Session 0: Fieldstone

DM: Dave
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#101 Post by Rukellian »


A lot of the technical jargon being thrown about definitely flies over the young cleric's head, but from the way everyone was talking about the water supply, it would seem as if this was a natural occurrence. Satisfied with the answers given, he nods his head and smiles. "No foul play is always a good thing to hear!"

Eager to reach their journey's destination, Thalian picks up the pace. He too knows that the group is out in the open, making lots of noise. He'd rather not tangle with any more curious critters than he had to.

"Still, I too am surprised to hear that you are well-versed in many things about the world, Alessa. I find that young ladies your age are more concerned about learning how to housekeep and tend to children than expand their book smarts. Though, now that I think about it, the High Priestess was also quite knowledgeable about a lot of things, at least when it came to worship." Thalian is lost in thought for a moment as he looks back on his childhood, a smile stuck to his face.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#102 Post by dmw71 »

Serpent Gorge
Thalian lingers at the shores of Gray Lake a bit longer than the rest, studying the surface of the water, and other than a few patches of moss or algae clinging to the shoreline, does not spot any forms of aquatic life.

With much distance yet to travel, and not wanting to delay their journey any longer, the group sets off again, navigating the craggy surface towards the opposite end of the cavern. On the early stages of their journey, Alessa impresses with her knowledge of likely causes of water drainage affecting the now departed lake.

Another hour later, the group finds themselves at the base of the steep, vertical canyon wall, with another rope ladder securely mounted to the surface above. The ascent proves to be safe, and without incident.

Arriving at the surface on the opposite end of the canyon, the group finds their path leading directly into a forest, whose trees are mostly old, and gnarled. The weather also takes a turn for the worse as a cold rain begins to fall, making the journey even more miserable. The gloom of the forest is matched by its eerie silence, which persists for nearly three hours as the group navigates the twisting maze of trees and confusing ravines.

Then, as the group tops what amounts to a small rise, the forest breaks, and in the near distance, a broad valley, like a writhing serpent, spreads out before them in seemingly miles in either direction.

While being pelted by cold rain, the group crosses the brief clearing and find themselves at the end of the Serpent Gorge:
Serpent Gorge.jpg
Serpent Gorge.jpg (98.93 KiB) Viewed 2335 times
It's difficult to accurately gauge, but a steep slope leads down this massive valley, which appears to descend 70, 80... maybe 100 feet. This muddy slope, in the rain, is becoming more and more slick and treacherous as time passes.

On the opposite of this valley, near the surface -- so maybe another 100 feet up -- the entrance to the tomb can be seen.
Tomb Entrance.jpg
Tomb Entrance.jpg (94.62 KiB) Viewed 2335 times

Getting there, however, will almost certainly prove to be a challenge.


Okay, here is where you guys get to discuss your plans for crossing the valley, which includes descending its depths (without the benefit of an existing, built-in rope ladder).


Date: 26 Elient
Time: 13:14
  • Sunrise: 05:58
  • Sunset: 21:05
Temperature: 48°
  • Low: 48°
  • High: 57°
  • Precipitation: Cold, steady rain
  • Wind: Gentle, with an occasional slight breeze.
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • Dim Light
Spells in Effect
  • None

Character Details
  • BearSiren817 as Feylynn | Female | Chaotic Good | Wood Elf | Rogue (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 13 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 17 | Investigation: 12 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant
    Weapons: Weapon 1, Weapon 2
    • None
    Actions: Shortbow (+5, 1d6+3), Shortsword (+5, 1d6+3), Dagger (+5, 1d6+3) Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. (Elf)
    • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (Elf)
    • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. (Wood Elf)
    • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. (Wood Elf)
    • Thieves' Cant (Rogue, 1)
    • Expertise: Thieves' Tools, Perception (Rogue, 1)
    • Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. (Rogue, 1)
  • Bluetongue as Schillachi | Male | Chaotic Neutral | Tiefling | Warlock (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 10 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Infernal
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1)
    Spells Actions: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Chill Touch (+5, 1d8 Necrotic)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Hellish Rebuke (DC 13, Save: 1d10, Fail: 2d10)

    • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. (Tiefling)
    • Infernal Legacy: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. (Tiefling)
    • Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend (Warlock, 1)
    • Pact Magic: Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. (Warlock, 1)
  • Faanku as Alessa | Female | Neutral Good | Variant Human | Wizard (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 13 | Insight (Wis): 11
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sylvan
    Weapons: Dagger (+4, 1d4+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Spellbook: Prepared Spells: 4 (Intelligence modifier + Wizard level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion )
    Actions: Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Fire Bolt (+5, 1d10 Fire)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Shield

    • Feat: You gain one feat of your choice (Resilient; Constitution) (Human)
    • Spellcasting (Wizard, 1)
    • Arcane Recovery: Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. (Wizard, 1)
    Familiar: Selynornis | Tiny | Owl | HP: 1 | AC: 11 | SP: 5' (60' Fly) | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes (120') | Skills: Stealth +3, Perception +3
    • Actions: A familiar can't attack, but it can take other actions as normal.
    • Features:
      • Flyby. The owl doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
      • Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
      • Familiar. In combat, a familiar rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. A familiar can't attack, but it can take other actions as normal. When a familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form.
  • Rex as Luawn | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Fighter (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No| Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 12 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 12
    Languages: Common, Orc, Sylvan
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Spells: None

    Actions: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Bonus Actions: Second Wind (Rest: Short)
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

  • Rukellian as Thalian | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: 0 | Darkvision: No| Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Light, Resistance, Spare the Dying )
    Actions: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    Bonus Actions: Healing Word
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life (Cleric, 1)
      • Life Domain Spells: Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
      • Disciple of Life: Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Marching Order
  • Feylynn
  • Feylynn | Luawn
    Schillachi | Thalian
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: Unarmored
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)
    Feylynn (Leather)
    • Selynornis
    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
  • None.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#103 Post by Rukellian »

Thalian will carefully observe the slope descending down, checking for any pre-established paths that may still be viable from years past, looking for large rocks that can serve as waypoints for the group's trek down.
I apologize in advance for the set of rolls, but I wasn't sure if the survival skill based perception roll was called for, or if I could combine it with my wisdom bonus as well. I rolled the different variations that I thought could be viable and will consider them all first rolls. I'm going to have you decide which one you want to use and then I will consider the rest deleted.

Wisdom based Perception (+3) check with Survival prof bonus (+5) [1d20+8] = 16+8 = 24
Wisdom based Perception check [1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22
Survival Prof based perception check [1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23
Roll, if needed [1d20] = 19
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#104 Post by BearSiren817 »

Feylynn will examine as well and see if there looks to be a decent way down.

Extra roll (not sure the best to use)
[1d20] = 12
Azalea, 1st level Rogue, Dave’s Urban Campaign
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#105 Post by Rex »


Luawn will check it out and see if he can find the best path.

Survival [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9

If needed roll [1d20] = 14
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#106 Post by dmw71 »

dmw71 wrote:On the opposite of this valley, near the surface -- so maybe another 100 feet up -- the entrance to the tomb can be seen.
The above was a mistake on my part.

The entrance to the tomb is at the bottom of the valley you're facing, not near the top on the opposite end. This fact doesn't/shouldn't change anything at this point, and will obviously make things easier as you only have to worry about getting yourselves down (and not back up again), and gravity can lend an assist if you ever run out of ideas. ;)

This discrepancy came up while I began to piece together my next update, which I hope to be able to submit later tonight.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#107 Post by dmw71 »

Serpent Gorge
Thalian creeps to the edge of the valley and peers down the slope, checking for any pre-established paths that may still be viable. At the base, there are clear markings where the area has previously been used as a camp of sorts, and it's evident where previous groups have began their descent, but the previous paths taken become less obvious maybe a third of the way down.

The holy man, Feylynn, Luawn, Alessa, and Schillachi all spend a few moments surveying the area, each picking the path they believe to be the easiest and safest to navigate.

Regardless of path chosen, the collective opinion is that taking the slope will take at least a half hour -- an hour if progress is slow and extra caution is taken.


Okay, here's the deal.

The climb down is not going to be without risk, and each character will need to make three Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks against a DC 10 in order to avoid slipping down the slope. This normal descent will take approximately 30-minutes. If you elect to take extra precautions, the route will take twice as long (approximately 60-minutes) but you can make your Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks with advantage.

Each player can decide how they want to proceed; normally or with extra caution. This must be declared before making any rolls.

  • If you make a check and that check is successful, you can roll again, and again, until safely reaching the bottom with three successes.
  • If any check fails, please stop making Acrobatics checks and instead make me a simple Dexterity saving throw.


Date: 26 Elient
Time: 13:19
  • Sunrise: 05:58
  • Sunset: 21:05
Temperature: 48°
  • Low: 48°
  • High: 57°
  • Precipitation: Cold, steady rain
  • Wind: Gentle, with an occasional slight breeze.
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • Dim Light
Spells in Effect
  • None

Character Details
  • BearSiren817 as Feylynn | Female | Chaotic Good | Wood Elf | Rogue (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 13 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 17 | Investigation: 12 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant
    Weapons: Weapon 1, Weapon 2
    • None
    Actions: Shortbow (+5, 1d6+3), Shortsword (+5, 1d6+3), Dagger (+5, 1d6+3) Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. (Elf)
    • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (Elf)
    • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. (Wood Elf)
    • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. (Wood Elf)
    • Thieves' Cant (Rogue, 1)
    • Expertise: Thieves' Tools, Perception (Rogue, 1)
    • Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. (Rogue, 1)
  • Bluetongue as Schillachi | Male | Chaotic Neutral | Tiefling | Warlock (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 10 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Infernal
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1)
    Spells Actions: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Chill Touch (+5, 1d8 Necrotic)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Hellish Rebuke (DC 13, Save: 1d10, Fail: 2d10)

    • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. (Tiefling)
    • Infernal Legacy: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. (Tiefling)
    • Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend (Warlock, 1)
    • Pact Magic: Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. (Warlock, 1)
  • Faanku as Alessa | Female | Neutral Good | Variant Human | Wizard (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 13 | Insight (Wis): 11
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sylvan
    Weapons: Dagger (+4, 1d4+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Spellbook: Prepared Spells: 4 (Intelligence modifier + Wizard level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion )
    Actions: Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Fire Bolt (+5, 1d10 Fire)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Shield

    • Feat: You gain one feat of your choice (Resilient; Constitution) (Human)
    • Spellcasting (Wizard, 1)
    • Arcane Recovery: Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. (Wizard, 1)
    Familiar: Selynornis | Tiny | Owl | HP: 1 | AC: 11 | SP: 5' (60' Fly) | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes (120') | Skills: Stealth +3, Perception +3
    • Actions: A familiar can't attack, but it can take other actions as normal.
    • Features:
      • Flyby. The owl doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
      • Keen Hearing and Sight. The owl has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
      • Familiar. In combat, a familiar rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. A familiar can't attack, but it can take other actions as normal. When a familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form.
  • Rex as Luawn | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Fighter (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No| Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 12 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 12
    Languages: Common, Orc, Sylvan
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Spells: None

    Actions: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Bonus Actions: Second Wind (Rest: Short)
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

  • Rukellian as Thalian | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: 0 | Darkvision: No| Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Light, Resistance, Spare the Dying )
    Actions: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    Bonus Actions: Healing Word
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life (Cleric, 1)
      • Life Domain Spells: Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
      • Disciple of Life: Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Marching Order
  • Feylynn
  • Feylynn | Luawn
    Schillachi | Thalian
Watch Schedule
  • Watch: Armored
  • Sleep: Unarmored
  • First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

    Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)
    Feylynn (Leather)
    • Selynornis
    Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)
  • None.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#109 Post by Rukellian »

Last edited by Rukellian on Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#110 Post by Faanku »

Rukellian wrote:"Still, I too am surprised to hear that you are well-versed in many things about the world, Alessa. I find that young ladies your age are more concerned about learning how to housekeep and tend to children than expand their book smarts.
"Oh, book smarts and practical intelligence go hand in hand, that's always been my outlook. Though not grandmother's, strangely enough. She's never been one for cataloguing, which is a crime most foul considering the vast depth of her knowledge; if only what she knows could be recorded in written word instead of passed on in the oral traditions of old. Of course I have told her this until I am quite blue in the face, but she just smiles as if the concept amuses her!" She sighs deeply, then meets the young cleric's gaze. "And as for housekeeping and rearing children, well... that's rather fine for the village and I am not clueless about the... workings of... well, you know... a-anyway, this is hardly appropriate conversation for the road, Mr Thalian Goldehart! Just because the Gods graced you with such fine looks!"


Ever prudent, Alessa takes her time descending the steep cliff-face.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#111 Post by BearSiren817 »

Stretching a little bit. Feylynn decides to proceed with the quicker descent speed.

[1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23 Success!
[1d20+5] = 14+5 = 19 Success!
[1d20+5] = 14+5 = 19 Success!

If needed:
[1d20] = 20

Feylynn hopefully reaching the bottom, gives a little one two three shadow boxing punches on a high from her amazing ability to climb find a route down and doing so quickly. She will be on the lookout after looking back and noticing she hasn’t been followed as quite successfully.
Azalea, 1st level Rogue, Dave’s Urban Campaign
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#112 Post by dmw71 »

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