Player Characters

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Player Characters

#1 Post by Alethan »


Name: Till Sandybanks
Age: 48
Height: 3'5", Weight: 5 Stone 9, Description: Stout
Race: Halfling
Class: Thief
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Level: 5
Base XP: 10,250
Total XP: 11,275 (includes 10% XP Bonus)

STR: 9
INT: 13
WIS: 8
DEX: 18 (+3 Surprise, +3 Missile To Hit, -4 AC, +10% XP Bonus)
CON: 16 (+2 HP/Hit Die)
CHA: 16 (8 henchmen, +20% loyalty bonus, +25% reaction bonus)

Total HP: 36 (1d6+2 per level)
Current HP: 35
AC: 2 (studded leather, -4 dexterity adjustment, +1 Ring of Protection)
THAC0: 19

Short Sword +1 - 1D6+1/1D8+1 Damage
Dagger+?, Flametongue - 1D4+?/1D3+? Damage (Plus fire damage?)
Sling (Bullet) - 1D4+1/1D6+1 Damage (+6 To Hit w/racial and DEX bonuses)

Languages: Common, Dwarfish, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orcish, Thieves' cant

+4 Racial Bonus to Save vs. Magic and Poison
+3 Racial To Hit Bonus with bow and sling
4 in 6 chance of surprise when alone or with other halflings and/or elves
Infravision: 60 ft
Weapon Proficiencies: Sword, Dagger, Sling

Thief Skills:
Backstab: +4 To Hit, Treble Damage
Climb: 73% (includes -15% racial adj)
Find Traps: 51% (includes +10% dex adj)
Hear Noise: 27% (includes +5% racial adj)
Hide In Shadows: 65% (includes +25% racial and dex adj)
Move Quietly: 65% (includes +25% racial and dex adj)
Open Locks/Disarm Traps: 61% (includes +15% dex adj)
Pick Pockets: 61% (includes +10% racial and dex adj)
Read Languages: 15% (includes -5% racial adj.)

Saving Throws: (not including the +4 Racial/CON Bonus vs. magic and poison and the +1 bonus to all saving throws per ring of protection +1)
Aimed Magic: 12
Breath Weapons: 15
Death/Paralysis/Poison: 12
Petrification/Polymorph: 11
Spells (Other): 13

Studded Leather Armour
Short Sword +1
Dagger+?, Flametongue
Belt Pouch, Large, black leather (and contents)
- Thieves' Tools
- Signal Whistle
- Steel Mirror
- Chalk, 5 pieces
- Bell, small brass (clapper tied off)
- Sling Bullets ([s]10[/s] 6)
- pipe, briar
Belt Pouch, Small, black leather (and contents)
- Sling
- Sling Bullets (7)
Belt Pouch, Small, black leather (and contents)
- Sling Bullets (5)
Backpack (and contents)
- Flint and Steel
- Whetstone
- 50' silk rope
- 100' linen twine
- Grappling Hook
- large sack (2)
- Candle (5)
- leather pouch of pipe weed
- spare sling bullets (12)
- rations, trail (2 days)
- rations, standard (2 days)

Cloak, charcoal grey, wool
Belt, black leather
Doublet, linen, charcoal grey and dark purple

Encumbrance: 65 lbs total weight
Movement: 60 ft/round

Starting Gold: 110
GP: 18
SP: 0
CP: 0
PP: 0
Items: Map to Magician's Tomb,

Gems: 1@50gp, 1@250gp, 2@100gp
Jewelry: 0

Magic Items:
Boots of Elvenkind - Soft leather footwear which allows one to move silently, even in the worst of conditions such as a creaky stair. Chance of success varies from about 95% for the absolute worst conditions to 100% for most conditions.
Ring of Protection +1 - This useful item increases the wearer’s AC and saving throw vs all forms of attack.
Short Sword +1 - 1D6+1/1D8+1 Damage; glows with a 15' radius of cheery blue light
Dagger+?, Flametongue - 1D4+?/1D3+? Damage (plus fire damage?); glows with a 40' radius of warm light

Till Sandybanks originally hailed from a mid-sized halfling community of about 4,000 people. He was the youngest of the five children of the town's most prominent jeweler, York Sandybanks. Like his brothers and sisters, Till worked for their father's jewelry business, running errands, making deliveries, collecting payments, and working with customers in the store.

They were by no means rich, but they lived an easy life. They had plenty of food and drink, fine clothing on their backs and rings on their fingers. The members of the community were cordial with Till and his family to a fault, almost showing reverence at times. Till was happy and imagined the rest of his life in just such a way.

As he grew older, he grew wiser. At some point, he realized the deliveries he'd been making were really just bribes to city officials. The money he'd collected was extortion money - payments to keep his dad's thugs off a business owners' backs. He didn't know or care how his father had fallen into the life of taking from the poor to make the rich richer, but it didn't sit well with Till. So on one warm summer evening, after he knew all of his brothers and his father were drunk on the sweet fruit wines of summer, he packed up his belongings, said goodbye to his mother, and left. And he never looked back.

Since then, he's learned how to make his way on his own. Quite often, it means taking that which isn't his. But when he can, and as often as he can, he focuses on relieving those who have been corrupted by power of their excessive worldly goods.

After hearing several rumors of the vast treasure horde of Rogahn and Zelligar, Till made his way to the Caverns of Quasqueton, where he met up with Yosef, Jeloon, and Bruard. The four of them eventually conquered the caverns and shared the plunder, mostly in the form of magical items and armour.

But the story of Rogahn and Zelligar is not yet over. What became of them and the barbarian tribes they went up against? Till and the others want to know...

Till has short, curly black hair and thick black brows. The iris of his eyes are such a dark brown in color that they almost look black, like two perfect dots of ink on a sheet of bleached parchment. He keeps his face clean-shaven, though he occasionally grows his sideburns out when the mood suits him. He has a kind and friendly appearance and generally gets along well with most everyone. In fact, even though his banter can be brisk and his manner a bit blunt, one has a hard time not liking him!

He pays as much attention to his weapons, armour, and equipment as he does his appearance, keeping his sword and knife oiled and sharp, his clothing fresh and clean, his tools packed away safely and, in general, everything kept neat and tidy.

After a hard day of adventuring, he likes nothing better than to sit down by a fire and relax with his pipe clenched between his teeth, telling stories full of adventure and excitement. Sometimes they are bits of his own true past and sometimes they are fables or tales he heard from his maternal grandfather. Ironically, Till can't abide lying or people who lie to him, so he is always sure to distinguish between what stories are his and what aren't. And when put in a situation where he doesn't want to speak the truth, for whatever reason, he quite easily skirts the issue or changes the subject with such skill the other person hardly notices. He realizes the distinction between this and lying isn't a very solid one, but it is a distinction nonetheless.

As one can imagine, given his trade, about the only people who don't get along terribly well with Till are the town guards! But even when he has the occasional "misunderstanding" about the ownership of a necklace or bauble, he has been known to befriend a guard or judge with his charm and wit, ultimately laughing about the incident over a draught of ale (and several times with the bauble still in his possession) after his time in court.

Given his stance on telling the truth, Till has a mistrust of most authority figures. He is especially put out by the wealthy ones who make their money cheating the poor and downtrodden. He has nothing against people with wealth, mind you - just those who get it through abuse of power and to the detriment of others. He in no way feels this conflicts at all with his chosen trade.

These are the raw rolls:
[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 5 = 13
[1d6] = 6[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 6 = 17
[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 4 = 10
[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 5[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 6 = 16
[1d6] = 6[1d6] = 6[1d6] = 4[1d6] = 1 = 16
[1d6] = 3[1d6] = 2[1d6] = 1[1d6] = 3 = 8
Last edited by Alethan on Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:18 pm, edited 73 times in total.
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Re: Player Characters

#2 Post by Argennian »

Last Check/Update: 11-02-14
Update reason: mark off 2 more fired arrows!

Name: Yosef Travathas
Race: High Elf
Class: Fighter/Magic-user
Level: F4 / MU3
XP: Fighter: 8,175 / Magic-user: 8,175 (+ 6,100xp/2 = 3,050xp each class 10/30/13)
Next Levels: Fighter: 16,000 / Magic User: 10,250
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: common, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll.
Age: 158 Height: 5'10" Weight: 112lbs Hair: black Eyes: green

STR: 13 (wt allow: +10 lbs, OD: 1-2, Bb/Lg: 4%)
INT: 14 (chance to know spell: 55%, min# of spells/lvl: 6, max# of spells/lvl: 9)
WIS: 13
DEX: 16 (+1 surprise/reaction adj, +1 to missile attacks, -2 to AC)
CON: 11 (sys shock: 75%, res/raise: 80%)
CHA: 9 (4 henchmen max.)

HP: 13 / 13
AC: 3 w/ armor (chainmail ac5; -2ac Dex bonus)
6 w/ Bracers of Armour* (bracers ac+2; -2ac Dex Bonus)

Thac0: 17
Movement Rate: 9 (currently 72lbs lightly encumbered & wearing armor) / 6 (when encumbered past 80lbs & wearing armor)

Encumbrance: (in lbs.)
Armor: 30
Weapons: 32
Equipment: 20
Magic: ?
Coin: 5 ~ spilled out on lower floor of tower!
Total Encumbrance:
Base: 82 with +10 lb. Strength bonus allowance = 72lbs.

Saving Throws:
Aimed Magic (rod, staff, wand): 11
Breath Weapons: 15
Death/Paralyzation/Poison: 13
Petrification/Polymorph: 13
Spells (other): 12

Special Abilities:
- elven racial: +1 Dex, -1 Con
- 90% resist sleep/charm spells
- +1 to hit with bow or sword
- 60' Infravision
- 1 in 6 chance to notice hidden doors when passing
- 2 in 6 chance to discover a secret door when searching
- 3 in 6 chance to discover a concealed portal when searching
- 4 in 6 chance to surprise monsters when alone & in non-metal armor (or 90' or more ahead of party not entirely elves or halflings)
- 2 in 6 chance of surprising monsters (as above) when opening a portal

Weapon Proficiencies: (-2 penalty for use of non-proficient weapons)
longsword, spear, dagger, short bow, hand axe

Weapons: to hit/damage (s-m/lg) (+1 Dex bonus to hit for ranged attacks)
Longsword (+1 to hit) 1-8 / 1-12
Till's Silver Dagger (+1 thrown) 1-4 / 1-3
Dagger (+1 thrown) 1-4 / 1-3
Short bow (+2 to hit) 1-6 / 1-6
Hand Axe (+1 thrown) 1-6 / 1-4

Memorized spells:
1st level:
1. Charm Person
2. Magic Missile

2nd level:
1. Mirror Image

Spell book:
1st Level
1. Read Magic
2. Charm Person
3. Detect Magic
4. Magic Aura
5. Magic Missile
6. Shield

2nd Level
1. Mirror Image
2. Scare
3. Strength

Spells used:
- magic missile (5 dam on hill giant)
- magic missile (4 dam on giant snake)
- magic missile (7 dam on Ovgur the dwarven cleric)
- detect magic (cast on all of the dwarves' gear/DAM)
- magic missile (5 dam on black bear at tomb entrance)
- magic missile (4 dam on hobgoblin in valley pass)
- charm person (used successfully on Wergrim the dwarf leader)
- magic missile (8 dam on ghoul ravaging Eyman)
- magic missile (7 dam on spider at guard tower)
- magic missile (8 dam on giant spider at commander's quarters)
- read magic (used on various magic items gathered in tower after breakfast on rest day)
- read magic (used on various magic items gathered in tower after breakfast on rest day)
- Mirror Image (cast just before final battle with Rat King and his giant rat minions; got 3 Yosefs!)
- Charm Person (cast on Rat King just before he and his minions attack the party; failed!)

Magic Items
1. Wand of Fire (pg 323) ~ disintegrated; used last 2 charges on the rat king
This wand produces several spell-like effects; may only produce one effect per round. The following effects = 1 charge: Burning Hands shoots forth a triangular cone of fire 12 ft long with a 10 ft ending width. It takes 1 segment for this effect to manifest, and it lasts but a moment. Any being within this AOE suffers 6 hp damage. Pyrotechnics may also be produced from the wand, and take 2 segments to appear. The following effects = 2 charges: a Fireball may be shot from the wand, performing exactly spell of same name, as cast from 6th level character. It deals 6d6 hp damage to all within the AOE; save vs wands for half damage (any result of 1 on a damage die is treated as a 2). A Wall of Fire may be produced in 3 segments, like the spell of the same name cast from a 6th level character. The wall may be formed into a 22 ft diameter circle surrounding the wand wielder. This wand is rechargeable.
2. Bracers of Armour, AC+2 (pg 332) When worn, this pair of armored wrist guards grants a +2 magical enhancement to the wearer's AC (but only when the wearer wears no other armor, nor a shield).

3. Handy Haversack, (pg338/9)
(any class): A well-made but otherwise plain leather haversack with two side pouches and brass hardware. Each side pouch functions as a bag of holding and both will hold up to either 20 cubic ft of material or 20 lbs in weight. The main part of the haversack can hold up to 80 cubic ft of material or 80 lbs of weight. No matter how much material is placed into the handy haversack it will never weigh more than 5 lbs. When the user reaches into the pack for a specific item, that item will always be on top.

4. Magic Wand (of Lightning?!) ... etched deep in the wand is one command word, and then a separate command phrase. The word is “blitzen” while the phrase is “Watt and ampere, volt and ohm, let this discharge find its home!” (currently unidentified/unconfirmed)

Equipment: (Item / Weight / Cost)
(* italicized/red in handy haversack!)
Adventurer's clothes * / -
Cloak, hooded (grey) 2 / 2sp
Gloves, kidskin 1/2 / 3gp
Belt * / 5sp
Belt pouch, large 2 / 4sp
Belt pouch small 1 / 2sp
Chainmail armor 30 / 75gp
Longsword (w/ scabbard) 7 / 15gp
2 Daggers (w/ sheaths) 1e / 2gp
Hand Axe 5 / 1gp
Short bow 8 / 15gp
Quiver, 24 arrow cap. 2 / 25sp
24 20 arrows 8 / 4gp
Handy Haversack* 5 / -
Backpack 10 / 2gp
Waterskin, 3 pint (empty) 1/4 / 1gp
Flint & steel - / 1gp
2 1 flask Oil, lamp 2 / 2sp (1 given to Till to burn spiders out!)
Lantern, hooded 2 / 7gp
Torch 1 / 1cp
3 Candles, beeswax - / 3cp
2 Chalk pieces - / 1cp
Spell book 5 / *special
Spell components * / *special
Scrollcase, bone 1/2 / 4gp
6 pieces Parchment - / 12sp
Quill (pen) - / 1sp
Ink, small vial - / 8sp
2 Sacks, small 1/2e / 18cp

Signal Whistle - / 8sp ~ given to Eyman (staying behind with Ancor, Rosin & DAMs at Melissa's)
100' Twine, linen 1/2 / 8cp
Whetstone 1/2 / 2cp
Dravic's old pipe - / -
Last of Dravic's shire leaf - / -
3 days Rations, trail 3 / 18gp

(* these items have no appreciable encumbrance when worn; - these items count as 1/10 lb.)
Total Encumbrance / Cost: 82/ 148gp 69sp 33cp

Items found/recovered & location
- (1) 50gp gem
- (1) gold ring (worth @ 75gp)

- Potion of Healing ~ used in Tomb of Wood Giant King
- (1) 100gp gem
- Magical Bag of Holding* worn (found in the Tomb of Wood Giant King)
- (2) 100gp gems
- Magic-User scroll (1-2nd lvl spell): "IronBlood" spell (unique spell, found in watch tower)
- Magic-User scroll (3 spells): Slow (3rd lvl), Teleport (5th lvl), Antipathy/Sympathy (8th lvl)

- silver dagger (borrowed from Till for assault on Wererat Temple in Shard) in belt
- Magic Wand (of Lightning?!) ... etched deep in the wand is one command word, and then a separate command phrase. The word is “blitzen” while the phrase is “Watt and ampere, volt and ohm, let this discharge find its home!” in homemade belt line holster
- 4 bottles of old, flammable alcohol

Additional Equipment/items: (kept on donkey)
-2 quivers (20 arrow capacity) 2 / 25SP
-19 regular arrows 16 / 8GP
-Winter cloak, hooded
-Winter boots
-Winter blanket
-Water skin
-Wineskin (empty)(w/ local fine wine) (gone back after living through the Wood Giant Tomb!) :)

Arrows fired during latest mission vs goblins: 4 (confirmed hits: 3 / misses: 1)
Arrows recovered: 0
Total arrows fired during mission to date: 30

Coin/Treasure: (starting gold: 130gp)
PP: 20
GP: 30
Gems: 4 (1-50gp, 3-100gp)

Background: Yosef Travathas, known among local folk as Yosef the Wanderer, hails from a remote elven community far to the southeast. He learned extensively the ways of his people as a youth, among them the mystery and wonder of the arcane arts, as well as the power and grace of the sword and bow, the true way of the elven warrior. Yosef excelled at these and many of the other refinements of his people and heritage but was impatient to learn at the pace that was normal of a long-lived race that's been reputed to live almost 1000 years.

As he grew older, wanderlust took control and Yosef decided that he would travel to the lands of the other humanoid races, including man, to live among them and interact within their respective cultures. In his travels, he met and befriended many humans, including an old hermit named Dravic, who was an intellectually sharp but slightly insane veteran of the Barbarian Wars. Dravic had fought for the legendary Rogahn and Zelligar as a low-level field mage. This man had suffered a grievous wound in battle that had scarred him horribly and taken his eyesight, preventing him from his continued service to the fighter lord and his magely partner. Their reputed exploits, all of the many oft-repeated legends, as well as the cryptic disappearance and unknown fate of the dynamic pair captivated and enamored Yosef and set him to constantly thinking of them and wondering their fate. Curiosity, as it always did, finally took over and the elven wanderer went in search of the secretive, mysterious and fabled Caves of Quasqueton!

After assembling a group of very capable fellow adventurers, namely Till Sandybanks, a secretive halfling male rogue, Jeloon, a resilient half-orc female warrior, and Bruard Torbury, a kindly yet resolute human male cleric of Shinare, Yosef and his newly met companions set out to conquer the remote stronghold of the Rogahn and Zelligar. Their combined luck and skill allowed them incredible success in their explorations and the clearing out of the resident monsters that had moved in and made the old installation their home. When Yosef and his companions returned to the local village, the populace, led by the council of elders, threw a week-long festival in their honor. Personal journals of the still-missing fighter lord and powerful wizard were recovered and read extensively. Once the celebrations eventually curtailed, it was not long before the four now-veteran adventurers decided it was time to do so again. They reequipped and embarked on an unlikely expedition of sorts, high into the mountains and native lands of the fabled barbarian horde, to hopefully discover the fate of Rogahn and Zelligar, a mystery only spoke of as legend. Will they eventually discover the truth of the missing duo and conquer the high-mountain pass that none have ever returned from? Time will most certainly tell...

Description: Yosef Travathas is tall and thin for a high elf, with straight black hair and penetrating green eyes. He is normally quiet and reserved around most, but can be engaging and talkative around trusted friends and colleagues, regardless of their race and station. Much like many elves one would encounter, Yosef can appear flighty and frivolous, but in actuality, he is a very aware and observant individual. He has an easy smile and gentle way about him but can be very focused and forceful in times of danger and peril. He is ever curious, sometimes to a fault, and cannot resist seeking out the many mysteries and wonderful discoveries that life has to offer. He travels from place to place often, hence his nickname, and is always searching for new experiences and new acquaintances to further his yearning for knowledge of the world around him.

Encounters/KIAs: (still need to update!)
1. 5 Elf Brigands: (killed by Yosef Wand of Fire)
2. Hill Giant: (killed by party/Till's backstab)
3. 3 Giant Snakes (killed by party)
4. 8 Dwarven "Explorers" (7 killed by party & 1 taken prisoner: Wergrim, the dwarf leader: died in tomb)
5. 1 ogre (killed solo by Till! :shock: )
6. 1 black bear (killed by Bruard and Yosef)
7. 6 Wooden "stickmen" constructs at stair (killed by party)
8. 5 hobgoblins (killed by party)
9. 6 Wooden "stickmen" constructs on pillars at sarcophagus (killed by party)
10. 4 ghouls that attacked party at their camp (killed by party)
11. 12 spiders from watch towers that attacked party (killed by party)
12. 2 giant spiders from deserted commander's quarters (killed by party)
13. 4 giant spiders from deserted outbuilding #1 (killed by party)
14. 4 giant spiders, 1 large from deserted outbuilding #2 (killed by party)
15. 2 massively giant spiders from tower (killed by party)
16. 9 giant rats* from temple slice in Shard (killed by party) * Bruard & Yosef fail saves
17. 9 giant rats* from temple slice, 150' closer to temple (killed by party) * Till fails save
18. *** still need to add giant rats dispatched under temple during rat king assault! ***
19. (So far) 12 goblins (4 asleep on lvl 2; 4 on watch on lvl 1 (1 with horn); 4 on lvl 2) (killed by party) 11/01/14

Character Creation rolls:

Stat rolls:14, 13, 12, 13, 9, 15

Starting gold: 3d6+2x10 = 130gp

Hit Points: 3d10+3d4(divided by 2) = 10hp

Random 1st level spell determination roll: 18 (magic missile) / 15% (55% chance)

Random 1st level spell determination roll: 24 (shield) / 42% (55% chance)

Random 1st level spell determination roll: 17 (magic aura) / 29% (55% chance)

Random 2nd level spell determination roll: 19 (scare) / 27% (55% chance)

Random 2nd level spell determination roll: 22 (strength) / 13% (55% chance)

Hit points for 4th level fighter:
Yosef: HP roll for new Fighter level (to be divided by 2) [1d10] = 6 divided by 2 = 3hps
Last edited by Argennian on Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:54 am, edited 56 times in total.
Yosef Travathas: High Elf Fighter4/Magic-User3 (rredmond's Pacesetter Games "Legacy of the Unknown" OSRIC Playtest)
Brok Sterling: Human Assassin3 (ToniXX's Incursion into Newiron OSRIC Playtest)
Tanik Tremwoodak: Dwarf Cleric3 (Dave's 1e Skype Game)

DM: home-brew OSRIC "A New Hope to the West" campaign

Fireball... good!!

"What's it gonna take?"
tkrexx as Emm the Avenging Druid wrote:I shall burn you, and I shall sink your petty warship with fire and lightning, and the ocean shall swallow it and all aboard, and no one will remember any of you!
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#3 Post by dmw71 »


Last Updated: Thursday, November 06, 2013
Update Reason: Healing.

Name: Jeloon
Gender/Race: Female/Half-Orc
Class: Fighter
Level: 5 (max: 10)
XP: 16,350 (No bonus) (Needed: ??,000)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common, orcish, tribal

Age: 15
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 148 pounds
Hair: Auburn colored. Straight, parted above her left eye and hanging just below her shoulders.
Eyes: Brown (gray)
Distinguishing features: Jeloon clearly has orcish features and would never be confused as being a true-blooded human. She appears more muscular than her actual strength ditates.
STR: 12 (11) (TH: 0, DAM: 0, Enc: +10 pounds, Minor: 1-2, Major: 4%)
DEX: 9 (none)
CON: 17 (16) (HP: +3, sys shock: 98%, res/raise: 97%)
INT: 9 (Languages: 1)
WIS: 10 (none)
CHA: 8 (10) (henchmen max. 3, loyalty: -5%, reaction: 0)

Hit Points
Total: 35
Damage: 5
Current: 30
4th: 29
5th: 35
Armor Class
AC: 4 (+1 Chain Mail and +1 medium shield)
Rear AC: 6 (no shield bonus)
Movement Rate: 9" (MR 6" at 71 pounds)
Total Carried: 68.1
THAC0: 16
Weapons: to hit/damage (s-m/lg) (+ Dex bonus to hit for ranged attacks)
+1 Long Sword, +2/+3, 1d8/1-12 (To Hit: +1 specialization, +1 magic weapon | Damage: +2 specialization, +1 magic weapon)
Short bow (1d6)
Dagger (1d4/1d3)

Armor --> Total Weight: 33
+1 Chain Mail (Hauberk) (30|25)
+1 Medium Shield (8)

Weapons --> Total Weight: 22
+1 Long Sword (7) Note: Recovered from elven highwaymen
Short Bow (8)
Quiver (24 arrow capacity) (2)
- 12 Arrows (4) Note: Encumbrance per arrow is .33 pounds
Dagger (1)

Clothing and Supplies --> Total Weight: 20
Adventurer's clothes (0/*) Note: No encumbrance when worn
Boots, fur (2)
Cloak, fur (5)
Tunic, leather (1)
Backpack (10) Note: Holds 30 pounds
- Flask, leather (-)
- Sack, large (empty) (1) Note: Holds 40 pounds
Belt (0)
Belt pouch, small (1)
- Whetstone (0)
- Coins (*/*) Note: Coins and their encumbrance tracked separately

Coins/Treasure --> Total Weight: 3.1: (starting gold: 130 gp)
PP: 0
GP: 6
EP: 0
SP: 20
CP: 0

Small gem (50gp)
Small gem (75gp)
Small gem (100gp)
Small gem (100gp)

Silver necklace (100gp)
Large gold necklace (300gp)
Magical ring with unknown properties

Armor: 33.0
Weapons: 22.0
Equipment: 20.0
Coin: 3.1
Total Encumbrance: 78.1 -10 (strength bonus) = 68.1

Encumbrance: Movement Rates (pg 117)
12": 0 - 35
9": 36 - 70 <--
6": 71 - 105
3": 106 - 150

Special Abilities: Both class and race
- Weapon Specialization: AR=3/2, +1 To Hit, +2 Damage
- Infravision: 60'

Weapon Proficiencies: 6 (+1 every 2 levels) (-2 penalty for use of non-proficient weapons)
Long Sword*
Short bow
Battle Axe (3rd level)
Open (5th level)

Saving Throws
Aimed Magic (rod, staff, wand): 13
Breath Weapons: 13
Death/Paralyzation/Poison: 11
Petrification/Polymorph: 12
Spells (other): 14

Items on Mule (Weight)Total Carried: 48
Long sword (7)
Spear (5)
36 Arrows (12) Note: Encumbrance per arrow is .33 pounds
Rope, hemp, 50' (10)
Rations, iron (7 days) (7)
Hammer (2)
12 Spikes, iron (5)

Expended Items:

Medical Record:
Snake bite (-3) 29-3 = 26
Venom damage (-8) 26-8 = 18
Snake bite (-1) 18-1 = 17
Venom damage (-7) 17-7 = 10
Night of rest (+1) 10+1 = 11
Cure Light Wounds (+5) 11+5 = 16
Cure Light Wounds (+7) 16+7 = 23
Night of rest (+1) 23+1 = 24
Cure Light Wounds (+3) 24+3 = 27
Night of rest (+1) 27+1 = 28
Full health = 29
Falling rubble (-3) 29-3 = 26
Night of rest (+1) 26+1 = 27
Night of rest (+1) 27+1 = 28
Creatures o' Wood strike (-2) 28-2 = 26
Creatures o' Wood strike (-3) 26-3 = 23
Cure Light Wounds (+8) 23+8 = 29
Creatures o' Wood javelin (-2) 29-2 = 27
Creatures o' Wood javelin (-2) 27-2 = 25
Cure Light Wounds (+7) 25+7 = 29
Ghoul claw, claw, bite (-6) 29-6 = 23
Night of rest (+1) 23+1 = 24
Spider bite (-2) 24-2 = 22
Night of rest (+1) 22+1 = 23
Cure Light Wounds (+3) 23+3 = 26
Cure Light Wounds (+1) 26+1 = 27
Night of rest (+1) 27+1 = 28
Night of rest (+1) 28+1 = 29
Rat bite (-3) 29-3 = 26
Rat bite (-1) 26-1 = 25
Rat bite (-1) 25-1 = 24
Rat bite (-2) 24-2 = 22
Healing Ointment (+7) 22+7 = 29
Rat bites (-4) 29-4 = 25
Rat bite (-1) 25-1 = 24
Rat bite (-3) 24-3 = 21 (failed saving throw)
Rat bite (-1) 21-1 = 20 (failed saving throw)
Rat bites (-10) 20-10 = 10
Rat bites (-8) 10-8 = 2
Cure Light Wounds (+1) 2+1 = 3
Cure Light Wounds (+8) 3+8 = 11
Healing Ointment (+15) 11+15 = 26
Rat bite (-3) 26-3 = 23
Rat king sword (-7) 23-7 = 16
Cure Light Wounds (+3) 16+3 = 19
5th level Hit Points (+6) 19+6 = 25
Cure Light Wounds (+5) 25+5 = 30

Experience Points:
Inherited character: 10,250
Rat king (+6,100): 10,250 + 6,100 = 16,350

Jeloon's father is an orc warrior who captured her mother in a raid on a barbarian camp. After a short time, her mother became a willing member of the orc tribe. When Jeloon was born, she was raised as a member of the orc tribe, but her mother taught her the barbarian tongue and told tales of her human ancestors.

Jeloon lived in the orc tribe for many years. When she came of age, she was not allowed by the elders to join in the ceremony with the orcs with whom she had grown up. Because of her human half, she would never be allowed to become a full warrior, nor would she ever be able to challenge others for a right to sit on the council or to become chieftain. Disillusioned and angry, she left the tribe.

From the tales of her ancestors, she knew the barbarian tribes would never accept her because of her orc half. She had one clear option left. Her mother's stories had told of a great army led by two men, a powerful warrior and a wizard. They had defeated the combined might of the barbarian tribes years ago, proving their superior strength. Clearly, this was the path. Jeloon followed the landmarks of the old tales, eventually arriving at legendary Quasqueton.
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Re: Player Characters

#4 Post by ToniXX »

Bruard Torbury
Age: 22
Height: 5'11", Weight: 185 lbs
Class: Cleric
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Level: 4
XP: 10,250

STR: 15 (+20 lbs)
INT: 14 (4 additional languages)
WIS: 16 (+2 mental saving throw bonus, +2/2 spells)
DEX: 13
CON: 10
CHA: 12 (5 henchmen max.)
Stats: WIS:16, INT:14, DEX:13, CHR:12, CON:10, STR:15

HP: 19 of 19 (1d8 per level)
[4d8] = 19

AC: 2 (Chainmail +1, shield +1) (updated 7/26/11 with magic shield)
THAC0: 18

Saving throws:
Aimed Magic (rod, staff, wand): 13
Breath Weapons: 15
Death/Paralyzation/Poison: 9
Petrification/Polymorph: 12
Spells (other): 14

Heavy mace - 1d6+1(sm/m), 1d6(lg)

Chain mail +1
wand of enemy detection (5 chgs) (60’)
(These above two items are from the magic pack that I chose)
Large shield

5 caltrops
3 beeswax candles
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
pewter holy symbol
12 iron spikes
hooded lantern
2 pints lamp oil (one tossed at stick men on dec 2, 2011)
1 week standard rations
50' hemp rope
2 vials holy water
2 large sacks
light war hammer (spell component)

Boots, soft

Total weight carried:
96.5 lbs
+20lbs weight bonus = 76.5 lbs
Movement: 60 ft/round

1st Level: (5 allowed)
Detect Magic
Cure light wounds (x4)
Protection from evil

2nd Level: (4 allowed)
Hold person
Find traps

Languages: common, dwarven, orcish, goblin

Starting Gold: 70gp
Starting Gold: [3d6+2] = 5+2 = 7 x 10 = 70

Items found/recovered:
1 Gem @ 50 GP
1 Gem @ 200 GP
1 Magical Shield (+?)

Bruard Torbury was a devoted leader of his small flock in the remote village of Leond. About two years ago, he began to feel a stirring in his heart, a yearn for adventure and a need to see the world. He meditated on his thoughts, and communicated with Shinare, the goddess to whom he had devoted most of his life. She told him to follow his heart and to spread the word of her greatness beyond the fields of his small village.

While he wandered Bruard helped the random traveler or villagers in need. There were the farmers that had an ankheg problem, the small village that was being overrun by undead from a nearby barrow, and the Halfling community that had a few of its members carried off by giant wasps. With these encounters Bruard increased his skills, and was emboldened to continue on his quest for adventure.

As he wandered, Bruard spoke with travelers he met, and told them about the greatness of Shinare. During these conversations, he also listened to stories of great adventure, most of which seemed, to his ears, impossible. But one stood out. That was the story of the Caverns of Quasqueton, and an amazing treasure horde supposedly left there. This treasure lay under an abandoned keep to the north, and Bruard decided to follow this lead and head towards the colder climate.

When he arrived at the lush valley near the caverns, he was greeted by friendly but nervous villagers. He seemed to arrive just in time, as a ragtag party of stout adventurers were about to assemble and venture into the caves. He decided to join the Halfling Till Sandybanks, the elf Yosef Travathas, and the intriguing half orc barbarian known simply as Jeloon. Little did he know the four of them would forge a bond that turned out to be as strong as any he had experienced to this day.
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Re: Player Characters

#5 Post by migellito »

Jeloon's Accounting

-70gp footmen gear
-5gp 1 month footmen wages
-1gp spear
-36gp 2 mules
-6gp 36 arrows
-1gp 50' hemp rope
-10sp battle bonus to Van and Eyman vs. The Elven Highwaymen
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Till's Accounting

#6 Post by Alethan »

Till's Accounting:

110 GP (starting funds)
-60 GP (2 long swords @ 15gp each, 2 studded leather armour @ 15gp each)
50 GP
-6 GP (i.e. 60sp)(first month's pay for 2 hired men @ 30sp/month)
44 GP
-6 GP (i.e. 60sp)(signing bonus equal to one month's salary (30sp each) to the hired men)
38 GP
-20 GP (one-time bonus of 10gp each to Rosin and Ancor for helping out with the dwarven fight)
18 GP
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Re: Player Characters

#7 Post by Vokarius »

Name: Derek Mandrake
Age: 23
Height: 5'6", Weight:135 lb
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Neutral Good
Level: 4
Base XP: 10,250
Total XP:

Str: 16 (+1 dmg/ +35 enc/ 1-3 minor/ 10%)
Dex: 11
Con: 11 (80%/ 75%)
Int: 10
Wis: 11
Cha: 10 (Max Hench: 4)

Total HP:40
Current HP: 40
AC: 3 (Banded Armor and Shield)
THAC0: 17

Longsword +1 3/2 (+2 hit/+4 dmg/1d8/1d12)
Short bow (1d6/1d6/RoF 2/Range 50')

Languages: Common, Dwarven


Weapon Proficiencies:
- Long sword (specialized) - 3
- Bow, short
- Two-handed sword
- Spear

Saving Throws
Aimed Magic: 15
Breath Weapons: 16
Death/Paralysis/Poison: 13
Petrification/Polymorph: 14
Spells (Other): 16

Long sword +1 (Shines light; 7 lbs)
Shield, Medium (8 lbs)
Banded Armor (35 lbs)
Short bow (8 lbs)
Quiver (2 lb)
Arrows x 24 (8 lbs)
Total Weight: 68
Backpack (10 lbs)
* Bedroll (5 lbs)
* Oil, Pints x3 (3 lbs)
* Lantern, hooded (2 lbs)
* Rations, trail 5 days (5 lbs)
Large Belt Pouch (2 lbs)
* Flint and Steel
* Needle and Thread
* Whetstone (.5 lbs)
* Candle, Beeswax x5
* Chalk, pieces x10
* Dice, bone, pair
Waterskin (3 pints/1 lbs)
Rope, silk (per 50 ft) (5 lbs)
Total Weight: 33.5

Boots, soft
Bracer, leather (archery)
Encumbrance: 101.5 lbs total weight (Strength +35 = 66.5)
Movement: 90 (120)ft/round

Starting Gold: 50 gp [2d6x10] = 5x10 = 50
PP: 0
GP: 50
SP: 0
CP: 0



Magic Items:
Long sword +1
Potion of Extra Healing (3d8+3)


Hit Point Roll:
[4d10] = 40
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