2. The Asanda River (continued)

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2. The Asanda River (continued)

#1 Post by tumblingdice »

Combat Round 3

You'd think this would be a slam dunk with Zelaz's fireball, Tasrem's lightning bolt and Taranna's sleep spell. You'd think so...

mounted human archers on left bank 6
-->party 4
orc archers on right bank 4
bugbears on right bank 4
weretiger 1

The two dozen or so mounted human archers fire into your invisible raft (-4 to hit) as best they can, as Pormas,dripping wet, clambers to his feet, grabs his pole, and labors desperately to keep the raft moving. Most of the arrows splash into the water, plunge into crates or sacks, or bounce harmlessly off your armor. A few notable exceptions:

One arrow hits Tasrem for 3 hp dmg, disrupting his lightning bolt spell. Ouch!

Another arrow hits Max for 1 hp dmg, disrupting the camel's ruminations. The beast takes it in stride, and doesn't bolt or disrupt the raft.

Two arrows hit Zelaz for 3 and 2 hp dmg, disrupting the fireball spell. Ouch!

Your party and the orc archers attack simultaneously. Because Zelaz is unable to complete his attack, his invisibility, 10' radius stays in effect.

Aristide gets an arrow off at the remaining weretiger, hitting the beast for 3 hp dmg.

Sir Joffrey likewise tries to hit the weretiger with an arrow, but misses.

The orc archers, some on the right bank, 3 behind you, launch a volley of arrows at the still invisible raft. Most miss, except one that hits Tasrem yet again for 3 hp dmg, and one that goes wide and hits poor visible Horace for 2 hp dmg.

Taranna incants a seductive sleep spell. Thirteen human archers slump forward in their saddles, much to the surprise of their mounts. A half-dozen or so slide ride out of their saddles, tumbling to the ground. The remaining dozen archers look about themselves in bewilderment.

Roikos, majestically astride Penny, leaps from the raft--luckily, no one loses their footing or is thrown from the raft as a result--and into the shallows, becoming visible as he lunges at the weretiger with his holy flail. Not quite ready for the marshy ground beneath his horse's feet, his swing goes wide. Penny rears up, trying to strike with her two good hoofs, but misses.

The weretiger lets out a roar, then pounces at Roikos. He is badly beaten, however, and gets in only one good claw attack for 1 hp dmg. His other claw, and ferocious bite, miss their mark.

The cowardly bugbears hold back, goading on the orc archers in their guttural curses.

From the left bank, the sound of charging horse hooves fills the air. Mounted archers--those still awake, at any rate--scatter quickly out of the way as another mounted figure, brandishing a lance, breaks through their ranks, toward the only visible opponent worthy of his attention: Roikos! With a crash of metal and thunk of horseflesh hitting horse flesh, the two mounted masses collide, battering Roikos for 10 hp dmg.

Aristide 38/44
--Max 18/19
Tasrem 3/15
Taranna 28/34
Zelaz 10/15
--Horace 6/10 in water
Sir Joffrey 42/51
--Zephyr 19/19
Roikos 30/50
--Peny 16/16

A badly wounded weretiger fights for his life in the shallows of the river. Orc and human archers--half of whom are asleep-- surround you on three sides. Half a dozen or so bugbears remain on the right bank. A large, angry, mounted human is in striking distance of Roikos.

Actions? Remember to deduct any spells or missiles used.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#2 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Elf

Taranna casts wall of ice along the right bank in an effort to put some defensive measure between the party and the orcs/bugbears.

OCC: Spell deducted, memorized/expended spells updated from the GG forums, should be accurate for the encounter now.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#3 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz curses silently and fires off a lightning bolt (also from his ring) at the best guess at who hit him. To heck with it, he goes for the whole lot of archers.


The caster releases a powerful stroke of electrical energy that is 60' long and 5' wide.
Lightning Bolt damage [8d6] = 25
It deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per caster level to each creature within its area. The lightning bolt sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in its path. It can melt metals with a low melting point, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, or bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the bolt may continue beyond the barrier if the spell's range permits; otherwise, it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does. Any creature caught in the area of effect receives a saving throw versus spells. A successful save reduces damage by half.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#4 Post by kwll »

"Ouch! Ouch! Get off my lawn you fools!" shouts Tasrem before crouching in the raft and putting his hands on his head.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#5 Post by connivingsumo »

ROIKOS: Cleric

Undisturbed by his miss, or the miss of his Penny, he brings his Holy Flail onto his opponent again with a loud "VANYA?!" as if inquiring of her whereabouts.

[1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22[1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5

Forgive me as I re-learn the die rolling system here. I went to the 'Dice Roller' + Selected my Character's name + input my code which was (1d20+2) & (1d6+2) *using brackets, of course. It looks like he did a critical strike as he ended up with a 22. The +2 breaks down as: +1 for the magical flail, and +1 for his STR adjustment.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#6 Post by tumblingdice »

Rik, which opponent is Roikos attacking? the weretiger, or the guy on horseback?
These are ghouls. They hang out in graveyards, they have long tongues, and they eat people.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#7 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Strikingly Handsome Rogue

Aristide swings his bow around and lets an arrow fly at the angry looking mounted human near Roikos, shouting at him as he does "Hello there!" Aristide does his best to draw the attention of this lout and get him away from Roikos.

TO HIT: [1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21

DMG:[1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#8 Post by connivingsumo »

tumblingdice wrote:Rik, which opponent is Roikos attacking? the weretiger, or the guy on horseback?
Sorry - I meant the horseback/new opponent - hoping the weretiger would lick wounds for a bit, or someone else in the party would smack him dead.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#9 Post by tumblingdice »

Combat round 4

Labyrinth Lord's order of combat: movement, missiles, magic, melee, worked to your advantage this round.

Party [1d6] = 6
Orc archers [1d6] = 6, Oh boy! Simultaneous combat!
Bugbears [1d6] = 5
Human archers [1d6] = 4
Weretiger [1d6] = 2
Guy attacking Roikos [1d6] = 2

First off, poor old Tasrem hits the deck to avoid any further missile fire. Pormas stabs furiously at the water with his pole, trying to keep the raft moving.

Sir Joffrey (NPC'd) drops his bow, draws his sword, then leaps off the raft to come to the aid of Roikos. He's now visible, and will attack soon enough.

The orc archers launch another volley of arrows. Most are aimed at Roikos and the now visible Sir Joffrey, and fortunately for them, most of them miss. That said, three arrows manage to hit the good knight: [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 for [1d6] = 4 hp dmg, [1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21 for [1d6] = 3 x2 double damage = 6 hp dmg, and [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20 for [1d6] = 6 hp dmg.

Roikos likewise takes a beating: [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20 for [1d6] = 1 hp dmg, [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 for [1d6] = 5 hp dmg, and [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 for [1d6] = 5 hp dmg.

With all that armor, they'll live.

Of the four arrows that fly into the confines of the still invisible raft, naturally, all were aimed in the vicinity of our three spell casters: Tasrem [1d20-3] = 9-3 = 6, miss; Taranna twice, [1d20-3] = 2-3 = -1, miss, [1d20-3] = 6-3 = 3, miss again; and Zelaz [1d20-3] = 7-3 = 4, miss.

At the same time, Aristide fires an arrow at Roikos' quarry, hitting the mounted nomad for 7 hp dmg.

Taranna utters a few syllables, and a shimmering wall of ice blinks into existence, blocking the orcs and bugbears from sight. At 120' in length or so, it will buy you some time for certain. Joe, if you had something else in mind for the shape of the wall, let me know.

Zelaz cries out in Sylaire as the he, the rest of you and the raft blink back into view. A lighting bolt shoots from his fingertips, striking the lead archer, then wending its way among the rest of the archers and horses (25 hp dmg). Bodies slump from their mounts to the ground. Mounts slump to the ground, all of them dead. Nice work.

Sir Joffrey, with a cry to his king, swings his sword into Roikos' foe: [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23, [1d8+3] = 5+3 = 8 x 2 double damage for 16 hp dmg.

Roikos, invoking the name of his goddess, likewise brains the enemy for double damage (10 hp). The nomad howls in rage and pain. Penny gives the rider's horse a good kick [1d20] = 13 for [1d6] = 4 hp dmg.

From behind the ice wall, you can hear the bugbears barking orders at the orcs.

Now it's the human archers' turn. They sizzle on the ground, still dead.

The weretiger, bloodied and desperate, lunges at Roikos with its front claws, [1d20] = 19, [1d20] = 12, but only one connects for [1d6] = 1 hp dmg. It takes a feeble chomp [1d20] = 8, but misses.

The mounted nomad drops his lance, draws his sword, then lunges at Sir Joffrey with a swing that would slice a horse in two, [1d20] = 11, if only it had hit.

Aristide 38/44
--Max 18/19
Tasrem 3/15
Taranna 28/34
Zelaz 10/15
--Horace 6/10 in water
Sir Joffrey 30/51
--Zephyr 19/19
Roikos 14/50
--Peny 16/16

Three orc archers in the reeds behind your raft still pose a threat. Two dozen human archers and their horses lie dead on the left bank. One weretiger lies in reeds, dead, another still clinging to life. A score of orc archers and their bugbear overseers are stuck behind a wall, for now. A mounted human nomad fights between Roikos and Sir Joffrey.

Actions? Remember to deduct any spells or missiles used.

edit: The raft is about 40 feet upstream of the ford. Orcs, the mounted bad guy and the weretiger are all at close range (+1 to hit) for bow and crossbow fire.
Last edited by tumblingdice on Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#10 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Spunky Elf

Swiping sweat from her brow and gritting her teeth, Taranna fires off magic missile; targeting the the lancer between Roikos and Sir Joffrey.

Magic missle [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3[1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4[1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6

OCC: Spell deducted. The wall of ice effect is what was intended, buy time. Thanks!
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#11 Post by badams30 »

Aristide - Handsome and Deadly Roguish Sort

Aristide smiles as his arrow hits the guy attacking Roikos, then snorts in disgust as he sees the man still living. He rolls his eyes as he knocks another arrow.

With a sly smile he shouts "Ahoy there, dirtbag! Hello!"

[1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6 WHIZZ! MISS!
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#12 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz casts web from his ring at the three orcs in the reeds.

Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. Creatures caught within a web become entangled among the gluey fibers. Entangled creatures can't move, but can break loose depending on their strength. Any being with strength in a human range can break free of the webs in 2d4 turns. Creatures of higher strength or magically augmented strength above 18 can break free in 4 rounds. The strands of a web spell are flammable. All creatures within flaming webs take 1d6 points of fire damage from the flames for 2 rounds. After this time surviving creatures are free of the webs.
Last edited by greyarea on Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#13 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric

Roikos mistakes Tasrem's actions for falling in combat, "Tasrem! Stay down!" and calls to Vanya for aid, "Your wrath renews!"

*The Cleric casts Cure Serious Wounds on himself.*

Available Spells
Level 1:
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Cure Light Wounds (d6+1)
Detect Magic

Level 2:
Find Traps
Hold Person
Silence 15'R
Speak with Animals

Level 3:
Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic

Level 4:
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)
Cure Serious Wounds (2d6+2)

Level 5:
Flame Strike
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#14 Post by kwll »

Tasrem risks a look up and -- seeing that the situation has slightly improved -- motions a quick gesture with his hands towards the orcs to cast a sleep spell upon them.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#15 Post by tumblingdice »

Combat round 5

Pormas continues to guide the raft upstream, away from the ford, as the fight goes on.

Party [1d6] = 6
Orc archers and bugbears behind ice wall [1d6] = 4
Weretiger [1d6] = 4
Guy attacking Roikos [1d6] = 1
3 orc archers at the ford [1d6] = 1

Aristide misses his target by a mile, though he looks absolutely fabulous doing it.

Tasrem, even lying down, easily dispatches the three remaining orcs with a sleep spell ([2d8] = 7 HD of creatures). They collapse into the shallows and reeds, and will very likely drown. Kwll, next time you can roll to determine how many hit dice of creatures are affected.

Taranna's three magic missiles fly through the air at the mounted nomad, for a total of 13 hp dmg.

Zelaz lets fly with a web spell at the slumbering orcs. If they haven't drowned, and ever wake up, they're not going anywhere soon.

Roikos decides it's time for this physician to heal thyself, and casts Cure Serious Wounds for [2d6+2] = 7+2 = 9 hp. Sumo, next time you can roll for how many hp you heal.

Sir Joffrey, sword still in hand, takes another swing at the mounted nomad, who has begun to turn tail and flee for the ice wall on the right bank [1d20+3] = 9+3 = 12 +2 for attacking an opponent in full retreat. The good knight slices off his opponent's leg, and the nomad tumbles to the ground, dead. The horse keeps running.

From behind Taranna's wall of ice, you can hear the orcs murmuring and cursing among themselves. You can also hear the louder, angrier curses of the bugbears. Then you hear shoving, the sound of swords being drawn, more cursing, the clang of metal upon metal, and arrows whizzing through the air. It sounds like the orcs have revolted, but you can't be sure.

The weretiger sizes up his two opponents: Roikos, who is healing himself, and Sir Joffrey, who just killed his comrade. With a deafening roar, the beast throws itself at Sir Joffrey, furiously clawing, then biting the good knight, [1d20] = 15, [1d20] = 12, [1d20] = 4. One claw sinks in for [1d6] = 6 hp dmg.

Roikos' horse, Penny, looks at the weretiger, decides enough is enough, rears up on its hind legs, then tramples what's left of the lycanthrope with its two front hooves, [1d20] = 16 for [1d6] = 6 hp dmg, and [1d20] = 18 for [1d6] = 4 hp dmg. The horse looks on in wonder as the tiger reverts to human form upon death.

Aristide 38/44
--Max 18/19
Tasrem 3/15
Taranna 28/34
Zelaz 10/15
--Horace 6/10 in water
Sir Joffrey 24/51
--Zephyr 19/19
Roikos 23/50
--Peny 16/16

Three orcs lay sleeping and webbed in the reeds. The mounted nomad and weretiger lay dead. A melee has erupted behind the ice wall. No one is attacking you at the moment.

Actions? Remember to deduct any spells or missiles used.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#16 Post by greyarea »

Zelaz curses the waste of his spell. He flies, keeping himself over the raft, and uses his telekenesis ring to lead Horace to the raft, hoping to get him on it once they clear the bad guys.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#17 Post by kwll »

Tasrem painfully sits and assesses the situation. "Maybe we can just leave these poor fellows fight among themselves, and be on our way?" he proposes timidly. If the raft is not under an invisibility spell anymore, he will propose to cast one himself.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#18 Post by spanningtree »

Taranna - Elf

That would be nice would it not, me thinks the bugbears will come out on top. The continued fray will likely depend on how big a bounty they were promised.... or their desire to live.

Taranna checks her horse then hair, in that order.
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#19 Post by connivingsumo »

Roikos: Cleric

The Cleric listens intently to his companions and thinks: on the one hand he should put a stop to these vermin, but on the other the party is wounded and we could possibly escape by sailing down the river.

"I will support what the party wants, but I think we should finish what's behind that wall of ice."
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Re: 2. The Asanda River (continued)

#20 Post by tumblingdice »

connivingsumo wrote:Roikos: Cleric

The Cleric listens intently to his companions and thinks: on the one hand he should put a stop to these vermin, but on the other the party is wounded and we could possibly escape by sailing down the river.

"I will support what the party wants, but I think we should finish what's behind that wall of ice."
You could escape by sailing down river, but you are in fact headed up river, away from the Sea of Dread, toward the Salt Swamp, and beyond that the Sind Desert.

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