Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

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Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#1 Post by drpete »

Captured by the drow!

You wouldn’t wish this fate upon anyone, yet here you are — locked in a dark cave, the cold, heavy weight of metal tight around your throat and wrists.

You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun.

Your captors include a cruel drow priestess who calls herself Mistress Ilvara of House Mizzrym. Over the past several days, you’ve met her several times, robed in silken garments and flanked by two male drow, one of whom has a mass of scars along one side of his face and neck.

Mistress Ilvara likes to impress her will with scourge in hand and remind you that your life now belongs to her. “Accept your fate, learn to obey, and you may survive.” Her words echo in your memory, even as you plot your escape.
Velkynvelve.jpg (72.1 KiB) Viewed 2906 times
This shows the area outside your cell, which is built into the side of a cliff (visible in the background, by the torches). A rope bridge leads to a gigantic carved out stalactite. The area below the rope bridge is infested with thick spider webs. A waterfall falls nearby to the left of the cell door, plunging far down into the depths. This compound seems to consist of several caves and hollowed out stalactites, connected by similar rope bridges.

Congratulations! You have survived capture by the Drow, but your equipment has all been taken. You have an iron collar around your neck. Manacles around your wrists are attached to chains that run through the collar, restraining you.

Sabyllos and Brana, you have been here the longest... one week. Brana, you were captured along with a dwarven woman, a tracker from Gauntylgrym named Eldeth Feldrun, who is here with you. You managed to grab a rusted iron bar a few days ago, which you keep concealed in your clothes. Sabyllos, while you've been here, you managed to catch a baby giant spider, about the size of a tarantula.

Ornthalas, you were brought here four days ago. Also brought in with you was an orc named Ront. He's been cursing a lot, and shouts at people. Mostly in Orcish, but occasionally in broken Common.

Raknar has been here for three days. He was brought in with a young pair of Deep Gnomes, named Topsy and Turvy. They've been mostly keeping to themselves since arriving, and seem to be brother and sister. Raknar, you've also found a baby giant spider.

Thoril arrived just two days ago. He was brought in with a Quaggoth (an underdark yeti brute).

Birbal is just recently arrived. They brought him in yesterday along with a little mushroom man (a myconid).

Beyond all of these people, there a few other prisoners in here...
  • A Derro named Buppido. He seems pretty smart.
  • A fish man (Koa Toa) named Shuushar, who is very mellow, and seems to pray or meditate a lot.
  • A Drow was brought in yesterday. Birbal recognizes that is one of the Drow that captured him. He is chained up like the rest of you, but is sullen, and has been keeping to himself.
  • A Deep Gnome named Jimjar who has just bet the rest of you, in Common, that the Drow is a spy.

Would you please tell us how you were captured by the Drow? They most likely got you with their sleeping poison, either somewhere on the surface or (if you prefer) in the Underdark. You are welcome to include the people you were brought in with somehow, or they could just be other prisoners captured seperately. Once you have done this, please feel free to start playing.
Last edited by drpete on Wed May 01, 2019 7:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#2 Post by kalstone »

Raknar - Dwarf Ranger

"My unit got wiped out somewhere near here a few years back. The damn guide took us too close to the Drow. They jumped us ... never even had a chance. I took out a few of 'em, then I blacked out. They must've got me with one of them poison darts. I woke up and I was alone. They must've missed me when they rounded us all up.

"I've been searching for the rest of my unit ever since. I was in the caverns somewhere north of here. There were a couple of Drow out all by themselves. I couldn't pass up the chance to skewer a few of them. Unfortunately for me, they were just the scouts. There were about 20 more of the fuckers right behind 'em. I tried to beat feet, but there were too many. They grabbed me up and brought me here. Now I guess I'll never find out where they took the rest of the guys.

"That drow over there? He's a spy. Sure as shootin'. That's the way the drow think. They already got us chained up here, but they can't resist playing with us a little before they kill us."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#3 Post by Pulpatoon »

Sabyllos, a wan young man with slightly elfin features whose delicately brocaded clothes are becoming quickly threadbare in these hard conditions, listens attentively while stroking his captured spider. "Your loyalty to your comrades does you credit, Raknar, even after years have passed. I do not doubt that you gave up your freedom only after a formidable struggle.

"I, unfortunately was caught rather more unawares. I was acting as courier for my uncle, who serves an ambassadorial position between a number of the powers in this part of the world. This means, as a necessity, he must brook communications with even the most unsavory companies."
He pauses to look meaningfully at the captured Drow. "I came to these dark caves bearing simple letters and a promise of safe passage. You can see how little the Drow care to keep their word." He lefts one manacled hand in unnecessary demonstration of his status as prisoner.

"As for our cellmate," again, he glances to the Drow, "he may be a spy, or he may be whatever species of innocence a dark-elf might lay claim to. I wouldn't trust him either way."

Petting the spider along her mandibles, he asks, "Does anyone know habits and husbandry of beasts? I should like to learn more of my little Attercop. Do you think I can train her? Train her to spit poison into the faces of our captors? And spin a ladder to carry me our of here?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#4 Post by Rex »


"I am Brana, I hail from Gauntylgrym. My companion Eldeth" She nods towards the other dwarf. "and I were tracking a Drow scouting party when we were ambushed and eventually darted by a group of Drow. Maybe it was the same group and we got sloppy, maybe another. Can't be sure, we have been here a week now."

Turning towards Sabyllos, "I have a bit of skill with animals, I grew up on a farm. We didn't raise spiders but the surface elves raise them for silk and the Drow raise them for the same reason and as pets. I have heard they use them like men use war dogs but I haven't seen that myself. With care I am sure you could train it, but I doubt it will be quick enough to to get you out of those chains. Something else will be needed for that I am sure."

Turning towards the Drow. "What are you in here for? Seems to me your kind is known for mind games and untrustworthiness, even for elves. Why shouldn't one of us choke you to death at our first chance?"

Do I have any spells available and can I cast them?
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#5 Post by Scott308 »

Ornthalas Venlen

Your stories are much better than mine. I went to sleep and woke up a captive of the drow. The innkeeper must have sold us out. I saw that loudmouthed orc arguing with the 'keeper. I don't think he was gonna let him stay, but I argued that if he had the coin, he should be allowed to stay. The elf shrugs his shoulders as he speaks. Guess he didn't like it, but he let him stay. If I hadn't said anything, maybe we'd both be free. That's what I get for being a good guy, I guess. If we ever get out of here, I'd sure like to pay that innkeeper a visit.
On June 29th I will be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#6 Post by drpete »

The Drow prisoner, who is sitting against the wall of the cell, looks at Brana impassively when she questions him. He stares at her for a moment, then he rolls his eyes and looks away, dismissing her.

This seems to piss off Ront, the orc. He stabs a finger at the Drow, and says loudly "Hey! She asked you a question! Why shouldn't we choke you, eh?" This causes the drow prisoner to smirk, take a deep breath, and stare at Ront intensely. Ront locks eyes with him, frowning, and cracks his knuckles.

Jimjar, the deep gnome who started this line of thought, puts a gentle hand on Ront's arm, saying "Hold on a minute, big guy." He then proceeds to speak to the drow prisoner in undercommon. The drow looks back and forth between Jimjar and Brana as he speaks, then the drow responds in a haughty voice, and spits on the ground.

Jimjar smiles weakly at you, and tells you "He says he's... not a spy. The orc here seems pretty riled up, though. Ten gold says the drow will kick his ass, though. Any takers?"

In Undercommon:
Jimjar says "The dwarf thinks you're a spy, and they might kill you. Got any response to that?"

The drow responds "Tell that surface dweller scum that I don't give a strand what they think. This is just temporary... until things get straightened out. Then I'll be back on the other side of those bars, so watch out!"
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#7 Post by ravenn4544 »

Thoril Oathkeeper- Dwarven Fighter

Thoril is a solid appearing dwarf who looks no stranger to battle and hardship. He strains at the the chains holding him, once again, to free himself from his bonds.

Attempt to break the chains: Str Check [1d20+5] = 11+5 = 16

Getting the measure of the group finally, although slowly, he speaks up to Raknar. "You there, what unit did you say you were with? I'm Ironbreaker Thoril of the Iron Curtain - we were ambushed what seems like weeks ago now...."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#8 Post by kalstone »

Raknar - Dwarf Ranger

"I'm in the Silveraxe Rangers. At least I was. I'm the only one left until I find the others. Corporal Raknar Greyborn at your service."

To the Drow in Undercommon,
"Not all of us are surface dwellers, so mind your tongue."
"It may be he's telling the truth. Drow may love fighting their own even more than fighting everyone else. It ain't enough to be superior to all the other races, they have to be superior to the rest of them Drow too."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#9 Post by Rex »


Brana will test her chains and see if she can find a weak spot, somewhere she can use the iron bar as a tool to break herself out. If she doesn't think so she will try to look at the other dwarves chains and figure something out. She will not let anyone else see the bar.

not sure [1d20] = 11

Wasn't sure what to roll against so you can apply the bonus/penalty as needed.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#10 Post by Scott308 »

Ornthalas Venlen

Not understanding some of the conversation involving the drow, but happy others are focusing their attention elsewhere, the elf begins surreptitiously looking around for any sort of wire or item he could use as a makeshift lockpick.
On June 29th I will be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#11 Post by Pulpatoon »

Having been held prisoner for awhile now, Sabyllos considers what he has observed: What are the interactions of the guards and the prisoners like? Is there a guard posted? Is teh guard changed at regular intervals?How often do meals come, and how are they delivered? How are, um, slops disposed of? Are prisoners ever removed from the holding cell? Do guards ever enter the cell?
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#12 Post by drpete »

Raknar gives the drow a warning in under common. He then diffuses the tension, giving the drow the benefit of the doubt in Common. As no one seems interested in taking him up on his bet, Jimjar turns his attention to the orc, asking him "We'll keep an eye on him, Ront. I bet you'll be able to stop him sending any secret messages. Am I right?"

This causes the orc to deflate some. He points a finger at the drow, and grunts "That's right! I'm watching you!" He then points two fingers at his eyes, then points them at the drow, and stomps over to another part of the cave and sits down.

Turning to other things, Thoril tries to snap his chains with brute strength, but finds them too study to break. (14 vs DC: fail). This inspires Brana to try using the metal bar, but she is unable to break her manacles, either. (You can have advantage for the bar Advantage: [1d20] = 12 vs DC: fail) Ornthalas explores the room, looking for items that would work as lock picks, but doesn't find anything. The cell is pretty bare, and has been pretty well picked over (15 vs ?: fail). Perhaps he'll be able to find something while out on a work detail.

Note: you can try to break your chains only once per long rest.

More details about your routine:

The cave is illuminated by "lanterns" filled with a phosphorescent fungi which cast a dim light, and the cave is blocked by a sturdy, locked gate. There is a rope bridge that leads directly out of the cave, across to a large stalactite, which has been carved out into a guard post. A group of three guards is typically stationed there. From there, they can get a pretty good view of most of what happens in the prisoner cave because of the lighting, but it's definitely not as good as if they were actually right outside the gate. You can see this setup in the picture on the first post, which illustrates the situation. There is a narrow path that leads to the right to a cave occupied by the drow's dozen or so quaggoth slaves, including the one who has been placed in here with you. Beneath all of this, there is a colony of giant spiders, whose spiderwebs provide a sort of "net" beneath the outpost. The waterfall fall about 100 feet down to the ground floor of the cavern.

Each "morning", prisoners are tasked to a work duty. These generally involve cleaning, cooking, or heavy labor. Assignments are rotated. The prisoners have clay chamber pots which get emptied down the waterfall, and they are fed a thin mushroom broth in clay bowls every day. As a result of the various duties, you know that there are 20 drow (19, plus the one prisoner). This includes the Priestess Ilvara and another junior priestess called Asha, some lieutenants, and various footsoldiers.

You know that there's been some drama lately. The Priestess is always flanked by two lieutenants, Jorlan and Shoor. Shoor seems to be in favor, and he carries a wand that shoots sticky webs that can entrap their target. Jorlan's face is disfigured, and Buppido has told you that Jorlan used to carry the wand, until he got wounded and lost favor with Ilvara shortly before you came.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#13 Post by ravenn4544 »

Thoril takes stock of the stone formations in and around the cell for possible weak points that provide an escape out - other than the door directly.

[1d20] = 5 -1 = 4
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#14 Post by Pulpatoon »

Do the prisoners leave the cell to preform hard labor? Does the anti-magic effect extend past the immediate vicinity of the cell?
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#15 Post by drpete »

The labor is not extremely hard. You are technically awaiting transport to the main drow city. Much of it is upkeep of the outpost. The anti magic field does not apply outside the prison cave.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#16 Post by Rex »


When she has the opportunity she will switch her Detect Magic prepared Spell to Command.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#17 Post by Pulpatoon »

Sabyllos floats an idea, doing his best to whisper to them individually outside of the Drow's earshot: "We outnumber our captors. And the oppressive effects of this cave do not extend to the rest of the compound. Next time we are sent to labor, we could take them all! All we need is to positively identify who has the keys to our manacles. What do you think?"
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#18 Post by kalstone »

Raknar - Dwarf Ranger

"Could be our best shot there, Sabyllos. At least we'd go down fighting.

"I wonder about that Jorlan. Them Drow is all about who's in good with who. If escapin' made that Shoor look bad, he may just help us out."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#19 Post by Rex »


Whispering "Sounds good. He might help but I don't want to count on it."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow

#20 Post by drpete »

Listening to your conversation, Eldeth interjects

"It may be our only chance, but it worries me. It seems very dangerous, but I will help you. I've dreamt that I will die down here, and if it is in helping you to escape, at least it will have a purpose."
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