Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#21 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 2: Hour 6:15 [Steam Launch 'Lune': 47N,28W]
Jaques and Remy followed Nicolas as he strolled down the windy lane. Nicolas stagger was only increased by the gentle rolling of the floating sections as you walked down them. The outer ring of the floating settlement with it's large sturdy barges anchored to the floating Main Street buffered the inner harbor from the worst of the wind and waves. Heading towards the central harbor, the great barges quickly gave way to more economical Agricultural Barges and then to the inner ring, Harbor Street, lined with short docks and a variety of boats of every type and flag and condition.

Nicolas stopped at a 9 meter (30 ft) long Steam Launch named 'Lune'. It was a large and well appointed ship's boat. "Welcome aboard 'mes amies', make yourself comfortable as we make the short 'voyage' to my ship."


Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 2: Hour 7:35 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
It was difficult to tell the distance covered in the foamy seas, but the 'short trip' took over an hour. A Nicolas seemed able to manage both the oil fired boiler and to steer the ship single handed.

A shout from your host announced your arrival at your destination. Before you was anchored a small fleet of mismatched ships.

(1) You steamed past an enormous barge that appeared to function as some sort of floating shipyard.
(2) A small single masted ship with a live-aboard cabin was tied up beside it.

(3) You steamed past a Two-Masted Sailing ship riding quietly at anchor. The lights from the windows indicated that something was going on there.

(4) Off to the starboard, you pass a short, round ship with yardarms at strange angles and bizarre painted designs anchored by itself away from the rest of the fleet.

You pass what must be the 'center of town' on the port as you spot (5) a two decked Steamship with lights and music coming from the upper deck tied up alongside is (6) a fat, round slow coastal trader just bobbing contently to the rhythm of the sea. Half a dozen small ships seem to be anchored or docked around them.

Off to the NE lies (8) a large Vinland merchant ship with its hull painted black at the center of a fleet of about a dozen smaller ships.

The 'Lune' heads NW towards (9) a small fast Corvette with a single deck of guns. Along the way, you pass a ship (7) with shattered masts and battle damage. As you get closer to the damaged ship, you see no sign of activity aboard her.

"My 'Soleil'" announced Nicolas as you arrived at the Corvette. A quick tour revealed 20 long canons and that the ship was equipped with both sails and a steam engine. From the deck you could see a score of boats anchored around the 'Soleil'. Entering the Captains Cabin, which occupied the fill width of the ship, you were invited to sit in ornate padded chairs and sip sherry from goblets with Nicolas and two men that were already in the room waiting for Nicolas to return.

Nicolas introduced his 'good friends' Jaques and Remy to his 'brothers' Philippe and Gautier Bacque. It was difficult not to notice that there was an open chest half full of freshly minted Silver Credits on a table in the corner ... and two more identical locked chests on the floor.
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#22 Post by AsenRG »

"Thank you, for your hospitality, but it wouldn't do to just sit there! I'm not great sailor, but if I can help, just tell me what to do", Remy answers while boarding "Lune".

"Mio dios, senor Bacque", Remy exclaimed during the trip. "You rule the ship like I rule my sword. It's a sight a man doesn't see every...", he looked at the sky, "night."

Remy nodded - a very short bow, some say - to both men, and greeted them courteously. Other than that, he left the talking to Jacques.
Well, obviously those people did help themselves to abandoned ships, as they said in polite company in his village - pirate is such an ugly word...
But so far, they had seemed like fine, upstanding men of honour, too. So while Remy was paying attention to his surroundings, he was also quite attentive as to any offers they might make.
A chest of silver per man in the room? Thatr was a nice goal to aspire to!
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#23 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Jacques is content to leave Nicolas to the sailing and is impressed with the man's ability to do so when obviously impaired. "You seem to have done well for yourself. Always good to see a fellow entrepreneur." As they make their way to and through the flotilla, Jacques remarks again. "A whole fleet? Mon Dieu, you have done well."

When they enter the Captain's Cabin, Jacques nods to the 'brothers'. "Good evening. I must say, what an impressive display of ships you have. And quite lucrative as well, I see. I am Jaques Bonnet. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Do you play cards as well as Nicolas here?"

He sits and samples the sherry.
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#24 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 2: Hour 7:45 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
"Good evening. I must say, what an impressive display of ships you have. And quite lucrative as well, I see. I am Jaques Bonnet. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Do you play cards as well as Nicolas here?"

"All the ships are not ours" responded Philippe.

"Only the best!" cheerfully interrupted Gautier with the exuberance of youth.

"Mais oui" said Nicolas "We are all brothers in this fleet." He chuckled at his own pun.

Philippe smiled but went on to explain that the collection of ships that you saw around you was more of an informal confederation than a formal arrangement. There were various small 'fleets' or collections of ships under common ownership or whose owners were related by blood or contract. There were also many individual ships. Anyone was free to come or go as long as they were part of "The Brotherhood". Nicolas had invited the two of you into the Brotherhood, so you were also now free to come or go among the ships and the fleets.

"No one drinks, whores or gambles as heartily as our brother" responded Philippe with a mischievous grin at the off-hand compliment. Nicolas was too drunk to notice. "As for me, I am afraid that I prefer a different game of chance. If you would acquire wealth of your own, then my advice is to choose a venture that seems best for you and earn a share through your participation. At the moment, we are between business ventures while Nicolas indulges his passions. When his finances run low, he will seek out another business opportunity."

"I hope we head to Spanish waters" said Gautier. "It will start getting cold soon and it is warmer down there."

"The weather or the fiery women?" asked Nicolas.

"Both." replied Gautier with a grin.

"Spanish Gold is better than British Silver" smiled Philippe.

"Yes, but I have weeks of British Silver yet to spend." said Nicolas.

"More like days" said Philippe "Perhaps a week. You underestimate yourself, brother."

"In the meantime, M. Jacques and M. Remy are our guests." declared Nicolas in a tone that indicated a statement of fact with no hint that anyone might question it. Whatever the relationship among this 'band of Brothers', not all voices appeared to be equal. "Now go, I am tired."
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#25 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 2: Hour 7:55 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
Philippe excused himself "I must return to my ship. There will be no talking with him until he has slept it off."

"At least he has returned to the Fleet" responded Gautier with a shrug.

"We should be grateful for small favors." said Philippe. "Something is happening ... in the shadows. The hairs on the back of my neck tell me so. I wish he were sober. Stay alert, Gautier. Stay alert."

"I will remain aboard and keep an eye on Nicolas." said Gautier "You keep an eye on the rest of our ships."
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#26 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:01 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
As Shift 2 reach the end, ship's bells throughout the fleet could be heard chiming - ding, ding ... ding, ding ... ding, ding ... ding, ding. Four pairs of two crisp rings. Eight bells marked the end of Second shift and the start of Third shift. For a moment, you simply waited out of the way of the men changing stations.

"Come, I will show you to your quarters." said Gautier as he led you to a small cabin on the front of the ship. There were beds for about a dozen men but only three were occupied. "We will stay with the Petty Officers. We could displace some of the Officers, but I find it better not to create trouble without necessity." He smiled "besides, these are the men who really know what is going on aboard a ship."

"You may sleep if you are tired." he said "However, I sleep First shift so I will be up on deck. If you wish to travel about the fleet, a boat can be made available for your use, or a crew of rowers can transport you wherever you wish."
He leaned close "It is customary to tip the rowers a Quarter Credit each for the trip."

Gautier heads back up to the Main Deck.

You can sleep with the NCOs, chat with Gautier or explore the fleet:

Significant Ships by Quick Reference Number:
  1. an enormous barge that appeared to function as some sort of floating shipyard.
  2. a small single masted ship with a live-aboard cabin was tied up beside it.
  3. a Two-Masted Sailing ship riding quietly at anchor. The lights from the windows indicated that something was going on there.
  4. a short, round ship with yardarms at strange angles and bizarre painted designs anchored by itself away from the rest of the fleet.
  5. a two decked Steamship with lights and music coming from the upper deck
  6. a fat, round slow coastal trader just bobbing contently to the rhythm of the sea.
  7. Ship with shattered masts and battle damage. no sign of activity aboard her.
  8. large Vinland merchant ship with its hull painted black at the center of a fleet of about a dozen smaller ships.
  9. a small fast Corvette with a single deck of guns named 'Soleil' [plus a 9 meter (30 ft) long Steam Launch named 'Lune']
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#27 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He turns to Remy as they are left alone in the sleeping quarters. "Well, this is proving to be interesting, don't you think? It is getting late, but I'd like to talk to this Gautier a bit more. I don't think there is any real danger here, so feel free to do what you desire." Jacques waits to see what Remy would like to do.
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#28 Post by AsenRG »

"Then...if you don't mind, I'd rather talk to the Petty Officers", Remy answered.
"They are more my class than yours. And l just might learn some stuff that was only hinted at".
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#29 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Jacques bids goodnight to Remy and moves above deck to find Gautier. When the man is found: "Seems to be a pleasant evening. Do you mind if I ask you a few things? I sense that you are not brothers in the relative sense, how long have you been together?"

"If you don't mind me saying, it seems like there is some tension in the air. Perhaps I could assist in any problems that may arise."
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#30 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:10 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]

Remy is below deck in the forward NCO Cabin. Two 'Petty Officers' [E4] occupy bunks 8 and 9 while a Chief Petty Officer [E7] occupies bunk 11. All three are about your age, although one of the Petty officers may be a little younger.

The man in bunk 8 is tall and willowy with bronze skin. He is turning a coin over and over in his hand.

The dark skinned person in bunk 9 has their stocky back to the room and seems to be carving on a piece of wood with a small knife.

The Spaniard in bunk 11 is a giant of a man with fair skin covered in old scars and a long braid hanging down his back. He silently eats at a small table and, although he gave no indication that he heard anything Gautier and the guests had said, Remy got the distinct impression that he paid careful attention to every word.

Who would Remy like to speak with and what would he like to talk about?
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#31 Post by AsenRG »

atpollard wrote:Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:10 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]

Remy is below deck in the forward NCO Cabin. Two 'Petty Officers' [E4] occupy bunks 8 and 9 while a Chief Petty Officer [E7] occupies bunk 11. All three are about your age, although one of the Petty officers may be a little younger.

The man in bunk 8 is tall and willowy with bronze skin. He is turning a coin over and over in his hand.

The dark skinned person in bunk 9 has their stocky back to the room and seems to be carving on a piece of wood with a small knife.

The Spaniard in bunk 11 is a giant of a man with fair skin covered in old scars and a long braid hanging down his back. He silently eats at a small table and, although he gave no indication that he heard anything Gautier and the guests had said, Remy got the distinct impression that he paid careful attention to every word.

Who would Remy like to speak with and what would he like to talk about?
Remy would try to approach either the dark-skinned man or the Spaniard - whoever seems more open for a conversation* - and try to make some small talk. If either seems willing to speak, Remy would compliment the owners of the fleet for their apparent success, state that it looks like his master is about to join, and ask about life on the ship. Who is friendly, who is best left alone, who might cause problems after a few drinks...stuff like that, that a guard should know.
He would definitely compliment Nicolas' skills with ships, too (and possibly the carving skill or the Spaniard's great stature, depending).

*And closer to his class. Say, if the Spaniard is eating expensive stuff, Remy would be more likely to talk to the dark-skinned guy. If he seems to close when approached, same thing - and that would depend on stuff like body language, or as Remy calls it, gut feeling.
Bottom line, he'd like to talk to the Spaniard first, and definitely talk to all of them sooner or later, but wouldn't want to cause offence by approaching someone outside his class. Equally, he wouldn't want to interrupt the guy if he's busy with his carving.
Sorry, makes no sense to actually detail that because way too much would depend on the "gut feeling" that any "streetwise" guy should have.
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#32 Post by atpollard »


Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:10 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
"Seems to be a pleasant evening. Do you mind if I ask you a few things? I sense that you are not brothers in the relative sense, how long have you been together?" said Jacques.

The sandy haired youth smiled "All of my life and most of his.". A soft chuckle. "Our papa was not an easy man and each of his seven sons chose a different path for their life. Phineas thinks the most and Nicolas is the most uncontrollable, but the same Bacque blood flows through our veins. We can trust one another to have our back." He stared silently for a long moment over the rail at a distant ship. "It is the trustworthiness of some of the fleet who are brothers in name only that we worry about."

"If you don't mind me saying, it seems like there is some tension in the air. Perhaps I could assist in any problems that may arise." said Jacques.

"A generous and a dangerous offer." Gautier replied. As he shifted to face you a little more directly, to avoid having the conversation carry too far, his coat accidentally slid open and Jacques spotted a small pocket revolver tucked into his belt. Not one of those large caliber revolvers designed to stop a man with one shot, but one of those small revolvers used at close range to gut shot someone so they took days to die slowly. Unless you chose to just end their suffering. "Don't turn your back on Captain MacCrain or his first mate. Let's just say that some lines should not be crossed."

Gautier cast one more glance back at the great black Vinland Merchant ship [8].
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#33 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Jacques nods at the advice given from someone who has obviously had experience. "Captain MacCrain, you say. Why is he still around if he can't be trusted? Or does nobody leave the Brotherhood?" Jacques muses as he looks out across the water.

"Are all your brothers still living, are they too in the Brotherhood?" Jacques waves away the question. "Excusez-moi, that is none of my business." He continues. "I am only curious because I would like to captain my own ship, yet don't want a virgin if you know what I mean. Maybe I can do something for you, and you can do something for me."
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#34 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:20 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
Remy knows a 'rumor' from his past: There is an old witch that lives near a small, isolated community near 41N,26W that you have heard stories of, including:
1. she is some sort of nature priestess and possesses ancient knowledge of plants.
2. she can cure wounds and diseases that doctors can't.
3. she charges eccentric prices for her cures.
4. she is more than 100 years old and never ages.
5. she knows the secret of brewing an elixir that prevents aging.
You would have disregarded the rumors as nonsense, except you have been to the village to trade, so the village is real. You know people who claim to have seen her multiple times over 50 years and they swear that she has not aged as other people have. Someone you know and respect was once cured of an 'incurable' disease by the witch. So now you are less sure where the line between true and false lies with this story.

You can do something or nothing with this information now. It is a plot thread for you to follow if you ever have a need or desire to. This information belongs exclusively to Remy (and anyone he chooses to later tell about it).
"Sit." said the Spaniard as Remy approached and introduced himself. "I am Chief Petty Officer Rodrigo. Welcome aboard. The tall brooding mercenary is Petty Officer Fernando."

The man playing with the coin snorted "And you are in this for the love of the sea and have no thought of the coins to be earned?"

Rodrigo ignored the comment and continued " ... and the bossy, muscular one is Petty Officer Townsend, whose bite is worse than her bark."

"A pleasure to meet you." responded a female voice as Miss Townsend sat up "and it will be even more of a pleasure if you follow directions on deck when the cannon fire starts."

CPO Rodrigo went on to inform you that PO Fernado worked in the engine room keeping the donkey engine that powered all of the winches running, and PO Townsend was an upper deck gunner since she was good at ship to ship boarding actions.

Concerning the crew, with 10 officers, 20 NCOs and 100 seamen, you would find some of just about everything. "The Captain runs a tight ship with proper navy discipline, so the crew might grumble more than some ships, but this ship don't have the sort of troubles that some ships do." said Rodrigo.

"In battle, that discipline makes all the difference in the world." added PO Townsend.

STREETWISE: A general overview of Remy's 'gut feeling' from his conversation. All of these people are 'lower class' ... SOC 3-5 ... and from their scars, brawling, blades and pistols seem a part of life. Fernando and Townsend both came to this life from somewhere else, but Rodrigo has been part of this violent world his whole life. Fernando constantly wants to talk about getting rich. Frieda Townsend wears a mixture of male and female clothing chosen for practicality and generally just keeps to herself. CPO Rodrigo can sense deception and knows everything about operating a ship (Pilot, Navigation, Engineering) ... but for his low birth SOC, he would likely be Captain of his own ship.
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#35 Post by atpollard »

Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:20 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]

"Captain MacCrain, you say. Why is he still around if he can't be trusted? Or does nobody leave the Brotherhood?" said Jacques.

"The Brotherhood operates according to the Golden Rule ... whoever has the Gold, makes the rules." quipped Gautier. "The McCrains are wealthy, so many ships follow them. They are also useful to have around in a fight. So the whole fleet of the Brotherhood is better off with them among us." Gautier stared out at the water with you for a moment and whispered "It is more a personal feeling than anything specific. It is one thing to liberate coins from a ship transporting from a mint to a bank. It is another thing for an entire ship to never be heard from again."


"Maybe I can do something for you, and you can do something for me." said Jacques.

"The crew is the easy part. Most seamen will sail with any ship that can pay and they think will make them a profit. The secret is to start to locate loyal and competent people to fill the critical positions. The Officers and NCOs will make or break a ship." Gautier shrugged "Once you have your loyal people, the easiest way to get a ship is to take one with minimal damage and repair it."

Gautier smiled and leaned close "Philippe has little patience as well, I think. So it should not be long before he drives Nicolas back out to sea. In the mean time, you should go and have some fun among the fleet. We still have goods to sell and supplies to purchase, so it will be another three or four shifts at least."
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#36 Post by AsenRG »

atpollard wrote:Cycle 1062 (Autumn): Day 33: Shift 3: Hour 0:20 [20 gun Corvette 'Soleil': 47N,28W]
Remy knows a 'rumor' from his past: There is an old witch that lives near a small, isolated community near 41N,26W that you have heard stories of, including:
1. she is some sort of nature priestess and possesses ancient knowledge of plants.
2. she can cure wounds and diseases that doctors can't.
3. she charges eccentric prices for her cures.
4. she is more than 100 years old and never ages.
5. she knows the secret of brewing an elixir that prevents aging.
You would have disregarded the rumors as nonsense, except you have been to the village to trade, so the village is real. You know people who claim to have seen her multiple times over 50 years and they swear that she has not aged as other people have. Someone you know and respect was once cured of an 'incurable' disease by the witch. So now you are less sure where the line between true and false lies with this story.

You can do something or nothing with this information now. It is a plot thread for you to follow if you ever have a need or desire to. This information belongs exclusively to Remy (and anyone he chooses to later tell about it).
"Sit." said the Spaniard as Remy approached and introduced himself. "I am Chief Petty Officer Rodrigo. Welcome aboard. The tall brooding mercenary is Petty Officer Fernando."

The man playing with the coin snorted "And you are in this for the love of the sea and have no thought of the coins to be earned?"

Rodrigo ignored the comment and continued " ... and the bossy, muscular one is Petty Officer Townsend, whose bite is worse than her bark."

"A pleasure to meet you." responded a female voice as Miss Townsend sat up "and it will be even more of a pleasure if you follow directions on deck when the cannon fire starts."

CPO Rodrigo went on to inform you that PO Fernado worked in the engine room keeping the donkey engine that powered all of the winches running, and PO Townsend was an upper deck gunner since she was good at ship to ship boarding actions.

Concerning the crew, with 10 officers, 20 NCOs and 100 seamen, you would find some of just about everything. "The Captain runs a tight ship with proper navy discipline, so the crew might grumble more than some ships, but this ship don't have the sort of troubles that some ships do." said Rodrigo.

"In battle, that discipline makes all the difference in the world." added PO Townsend.

STREETWISE: A general overview of Remy's 'gut feeling' from his conversation. All of these people are 'lower class' ... SOC 3-5 ... and from their scars, brawling, blades and pistols seem a part of life. Fernando and Townsend both came to this life from somewhere else, but Rodrigo has been part of this violent world his whole life. Fernando constantly wants to talk about getting rich. Frieda Townsend wears a mixture of male and female clothing chosen for practicality and generally just keeps to herself. CPO Rodrigo can sense deception and knows everything about operating a ship (Pilot, Navigation, Engineering) ... but for his low birth SOC, he would likely be Captain of his own ship.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all", Remy says. "And I have never been accused of not following directions. Well, except for the times where I do something rash; there have been such occasions, I'm afraid, but it tends to always end unexpectedly well, after all. not judge the winners and all that", he spreads his arms.
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#37 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Très bon, M. Gautier. This has been most informative. Perhaps I will, as you say, 'have some fun'."

Jacques bows as he leaves and makes his way to the launch to get transportation to other ships. He's planning on going to the double-decker steamship. #5
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Re: Cycle 1062, Day 33: Hessen

#38 Post by atpollard »

When the Ref can't even manage a rate of one post per week, it is time to just face the reality that I am too busy to run this game. Time to put this thing out of its misery and euthanize this game.
You all were great and I made some rookie mistakes and overextended myself.

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