Character Creation

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Re: Character Creation

#121 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Starting armour: Helmet

Starting weapon: Lance, 2-handed, counts as an Improvised Weapon when not mounted (grants +1D but is used up, i.e. broken, when used in non-mounted combat)
Alternatively he could fight unarmed with a -1D penalty.

This leads to a potential Goal for me - find a suitable sword for close-in bloody work
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Re: Character Creation

#122 Post by Marullus »

Enoch wrote:Wow, that is a cool and tragic character.
Ditto! That's amazing backstory, Rossik!!
Step 10, 11, 12:
The wolf chooses from four custom weapons and picks "Crushing Jaws." He also has fur which works like a cloak.

Code: Select all

WEAPON: - Crushing Jaws (+1s Attack in Kill, Capture, Drive-off conflicts)
Fur Coat: (+1D to recover from exhausted and +1D to Health tests involving wet and cold).
Rumplestiltskin only starts with a dagger and no armor and chooses Dance of the Fireflies as his illusion spell (when he is authorized to begin).

For Rossik, I recommended the Hand Axe and Hide Armor and included them in the sample sheet above (though you can modify them). Hide armor takes up a second torso slot but protects better (on a 3+ instead of 4+ on a d6) and it also protects against Drive Off conflicts in addition to Kill or Capture conflicts. It also seemed an iconic visual. :)
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Re: Character Creation

#123 Post by rossik »

Marullus wrote:
Enoch wrote:Wow, that is a cool and tragic character.
Ditto! That's amazing backstory, Rossik!!
Step 10, 11, 12:
The wolf chooses from four custom weapons and picks "Crushing Jaws." He also has fur which works like a cloak.

Code: Select all

WEAPON: - Crushing Jaws (+1s Attack in Kill, Capture, Drive-off conflicts)
Fur Coat: (+1D to recover from exhausted and +1D to Health tests involving wet and cold).
Rumplestiltskin only starts with a dagger and no armor and chooses Dance of the Fireflies as his illusion spell (when he is authorized to begin).

For Rossik, I recommended the Hand Axe and Hide Armor and included them in the sample sheet above (though you can modify them). Hide armor takes up a second torso slot but protects better (on a 3+ instead of 4+ on a d6) and it also protects against Drive Off conflicts in addition to Kill or Capture conflicts. It also seemed an iconic visual. :)
thanks! great suggestion, how do i add them to my sheet?
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Re: Character Creation

#124 Post by Marullus »

It looks like Enoch helped update your sheet here.

It already includes the hand Axe and Hide armor, and full description of hide armor as a special note at the bottom.

It also has you filled with oil and carrying a lantern, but you need to go HERE to discuss between you and shroomofinsanity about how you two want to divvy up what gear.

You can look here for what the available gear is.
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Re: Character Creation

#125 Post by Marullus »

Enoch wrote:By the way, we've only got two more steps that require much consideration (Alignment, on a simple Law/Neutral/Chaos axis, and Beliefs and Instincts), then the rest is super-simple!
Hey Enoch, we started that conversation earlier and could use your take on it. Can you help us find our bearings on this?
drpete wrote:I'm thinking... wizard's towers are chaotic locations, and we are sort of on the weirdos against civilization, so I'll go with chaos, unless that's more evil than just "free".
I was wrestling with that myself. The book says...
Choose Alignment
The world of Torchbearer exists in a perpetual war—
sometimes hot and sometimes cold—between the primordial
forces of Law and Chaos. Whether they recognize it or not,
heroes tend to become proxies in this war. The greatest
champions declare their allegiance and fight for the
advancement of their cause.
Decide whether your character
is aligned with the forces of Law or Chaos, or remains
unaffi liated.
Law represents the forces of progress, order and
Chaos represents the forces of freedom, entropy and
Unaffi liated is for those who think having shelter,
food and family is more important than ideals and
So, that means choosing Law or Chaos is... An idealist?

It seems more restrictive than in other OSR games.

Rumplestiltskin, for example, is clearly Lawful Evil as he brokers magical contracts through the power of Law to achieve his goals and personal benefit. That isn't an idealogical commitment to "progress, order and
civilization." It's using Law to achieve personal comfort and gains, which sounds more Unaffiliated.

The wolf is clearly an agent of Chaos, but is he witting and committed? Probably not - he happily gave up the wilds to get free meals dressed in Grandma's bonnet, which sounds more like, he thinks "having shelter,
food and family is more important than ideals and ideologies."

Under this logic, it is very rare I would apply Law or Chaos... I don't know that I am happy with that.
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Re: Character Creation

#126 Post by Enoch »

I think you're reading a bit too deep into it. Luke and Thor like to speak as if everyone was committed to some great Cause, but you're right--very rarely will a character rise to that level, particularly in a game that is often more about survival than ideals.

Simply choose if you see the character as more Lawful, Chaotic, or middle of the road.

Alignment can also tell us some subtle things about a character. If you wanted to emphasize Rumpelstiltskin's belief in the ironclad guarantee of a contract, perhaps he's Lawful. If those contracts are simply a means to an end (making sure he's got food in his belly and a roof over his head), perhaps he's Neutral.

You do not need to be an ideologue, or have ever thought in terms of moral balance or great causes, to be Lawful or Chaotic. Likely to scold other PCs for breaking the rules, even when it doesn't necessarily hurt someone? Lawful. Delight in breaking the rules, even when it doesn't necessarily help you, just to point out how arbitrary society's structure is? Chaotic.
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Re: Character Creation

#127 Post by Marullus »

Delight in breaking the rules, even when it doesn't necessarily help you, just to point out how arbitrary society's structure is? Chaotic.
...that sounds like a wolf in a bonnet, for sure. I will update him.
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Re: Character Creation

#128 Post by Enoch »

Step 14: Beliefs, Instincts, and Goals

This is it: the last big decision you'll have to make in chargen. As you can see, making a character isn't all that hard (it seems long because I've been very, very methodical about it, but it can actually be quite quick), but it's a huge switch from what every other system I'm aware of expects, even other games by the same authors.

Each character will have one Belief, one Instinct, and one Goal.


You have a philosophy, code or belief that guides you, something that drives you (perhaps in desperation) to seek wealth or adventure. Invent one for your character and write it on your character sheet in the indicated area. If you invoke that Belief in play—if it guides your actions and gets your character into trouble—then you earn a reward at the end of the session. (We'll define what exactly a "session" in a PbP game means later.) If your Belief creates a crisis of conscience during play and you betray your own Belief (through dramatic play), you earn another type of reward.

An example might be "I will always protect the innocent." That can certainly guide your actions and get you into trouble. If you see a farmhouse in the distance under attack by bandits and you go to their rescue even that's not what you're there for, that counts. If, instead, you decide your primary mission is too important and you leave them to suffer at the hands of the bandits and that gnaws at you--that also earns you a reward.


Instincts are conditional statements of action. “Always do this” or “Never do that” or “If that happens, do this.” Instincts allow you to take an action when they’re triggered. One of the best things about Instincts is that they take place outside of the normal turn structure. If you have an Instinct of "always check doors for traps", you can make a check to look for traps on a door without taking up a turn. You can also use them in camp without requiring a Check, making Camp-related instincts very useful. For example, "always cook a meal when we make camp" lets you make a Cook check without costing you a check (the resource earned by using your Traits against yourself).


Goals are, well, goals. They are statements of action that set your character’s agenda: I will… I must… I won’t…. They are immediate, something you could feasibly accomplish this session. They’re not long-term dreams. “I will be king one day,” is a bad goal (unless “one day” is “today”). And don’t write dumb goals like “I will light a torch.” There’s no reward for accomplishing dumb goals.

Goals are often what you want to accomplish by the end of the adventure: rescue the princess, retrieve the Crown of Argash, etc. As such, you do not need to decide on a Goal right now. However, if there's a Goal that excites you, that can drive play, as it allows me to tailor adventures to what most interests your character.
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Re: Character Creation

#129 Post by Marullus »

Big, Bad, Wolf:
As a deliberate flouter of norms, his alignment is now acknowledged as Chaos.

BELIEF: - I must thin the herd of Men.
INSTINCT: - Always sniff the area before we camp. (Survivalist check to secure camp site.)

His belief pushes for kill conflicts with humans (which is always causing a difficulty). It also implies a comfort with knocking off children, the elderly, and infirm...

His Instinct makes sure we never spend a turn when camp is needed. It also ensures regular practice with a low skill that I want to see improve (since skills only raise through use). Groups I have played with so far are very conservative, camping often to forstall the grind and trigger other PCs camp-related instincts, so I am hoping this instinct is complementary and gets good use.
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Re: Character Creation

#130 Post by Enoch »

These are great examples and offer the opportunity to explain things that I know Marullus is familiar with but some others won't be.

Never Volunteer:
There's a cool rule in Torchbearer, called "Never Volunteer". It means that if you suggest a course of action that's agreed upon, or if you say your character is taking an action, it happens, and you're responsible for it. There's no backing out. If you say "I go search for traps" and the rest of the players come up with a better idea, you can act on it...after you've checked for traps. And if you decide "we're building a ladder", that "we" is you. You volunteered. But don't fret; it's a great way of improving your skills.

Camp Safety:
I mentioned earlier that camps can be "typical", "unsafe", or "dangerous", depending on the location and conditions. If you camp in an area where you reasonably expect to be safe (in a copse of trees with no known marauders about), it might be "typical"; if you make camp in a goblin warren on their patrol route that's downright "dangerous".

There's an encounter roll based on the safety of your camp, which range from a lucky break (like finding enough edible fungi to provide an entire meal for everybody) to a disaster (monsters attack in the middle of the night, the roof collapses, etc.). A successful Survivalist test before this modifies this roll.

Something that should be said about tests, however: tests always have consequences. In some games, the result of failing to pick a lock is just that the lock stays locked. Not so in Torchbearer. Failure always results in either a Twist or a Condition. The GM decides which.

If a failed test results in a Twist, you don't generally get what you want, but something else happens. Your lockpicks broke, or a guard patrol rounds the corner as you're kneeling in front of the lock and demands to know what you're doing.

Conditions are discussed elsewhere, but it's worth reiterating that any failed test can result in a Condition. Any Condition may be assigned (except Dead, unless the character is already Sick or Injured, and the GM must warn that failure might result in death), but if a failed test results in a Condition you also get your intent. For example, this simple lock seems determined to thwart you--you finally manage to pick it, but you are Angry because it was humiliating to struggle with this lock in front of the rest of your companions.

So making tests always carries risk. This includes the Survivalist tests that Marullus' Instinct will allow. He's making a calculated decision to repeatedly test a relatively weak skill, trusting that you all can handle any consequences and allowing him to hopefully improve the skill (and if he's lucky make the camp safe at the same time). Torchbearer is a game of taking these calculated risks.

When you get into a Conflict (physical, social or otherwise) with another PC or NPC, you'll choose what the conflict is about. What's your goal? Is it to capture the guardsmen? Kill them? Run them off? Escape them? Each will modify how the conflict plays out.

A word of warning about conflicts to kill your opponent, hinted at in Marullus' post: Kill conflicts always carry the risk of death for the PCs as well. In fact, a Kill conflict that the PCs lose generally will result in a TPK. (You have to inflict serious damage on your opponent to even get to the point where one of the PCs is gravely wounded and overlooked.) You've been warned. And no--you can't change it to a Flee conflict in the middle because it's going badly.

Failure is Necessary to Improve:
I've mentioned several times making calculated risks. Part of that is because you want to fail tests sometimes. In fact, to improve you need to. In order to improve an ability or skill, you need a number of successful tests equal to its current rating, and a number of failed tests equal to one less than your current rating. So, for example, to go from Cook 4 to Cook 5, you'd need 4 passed tests and 3 failed tests.

Remember, of course, that there's always a cost for a failed test, and Conditions and Twists can be painful and hard to recover from. It's a question of deciding when you can afford to fail a test...and whether you can massage the situation into one where you get the result you want.
Last edited by Enoch on Fri Nov 01, 2019 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Creation

#131 Post by Rex »

As someone who is more concerned with simply surviving she is Neutral

BELIEF: - Use subterfuge whenever possible.
INSTINCT: - Always charge my wand when possible.
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Re: Character Creation

#132 Post by Enoch »

Rex wrote:Ganna:
As someone who is more concerned with simply surviving she is Neutral

BELIEF: - Use subterfuge whenever possible.
INSTINCT: - Always charge my wand when possible.
Alignment sounds good. Let's tighten the others up a little. Maybe phrase the Belief like a philosophical statement: "Subterfuge is always the best approach", maybe?

Your Instinct works mechanically as written, but it's better to be as specific as possible: "Always charge my wand when making camp or returning to town."

To be clear, both your Belief and Instinct work as written, but I'd like to make sure everyone understands the difference between Beliefs and Instincts, and to make sure that I can differentiate between the two even if it's not labeled or labeled incorrectly.
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Re: Character Creation

#133 Post by Rex »

I will update the wording. I wasn't sure on when I could recharge the wand so was trying to cover all situations.
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Re: Character Creation

#134 Post by Enoch »

Not a problem. I had to pull up the PDF myself to make sure. Here's the section on Enchantment. If you want to discuss this further, please make a new post so we don't derail this too far.

Enchanting stores a spell within an item. Enchanted items are powered by charges which are expended upon use. An item depleted of charges loses its enchantment but may be re-charged in town or in camp with a successful Enchanter test. Enchantments may be used by anyone who knows the command word.

Wands, Rods and Staffs
Wands are made from hardwood and exotic/magical reagents and may be enchanted with 1st or 2nd circle spells. Rods are larger, scepter-like devices made from precious metals. They sometimes incorporate bone, horn, gems or crystals and may be enchanted with 3rd, 4th or 5th circle spells. Staffs are carved from wood and may feature a large gem or crystal. They may be enchanted with one or more spells of any circle. A rod or staff may be used as an improvised weapon in fights.

Armorers, Carpenters and Survivalists may craft wands or staffs. Armorers or Artificers may craft rods. The obstacle is equal to the highest spell circle the item may contain. Magical, rare or valuable components may be used as supplies.

Inventory slots:
Wands take up a belt slot or are hand/carried 1 or pack 1. Rods are hand/carried 1 or pack 2. Staves may be carried in one hand but require both hands to be used as a weapon. They may not be packed.

Spell slots:
Wands can hold one spell and up to 3 charges. Rods can hold two spells and up to 3 charges (total). Staves can hold three spells and up to 6 charges (total).

Enchanting requires an Enchanter test. The spell must be known by the character enchanting the item. The obstacle to enchant an item is identical to that of scribing a scroll with that spell. Characters with the Enchanter skill are assumed to carry the tools required to enchant items but not the items themselves. This skill may be used in town as personal business (+1 to lifestyle cost) or to re-charge items in camp (at the cost of a check). Enchanters may enchant wands, rods or staffs and use magical, rare or valuable reagents as supplies. They may also enchant clothing, jewelry, gems, mirrors, candles and other mundane gear. These items’ enchantments are limited to one charge of a single spell of any circle.

Witches are able to use the Enchanter skill to hex or charm objects, anything from food or drink to clothing or gear. Hexes are cursed objects while charms are blessings placed upon an object. The witch curses or blessed the item with a prayer using the Enchanter skill. Anyone using that item will trigger its effects which persist according to the prayer’s description. Using the item expends a charge, just like an enchanted wand, rod or staff.

New Skill: Enchanter
This skill is used to store spells within objects or to bless/curse items with charms or hexes.
Precious metals, gems or rare ingredients may be used as supplies when enchanting.
Suggested Help for Enchanter: Arcanist or Ritualist
Beginner’s Luck for Enchanter: Will

Enchanter Factors
Enchanting (start counting at 4): 1st circle prayer, 2nd circle prayer, 3rd circle prayer, 4th circle prayer.
Extra charges: Add +1 ob per extra charge.
Re-charging a wand or rod is obstacle 3. Re-charging a staff is obstacle 6.
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Re: Character Creation

#135 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

Rex wrote:I will update the wording. I wasn't sure on when I could recharge the wand so was trying to cover all situations.
It's mentioned in the DotD (Denizens of the Dark) supplement:
Enchanting stores a spell within an item. Enchanted items are powered by charges which are expended upon use. An item depleted of charges loses its enchantment but may be re-charged in town or camp with a successful Enchanter test. Enchantments may be used by anyone who knows the command word.
So you probably do not need to specify "in camp" since that is the only time it can be done. Having it as an instinct means the party does not need to use a Check for you to charge your wand. The downside is that no-one can help you with it unless that have a similar Instinct.
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Re: Character Creation

#136 Post by Enoch »

Make sure you include "or town" (recharging can be done in town as well) to make sure you have that opportunity in town as well! Otherwise, trying to recharge the wand in town will increase the difficulty of the Resources test you make when you leave.
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Re: Character Creation

#137 Post by Rex »

It has both camp and town in it.
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Re: Character Creation

#138 Post by Enoch »

BillTheGalacticHero wrote: So you probably do not need to specify "in camp" since that is the only time it can be done. Having it as an instinct means the party does not need to use a Check for you to charge your wand. The downside is that no-one can help you with it unless that have a similar Instinct.
Yes, but including "in camp or town" instead of "whenever possible" makes it easier for both player and GM to understand when it can be used!
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Re: Character Creation

#139 Post by BillTheGalacticHero »

NAME: - Tancred

Fresh: +1D to all tests until new Condition

CLASS/STOCK: - Human / Forsaken Ridder
Level 1: You have left your homeland to find fame or fortune. You may wield a lance, any polearm, or a sword for a weapon. You may wear leather or chain armor and don a helmet. You start with a war horse, limited supplies and gear, and a bonus lancecharging-wise.

RAIMENT: - An old helmet with traces of green, black, and yellow paint.

BELIEF: - Might is not always right
INSTINCT: - Always prepare a hidden camp

I need to come up with a better Belief.

My Instinct I believe will help when making camp. Tancred has been in hiding since his father and little brother have sided with "the regime" so he always finds an out-of-the-way, unobtrusive place to spend the night. It probably also means that he will be staying in stables or flophouses in town.
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Re: Character Creation

#140 Post by Marullus »

Rex, if I can apologise and offer different advice for Ganna...

It is true that a Magician refreshes their spell list for free each Camp but Ganna needs to spend a check to recharge her wand. But your wand holds three charges of Arcane Semblance at a time and you are not likely to use them up EVERY Adventure Phase.

It might be better to make your instinct oriented on something else where the need is more likely and the practice more valuable.

"Always practice enchantments in camp and town" is slightly less specific - you could charge your wand or enchant a different object for someone else. It would be good if her main goal is to become a better Enchanter, because YOU CAN'T use it outside of camp/town.

"Always make a poultice in camp" is a book example that would work your Healer skill, which is already your best skill.

"Always make an Elixir in camp" is one I have used to great effect with Alchemist (and prefer personally to healer because it cures the condition without needing a second roll).

If you're unfamiliar, here's base rolls for Alchemist:
Standard Obstacles:
Elixir: Recover from Afraid - Ob 2 Alchemist
Elixir: Recover from Angry - Ob 3 Alchemist
Elixir: Recover from Exhausted - Ob 4 Alchemist
Fireworks: for spectacle (1 use) - Ob 1 Alchemist
Fireworks: for spectacle (3 uses) - Ob 2 Alchemist
Fireworks: for spectacle (1 use) - Ob 1 Alchemist
Explosives: as weapon (+1s feint) - Ob 3 Alchemist
Explosives: as weapon (+1s maneuver) - Ob 4 Alchemist
Explosives: as weapon (+1s attack) - Ob 5 Alchemist
Potion Base: for 1st level spell - Ob 4 Alchemist
Last edited by Marullus on Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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