On Board the Space Port Albion

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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#101 Post by Leitz »

"To scandals and schemes." Stefano smiled and raised his glass. He slowly reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the key. He leaned forward, placed it near Kiki, and then sat back. "Please make sure Maria gets it as we leave."

"As to scandals, I don't have any in mind yet. Schemes, of course, are never lacking. I have one for our current project but it might take more than we have. Try the white sauce pasta and tell me what you think."

As Kiki served herself Stefano leaned back."At a four hundred ton limit with at most ten tons per trip, it would take an excruciatingly valuable artifact to make the trips profitable. Especially since the drives are experimental and the crews are as new to this as almost anyone. There's a selling markup due to the perceived instability of the supply channel as well as the mental purchasing power of dangling high tech like a piece of sugar."

"You and I could probably make a million on the deal, over and above our salaries." Stefano said. "Which would be sad as I think there's nearly a trillion sitting on the table. This is where the scheming comes in."

"While the short term profit goes up with instability the long term risk normalizes revenue to the sub-par. Sums might be larger but Maria's margins as a percentage are probably better. The way to serious money is to leverage desire for long term trade. That means people from here feel the risk ratio is low enough to build an infrastructure there, and over there people have enough financial incentive to maintain that stability. Our side gets a cut of the action and first chance at investments."

"It will take a superb team working together and trusting each other. I think it can be done, at least hypothetically. I also think it would work in the best interests of our associates and ourselves."

He leaned forward and dished a little of the white sauce pasta. "Maria knows this is my favorite. She also knows I prefer long walks in the woods to secret assignations in the bowels of a high port. If I had been seeing someone long enough to get to this as a place for intimacy she would have known about it months ago. I've only been on station for a couple of weeks. No scandal possible unless you want to drive the poor woman mad."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#102 Post by Ahlmzhad »

OK, I'm going to move forward to the next day. So D'Arcy we'll get you back in action.

D'Arcy is finally retrieved from the waiting room by one of the assistants. He is taken down a series of corridors, and realizes he has entered the rarified air of the other layers. He's shown to a room where a dapper Gentleman (Stefano) and a prim woman (Kiki) are waiting. The Assistant says "Sir, here is Mr D'Arcy the principle candidate for head of security for the new outpost", with that he exits.

You all eye each other knowing that D'Arcy's fate now rests in Stefano's hands.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#103 Post by Spearmint »

(Photo of D'Arcy added to character sheet post)

D'Arcy "Thank you," he says to the attendent, closing the door behind him. He hangs his jacket and trilby on a peg.

"Mr Domici, Ma'am, " he offers a hand to shake (no kissy kissy for him!), squeezing firmly but not vice like. "My I?" pointing to an empty chair, he sits anyway.

"I presume Ms Agonte has briefed you through my files. I took the liberty of some reciprocal research. A royal patronage, that must have been ... a considered challenge? Now headhunted to broker deals while I, I presume, broker the peace. I'm intrigued as to Vloxmar investing their new enterprise and technology in a potential frontier amber zone."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#104 Post by Leitz »

OOC: No problem moving things forward. Kiki and Stefano can back fill as needed. Stefano did pay for supper, as promised. :)

Stefano's handshake was firm and friendly. "Please, help yourself to some refreshments."

He smiled at D'Arcy's coat on the hanger as he returned to his seat. "Finding a Chief of Security isn't too difficult. Finding someone who can shoot well is very easy and finding someone who can project a firm image, like hanging their coat to establish territory, isn't overly difficult either. The hiring manager felt you met the basic qualifications for the task. My challenge, and yours, honestly, is for us to decide if you have the right mindset for the work."

Stefano nodded to Kiki. "Miss Arquez and I have worked together before and we have established a level of trust. We are going into a risky environment and that trust will be critical to mission success. You don't know me and trust doesn't come easy when the stakes are high. Words, no matter how well put, can mean little when lives are at stake."

"I've returned a quarter of my salary to the company to add to the investment pool for the project. You have the option, but not requirement, to do the same. Miss Arquez, I believe, has also reinvested." He sipped his qana. "We are motivated to help the project succeed; that means risky decisions and it means playing the long game. For you it might mean shooting an aggressor. Even riskier, it might mean not shooting someone even if they seem to deserve it. Can you keep your mind clear when the threat is high? How can you demonstrate your ability to trust my decisions for us?"
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#105 Post by The Bindoner »

Sitting in the Vloxmar offices, part of the interview process, Kiki tries to look like part of the corporate world. It is not her natural home. At least this part of the job is something she knows – sizing up people and deciding whether they will fit in the scheme.

Last night had been fun, once they had established that both of them were on the same page and had relaxed. Working together on this project will be interesting.

This D'Arcy, his confidence is interesting. The resume gives him some reason for that, perhaps.

Stefano is lead on this, Kiki waits to hear his questions and the answers.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#106 Post by Spearmint »

D'Arcy considers Mr Domicis' opening gambit.

Pursing his lips he leans back in the swivel chair, sitting comfortably crosslegged. D'Arcy reaches for his shoulder holster and withdraws his revolver, opening the chamber and tapping out the half dozen bullets. He calmly refills some of the chambers and spins the barrel.

"Who decides who is deserving to be shot?" he asks, suddenly pointing the weapon at Kiki.
"According to your patrons here at Vloxmar, I already operate under the notion of plausible deniability. She graces the office but behind your back has secretly embezzled a million credits. Is that deserving enough?" He pauses for effect.

"Ms Arquez was uncovered and regrettably committed suicide. Despite his previous success, Mr Domici it seems was not able to talk you out of it." D'Arcy maintains an unwavering hand on the gun, no sweat upon his brow, maintaining the theatre.

"My role is to safeguard the mission. To secure it in all ways, from terrors without and threats within. My priority is the mission and not watching your back which inferrs in Vloxmars eyes' that you Mr Domici, are also expendable." D'Arcy shifts position, pointing the gun to aim at Stefano.

"I know the salary Vloxmar are willing to offer to keep you safe. But how much extra do you think you are worth?"

He pockets the revolver and smiles calmy.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#107 Post by Leitz »

"An interesting play, Mister D'Arcy, though poorly done." Stefano said. He smiled. "If you are choosing targets I recommend my chest. While senior in staffing, and I'm sure Vloxmar Security would do an admirable job in your apprehension, it would ultimately be a civil matter. I'm almost as easy to replace as a Chief of Security. Maybe easier. Miss Arquez father, however, would take an assault on his daughter very personally. You would beg, in vain, for the darkest prison. I couldn't bear to watch, though I would. She is my friend. Perhaps they would let me assist and I could learn something new. That's always a pleasure."

"You misunderstand your operational parameters, it seems. The mission is in my hands, and mine alone. You are either on board with that or you stay behind. Miss Arquez is a team player with skills and experience I do not have. She has agreed to follow my lead as a trusted agent."

He sipped his qana and then set it down. His chair angled just slightly to be perfectly square to D'Arcy. "Now, if you are going to shoot someone I suggest you get on with it. Otherwise, quit playing games and sit with the adults."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#108 Post by Spearmint »

D'Arcy, with threats about vengeful parents putting the thumbscrews on him being like water off a duck's back,

"My presented brief is to be chief of your security operations. Relating to, but not exclusively, to maintaining peace and equilibrium with local officialdom and martial authorities, the civil law agency, armed forces, renegade brigands and unwelcome native unrest. Smoothing the way for good entrepreneurs such as yourself to advocate on Vloxmars behalf. Providing the neccessay intelligence to enable you to evaluate real or perceived risks to the trade mission and to enforce a level of physical intervention.

I am not your hired thug to break legs as and when you please or to be the 'finger on the trigger' to whomever displeases you.

We both sit here as men under authority. You under Vloxmar's, me under yours. I am quite clear as to my duties to you, Vloxmar and the Imperium. To do my job in keeping the team safe, I have to lead the security operations with a delegated autonomy and justifiably I have to put people before profit."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#109 Post by The Bindoner »

As D'Arcy moves to his holster Kiki starts to say “Ruslan...“ before remembering the synthetic hound is not there to be stayed. Good, washing blood out of white fur is tedious.

A novel experience, having an unloaded weapon pointed at one. Kiki watches the presentation impassively, making occasional notes on her comm via virtual keyboard with almost imperceptible movements ( looking like nothing more than the fidgeting of her fingers on her crossed forearms ).

The idea of leaving Ruslan and Hugi out of the room had been to not distract candidates, the possibility of someone triggering their defence routines hadn't occurred to Kiki. It would have been a good test of D'Arcy's talents though, facing them with an empty gun. That amusing idea causes a small smile to crack the facade at about the time Stefano is getting acquainted with D'Arcy's admirably stable aim.

The approach is obviously more familiar to Kiki than Stefano. Plenty of her suppliers impress with their willingness to commit any act their patron might desire, although none have thought to disarm themselves first, a wise precaution.

Ah, and now the males compare antlers. Perhaps it is time to speak.

It seems, D'Arcy, you are used to working with ruthless men who have need of a cool head with a steady hand, someone who can be trusted to unflinchingly act without the distraction of emotion or moral scruple. Those are the sort of men I believe we will be trading with. I grew up among them. *A glance sideways at Stefano* As to my father, he would be as likely to employ the talent that managed to harm me. If I earned the harm that would be certain. Sentiment should not prejudice good business, we understand that. This mission, however, is to be a small team operating far from home, on a small ship, without support, among potentially hostile local powers. Willingness to kill each other is assumed. The ability to resist the impulse until necessary is more useful.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#110 Post by Leitz »

"You have a vote of confidence from Ms. Arquez." Stefano smiled and picked up his qana. "Breaking someone's leg might be a useful tactic, but a dangerous one. While we are likely to have superior technology we will be significantly limited in numbers and support structures. At least for the foreseeable future. The question to figure out is, how do you differentiate between what I ask you to do and what is right? You want a level of autonomy; completely understandable. But you have to give me that as well; to accept some level of decision making that is mine."

"It would be reasonable that we begin with some level of respect for everyone's skills and role. Hopefully we can grow that level of respect and the commensurate autonomy."He sipped, and smiled. "Care for a mental exercise? I assume everyone on the mission has some breaking point as well as some cash number that will turn them. That's normal. I hope corporate security has done a good job of vetting everyone selected. How would you evaluate project staff to see if there are any corporate spies or if security missed something? Assume you have three days."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#111 Post by Spearmint »

D'Arcy, in answer to Kiki

opens his left hand to reveal two cartridges, presumably the other four have indeed been loaded. He drops them with a clink into an empty qana glass. "My pardon Ma'am, just in case you think I wouldn't and it isn't."

He helps himself to the offered refreshment, pouring a messure of some cajun bourbon into the same glass. He gently swirls it around as it clouds in the opaque glass. "See how everything becomes less clear when guns are involved. I'm good at what I do. Some might say I'm the best. Opinions don't matter. I'm vigilant but not a vigilante, I've seen many deserving ones swerve the bullet whilst innocent suffer the final judgement." He takes a sip.

"My question was, Who determines if a person deserves to be shot? Any idiot sniper can take someone out a mile away without a care. But looking into someone's eyes is a different beast. I can't divorce my emotions or ethics from what I do. If I am going to kill people, I need to know why, the buck stops with me not Mr Domici. To secure the trade I might have to enforce the peace. And make no mistake, in Vloxmar's eyes we are all expenable."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#112 Post by The Bindoner »

Removed out-of-sequence post.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#113 Post by Spearmint »

sorry must have cross posted

D'Arcy in answer to Stefano

"Are you expecting to ask me to do something that is not right or just? Fleecing an ignorant corporation of Imperial credits or smuggling techno innovation through industrial espionage might all be 'legitimate' enterprise but trafficing kids 'for hire' is immoral. Dropping 'Agent Orange' to depopulate the jungle in order to rape the land for minerals,
where does this sit? You decide that not me. Some decisions are above my pay grade.

As to your hypothetical. Most undercover operatives have a watertight backstory. References, history, addresses, contacts. But people make mistakes, a break of routine, a slip of the tongue. Often exposed by a face from the past. A pretty face exposes others, pillows talk. I heard a rumour that Vloxmar security was recently challenged.

My three days, look at the project staff and their areas of influence. Who does what job and the impact it has on the enigma you want undisclosed. Understand what specific knowledge could they gain and who 'on the street' would value owning it. Sometimes you 'lean on' the hoods on the street first, getting them to play stool pigeon to informants. Each situation merits it's own methodology. Declare an alert and see who crumbles under pressure, set a honeytrap, deceive them with counterfeits."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#114 Post by Leitz »

Stefano nodded as D'Arcy spoke about investigating. "The threats on this side will most likely be corporate. However, as you noted, a pretty face can cause concern. Still, three days is a very aggressive time-line, difficult to do a good job. It's not really hypothetical."

He leaned back and sipped from his mug. "This is, as far as I know, a trade mission. If we're lucky we get the job done without killing anyone. I'm not blindly trusting our luck that far but it would be nice. Hopefully they prefer cash to a bullet. The main reason for a Chief of Security is that we're going into a rougher environment, one you are perhaps more experienced with than I. Do I have set expectations about who needs rougher treatment? No, really, I don't. My job is to figure out how we can succeed on a long term project. Threat can be useful at times but remains very short lived. Other options may work better. For example, do I present myself as having a mistress or two or am I the eligible newcomer open to courting some influential person's daughter? Is Miss Arquez the power and brains behind the throne and the Chief of Security her lover and assassin at large? It could be an interesting story. We don't have that plan yet."

"Will I ask you to do something I do not consider right or just? No. I may ask you to do something because you're better at it than I, but in the final analysis I will not ask you to pull a trigger that I would not."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#115 Post by The Bindoner »

opens his left hand to reveal two cartridges, presumably the other four have indeed been loaded. He drops them with a clink into an empty qana glass. "My pardon Ma'am, just in case you think I wouldn't and it isn't."
Commitment. Willingness to accept the risk of error, and its cosequences. Yes, those are demonstrated. Was the risk of making a mistake worthwhile? Neither of us believed we actually faced danger. Murdering the interviewer rarely secures the position. In the corporate world at least. Again, I am more interested in knowing you have limits on your willingness to unleash violence. This is an asset. As you say, killers are always readily available. People who know when not to kill are rarer. That said, I, unlike Stefano, may ask you to kill someone I cannot. Unlikely, but possible. I would like to know that if I could not, at the crucial moment, execute my friend there was someone I could trust to do so. Because it was necessary, not merely out of pique, of course. *small smile*

I am not corporate. I am here as a contractor. Hired to serve the needs of Vloxmar on this project to our mutual benefit, but not part of the corporation. Do you see yourself as an agent of this corporation? Pledged to serve its interests only? Do you consider yourself, in effect, to be interviewing us on our suitability to further the profits of Vloxmar? Kiki takes a sip from a glass of water, returns to her folded-arms posture While we are positing hypthetical roles let us not presume the culture we are to interact with is similar to our own. Would you be prepared to pose as Mr Domici's... intimate companion? Some are more easily swayed by a masculine physique than mere prettiness, after all. Your honeytraps ought to take account of that. Not all security risks are men, and some are attracted to them. amused to hear the reference to a "rumour of a security challenge" Kiki can't help adding You should also consider the lucky opportunist when thinking of security threats. Not every attempt is professionally undertaken. Kiki smiles, this is more fun than she expected.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#116 Post by Spearmint »


"Vloxmar's agent in Albion headhunted recommendations for this role. My patrons formalised negotiations and my candidacy was put forward. I have no specific allegiance to Vloxmar beyond representing their interests to the best of my ability. I cannot seem to be a cuckoo in their nest. I should consider all threats to the success of these trade missions, for example part of Vloxmar's considerations are in keeping their enhanced prototype undisclosed. It remains tested but unproven having just been innovated.

While securing trade on the ground do you retain responsibility for other Vloxmar assests? I saw a motley squad of marines going gung-ho over an obstacle course in the hangars. Beefing up the crew for potential hostilities."
He finishes his drink, retrieving the bullets.

"Roleplaying with Mr Domici? Sounds like while he is planning on 'shafting' Vloxmar behind their back he is going to be too busy and tired for shafting anyone else.

As for this other inclandestine rogue, it would depend on wether she intended on stealing hearts or kisses. If she was swayed by the masculine physique and fancied an opportunity ... "
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#117 Post by Leitz »

"One must always conserve energy for recreation, Mister D'Arcy. However, you can rest assured that Miss Arquez' recommendation will be given full thought and no action. I think she was baiting me. Now you're baiting her. If she accepts I will be most crestfallen but may eventually recover."Stefano said, grinning. "Welcome to the team. I am the project lead and control all company assets, contractors, hardware, etc...etc...etc..."

"Now, first tasks. As noted, look for weaknesses in the crew. The most direct path would be to bribe a crewman, perhaps over pillow talk, to carry a 'tracking device' so they can keep in touch. It would more likely be an explosive triggered by jump to ensure we are lost without a trace. The technology is tested, to a degree, but not in full production. The more we can be slowed down the more chance other corporations have to edge us out. When you investigate, include me as a suspect. That should preclude anyone claiming rank." He smiled."Just don't break any legs unless you have to."

"We have lodging here and secure facilities. Second task is to dive into the reference material and form your own opinions. That needs to be the priority as we're going to start team meetings tomorrow. You need to have your own thoughts before you listen to anyone else's. As we develop insight you will need to recommend hardware, processes, or whatever to better our chances of success."

"Any questions?"
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#118 Post by The Bindoner »

"One must always conserve energy for recreation, Mister D'Arcy. However, you can rest assured that Miss Arquez' recommendation will be given full thought and no action. I think she was baiting me. Now you're baiting her. If she accepts I will be most crestfallen but may eventually recover."Stefano said, grinning. "Welcome to the team. I am the project lead and control all company assets, contractors, hardware, etc...etc...etc..."
Kiki keeps her gaze on D'Arcy, but speaks as much to Stefano as him:

Actually I was pointing out that our casual assumptions may cause us to misjudge potential threats, also that any of us may be called to act out roles we find uncomfortable. One corner of Kiki's mouth twitches into a smile Goose or gander, the sauce is the same.
"Any questions?"
Kiki interupts: I have a question for Mr D'Arcy. One you should answer when you have read the briefings. What, in your opinion, should we offer as trade goods? We are to establish a trade route, exchanging the products of our civilisation for the artefacts and resources of theirs. You have seen the Marines, they signify that the destination is a warlike and potentially hazardous zone, but we are to make a market there. What shall we sell them? This is the start of an enduring commercial and cultural relationship. As you can imagine, I have some ideas. I would like to hear yours.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#119 Post by Spearmint »


"I have no further questions at this point. I can repent in my leisure over any small print in the contracts. I will give your reports a thorough review and make some recommendations as I see fit. If the place is like Albion I have more scope for what is needed. "

He puts on his jacket and trilby, assuming everything for now is done and that arrangements can be made for his stuff to be brought up into a room in the compound.

(Nice room with jacuzzi en-suite and champagne bubble bath, okay bubble bath doesn't go with gangster image but some soft lights, scented candles and an unlocked door await any catwoman burglar who wants to scrub his back).
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#120 Post by Ahlmzhad »

Upon his exit from Stefano's office D'Arcy is met by the assistant who brought him here. She asks him to wait a minute. Stepping in the room she confirms the decision is to hire him. She then takes him to a small office where he is given the contract to sign. He is offered 200kcr for the year, and he has the same investment opportunity as the others. If he signs he will be supplied with the security badge, handheld, and comms that mark him as a Vloxmar employee. He is also given the key card to a small company suite for his use until departure.

The assistant while in the room will have informed Stefano and Kiki that their admin was ready for the meet and greet.

Julianne Agonte, a slight and somewhat awkward woman of 30, who though has shown herself to be a top notch admin, she also has shown herself to be a great asset on the ground as well, with a keen insight into people and situations. She has successfully served as the Steward on a liner in her way up the company chain. Outside of that she has a wide range of skills (comms, comps, broker, trade, vacc suit). No skills outside her function at a high level, but enough experience with people and space to be an asset if needed.

Then comes the CFO. Bren Regus is a trading house accountant of the first degree. He will be able to handle the money, and the banking negotiations as needed. His record is superb.

After that you have time to concentrate on your team meeting planning.
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