Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#341 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Storm11 wrote:Jamal listens intently, nodding at the directions and the name of the ruler.

Well we have directions and some names to go on. I don’t suppose it says who won the civil war does it, or what the beef was about? the halfling asks hopefully.

After the ajami mage is done, Jamal shakes his head. I was thinking of something abit more flashy and impressive. Not to worry. We have a wealth of elemental magic here in Zakhara, I was wondering if you could show me something different from your own lands? Where do you hail from outlander?
Montillo sighs holding the book I'm that obvious am I....well I hail from Beluir. Have you heard of Beluir?" then he flips through the book some more looking for more answers to the history of the civil war in Al-Anwahr. "Ah ha! There is a bit more about the civil war. Some members of court remained loyal to their king, however, and a bloody battle ensued throughout the city. Ultimately, Amakim’s forces triumphed, but when they reached the king’s palace, they found that Azaltin had vanished. Amakim and his forces departed Al-Anwahr and eventually founded the city of In’aash. Centuries past, the city was renamed Muluk, while Al-Anwahr and Azaltin passed into folklore."
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#342 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal shrugs at the tall wizard in a ‘what can you do’ kind of way. Never heard of it. Worth a visit is it do you think?

He listens intently to the sages monologue, with only a slight crash coming from above as Alara flew into view, trying to look extremely innocent.

You don’t say. Muluk is it. And Al-Anwhar fell into ruin. Well I never. What’s the point in usurping your bro if you can’t be arsed to stay and finish the job you fought for. Still Muluk IS a success. And so what about the gates? Are they there? Made of gold do you think?
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#343 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo looks towards the crashing noise "Oh dear i do hope she hasn't broken anything." then a bit more back to the conversation at hand "Oh yes I think you would find Beluir a grand place it is after all the capitol of the land of halflings. Lands of Luiren would be another name it's known by. It's across the great sea. You should go there sometime if you're up for the long trip by boat. As for spells I have been a bit out of practice. I did mostly focus on illusionary spells. Though I'm sure you noticed my bell on the door, my own type of warding. Just what type of spell are you seeking?" still trying to have more than one conversation with the same halfling. "Yes the civil war of Al-Anwahr does appear to be a waste. Though Muluk does flourish. Ah hmm lets see the gates....I thought there was something in here about that...." back to flipping through pages in the book.... "Ah yes this here says there is a legendary scroll titled The Eleven Baneful Gates. Apparently the Loregiver left this with Azaltin after the Loregiver visited Al-Anwahr for 11 days. Said scroll apparently held or holds the secrets to immortality." considering the last statement the foreign mage looks a little perplexed "I know life is short but I never understood why anyone would wish to live forever. Such nonsense." he says shaking his head. He then closes the book and offers it to Jamal "Do you still wish to barrow this book?"
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#344 Post by Storm11 »

Jamals ears pick up as the ajami mentions a homeland of halfling a! Is it warm there, or cool? How many halflings love together?

He calls Alara to him and she settles upon his shoulder.

One day I plan to make a pact with a genie mug larger than Alara here. Then crossing oceans will not be an issue. I am interested in magic that does not come from this land. Long lasting spells as well. Illusions I already know about include Blindness, Deafness, Blur, Invisibility, Magic Mouth, Improved Phantasmal Force and Phantasmal Force, Audible Glamor, Change Self, Spook etc.

Moving towards the book he responds I do indeed want to borrow this book. If we are looking for a scroll that provides immortality it is indeed a dangerous business. The gods of our land would not take kindly to such power falling into mortal hands. This is more serious than I first imagined. You have been most illuminating thank you.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#345 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo "Ah yes very well then. Here is the book I would like it returned when you are done with it." he hands Jamal the book. "Well you see spell wise I am an illusionist, though I do have some other non illusory spells." he takes a moment to and walks over to a reading area with plush chairs and a couch, along with a couple small tables. "I can list off the spells that are not illusion based and see what you think, though a lot of magic is very similar no matter what land you are from." sitting in one of the chairs he offers Jamal a seat on the couch or the other chair. "Which would you rather talk about first spells or my homeland?" he smiles kindly to the halfling. "As you can see I am not very busy today and have plenty of time to chat."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#346 Post by Storm11 »

A rather pensive look spreads over the sha’ir’s face as he struggles with that decision. Magic, no! Halflings. No. Magic! No. he throws up his hands. I can’t make that decision. Whichever will be quicker first.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#347 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo smiles "Very well come sit and I'll tell you of my homeland." he takes off his wide brimmed hat and sets it on the table next to his chair. "Ah yes Beluir was founded by halflings a long time ago in 14 DR. Centuries later in 1105 DR a powerful storm from the Great Sea destroyed most of the city, but it was rebuilt. Beluir the largest city of the halfling realm of Luiren, our capitol, also housed foreign dignitaries. Its is known for having the largest Yondalla temple in Luiren, and so also the home of the Devout Voice of Yondalla. Beluir is located on the shore of Luirenstrand Bay in the Great Sea." pausing for a moment on the history he adds a little story "The mayor of Beluir felled two hill giants, though I had heard the giants were drunk at the time, still quite a feat none the less." pausing for a moment "Oh but what a terrible host i must be. Would you like some coffee or tea?" he asks Jamal.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#348 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal sits down quickly with his head resting on his hands, rapt in attention to the human mages story of a land full of halflings. What a sight that must be he muses.

The sha’ir waves away an offer of a drink. No no! I am fine. Please continue!
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#349 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo continues his story "Beluir for a vast majority of its populace is halflings. I'd say a good 90 percent were made of of your kin. Most of us 'Big Folk' resided in the docks area of the city. I'd say we had a good 27,000 folk inhabiting Beluir when I last lived there. The militia were called marchwarders or warders for short. The warders are a large militia that use skirmishing tactics to surround and ultimately defeat any army that would try to besiege the city. Now don't get me wrong the place was great though there were few races there other than mostly halflings, there were other humans, elves, half-elves some of the other races. It was a good place to live. I just simply wanted to see more of the wider world. The city had many farmlands and fruit farms nearby. There was plenty of fish to be had as well as some other seafoods found in the Great Sea. In the area around the docks is where most of the businesses were 'Big Folk' sized. There's a place there called Erdel’s Extraordinary Equipment Emporium the store owner was an interesting sort though I suspect he may have been also running eh let's say the shadier sides of things in Beluir. Lets just say any dealings I had with the fellow left me wondering if he wasn't running something else on the side in the shadows of the city. I did often frequent a local tavern. It was called the Cold Duck they're famous for the delicacy that inspired its name, and it also has rooms for the 'Big Folk'." taking a moment for a quick breath and to briefly get up to get something to drink the librarian returns in a short moment "Sorry about that my mouth was a bit dry. Now where was I ah yes the Cold Duck owned by the Burrow family count to think of it they had a few different businesses, not to mention that mayor I spoke of was Calcitro Burrow or as some called him the giant slayer. Due to his love of food and drink, Calcitro was a portly fellow. Most of his opponents took one look at him and dismissed him as a warrior, a mistake he took full advantage of. The Burrow family was rather wealthy, Calcitro helped manage their fruit plantation and several inns that they owned in the city. Aside from the Cold Duck the Burrow's also owned the Red Burrow and Friendly Burrow two other taverns in Beluir. Mages were far and few in Beluir so I had to find other places to learn my magic. Most of which I learned from other lands, not liking to cause physical harm to others I specialized in illusion magics. In part that is why I decided to move to Zahkara."
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#350 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal listens eagerly, trying to visualise the tale of Calctiro and the giant.

After the illusionist has finished, the sha’ir let’s the silence stretch somewhat, unwilling to let the wizards tale dissipate.

Sighing eventually the halfling refocuses back into the present. How so? Are you interested in Zakharan magic?

i don’t suppose you know any rumours about what happened to the usurped King of Al-Anwahr, or his brother or the vizier? All these tales, it’s been a perfect day so far.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#351 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo scratches his beard for a moment "Well rumors I've heard say that the one time king has become some undead thing wandering the desert of the Burning Lands. Though I prefer to take rumors simply like a grain of sand. They're simply just that, rumors. Can't take any truth from it. Besides over the years who's to say how much of the stories become altered or parts forgotten as folks tell the tales. I as you can see prefer to look in books. Though it appears a lot of the history of some of these old ruins in Zahkara have become lost to the sands. As for the local magics why yes they quite interest me thus my specializing in illusions. Now as for the king's brother I've not heard anything about save for what is in the book. Most of the history at this point in time is pure folklore. I'd imagine Amakim is long dead the civil war happened so long ago the only way he'd be alive is if he were some undead creature or immortal. Though no such stories have been said of Amakim, it was his brother the king Azaltin that was so interested in living forever as the folklore indicates anyways."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#352 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal nods and tries to remember things correctly. So Azaltin was the rightful king, usurped by his brother Amakin with the help of this vizier, and it’s likely Azaltin read the 11 Baneful Gates and became immortal. Was he some kind of wizard or priest, or just had good magical help in this regard. I wonder if he found true immortality, or some kind of undeath, which I guess is immortality. Just not deity type immortality where you still have your life force. I sure hope he isn’t some vampire now! How long should it take us to get to these ruins do you think from Talv?”
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#353 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo grabs his chin in thought "From Talv based on the map in the book depending upon weather and anything you encounter on average I'd say about seven days if mounted by foot I'd dare hope you aren't travelling possibly four days longer. Just a rough estimate. The other facts you have straight though I too would ponder as to life forever can be found in more than one manner, hopefully he's not some undead creature but one wont know for sure based off folklore and rumors alone. One would have to meet the man personally if he so still lives on."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#354 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal nods in understanding, and gently awakens Alara, who has fallen asleep upon his shoulder. Come Alara, it is time we departed this good man’s workspace. You have been most helpful Montillo. I am in your debt. How much will this all cost? A continual light spell within your chambers perhaps? Or an Armour ward to keep you safe. It is invisible and lasts until you are attacked and injured badly before it breaks, so if you stay out of fights it could last forever?
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#355 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo chuckles "No no I need not any spells I've plenty of my own I can use. One hasn't been an Illusionist as long as I have with out at least learning some protective spells or acquiring other means of protection. As for payment to barrow the book will only cost you one gold piece or ahem I mean one dinar. I tend to forget the currency holds different names here even with the few years I've resided here I still use my native references for money."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#356 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal hands over the coin and takes the book. Well considering you have been an illusionist is it, for a long time, you sure don’t have any powerful spells for your trouble. No offence.

With that he bows and leaves with Alara.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#357 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo it would help if you could tell me exactly what you are seeking here. I do have some spells on the man that are not illusions just how exactly high a level spell are you seeking? "Well see that all depends to me the spells I have I can apply to my work here, others I could use in many other situations as well but I'm not much of an adventurer. So if you could be a little more specific I might be able to tell you if I have something along the lines of what you wish to see." the illusionist librarian replies to Jamal brow furrowed a little as he replies.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#358 Post by Storm11 »

Well technically Sha’ir’s aren’t supposed to know what else is out there until they see it, so Jamal shouldn’t really be able to ask specifically for spells above second level. I mean ideally he’s looking for spells from the outlande beyond zakahara, ones that aren’t on the list at the back of the Arabian Adventures book. For example, spells from the Tome of Magic, like magic staff, or wizards handbook, like chromatic orb or invisible mail or rarys telepathic Bond, or even from the PHB like colour spray or stinking cloud or melf’s minute meteors or leomunds tiny hut. Or spells of third or higher level like lightning bolt or fly or phantom steed or clairvoyance etc that are on the list. I realise some of these examples are beyond an illusionist due to oppositional schools.

I wish I knew what sort of magic was out there my good fellow. Once a sha’ir knows what magic awaits he or she can send our gems out to find these spells and bring them home. I thought you might be a source of such magic that I am not already aware of. Most magic of the first and the second order of magnitude is within my grasp, and I have even the ability to fetch spells for curing Light Wounds on people, that one I am particularly impressed by. I watch our cleric you see, most avidly. Even their magic is not behind my power, given enough time.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#359 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Montillo "Alright I'll be on the level with you I like you you remind me of home." the illusionist/Librarian says to Jamal as he goes to the semi-circle desk and pulls out his spellbook "This is my spellbook if you are seeking something you can use here is the three orders. I'd be happy to share some of the fourth and fifth with you perhaps at a later time when you are able to obtain those orders."

A few spells that Jamal notices that might be of interest to him as follows:

1st: Armor, Enlarge, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Wizards Mark.
2nd: Blur, Continual Light, Knock, Levitation, Magic Mouth, Whispering Wind, Wizard Lock.
3rd: Chiraudience, Explosive Runes, Fly, Gust of Wind, Haste, Hold Person, Infravision, Phantom Steed, Secret Passage, Tongues.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#360 Post by Storm11 »

Jamal peruses the book and his eyes light up.

Well that’s uncommonly kind of you good sir. I should very much like to see you conjure a phantom steed, and fly, and cast the tongues spell so you can communicate with whatever creatures are around. Do you have anything with an explosive rune upon it at the moment that could observe? Clairaudience also would be amazing to watch you perform, that’s very useful. And seeing you gift yourself with infravision. I would like to see all of those things if you would tolerate my intrusion for a few days. What do you have to cast right at this moment from that list?.
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