The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

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The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#1 Post by Marullus »

Those that seek audience with the Lord Commander of the Knights of the White Tower can call upon him at the White Tower. If he grants admission, you are escorted through the door to the level above instead of down the ramp to the chambers of pilgrimage below.

(This is player character. Post here and Rusty Tincanne will answer.)

The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

Within the round tower, this chamber is lit by sunlight streaming through tall narrow glass panes or by candles in sconces on the table and around the walls. It is fragrant and pleasant. The center of the hall is a massie table which can easily sit over a dozen people with chairs for the same. The table is set with a full set of silverware with "B"s on the handles for Bremen, along with a full set of hand painted china with his silhouette nestled into the vines and flowers on the edges. The far wall is covered in a tapestry of Lord Commander Bremen doing being doted on by a bunch of pretty women while entertaining at a gala. Fresh fruit is available on the table to eat.

Another ladder leads to a door above, which is locked.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#2 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw arrives at the White tower. Excuse me sir, I am here to have statue of me made to go with the Red dragon Scatha. As Lord Bremen requested if we wish.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#3 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

I don't know that the White Tower is really set up for this... :P

14 September 2021
Baxtaw is ushered into the dining hall and is greated by Bremen, who has just descended from his chamber above this. Glad to have you here, Baxtaw. I'll be glad to house a statue with the skeleton once it is assembled in the new building. We have a few craftsmen here that would suffice to make your likeness. I'll have one of my men take you to meet them, but first, take a seat. Bremen offers the elf some fruit, bread with honey and a glass of wine, then sits down. How face is four and he twists the ends of his mustache before continuing.

The reports I received when I returned to my Tower were troubling. The dwarf, Neegan, came through here late last month seeking help. He had some other folks with him and enlisted the help of my Knights to find an ancient dwarf vault so he could stow an artifact in it. The Knights of Baudhil offered such aide as they could, of course. He explains that the party was left in the wilds with two or three knights, and that, as the rest of the patrol was returning they were attacked by a wolf-like creature. It killed half of the party - all seasoned men. There were plenty of folks in Gaul talking about how that red haired woman, Foxy, had met such a beast out west. The guards that were with her told how she set it after the pagan, Beith-worshipers. It was following the Orb then, and I'm guessing this is the same one. And that means that Neegan and his friends, and the Knights still with him, are all in danger. Bremen scratches a rough map on a piece of parchment and points to the White Tower, the gargoyle city, the supposed location of the Spiral Vault, and the area of the encounter.

I'm going to take a unit of men out to track this thing down and kill it. You're a solid warrior, Baxtaw. What would it take to convince you to join me?

Dram: I am guessing Baxtaw traveled with Bremen from Gaul to the White Tower. There is a 5gp fee for the pleasure of using the Knights for safe passage.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#4 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw- THis will be a fine resting place for the Scatha. He takes a piece of fruit and glass of wine. This Neegan fella was carrying a orb? What kind of Orb was this? Why would a werewolf be interested in this Orb?

Would this expedition be a seperate mission with no contact with Neegan? It doesn't matter to me, but I recall that Marullus had a rule "That a players cannot have 2 PC's on the same mission." 5 Gp deducted.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#5 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

I'm actually rethinking this. As Lord Commander, Bremen wants to deal with this threat to both his men, and their reputation. But in game terms, Neegan, et al, are two weeks in the past. U less they die in the Spiral Vault, they will have emerged and faced the creature long before Bremen and Dram would get there. We have no way to know what that resolution will look like. And we don't know if we have a GM, anyhow. I'll shoot Marullus a PM about it ASAP. If there is a way to do this, the goal would be to not have contact with the other adventure.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#6 Post by Marullus »

If you want to hunt the creature, I'll GM it and it won't join up with Neegan's quest.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#7 Post by Dram »

Rusty we going to hunt the Werewolf?
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#8 Post by Marullus »

Move this OOC adventure planning to the Expedition Planning thread. You can complete the dome enclosure for Scatha's skeleton and add a statue of Bremen in time for the Fall Festival. Just pay the amount of tribute you wish for the statue and provide a description. Rusty needs to finalize the room details and I'll open the new location thread for people to visit during the Festival timeframe.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#9 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

The Lord Commander Bremen rises to greet Anforthas when he arrives. I've been told you are a Khalorrim, literate in that language. If so, there are many old texts here that you might shed a light on. I've managed to decipher a few, but between slaying dragons, organizing a festival, and commanding this bastion, I don't have much time for history. But it would be good to know the past as we plan for the future. Please sit down Mr. Anforthas. He offers a bowl of fresh fruit, honeyed wine, bread and soft cheese.

Bremen explains that in one book he learned of an outpost to the southeast, the same direction in which a patrol was beset upon by a talking wolf-beast. If the stories are true, the creature was directed this way by the Flame of the North. It is chasing after an artifact being carried to an ancient dwarf vault. The beast gave chase and killed half of the patrol. I will take a few of my men and hunt it down. Baxtaw, the elf, is joining the party. And if Baudh deems us worthy, we will locate and reclaim the outpost as well. Bremen appraises the stranger before continuing. I've heard you are interested in squiring for the Knights of Baudhil. If you can sit a horse, I would take you to squire for me. In exchange for this service, you shall receive a full share of what we find. If you serve well, you can have a permanent place within the Knights of Baudhil. Lord Commander Bremen offers a hand to the Anforthas.

I don't know what it means for one PC to squire for another PC in this game, but I'll make sure not to try and control your PC. If Anforthas likes the Knights (who wouldn't!?), he can join the Order (who wouldn't want to!?). If that happens, and we find that outpost, Anforthas would be welcome to take command of it for the Order.

I'm really excited about this and hope he accepts!
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#10 Post by Marullus »

Squiring a PC is a roleplayed relationship. Anforthas would agree to recognize Bremen's authority and go on the expedition, but keeps his free will. (As with any PC relationship.) Bremen DOES have the authority to accept a vow and dub him a Knight, like the ArchDuke could. (This grants Knight status, per the Baudh description, including the 3rd level benefits.) Granting land and title (control of the secondary bastion) is the same as doing so under the ArchDuke.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#11 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Marullus the same as doing so under the ArchDuke.
But better! ;)

j/k. That is about what I was thinking. Sound good. Let's get Anforthas through an adventure alive, and then Knight him (if he wants that).
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#12 Post by Karaunios »


The former mercenary listens to the Lord Commander Bremen atentively: "Yes, sir. I'm indeed a Khalorrim and know how to read and write in that language, so I can help with those writings. But I'm above all a warrior. I was a mercenary, precisely in charge of the horses and leading a little squad of my companions at times, so my main expertise is in both combating and handling those noble beasts. I came here because I realised the mercenary life is not for me. Things can turn ominous for the vanquished after a victory, so I decided to look for a new place where some kind of... code of honour might govern its peoples' conduct." He catches some breath before continuing on: "I'll be honoured to be taken among the ranks of the squires and more if, as you said, you'll accept me as yours, milord. But I won't feel worthy of this honour until I have proven myself in this task you entrust me with!" He puts his fist on his chest and bows his head. "Whatever must be done, milord, I will do it willingly."
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#13 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Lord Commander Bremen makes no secret that he appreciates a person who is willing to get things done when asked. The plains are expansive so we'll be traveling by horse. Will that be an issue?
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#14 Post by Karaunios »


The soldier rubs his chin, thinking for a couple seconds, and says: Well, Milord, I live riding, but I don't own a horse.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#15 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Dressed in plate cuirass and mail skirt, polished and for herself sober and tarted up too, Foxy arrives at the Dining Hall. Unannounced but not unexpected. She tells a steward, "Inform Dirk Bronson that .... no, inform your Lord Bremen that Fochelle de Coulthard awaits."
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#16 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Kept waiting in the dining hall, she looks over the crockery service and smiles at the less than noble tapestry. Perhaps Bremen is busy with some serving wench or stable boy. She raises an eyebrow, perhaps Dirk is too? An impulse to drop the crockery into the fire hearth goes through her mind. Patience, however much Brother Mylo practises, is not one of her virtues.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#17 Post by Marullus »

She waits far longer than she expected, but in the end it is Lord Bremen, not Dirk Branson, who arrives. He is dressed in his supple leathers of red dragon scale, the very wyrm that Foxy faced not once but twice, before Bremen received credit for the slaying. He smiles and gives the lady leave to sit, ensuring the wait staff refill a large goblet fo wine for her. "What is it that you wish, Lady Flame of the North?"
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#18 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"Miss OHare is fine, we should dispense with titles and grandiose honorifics attributed by the masses, Capt. Oh my pardon, Lord Commander."

(a false humility of course as she colourfully ascribes many attributes to herself),

She looks at the silverware and the tapestry. "Your tower redemption proceeds at a pace. It is quite an investment.", she pauses thoughtfully. "I was afraid. I faced the Dragon twice and had no courage left."she says explaining her lack of commitment to the Scatha expedition.

You can tell that little bit of confession, as if in the Eruanna chapel, has been wrung out of her. Flustered at herself she changes tack, glaring at the displays.

'B For Bremen or Bronson?' Do you model yourself on him, lounging lustfully, bedecked with beauties and ..." She stops short, angry with Dirk and herself, the object of her desire and wrath within sight and yet remaining so far away emotionally..

"I would come plead with you Bremen. Cease your roguish ways. There is still time for him and yourself, not to be swallowed up by the growing infernal influences that spawn over Gaul."

(Foxy senses the influence the recovered Dreadlord relics will have on the bearers and wider community. It is a forlorn hope of course that Dirk who spurned her at the altar would decide to give up all and ride off into the sunset together. She wants to remind Bremen of the perceived dangers in his midst.)
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#19 Post by Marullus »

Lord Commander Bremen arcs an eyebrow curiously. "Roguish ways? Madam, I am a Knight, Lord Commander of these entire Yoldessi Plains, provider of security for my people. I am not some footpad." As she continues, he looks compassionate. "Captain Bronson did indeed let me know of your... obsession. I can only guess at the depth of pain and the actions it drives you to, madam, in your emotional distress. I, too, once had an unrequited love." He looks wistful.

"I must advise you, the claims of a jilted lover and circumspect, at best. While I feel for your predicament, I have found Captain Bronson an effective leader in my force. I advise that you seek absolution with Eruanna as your goddess and seek to understand the truths within yourself. All can emphathise with a woman's grief, but it is important that you pass through it. Having your bravery and exploits overshadowed by your feminine hysteria would be a poor legacy."

He refills her wine goblet and signals the servants to set out some hot dishes of chicken and sauces. "It is a pleasure to see you.
Please, enjoy the wine and the repast prepared. I have to see to some issues of the festival, but... it is a pleasure to see you."

He smiles, then moves to depart.
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Re: The Lord Commander's Dining Hall

#20 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"Hysterical? No, righteously angry. Scorned yes, but not shamed. Still I would take all insults to pacify my heart.

Yes he leads, he gathers men around him to fawn at his feet as much as this tapestry declares wenches debauch themselves at yours. Your tavern is a bordello. I just hope the good knights who face me have enough strength to keep their lances erect on the jousting gallops tomorrow.

The company around you Bremen. Beware lest you lose your authority to lead. It is not just coins and cleavage that corrupts men' hearts. Tainted powers spew from many discovered relics. There are those who seek to garner them for their own ends, and those of us under Eruanna's shadow who sojourn against infernal influences.

I will not keep you from your obligations any longer good Sir. I wish you health and good fortune."

She sees the roast chicken arrive. "Why I'm as hungry as a Barghest. Perhaps I will dine on your squires over the breakfast joust and skewer your Captain for lunch."

She gives a formal bow to Bremen as he departs, draining her wine goblet but she doesn't eat.
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