Encounter Summaries

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Encounter Summaries

#1 Post by dmw71 »

A brief summary of events will be listed in this thread after each encounter to provide a high-level detail of events. Any special character feats or accomplishments can be noted here. Any monsters encountered or treasures recovered should be listed. The passing of any player character should be recorded here, as should the introduction of any new player characters.

Put yourself in the place of a player joining the game a year from now.

My goal for this thread is for it to be a single place for that new player to be able to read through and catch up on the history of the game quickly. A CliffsNotes summary of the gaming experience for the party, if you will.

The DM will attempt to maintain this thread, but players have full freedom to contribute content as well.
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Gwilt's Brief Travel Log: Day One

#2 Post by Alethan »

Gwilt's Brief Travel Log
Day 1:
Found a trail that led to a waterfall.
Avoided two goblins. Dropped rock on them as they climbed down a rope, killing one and severely wounding the other. Killed the other with well-placed arrow.
Others converged at the base of the falls.
Fought with goblins and a dire wolf at the base of the falls.
Goblins and wolf died.
Climbed down rope and met the party - an elf and a hobbit, a kid, a stick in the mud, and a holy man.
New group of hostiles approached from the south.
Hobbit and I took off to flank while the knight and the boy moved up to chat, with the elf and the holy man following close behind.
The lad charged - balls o' steel, that one.
Won't tell the others, but I've never shot better than that next two minutes.
- Dead: hostile leader and four flankers
- Captured: six orcs
Now the dogs have caught the cart and don't know what to do with it.
Before I could figure out how rid ourselves of the problem, we found a new problem - four goblins riding wargs coming our way.
Attempting non-peaceful negotiations.
Negotiations have ended. The goblins and their worg mounts have lost. Apparently placing bound orcs between us and the worgs worked quite well as many of them were killed by the worgs, making the prospect of (other people) watching the orc prisoners an easier task.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Encounter Summaries

#3 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan's Travel Log

Rounding the cliff wall into the valley, I was greeted with a spectacular view of a fast moving river before me, and a majestic waterfall that fed it,to my right. Such a peaceful place - shelter, fresh water, and a reflective view of the world -

- My attention was quickly taken away from Nature's spectacular gift by the engagement before me.

Watching across the fast flowing river, a volley of fire was observed as a ferocious party of orcs and a leader figure engaged a group of humans (?) approaching from the waterfall and the cliff wall far to the right. My allegiance was quickly decided.

A pair of orc archers was attempting to flank the human party directly ahead of me, and I made a quick decision to engage them and defend the humans so challenged. What other action would have been acceptable against such an offensive breed?

I crossed the river (no easy task in such a deep and fast flowing stream!) and was able to approach the beasts undetected. My bow, trustworthy and true (Natures blessing), took out the two flanking beasts in quick order. I noticed the group of orc-challengers put up their own stout fight and I move now to join them...
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Re: Encounter Summaries

#4 Post by Stonjuz »

Shannigan's Big Adventure:
Gathered up belongings and left home.
Used cantrip to turn butterlies differnt color. Spotted and befriended by druid Garth.
Followed some tracks along forest path. Found a human tied up, in a tree.

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Re: Encounter Summaries

#5 Post by onlyme »

The Magnificant and Glorious Adventures of the Gallant and Heroic Ewell- (based on a true story)

Our young hero, Ewell of Dalton, is walking down a forest path while on a lengthy break from schooling. He suddenly hears a voice deeper in the woods, and so adventure begins.
-Finds a menacing orc in plate frozen to a tree in fear of this young, imposing lad.
-Orc (affectionately named "the Boss") sics two smaller humonoids on me, umm, Ewell.
-Ewell skewers both while attempting to be as gentlemanly as possible. Note to self (that is hard to do)
-Orc finds the courage to flee. Ewell naturally gives chase.
-Ewell comes upon a clearing with a waterfall in the background and people attacking a poor wolf.
-He naturally questions the motives of these two, and ends up saving them from some goblins and this worg.
-Unfortunately, the worg does get a lucky bite in. While most anyone else would have succumbed. Ewell brushes it off.
-A couple goblins drop in for a visit, but they are too tired after the drop to live.
-A ranger then comes down and starts making a worg coat. Ewell assumes this is how the other half lives.
-A couple more join the party, most likely hoping Ewell will protect them.
-Pleasantries are exchanged. A cave is noticed. Then, a drum is heard, along with several orcish shapes.
-Ewell leads the party toward these orcs, while a couple hides in the periphery.
-An ace Orcish marksman hits Ewell, causing him to get annoyed.
-A battle is fought, and Ewell stands victorious at the body of the cowardly orc "boss".
-Yet another ranger joins up, begging for protection. Or something like that.
-A few Ben-Hur wannabe goblins attempt to capture our young hero.
-Another Worg gets a chomp. Ewell decides that he really must demand a discount from his armorer.
-Ewell (and party) remain undefeated.
-Yet another worg attacks, and this one annoyingly chews up Ewells lance. Needless to say, that really annoyed him.
-After that victory, Ewell leads the party into the woods for a restful night.
-It was a peaceful slumber for Ewell, dreaming of hunting lions in the meadow.
-Ewell wakes up and feels much better.
-He guards the party on a trip to O'Hare, a cozy little hamlet.
-A nice dinner and sleep at an inn completes the restful day.
-Ewell wakes up and breaks fast with a piece of bread, obviously not what he is used to back home.
-A ruffian from town insults his honor and Ewell responds with a challenge.
-Sensing the hopelessness of his situation the coward refuses a duel, however dishonorable it may be.
-Ewell then ushers his party to safety out of the inn.
-Ewell safely leads the party to another inn, one that earned 4 arrows in the latest O'Hare Herald.
-A young miss becomes so smitten with the dashing cavalier that her brothers virtually have to restrain her.
-A cry for help from outside the inn sends the party into action.
-Gwilt and Strom each collect poo samples from the street to use for future warfare possibilities.
-Ewell humbly announces his desire to assist the townsfolks.
-A really, really bad smell has cowardly attacked Ewell, causing him to lose 6 points of strength. The smell comes from a bunch of baby godzilla wannabes.
-Ewell leads his crew to a fairly easy trouncing of these trog thingies, and gets to put the finishing slice to the last one standing.
-Some giant olive apparently begs inclusion into Ewell's protective circle.
-Poor town maiden has lost her two brothers.
-More lizards arrive to play, and Ewell leads the team to a shutout victory.
-A cozy fire is seen across town, probably due to wild celebrations of the heroes' impending victories.
-Another round of lizards come looking for trouble.
-Ewell catches a couple of lucky hits and is dazed.
-Without his full strength, most of his party falls like flies.
-Fastforwarding to the end... the lizards are defeated. But, two party members have sacrificed themselves gloriously. RIP Alordan and Garth.
-With some help from the others, Ewell leads the survivors to a safe spot to bury the dead and allow the weaker ones to recover.
-A restful night gives Ewell and the others a bit more energy.
Day 4
-A human-like something appears in the distance.
-Human looks a bit like poor lost Alordan, but is way more spiritual to be related.
-Some magic pixie dust has Ewell back in his normal perfect form.
-Ewell talks the others into resting one more day, so he doesnt have to fight alone again.
-Yet another restful night.
--Ewell leads the party back to O'Hare for a picnic.
-He sees a black hawk attack a mutilate a baby brown bear, winning 4 of the 6 rounds they fought.
-They rest at the front of the Dragon Inn, ready for what may come.
-Ewell opens the door to find 2 scared children, and promises to help them.
-He then leads the party to the temple for some barbecue and brunswick stew of sorts.
-He almost seduces the lovely priestess at the temple, but thinks better of it.
-They hear the cries for help, and Ewell saves the mayor from certain death.
-Afterward, Ewell leads the team to the Goat inn, where he decides to take a nap.
-The rest does him good, so he leads the group toward the evil trog’s lair.
-Once inside, he heads into normally what would be considered an insurmountable number of trogs, had it not been for his expertise with his sword. And the skills of some of his fellow adventurers.
-Eventually, Ewell gets bored and allows Strom and Grim a chance to fight at the front, breaking his sword in the process.
-He then goes to help the rear guard in their tasks, but decides to take another nap instead.
-He wakes up and sees that he must have finished off the trogs.
-A couple folks play with an itsy bitsy spider, but Ewell leads them to safety where they find another adventurer.
-They go back to town and rest.
Day 6
-Ewell awakens to a bright day. He gets some rest, and waxes his beautiful stache.
-The rest of the party recovers from their wounds as well.
-The day is relatively uneventful, other than some barbaric howling at the moon.
Day 7
-Ewell wakes up refreshed and renewed, feeling magically at full strength.
-Against his better judgement he heads back toward the trogs, to protect the fool hardy fellow adventurers.
-The ranger and barbarian disappear down a hole, most likely a former latrine. Off in the distance a buzzard flies. Probably a coincidence.
-The rest of the group splits at the former battle site, with Ewell leading the “7th” west, while Strom takes the light brigade east.
-Ewell and co finds some mad mother trogs, but they were no match for his skill. However their spoiled brat trog babies run off to alert the troops.
-The clerical member of the party creates a pet tornado. While cute, it doesn’t seem house broken yet.
-Ewell successfully avoids certain doom by strategically avoiding an army of trogs in the next room they enter.
-He leads this group to eventually find the almost decimated other party.
-Before even Ewell can lead them to safety, the entire universe of trogs descend on their location, quickly crushing the farmboy and less experienced paladin.
-Eventually Ewell gets poked by a lucky trog, who sensed his own 15 minutes of fame was about up.
-Despite valiant attacks by Ewell, and to be fair some others, their party slowly succumbs, one by one. The noble-headed paladin is the next to fall, in the bottom of the sixth while shouting “Twenty daammiii…
-Another round of attacks sends the little halfling to hobbit heaven. One cleric attempts to run further into the lair. The cook bites it, as well.

-Ewell makes one last push westward, like Randolph Scott would have done.
-He continues his incredible display of swordsmansship. But, the enemy's numbers just keep growing. By some counts there are up to 100 dead trogs near his feet,but unfortunately, his fellow adventurers are falling as fast. The young barbarian is the next to fall.
-With only a half-blind cleric and a bloodied paladin left to stand with him, Ewell starts hearing foreboding classical music in his head.
-Next goes the paladin. Never could trust those guys. Ewell takes down yet another foe.
-Then goes the poor cleric, who never had a chance.
-With all hope lost, and a rather large woman walking to the mic...Ewell defiantly slashes yet another trog.
-But, with even the most heroic... not even Ewell could withstand the thousands that were attacking him.
It took the greatest luck that a monster has ever shown to connect not once, not twice, but three lucky slashes.
-And then, Ewell is heard yelling for his "Rosebud". And. to prove no hard feelings, he succumbs...
-Despite numerous rumors that a beautiful priestess from the local temple ran in to heal and lead him to safety, he eventually changed his name to hide from all the lovesick ladies he left behind, there seems to not be enough solid proof. Of course, none of this would have been an issue...

-Well… If only he had his lance…

Now on SALE... Price SLASHED down...
Last edited by onlyme on Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:25 am, edited 18 times in total.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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Re: Encounter Summaries

#6 Post by Computer +1 »

Journal of Strom Darksbane, Paladin of the Holy Order

Day 1:

Day 2:
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Re: Encounter Summaries

#7 Post by onlyme »

I think someone needs to survive to recount Ewell's story for prosterity...
how else will they know the truth??? :D

Oh, and Strom's wordy thesis should be cropped a bit to fit in the timeframe allocated.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
Halfpint - female halfling badgirl wannabe (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL
Mark'd - charismatic human fighter (Lab Lord- The North Marches) LL

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