3. The Caravan Track

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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#121 Post by greyarea »

I need much rest, says Zelaz, but I shall not shirk my duty. I can take whatever watch is required. As I agree with you on our current company.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#122 Post by Zhym »

"These men do bear watching," agrees Diego. "I shall be happy to take a shift. I shall sleep well knowing that someone can watch my back in return."
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#123 Post by tumblingdice »

So, will anyone from the party be attending the feast, then? Dark, syrupy coffee? Roasted lamb on a bed of rice, smothered in burning hot grease and melted camel butter? Mmmm...camel butter...
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#124 Post by Zhym »

Well, there’s no need to be rude. Diego will certainly take part in the feast.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#125 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz has already stated a preference for camel, as I recall. He will dine.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#126 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Rogue

Aristide will keep a low key presence and dine alone not attending the feast. He'll rest so he can take a longer watch so spellcasters can rest up.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#127 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna smells the roasting meat, blows some hair out of her eyes and grudging joins feast.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#128 Post by tumblingdice »

Day 45, Sind Desert, Lost Oasis, nightfall

Surna Lamshar indicates that dinner is ready, and those of you attending make your way to the large tent.

As you draw aside the curtain, you see that just a handful of merchants will be joining you, along with Ahmed Khel, Captain of the guard. Indeed, on the way from your tents, you passed the campfires of several guardsmen, dining sullenly with their own kind. Some had fixed you with resentful stares, in fact.

Fortunately, the company within the tent seems a bit more pleasant. As you take your seats on cushions on the floor, one of the merchants serves a thick, dark coffee. Lamshar formally thanks you for helping drive off the bandit horde. Ahmed Khel nods grudgingly, then puts his resentment behind him.

As the conversation progresses, and the coffee begins to cool, two merchants bring in a large platter of camel meat (still on the bone) laid on a bed of rice. They then begin ladling on burning hot grease and melted camel butter, until the mixture flows over the sides of the tray. Lamshar motions for you to eat. You notice there are no utensils. It appears you are supposed to dip your fingers into the tray and pull out balls of meat and rice, dripping with grease. You catch one of the merchants reaching for the tray, until Lamshar halts him with a withering look. You will eat, he reminds the younger merchant sternly, only after our guests have had their fill.

Khel points to a choice bit of meat, then says to Zelaz, As far as camel meat goes, this part isn't bad. Try it!

Assuming you eat your fill, the merchants will eventually dig in and start eating. Before long, everybody's fingers are covered in camel grease and bits of butter. None of the food is particularly tasty, but it's good to sit down to a fairly, um, civilized meal after so much time wandering the desert.

Anything anybody wants to ask of Lamshar, Khel, or the 7 merchants? I could have fleshed out Lamshar's speech a little, but I figured it best to jump right to the dialog, if there is to be any.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#129 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz has butter dripping from beard and fingers.

Marvelous. Simply marvelous. What an excellent meal. Now tell us, how much further do we travel until you reach your destination? We have our own road to take, eventually, but would travel with you for some time.

How long do you think we have until the mountains? Or does your business not take you there?
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#130 Post by spanningtree »


Yes, very different.... I would not have expected so much fat where the sun is so intense. This meal will serve me for days... in more way than one. With a slight shrug she covers her mouth for a quiet burp. The massed battle we engaged in the other day... have you encountered such force in your crossings before?
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#131 Post by tumblingdice »

Lamshar wipes his hands on his trousers, and smiles in approval at Zelaz's enthusiasm for camel meat. We are still several weeks from Slagovich. Having lost some of our wares to the raid, we will need to make haste once we finish our rest here, if we are to make any profit. Several of the merchants trade morose glances with each other at the thought of a forced march.

In response to Taranna's question, the caravan leader shakes his head. Never, my lady. Never have I seen such a horde as brazen as the one that attacked us.

Lamshar continues, turning once again to Zelaz. Slagovich is to the southwest, my friend. The hill country and Black Peaks lie to the northwest, and I intend to keep as far away from them as possible. You would be wise to as well. What business sends you into such peril?

Khel likewise wipes his hands, then smooths out his mustache. He looks at your group for a moment, then furrows his brow. Were there not six of you when you first joined us? Where is the one you call Aristide?

Sir Joffrey looks awkwardly at the floor.

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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#132 Post by kwll »

His mouth half full Tasrem says, as if thinking aloud: "Business? I didn't know we were engaged in any kind of business?"
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#133 Post by spanningtree »

OCC: Who is Slagovich?
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#134 Post by Zhym »

Diego eats the greasy camel and rice with relish. Well, not with actual relish. Unless the merchants serve relish with the meat. But he relishes the food. I mean, he enjoys it. He's not used to camel meat, but the rice is familiar enough. Add some of the right spices and it could have made a passable paella. It wouldn't be fit for royalty, of course—unless the royalty were in the desert and hadn't had a decent meal in days, in which case it would do quite nicely. As it does for Diego.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#135 Post by tumblingdice »

spanningtree wrote:OCC: Who is Slagovich?
Slagovich is the port city at the end of the caravan route. Why it has a slavic-sounding name, I couldn't say. :)
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#136 Post by greyarea »

We would finish the business of a just man who has returned to ash and dust too soon. One who had a mission that was cut short. His business is now our business: that of the just man, replies Zelaz. We head to the pass to do our business. What do you know of the black peaks and why do you avoid them?
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#137 Post by tumblingdice »

Lamshar laughs, partly in response to Tasrem's befuddled questioning, and partly in response to Zelaz. The desert is hot, dry and miserable, but it beats marching a caravan over a mountain range, yes? From what I've heard, the mountaintops are covered in eternal winter. Fearsome beasts from beyond this world prowl its hidden valleys. Most who attempt to cross the range never return. But what do I know? These could be tales told to frighten children. I've never seen them myself.

The merchant leader casts a sidelong glance at Ahmed Khel, since no one has answered his question yet. He nervously takes another handful of meat and rice (no relish), trying not to look offended.

Any other questions or conversations anyone wishes to have?

Point of information: Bishop Guillaume wasn't dead when you left the village, but Zelaz's claim of his return to ash and dust too soon is quite dramatic. :D

Also, I checked the old thread for a night watch schedule, but found none. Sumo, in the interest of saving time, could you please come up with an order of who's on guard and when? Spellcasters should be toward the beginning and end of the shift, so that they can get a good night's sleep. There are seven of you, including Sir Joffrey. Let's say from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Joffrey can take a 2-hour shift. Post it in the ooc thread. If anyone has any objections, work it out there.
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#138 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz smirks, You are right that the desert is dry and hot. And it can be quite miserable, but for the company we keep and the food we consume. He takes another bite of camel and rice to make his point.

We have heard though, of a pass through the mountains that would allow one to avoid much of the snow and ice. Do you know of this great pass? Who among you has ridden more of the desert than this caravan trail?
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#139 Post by tumblingdice »

I have heard of this Great Pass, Lamshar admits, but have never traveled it myself, thank the gods. We stick to the caravan trail, which is why we are still alive, our beards long and our faces wrinkled, he adds. The rest of the merchants laugh good-naturedly, nodding their heads in agreement.

If there is no other conversation, then the feast winds down, and the merchants begin to excuse themselves and head off to bed.

Tonight's feast is sitting pretty heavy in your stomachs. The green dates for dessert certainly didn't help matters any. I need everyone to roll me a save versus poison, please...
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Re: 3. The Caravan Track

#140 Post by Zhym »

Diego feels like maybe he shouldn't have eaten quite so much food. Or those dates...

Save v. poison (10): [1d20] = 1
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