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Re: The Adventure Begins

#261 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:What do I roll here? I see it's 2d6, plus other stuff, minus my "add." Help?
Try this post

Rusty, looking a little more, try this:

(Torch): [1d6]+[1d6] (-3 Adds)

Now, I'm not sure what the damage dice would be for a torch, I don't see it in the 5th ed. rules anywhere. There is a listing for a baton @ 2d6 and a club @ 3d6, though. Personally, I imagine torches as being a bit stouter than a simple baton. Deluxe T&T suggests 3d6 for a cudgel, club, or utilitarian hammer. I'll leave it up to Starbeard for final ruling. Either way, the macro listed above can be used. If you need 3d6, just add +[1d6] before the first parenthesis. You want individual d6 listings in case you score Spite (a 6 rolled on a d6 which scores a hit on the opponent even if you lose the round). Once you have your macro, just plug it into the dice roller. Hope that's a little more helpful.
Last edited by ClockworkPoltergeist on Wed May 16, 2018 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#262 Post by coffee »

Weeba's roll:

Sword [4d6] = 9+10
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#263 Post by Starbeard »

Day 1, Evening (still turn 1)


The two hobbs Digsby and Doughty are a sight to see, brandishing terrible fire in their knobby hands and shouting halfling warcries in their heated assault! Digsby outright destroys most of the rats engaged against him, and as the rest scamper away he joins his culinary companion against the pile of rats that are eating Spindlethrash alive! The smell of burning fur fills the room as the rat pile is decimated!
(Digsby & Doughty (55) beat 8 rats (30), dealing 25 damage and ignoring 1 spite damage!)

Meanwhile, Weeba continues to struggle against his own rat pile! Biddle Spratt retrieves his poniard and attempts to aid the flailing warrior, but the both of them are still finding these crazed vermin a bit much for their liking.
(Weeba & Biddle (24) loses against their 5 rats (27), taking 3 damage—2 to Weeba and 1 to Biddle, whose armor absorbs it!)

Spindlethrash, donning naught but a loincloth and bloodied falchion, bursts forth from the heap of burning vermin, slashing his way to safety!
(Spindle (23) wins against 5 rats (19), dealing 4 damage!)

The rats are still too panicked to fear for their safety, and press the attack. A dozen rats still remain, and now the entire party is free to continue fighting them individually in groups of 5, or collectively as one melee.


Doughty attacks with a torch!
[1d6] = 4 + [1d6] = 5 + [1d6] = 5 - 3 = 11
[1d6] = 3 + [1d6] = 4 + [1d6] = 6 - 3 = 10
total 21 hits

Biddle helps Weeba!: [1d6] = 1 + [1d6] = 2 + 2 = 5 hits

Spindlethrash: [1d6] = 5 + [1d6] = 6 + [1d6] = 2 + [1d6] = 3 + 7 = 23 hits

8 rats vs Digsby: [1d6] = 6, + [1d6] = 1, + [1d6] = 3, + [1d6] = 2 + 18 = 30 hits

5 rats vs Weeba & Biddle: [1d6] = 4, + [1d6] = 6, + [1d6] = 5, + 12 = 27 hits

5 rats vs Spindlethrash: [1d6] = 1 + [1d6] = 2 + [1d6] = 4 + 12 = 19 hits

Good old-fashioned 2D6 morale check (rats will scamper on 7+): [2d6] = 3, they stay and fight!

Frobozz Magic Map: https://campaignwiki.org/gridmapper.svg ... %26T%20PBP

Light sources: Digsby's lantern (burning 11/12 turns), Weeba's lantern (held by Doughty, burning 10/12 turns)

Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 11/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: +2/+2) CON: 11/11, poniard 2+0, leather
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+4) CON: 20/20 — war shovel 4+3, leather
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 8/16
Spindlethrash, Halfling Ne'er-do-well (War, ST 5 LK 13 DEX 18 — Adds: +3/+9) CON: 13/32 — falchion 4+4
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 6/10 — elven sword 4+4, light bow & 20 arrows 2+0
Garrick the Fortunate, Elven Archaeologist (Wiz, ST 7 LK 17 DEX 12 — Adds: +3/+3) CON: 9/9 (not with party)
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#264 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

No DARO for combat then? Good to know.
Doughty approaches the fight cautiously at first, but soon find that using fire to char living rat-flesh is similar enough to using it to char dead rat-flesh. He pressed the firebrand to the necks, paws and bellies of any furred creature around. We've got 'em on the run now, boyos! Press the attack and will all be eating rat on a stick tonight!

Torch 1 [1d6] = 5+[1d6] = 6+[1d6] = 6-3= 14
Torch 2 [1d6] = 5+[1d6] = 6+[1d6] = 6-3= 14
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#265 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Digsby hears Doughty's cry and, with a shout, "Shish kebab!" wades forward sweeping his flaming spade in brilliant arcs. He re-doubles his efforts to defend his companions while flame-broiling their opponents.

(Warshovel) [1d6] = 5+[1d6] = 1+[1d6] = 2+[1d6] = 1(+3 adds) = 12
(Warshovel) [1d6] = 5+[1d6] = 6+[1d6] = 2+[1d6] = 1(+3 adds) = 17
Combat Total = 29!
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#266 Post by coffee »

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Re: The Adventure Begins

#267 Post by Starbeard »

Re: viewtopic.php?p=363763#p363763

I made a goof and misremembered the requirements for going berserk, so I didn't give anyone the option to do so. From now on, you may choose to go berserk if you meet the following requirement:

If you ever roll doubles with a melee weapon (or a 6 if you have only 1D), then you may choose to go berserk. Foolish character (IQ 8 or less) must to go berserk, and Smartypants (IQ 16+) cannot go berserk.

This round, both Digsby and Doughty have the option of losing their tops.

While berserk, you will attack all foes, then all friends, until you are knocked unconscious or calmed down. A Charisma 15+ character can automatically calm you down, otherwise it takes a saving throw (say, vs CHA to calm the berserker, or vs STR to knock him out from behind)—and only one saving throw is permitted.

Benefits from going berserk: You lose all adds & subtracts (i.e., you just roll the dice & that's it, no modifiers), but you always re-roll any dice that come up the same (ASTRO: "Any the same? Terrific! Roll Over")—and you're always guaranteed at least one set of doubles. For example, let's say you normally roll 4+6 in combat, and roll 3,2,2,2. You rolled at least doubles, and so you decide to go berserk. You now ignore your adds (+6), and you immediately get to re-roll those 3 dice (2,2,2) and continue re-rolling any dice as long as they come up the same.

The next round, let's say you roll 4,3,2,1. There are no doubles there, so we treat it as though you rolled 4,3,1,1—and now you can re-roll those last two dice.

As an added bonus, if you have a shield to chew on when you start berserking, then you get +5 adds to your combat rolls.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#268 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. For the nonce, no need for Digsby to berserk.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#269 Post by Starbeard »

Day 1, Evening (turn 2)


The two sides, being and beast, tangle in a melee of charbroiled mayhem! Flaming weapons are recklessly swung about, singeing the ear hairs and whiskers off of friend and foe alike! Amid the carnage Spindlethrash bursts forth from his burial mound of rodents, hunchbacked as the day he was born and twice as nude, screaming out something between a bloodcurdling rebel yell and an indecipherable cry for his mother. Soon the rats begin to scatter and the fight devolves into a grim game of whack-a-rat.
(The party wins (113 vs 60), dealing 53 damage and taking 1 spite damage to Digsby (ignored by armor) and 1 to Spindlethrash! The next round the rats roll naught but 8 and are soundly trounced, dealing no spite damage.)

As the menace of the rats fades away, the burning pyre in the middle of the room begins to lose its steam and the acrid smoke swirling about in the room begins to sting at the eyes. The party counts twenty corpses of the giant rats, the rest having dragged themselves away to menace another day.

Digsby retrieves his lantern and it sputters as he holds it aloft. Its oil is nearly drained and will have to be replaced quite soon.


Rolls… Image

Frobozz Magic Map: https://campaignwiki.org/gridmapper.svg ... %26T%20PBP

Light sources: Digsby's lantern (needs to be replaced this turn), Weeba's lantern (held by Doughty, burning 11/12 turns)

Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 11/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: +2/+2) CON: 11/11, poniard 2+0, leather
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+4) CON: 20/20 — war shovel 4+3, leather
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 8/16
Spindlethrash, Halfling Ne'er-do-well (War, ST 5 LK 13 DEX 18 — Adds: +3/+9) CON: 12/32 — falchion 4+4
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 6/10 — elven sword 4+4, light bow & 20 arrows 2+0
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#270 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Eyes burning, Doughty harries the remaining rats out the way they came, shutting the door behind them. He returns to the others.Mayhaps lighting a pyre in an enclosed space wasn't for the best. Let's see if the flood's passed.He press his hand on the sliding panel to see if he can tell if the passage is still flooded.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#271 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Digsby looks around at the giant rat carcasses, the smoke not affecting him all that much, "I wonder if the Rat-on-a-Stick folks would like these? Maybe they'd be willing to trade? Something fresh-cooked? I wonder if they'd have any healing potions or salves? A few of us could certainly use those. Spindlethrash could use some armour as well, if they knew of any." He looks around at his companions as Doughty palms the secret latch, "What do you think, my friends? Shall we tote these back for a possible trade and then return here to investigate the passage these furry terrors came through?"
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#272 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Doughty nods, but waits until a higher power informs him about the presence of water in the hallway before opening the wall.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#273 Post by Starbeard »

Day 1, Evening (turn 5)


Doughty slides the panel open and throws the switch to open the secret door. The corridor outside is slick with water and sewage, and the smell of rats. A small handful of normal-sized rats wander about harmlessly here and there.

The giant rat carcasses are gathered up, their tails tied together for easier transport, and carried back to the Rat-On-A-Stick! stand. The painted sign hanging looks just as it did two hours ago:

Jocular Joey, Fancy Francine & Wizardly Walt, Proprietors

Code: Select all

EATS                                  DRINKS
Rat (plain, fried, or seasoned)       Rat-o-Ade™ on a stick…         4sp
    …on a stick              4sp      Rat beer on a stick…           8sp
    …on a big stick          8sp      Rat sherry on a stick…        12sp
    …on a really big stick  12sp      
The party is greeted by Fancy Francine. "Well, if it ain't our favorite customers! Here, take the special table." Her attention is distracted by the piles of rats thrown over your shoulders, and she calls out Wizardly Walt, the stand's treasurer. "Walt! Did you order rats?"

Wizardly Walt pops his head out of the stand window and studies the scene. "No, but we're always in need of fresh supplies. I'll be out in a jiffy." When he approaches the party he is no longer wearing his pointy wizarding hat, but a green clerk's bill, and with punctilious airs he procures a four-column clipboard from somewhere within his robes. "Now, let's see here… twenty rats, weighing, oh… 7 grubits each… carry the four… the Octopus constellation is in ascendancy… prorated for distance carried… Tuesday… — we can offer 20 silver pieces for the lot, take it or leave it."

Those who are wounded sidle up to the stand looking for some comfort food, and Jocular Joey leans out the window and explains amicably, "A rat a day keeps the doctor away; but no more, that's it. Two rats does nothing. Some of you do look pretty beat up, though. Old Wizardly Walt over there might be willing to use his magic to patch you up, if you have the money. He usually charges a pretty fair fare." Spindlethrash retrieves two gold coins from somewhere unseemly and purchases a really big rat and a beer (healing 3 Con).
(of the injured, Biddle and Spindlethrash are the only two who can still heal today from a good meal. A rat & drink will heal 1-3 Con, depending on the size of the rat & quality of drink. Wizardly Walt has but 8 ST, so he can only heal 3 points of Con total across the party, for 1gp per 1 Con.)

Weeba's lantern goes out in Doughty's hands during the bargaining. The party will have to produce more light once they leave the Rat-On-A-Stick room, or they are likely to be eaten by a grue.



Frobozz Magic Map: https://campaignwiki.org/gridmapper.svg ... %26T%20PBP

Light sources: none

Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 12/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: +2/+2) CON: 11/11, poniard 2+0, leather
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+4) CON: 20/20 — war shovel 4+3, leather
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 8/16
Spindlethrash, Halfling Ne'er-do-well (War, ST 5 LK 13 DEX 18 — Adds: +3/+9) CON: 15/32 — falchion 4+4
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 6/10 — elven sword 4+4, light bow & 20 arrows 2+0
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#274 Post by coffee »

Weeba has 6 flasks of oil; have we used all of them?
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#275 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

While Doughty could use some healing, he recognizes it is more beneficial to him if the stronger, fighting folk are returned to better health.

He accepts the offer of the silver pieces, but asks if they can be paid on gold instead.We've a good deal of traveling to do yet, and every coin weighs is down. Surely, as former adventurers yourselves, you understand.

Back to the passage the rats came from?
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#276 Post by Starbeard »

coffee wrote:Weeba has 6 flasks of oil; have we used all of them?
Nope, I believe he's only used 2 so far.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#277 Post by coffee »

Okay, refill the lamp, light it again, and we can be off.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#278 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Digsby looks at the others making their decisions and sidles up to the counter brushing leftover rat fluff off his shoulders. Addressing Fancy Francine, "If you don't mind, I'll take a seasoned rat and a rat beer. Gotta wash that acrid smoke outta my throat." While Francine looks after his order, Digsby addresses Walt. "Walt, have you ever seen a ring like this?" The gardener pulls the enamel studded bronze ring he found in the house earlier out of his pocket, "Can you tell if there is anything more to it than what it appears?"
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#279 Post by Starbeard »

Day 1, Evening (turn 6)


By the by, everyone gets 125xp from the encounter with the rats.

"Large coins, eh? Works for us, it's better business to have small change in the till. As new business venturers, you understand." Wizardly Walt pays over 2 gold pieces for the rats.

Digsby meanwhile quaffs his beer and devours his rat stick while gossiping with Fancy Francine (-1gp 2sp). "That looks to be a male wedding ring of local flavor," says Francine, looking at the bronze ring, "You could probably get a decent 10 or 20 gold out of it with a jeweler, maybe more if you took it back to the old country as an exotic trinket. I've got no interest in it myself, unless you plan to propose."

Spindlethrash relieves himself of the very last if his coins and pays for Walt to heal him (+3 Con).

Weeba refills his lantern, and the party returns to the central corridor, with the stair room to the south. It is now around 8pm at night.



Frobozz Magic Map: https://campaignwiki.org/gridmapper.svg ... %26T%20PBP

Light sources: Weeba's lantern (newly lit)

Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 12/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: +2/+2) CON: 11/11, poniard 2+0, leather
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+4) CON: 20/20 — war shovel 4+3, leather
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 8/16
Spindlethrash, Halfling Ne'er-do-well (War, ST 5 LK 13 DEX 18 — Adds: +3/+9) CON: 18/32 — falchion 4+4
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 6/10 — elven sword 4+4, light bow & 20 arrows 2+0
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#280 Post by Starbeard »

Bump for actions.

The party has cashed in at the Rat-On-A-Stick stand, and are now in the central corridor. Time is 8pmish.

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