance. As you take your first steps inside, you hear a dull hum and catch a faint whiff of ozone in the very crisp air. The entrance pushes leftward into a cramped corridor about 5" wide. The floor, walls and ceiling are composed entirely of mutated pumpkin vines, and periodically you can make out a pumpkin or two embedded into the structure.

The shadowy corridor continues for about 40" and appears to curve sharply to the right. You see a faint orange light beyond the curve. Within the corridor the only illumination is fading daylight from the entrance behind you and whatever light you supply yourselves.

Please provide a rough marching order and who's using torches vs. infravision.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#39 Post by Urson »

At the entrance, Marcus stops long enough to light a torch. For now, he'll keep it low enough that the flame can't burn to roof of the tunnel.

I hate to volunteer, but it look like I may be the best choice for scouting.
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Re: The Pumpkin Lord of Lankshorn - ICC

#40 Post by rossik »

the barbarian volunteer, but he sai he will hold no torch
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