Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

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Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates - Part 1

#1 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Haroushin begins telling the party the following story

"In the distant past, when Fate passed her knowledge to the Loregiver, Al-Anwahr was a rich and proud city ruled by King Azaltin, an intelligent man well versed in poetry, astrology, and the ways of magic. As the Loregiver wandered Zakhara, teaching the laws of the divine to man and genie alike, she is said to have stopped in Al-Anwahr and been a guest of Azaltin for 11 days. Azaltin honored his guest daily with lavish celebrations and exquisite gifts of silks, gold, and perfumes. After each night of entertainment, the king would ask his guest the same question: “How can a man live forever?” The Loregiver warned Azaltin about the danger of such knowledge, but in the end could hardly insult her gracious host by refusing to answer. Each night she told the king about the obstacles that prevent man from achieving immortality. Azaltin’s scribes labored furiously to capture the Loregiver’s parables and cryptic riddles, which were set down in a legendary scroll titled The Eleven Baneful Gates. According to legend, the Loregiver departed Al-Anwahr, leaving the equivocal scroll in Azaltin’s care. Azaltin pondered the scroll for a decade, ignoring his people while trying to unravel its secret. After months of fasting and meditation, he abandoned the kingdom to his brother Amakim and left to ponder the scroll in the solitude of the wilderness. Ancient legends say he returned a dozen years later, an undead creature of hideous appearance, to reclaim his kingdom. Before long, Amakim led a revolt to topple his monstrous brother. Some members of court remained loyal to their undead king, however, and a bloody battle ensued throughout the city. Ultimately, Amakim’s forces triumphed, but when they reached the king’s palace, they found that Azaltin had vanished. Amakim and his forces departed Al-Anwahr and eventually founded the city of In’aash. Centuries past, the city was renamed Muluk, while Al-Anwahr and Azaltin passed into folklore."

Haroushin gives the group a minute to take in the information of the story then continues on "What I ask of you is to go to the ruins of Al-Anwahr, which is located in the Haunted Lands. Recently, a clay tablet bearing the seal of Al-Anwahr was uncovered by nomads and sold for a princely sum in Muluk. I purchased this tablet and sent a large expedition to excavate the site and search for The Eleven Baneful Gates. No news was heard from them for months, and soon divinations revealed that they were all slain at the ruins. Through my divinatory magic and astronomical calculations, I have determined that the you are currently the group of people most likely to succeed in discovering the fate of the sacred scroll. As a priest of Zann, I am devoted to the acquisition of knowledge and directs historical research in this mosque’s libraries. This why when one of my acolytes told me you came here I had them send you in to see me. This is also why I was more than happy to resurrect your friend for no payment. In addition I am going to pay you 2,000 dinars (gold pieces) to equip yourselves for this journey. Whatever remains keep among yourselves. If you are able to recover the sacred scroll I will pay you 10,000 dinars upon bringing it back to me. If you are able to uncover any other writings I will reward you additionally for each writing you are able to recover and bring to me for the mosque of Zann's libraries. I do have one condition however, I am going to ask that you take someone with you, he will be my representative." the elder priest turns towards the door and a man walks through the door. "This is Ameer. Ameer you will be accompanying these fine folks to the ruins of Al-Anwahr."

Not waiting for greetings the elder priest of Zann pulls a cord and an acolyte enters his office holding a rolled up parchment that he then hands to Haroushin then bows and departs the office. Haroushin then continues on "I am giving you this map of the Burning Lands so that it can better guide you to the ruins of Al-Anwahr." he clears a place on his desk and opens the map up turning it so that you can get a good look at the map. He places heavy glass half spheres on the four corners to hold the map down flat. He points to where the ruins are shown on the map "This is your destination. Some the ruins will have things written in Chun, Chun, an ancient language used in Muluk’s former capitol. That is why I am sending my representative Ameer with you. He can read the Chun language." taking a moment to catch his breath again the priest once more continues on "The journey involves crossing the Furrowed Mountains and traveling for weeks through the Haunted Lands. So you will need to prepare for such a long journey. If need be I would suggest you travel from Muluk to Talv to resupply before heading onwards to the ruins of Al-Anwahr." he then reaches into a drawer and pulls out another map to give to the group. "Here is another map that will be useful to you."

Burning Lands Map: just ignore where it says Card 3 on this

Map: Area from Muluk to Talv just ignore where it says Card 1 on this

After allowing the group time to study the two maps Haroushin removes his weights from the maps rolls them up and puts them in each in a map case then places them on his desk to the group to grab. Whomever is the map holder add these to your character sheet please. Haroushin then places a small wooden chest on the desk as well opening it to show that it contains the 2,000 dinars (gp) as promised. "I should also inform you of the Immortal King. The Immortal King Azaltin now waits in the ruins of his former city, hoping that the truth about its history will at last be rediscovered. Azaltin was born 968 years ago into the ruling family of Al-Anwahr. The city now lies in forgotten ruins at the heart of the Haunted Lands, but Azaltin lives on, cursed with immortality. When Azaltin was a naive young king nine centuries ago, the Loregiver visited Azaltin. Abusing his authority as her host, Azaltin convinced her to reveal the secret of immortality against her will. Against her strenuous objections, Azaltin used the forbidden knowledge, justifying his naive desire for immortality with the excuse that it would make him a better king. Azaltin became immortal, but at the price of his physical appearance and respect in the eyes of his subjects, who regarded him as a monster. One of Azaltin's advisors, a treacherous vizier named Zeenab, saw an opportunity to seize power through Azaltin's weak-willed younger brother, Amakim. Zeenab persuaded Amakim to lead a revolt against his older brother and ultimately triumphed over Azaltin's loyal but disorganized forces. Azaltin watched in horror as his supporters were put to the sword, his beloved city sacked and ruined, and the survivors, led by Amakim, departed to the northern coast to found Muluk. He witnessed the ruin of his own kingdom, and watched the fall of Nog and Kadar. These ancient tragedies, rather than embittering the immortal king, have led Azaltin to respect the power and wisdom of the Loregiver and her Laws. For centuries, Azaltin wandered Zakhara perfecting his sorcery of wind and sand. Like a grandfather, he has watched the growth of the Enlightened cities: Huzuz and Qudra, the Cities of the Pearl, and the Pantheon Cities. He has visited and explored them all, at least that is how it is written and told." taking a pause for effect and to catch his breath before saying one last thing to the party. "Bid you a safe journey. You should make sure you have camels or some such steed for this journey for if by foot you will take significantly longer time to get to Talv and the ruins." he waits for any further comments or questions of the group before he will get up and lead everyone out of the mosque.

“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#2 Post by Zeromancer »


Ameer observes the party's group dynamics for clues about their hierarchy, if any, as well as individual body language which may indicate key personality traits. He is content at this time to wait and see what happens.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#3 Post by ravenn4544 »

Asad is becoming agitated. "So many WORDS! Bah! Let Fate see us through this path to glory!"
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#4 Post by Cwreando »


Abrex says, “Welcome Ameer. I can carry the maps unless another wishes to do so. It seem Fate has chosen to keep me on a path to rid the lands of more undead. As a follower of Zann I am honored to undertake this quest. Elder perhaps the priests or Mages can show my shiar friends some useful spells before we go?
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#5 Post by Storm11 »

Jamals ears prick up at this thought. ”Oo yes, some lasting magic would be amazing, if you know any. Wards and such like. Healing magic that lasts for days or weeks. That kind of thing hmmm? So it seems this wizard has taken the path to vampirism or lichdom or some such. Not great news for us! How long exactly will this journey take us do you think father?”

The halfing nudges Alara, excited at the prospect of seeing some more magic, and wanting her to pay attention too so she knows what she’s looking for. The little djinnling floats out of reach after the first jab. ”Hey, keep your stubby bony elbows out of my delicate rib cage you giant handed oaf!”
Jamal scowls at her. ”Stubby? You are smaller than I am you little smart mouthed sprite, now come sit and pay attention, for once, this could be important!” he grouses, patting his shoulder. With a deep sigh, like that born of a sulky teenager tasked once again with washing the dishes or taking out the trash, the wind gen flies over to the small wizards shoulder and sits down huffily.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#6 Post by GreyWolfVT »

In reply to Abrex and Jamal

Haroushin puts a hand to his chin and looks like he is thinking this over a moment before he says "My acolytes may be able to teach them some of the spells that are similar to the arcane spells such as light, protection from evil, detect magic. Spells of that sort may not hinder them or give them any ill effects if they cast them being as they are Sha'ir."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#7 Post by Zeromancer »

Ameer to Abrex

Ameer gazes upon his fellow human for a moment, then steps nearer to the table. He had to claim the maps himself. He was unwilling to place his Fate in the hands of these strangers, not yet at any rate.

"As an official representative of this mosque, I should be the one to carry the maps." he said in reply, with a hint of aloofness.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#9 Post by Ullek »

Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan looks up into the day sky and says "Light Bringer I am here where you said in my dreams great evil was stirring, and that balance must be restored. Please give your blessings to thy humble servant in this new quest" To the group he says "My brave new companions know that Ibn the ranger will have your backs whatever comes our way, vampires and liches are an affront to the Light Bringer, and their evil must be stamped out".
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#10 Post by Cwreando »


Abrex nods to Ameer,”I am a follower of Zann and will yield the maps to you the elders representative. Should you need anything else you just need ask .....within reason of course.”
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#11 Post by Scott308 »

Benham Iskandar

Hmm. Yes, camels, while filthy beasts, will be helpful for this quest. We shall need much more food and water than we would normally carry. Also, if possible, it might behoove us to purchase holy water and healing potions, if any can be found- dependent upon price, obviously. Maybe extra oil and torches, so that we may burn that which should not live were we to find any undead. Perhaps a few tents, as we'll be travelling for some time in the desert. Fortunately, with camels, it becomes less of a problem to transport the additional supplies we would need for a journey of this magnitude. Can anyone else think of any additional items we may require?
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Rashad speaks up "Well don't forget you all have your horses and ponies from when you rescued me being kept at the stables still. It might be a good idea to get some sort of wagon or cart to carry more supplies."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#13 Post by Zeromancer »


Ameer cracks a crooked smile then tucks the pair of map cases beneath his arm as he follows the conversation regarding supplying up for the journey ahead. Having traveled through the interior previously, the scholar felt the need to offer advice on the matter. "Horses and ponies will be a liability where we are going, my friends, and a wagon will reduce our mobility should we need to evade raiders. I recommend each of us bring along a second camel to carry the additional supplies and hire on a few hands to care for them."
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#14 Post by Scott308 »

Benham Iskandar

We could attempt to trade the horses and ponies in as part of the purchase price of the camels. There is a reason why camels are so widely used in the desert, whereas horses and ponies are not. Also, the amount of water we would need to bring just for the equines would be astronomical.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#15 Post by Dram »

Anuzal- Let us trade the horses in for camels, but we will need extra camels to carry the supplies. We will need weapons to defeat the undead. All of us do not have spells to protect us.

Are we going to split the value of all the treasure? So that we can purchase weapons and armor for this next adventure?
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#16 Post by Storm11 »

”If Dubb could demonstrate how to create water to us Benham, we may be of assistance magically in that regard.” Jamal says looking hopefully at the dwarf.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#17 Post by Ullek »

Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan says "Camels I have heard of such creatures they can retain water in their bodies, also their flat hooves will allow them to travel long distances quickly. But, yes sell the other animals and get 1 extra mount for each party member, also I can talk to these animals and find out if they're worth the coins to buy them. I can also know from them were the closest watering holes may be found, not to mention if the person selling them treated said beast fair in their captivity". So yes, we will get great prices for the best mounts & re-mounts.
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Rashad to Ahmed "Well the next closest oasis or rather area with water is along the first few days travel same path the group took to get to Sakina Falls. Plenty of water that is fresh. After that it will be a bit harder to locate until we reach Talv. I think it would be wise if we followed the Al-Zalim river. to the Sakina falls and canyon. From there we would have but maybe a few more days to reach Talv."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#19 Post by Bluehorse »

GreyWolfVT wrote:Rashad to Ahmed "Well the next closest oasis or rather area with water is along the first few days travel same path the group took to get to Sakina Falls. Plenty of water that is fresh. After that it will be a bit harder to locate until we reach Talv. I think it would be wise if we followed the Al-Zalim river. to the Sakina falls and canyon. From there we would have but maybe a few more days to reach Talv."
"Then it sounds to me that we need to load up with enough water to get us and our mounts from the oasis to Talv and replenish what we use once we are to the oasis. That way we have what we need for the long haul. I already have some food for cooking in my travel packs, so we won't be living off just rations for a while anyway. I think we may want to all pitch in for an extra camel or two for carrying water and supplies."
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Re: Chapter #4: Adventure #4 Eleven Baneful Gates

#20 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Dubb, having found a lovely book depicting the proper procedure for harem selection, finally engages the group.

"Hmm. Ah yes. Camel travel. Excellent! You know, I'm quite the camel rider. Yes, many months have I spent riding those beasts."

He notices Ameer and nods. "Pleasure to meet you. I trust that we will have plenty of time to get acquainted during the trip."

"Let's head back to the camel dealer and load up. One camel each, and maybe one extra per three members of the caravan? So three. I'd love some assistance in camel selection, Ahmed. Thank you."

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