Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

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Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#1 Post by Mister-Kent »


It begins to rain as you make your way to Oxana's home turf--Little Robokovya, merely faded impression of Robokov's legendary beauty. Those who escaped Robokov before the Clockwork Tsars rose to power were scattered across the continent, however it is believed that some refugees escaped with quite a fortune intact. It is rumored that the majority of these wealthier emigrants made their way West, to the Megalopolis, or here to Urbistadt.

With an air of nobility, you work Little Robokovya's central square, where there are a few folks closing up their merchant carts, and everyone else is heading inside. Everyone who isn't heading straight home or to the taverns seems to be following two individuals--a very old man who has invited friends into his house for dinner, and a young minstrel who has proudly announced he'll be playing in the home of someone named "Lady Toma".

The streets will soon be quiet.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#2 Post by Urson »


"Er, oh?" The minstrel seems a bit surprised, but is ultimately charmed by the attention. "Yes, well, it was one of my better shows!" he agrees with some pride.

He walks briskly, expecting you to keep pace as he heads to the next gig. "I hope it's prepared me for playing at Lady Toma's," he says, eyes downcast. "She's the harshest critic--even if she likes you, there's no guarantee you won't be dismissed from her presence for some other small offense! But get in good with her, and you're made for life!"

You approach the large Toma Estate, the excited crowd eager to see whom wealthy Lady Toma will applaud and whom she will spurn.

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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#3 Post by Urson »


Molly sticks close to the young minstrel, alternately praising him to build his confidence and applying herself to his side like a sticking-plaster, hoping to enlist his 'baser instincts' in her campaign to be invited along into Lady Toma's home.

Better? You were magnificent! she half-coos, playing up the groupie aspect to the hilt. Please,please, please tell them to let me come along! I neeed to hear you again!

She pauses for a momet at the entrance to the estate, gawking like a fool at the building- but scanning it for possible stealthy entrances and any sign security personnel.

What does Molly already know about Toma (if anything)?
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#4 Post by Mister-Kent »

Outside of Little Robokovya, Toma's name is casually dropped here and there, a name of some importance and a family with roots in the Old Kingdom. In this neighborhood however she's referred to almost like royalty.

The minstrel is flustered but does not object to your company. "Er, can you dance? Or sing perhaps? Something that can really enhance the performance? I reaallly want to make this memorable.."

You can roll History to see if there's more to the Toma name.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#5 Post by Urson »


I wouldn't dare try to sing around you- it would be like taking marking crayons to a masterpiece. I can dance- a little, and I can juggle. But mostly I want to listen to you.

History:: [1d20] = 17+2
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#6 Post by Mister-Kent »

The player reassures himself at your words. "Right, right...focus! It's all on you's all about you..."

He follows the crowd through the large front gate and right up to the front doors of the manor, wide and painted rust-red. Guests are greeted by men and women in identical uniforms, tight little rust and gold vests over clean white shirts. These servants usher the crowd to a sizable ballroom, the grand staircase at the end occupied by several ladies in waiting. Between them all, her silvery skirts splayed lazily across the steps, a woman of refined beauty sits on the staircase with a relaxed and blissful grin, adjusting her large hat and veil. There are plenty of open chairs to choose from positioned around the edge of the ballroom, but she seems quite comfortable sitting there.

You recall hearing about several structures named for the Toma family, such as "The Towers of Toma" bordering the Dark Woods and "Lord Toma Dam" at the head of the Patina River. History says that when King Quest first journeyed abroad, he met and befriended a local warlord who aided him in expanding his kingdom. Quest named him as "Lord Toma", which means "Of the East", and the family line has been blessed since then. Apparently not blessed enough to escape the rise of the Clockwork Tsars, however.

The woman on the stairs sees the minstrel--and you--and beckons you to sit near her until called to perform.


"Eh heh, kinda a big crowd tonight," the minstrel mutters. "And y-you've never been to one of these parties?"
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#7 Post by Urson »


Don't be silly! Of course I have! Just relax, milove, you'll do fine!

Molly smiles sweetly at the minstrel. When she sees the Lady on the stairs, she nods, then curtseys as best she can in trousers. She sits, sneaking glances at the Lady to try and guess what her jewelry is worth. Any sign of a bodyguard?
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#8 Post by Mister-Kent »

Lady Toma grins politely back at you as her maids position themselves around her. They coo and clap as a young fiddler takes to the floor and begins warming up. When the fiddler begins to sing, this makes your minstrel companion quite nervous, as the fiddler is surprisingly good. Up next is a dancing girl who looks pretty experienced, and then the minstrel. "I heard the last bard that won Toma's favor is staying in Megalopolis on the lady's coin," the minstrel whispers to you, a pang of aspiration in his voice. "And the one before that is touring the Trade Coast. They must be living it up--neither one's returned home in over a year."

Lady Toma watches the performers with a critical eye. Her jewelry is on the low end of expensive, likely whatever baubles she could smuggle out of Robokov, accented with some family heirlooms. There are no obvious bodyguards here, but the ubiquitous vested servants patrol the room keeping keeping a close eye one everyone from the back of the crowd.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#9 Post by Urson »


Molly raises one eyebrow when the minstrel speaks about the previous 'winners'. Internally, she's skeptical of the story.

That sounds wonderful! And to think, when you're the one out touring, I can say I... meaningful pause Knew you when.

Molly excuses herself, I need to visit the privy- but I'll be back in plenty of time.

IF one of The Vests stops her, she'll offer a slightly pained smile. I'm sorry, I had a bit too much ale earlier. Could you tell me where the privy is at?
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#10 Post by Mister-Kent »

The Vests do not stop you--in fact, they cordially guide you down the hall to the right of the main gathering, to a comfortably sized water closet. Behind you as you leave, you hear Lady Toma request that all musicians play their rendition of a specific song, and has her handmaids pass sheet music to your bard acquaintance. She's very interested in hearing their ability to play the melody.

On the way to the privy, there are several large doors. At the end of this hall is a room with double doors flung wide open, revealing a dining hall. Scullery maids are running around frantically preparing a feast for Toma and tonight's guests of honor, all the while supervised at a distance by Vests. The Vests don't seem to busy themselves with mundane chores, simply watching the other servants, watching the guests, and making sure everyone is generally where they are supposed to be.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#11 Post by Urson »


Molly is all smiles and courtesy to The Vest who gives her directions. After she spends a minute or so in the WC, she'll peek out to look for anyone who may see her. IF she can do so, she'll slip into the room closest to the WC, moving quietly and staying low to keep hidden.

perception [1d20+1] = 10+1 = 11
Stealth [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#12 Post by Mister-Kent »

The nearest Vest has turned to face the commotion at the end of the hall, where several maids are attempting to move tables around. When you emerge back into the hall, you hear a different performer playing for the crowd now. It sounds like the minstrel you arrived with.

Turning back down the hall you find a room with double doors. The right won't budge, but the left is slightly ajar. The room is windowless and dark, wirh only the faintest sliver of hallway light. Nearby there is a table with an oil lamp and small wooden box. Beyond this its hard to see what else is here.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#13 Post by Urson »


Sorry- been a few weird days.

Molly continues cat-footing around, moving to the small table. She takes the box into the beam of light, examining it without opening- hoping to identify its purpose and evaluate the quality.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#14 Post by Mister-Kent »

In the light the box looks to be dark brown wood inlaid with gold. There is a metal clasp, unlocked, holding the lid closed, and a slight rattle when you pick it up. It sounds like metal clinking together inside, possibly coins or jewelry. The box itself looks old, judging by the moldy marks on the wood, but the gold is still quite shiny.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#15 Post by Urson »


Since this is primarily a recon trip, Molly carefully replaces the box on the table. She moves quietly around the room, hands in front of her to find obstacles before she collides with them. She's mainly looking for connecting doors.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#16 Post by Mister-Kent »

Having used the watercloset (10), you are now in a parlor that also seems to be used for storage (9).

Fumbling through the dark, you find a clutter of items piled towards the center and back corners of the room--pottery, paintings, crates of different sizes. There is a curtain behind the piles the likely contains more piles. Refugee goods, whatever Lady Toma and her retinue could take with them in their flight from the Old Country. It's hard to say what would have become of these goods had they been left behind for Robokov's new clockwork overlords, or if they'd have any use for them at all.

From down the hall, you hear a rapturous applause echo. Sounds like your musician acquaintance must have passed his audition. From that clamor, you hear approaching footsteps. The door begins to crack open, and a Vested young woman peers into the dark room.

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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#17 Post by Urson »


Molly smiles faintly, glad to know the kid isn't a total flop. When the door begins to move, she crouches and freezes, hoping to stay unseen.

Stealth [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#18 Post by Mister-Kent »

The servant woman scans the darkness briefly, but is immediately distracted by a new commotion as a procession of people come down the hall, traveling from the ballroom to the banquet room, celebrating the success of Lady Toma's newly approved musicians. The servant closes the door quickly, and Molly can hear the familiar click-click of the servant locking the door behind her.

The procession passes the door, and Molly can hear the crowd singing what's likely an old Robokovian folk song.
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Re: Part 2: Among Lords and Exiles

#19 Post by Urson »


Molly waits until the noise outside is loud, then attempts to pick the lock and let herself back out into the corridor. I am assuming the lock must be opened with a key from the inside as well.

[1d20] = 8+3

If she's successful, she'll slip out, trying to blend in with the partygoers in the hall.
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