EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#61 Post by Marullus »

(Sorry, I forgot about Pendleton.)

The ArchDuke addresses Pendleton personally. "This beast does indeed seem... loquacious. I am honoring its request by both 'calling for knights' and presenting it a maiden, in fact one with which it is already acquainted. If you wish to try discourse with it before Foxy attempts other resolutions you are free to do so, but we of course cannot vouch for your safety alone on that hillock with Foxy the Maid. I would, of course, offer reward if the dragon can be convinced to leave Gaul (and its maidens) alone and in fact honor it. I leave it between you and Ms. O'Hare as to what the plan on that hillock is to be."
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#62 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare
Your longevity in the face of this beast is indeed commendable
"Thank you my Lord,"she beams.
You are unmarried yourself, are you not?
"Yes, err, no actually, though after the vows were said he ran..." she struggles to explain.
has volunteered to be the first tribute
"yes, err ... no actually ..."
If she is consumed by the beast as sacrifice, we shall honour her deed
,"thank you my Lord, err no actually I don't plan on ..."
I shall have one of my own suits of armour refitted for Ms. O'Hare
"Thank you my lord, no actually, will that be so necessary..."

Foxy's voice is lost however in the applause given to the Duke for his 'grand ole plan'. Being feebleminded and contemplating the drawing of butterflies seemed so less stressful than this sudden turn of events. Foxy is hurried off to the armourers tailor where she verbally complains again with the same little effect that the suit has 'just too much girth in the arse' and 'not enough uplift in the bust'. She would seek a little refuge from all the hustle and bustle with another bottle of red in the tavern only to find the dwarves inside taking wagers and rooting for the dragon. So she finally secludes herself in the stables hayloft and with no appetite for food left for the day she feeds her apples to the stallion, whispering stories of noble deeds into his ears.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#63 Post by Marullus »

:lol: (Well played. That's worth RP XP bonus, right there. :) )

Foxy's doom pronounced, she finds an odd mix of gratitude, pity, and excitement in the faces of the townsfolk. She is fitted for the armor and given leave to prepare herself within the city for the next two weeks... though she finds the guards wary at the gates. It seems she won't be permitted to make a break for it before the Tribute Day.

Anyone wanting to join Foxy in the scene, or provide aid to her before she rides forth, post here.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#64 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

In the dusky twilight, Clay's furry form wedges through the stable doors. He sniffs the air and then heads to the loft. After a few futile attempts at ascending the ladder, he gives up, resting on a crate as well. They sing your praises like you're already dead. When I asked where to find you, they acted like you have the plague. Not the results we'd expected when we set out to kill the Goblin King. He lets the dark and silence settle around them. Finally, he reveals what he's been wrestling with for that past few days. Ms. O'Hare, what I saw when I was dead... It's bigger than all this and I can't risk dying before I do what's got to be done. But you were the first person I met here in the north, and we've saved each other a few times. If not for you, I'd've been a sacrifice for that Monoc a few months back now. I can't let you go out and just get eaten. In your way, you're doing Beith's will. Another silence, broken only by the intermittent whinnying of the horses.

I've proved I'm not much for strategy, but the goblins taught us a few things. Tricks go a long way in a fight. We need some. Lots, actually. And I don't know that my spells'll work on Scatha, because he's an ancient dragon. Clay talks about his newest abilities and the stories he's heard while sitting outside the tavern. I can enlarge your horse, and I've heard that that logger, Blackjack, had a potion to make him a giant. That would make the fight a bit more fair, but not enough.

I can make you and the horse resistant to flames - not immune, mind you, so you'll still want to avoid those flames. That cleric of Eruanna could offer you and the horse Protection from Evil, and perhaps you can entice the Duke to have the Bishop of Baudh bless your weapons.
Clay goes on to talk about making it so she could communicate with her horse, and creating tunnels for Foxy to ride in and out of, admitting it would be dangerous if fire was involved. There are spell casters here, as well, so blinding it with darkness or light, charming it, and magical missiles are possibilities, but an ancient red dragon is likely to resist spells. But if enough is thrown at it, something is likely to stick. He admits that the risk is that Scatha just flies off to return when the town is less prepared.

He lets silence fall again, waiting to hear her own thoughts, knowing that, at the end of the day, it will still be Foxy out there fighting, not him.
With Plate Mail, Good Food, Protection from Evil, Blessed Weapons and a Shield spell cast on her, she has:
  • Base AC 1 (or AC0 if Scatha is evil, which is very likely) (Scatha's THACO is 11)
    +3 on all saves, or +6 on all Fire-related saves.
    -1 from each successful damage die from fire-weapons
    +1 to hit/dmg
Able and Clay are willing to offer magical aid to make some of that happen. Foxy would still need a growth potion and shield spell.

I don't know the effects of enlargement from a potion.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#65 Post by Stirling »

17th June

Foxy O'Hare

There is a sound of some fleeting footsteps, some hurried dressing and a very tussled and inebriated looking mass of uncombed ginger hair and red face peering between the hayloft rails.

"Why it is my fluffy fleabag friend. I thought I recognised the voice. How sweet, you have come for confession. So very Eruannic of you. Don't worry you are absolved, absoluted, obstricated, observed... whatever. " She lowers down a picnic basket on a string, containing several empty bottles, a half filled bottle of southron red, the remnants of nibbled corn cobs and some cracked eggs. She waves two large empty bottles in her hands, the champagne long since gone. "I was having a party with my friends Jeroboam and his big brother Reho-bottle-of-bubbly-boam . But that have ran out on me like every one else, save you my cuddly-wuddly priest of Beth." It is followed by a loud burp and the closing of eyelids, a big yawn and a sudden but not unexpected thud as her head cushions the straw on the boards behind her.

Yes, thanks for the info and hints, Foxy will definitely look into all of these.

In the countdown to the encounter, I will post some daily actions and research that might help.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#66 Post by Spearmint »

Mid June

around the same date Idriss returns to town with the expedition group from the kobold tower. After surrendering his scrolls over to the Templars at the Infirmary he will locate Ms O'Hare and let her know that he can cast some spells which might assist in the encounter, such as mirror image. He spends his days studying until he sets off in July for the goblin hole return.

"Every knight needs a squire Ma'am" he says to Foxy. "I might not be great in a melee but I can at least saddle horses and make sure the lady looks her best?" he offers.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#67 Post by Alethan »

Earc of Toll's Tower

Dressed in dusty brown robes, with the pommel of a well-crafted short sword protruding from its folds, Earc approaches Foxy O'Hare as she prepares for the dragon fight.

"A word with the Flame of the North, if you would?" he asks her. And without waiting for an answer, he steps to the side and motions for her to follow him.

"Allow one ginger to aid another," he says with a slight smile, producing a small vial of yellow viscous liquid. "I present you with... more equal ground."

"I assume you will not hide from the dragon, correct? You aren't likely to sneak about like some ring-poaching halfling, yes? Then this," he explains, "is a growth potion, a product of Toll's Tower. It will, for some period of time, cause you to double in size. Your strength will likewise increase, allowing you to do more damage with each hit. Take it." He puts the vial in Foxy's hands and steps back.

"Good luck with your duel. I will help out where I can on the day of the fight."

With a nod, Earc pulls a dusty hood over his head and continues on his way.

OOC: Add to Foxy's inventory a Potion of Growth.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#68 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

"Thank you young mage. I hear the tavern crowd singing of the trolls' defeat. A true monstrosity I am lead to believe. My apologises for being uncouth with you earlier, I understand you acted in good faith to peaceably allow the Templars to secure me against any alleged infernal influence. Such a smooth silky feeling of sand. I had been touched before by the mages of Monoc in the same way but was not so overcome. So after I checked with Mr Hyde afterwards as to who may be behind such arcane skills. "

Foxy takes the potion. "Thank you. Stout hearts, brazen arrogance and stupidity will only get me so far. And no, I will not chance to ride off into the sunset, not least until the dragons head is cut off or he yields his ground."
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Re: Town Business (Gaul)

#69 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

goes wandering around the market square in search of decorative trinkets to hang around the hayloft she has sort of annexed in the town stables. She has paid for the suite in the tavern of course but tries to keep a low profile while the current furore is building up to the dragons return. Whilst in the market she spies the 'old crone' lady with her herbalist store and hanging bunches of unusual leafs.

"Excuse me Mother. I have heard of your reputation in garnering the best out of these 'old world' traditional recipes." Foxy looks at the collection of powdered spices, fragrant blossoms, vermilion berries, mandrake roots and others."I was hoping that I could find something that might help old Galavan. He lacks some nimbleness and speed I fear and his legs are perhaps not used to the work I put his paces through. ... He's my horse by the way not my squire. Do you have any herbs or grasses that he may chew to give him that additional vitality, that spring in his step, that new lease of life?" she asks hoping the wizened sage would know where such 'wild nettlebanes' and 'thistles of the zephyr' grew locally.

Foxy thinks she might have to recruit a courier or ranger to forage a few days for any specified plants in the north forest, so she makes a mental note to locate this river ranger of tavern legend or one of the former loggers.
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Re: Town Business (Gaul)

#70 Post by Marullus »

The old crone grins broadly, pleased at being consulted. "Brave indeed, to volunteer as tribute! And to think, you ask only for aid for your horse," she chortles, her gnarled fingers deftly sorting through jars and hanging bunches of dried herbs. She produces a thick vial of dark green ooze and a bundle of dried herb that looks something like alfalfa fodder. "Herbs indeed, to quicken the pace. They have their toll, and you'll need a day of rest when all is done, but better to see if you live, first, hmm? Feed the fodder to the horse, the vial is for you." She hands the items over. "No charge, if you save the town. And if you don't? It is too hard to charge you."

Add to inventory:
  • Potion of haste (1 dose)
  • Fodder of haste (1 dose)
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Re: Town Business (Gaul)

#71 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Thanks the old lady for her generosity, she expected to have to forage in hope for the ingredients for such. She stores the potions away, thinking that mixing and matching two on-going effects might not be the best and these potions of haste are said to age the skin. She muses on the merits of surviving with grey hair or not surviving at all.

Potions added to inventory.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#72 Post by Marullus »

Anyone else to help Foxy?
Final actions for Foxy before the day of battle?
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#73 Post by Zhym »

The demon expedition and the demon trial are keeping me busy enough with Pendleton that adding him to the dragon event would stretch me too thin. So he's going to reluctantly sit out, prizing his skin over his desire for knowledge this time around.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#74 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw- Bows to the Duke. Thank you good sir. I shall post on the bulletin board for volunteers in case Ms Ohara's mission fails. Turns and proceeds out of the hall.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#75 Post by Spearmint »

Amistad seeks refuge in the tavern during the coming of the dragon. He doesn't want to see any sacrificial lamb ripped apart unless it is for his own ceremonial feast. He is appalled by the lack of concern from the Duke about Ms O'Hare's impending doom and also that the mercenary and Templar guards are stationed behind the walls and not lined up on the field. He will sit with the dwarves discussing the merits and faults of the 'fiery blaggardess' upon whose shoulders the maidenhoods of the young ladies of Gaul rests.

He will buy the assembled dwarves an ale or two, maybe three, and listen to their songs, especially those of the Blackhelms' tribe and ask about the home they had which now the dragon lairs in.

In all this Amistad has a plan ...
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#76 Post by Spearmint »


having offered some aid in the form of his arcane powers, the mage needs to recalibrate how to cast spells normally reserved for 'self' onto other people. He reflects on the runes, manuscripts and formulae to enable him to project the enhanced magic on a willing supplicant. When the dragon due date comes around, Idriss will have a small booth placed on the hillock for Ms Foxy which contains a couple of extra lances, a new shield, some horse feed and a thick hyssop sweeping brush and body bag to clear up the remains ...

edited following outcome of spell research ...

... "you f*@£!"g clown!", shout the righteous Templars as they string together a chain of sloshing water filled buckets to be passed hand-to-hand finally to bro Mylo who throws the contents over the Infirmary library conflagration. Children with Foxy bows gather in the hospital courtyard to toast knight figure shaped marshmallows on the end engraved Flame of the North arrows... :lol: Idriss shakes his head at the portent of doom and goes to share the bad news with Foxy that his spell aid is still under 'research'.

Hopefully a bit on contrition and public confession later and as most of the library tomes were rescued before the fire ignited, Idriss can continue his research under more stringent conditions and as time allows alter the spell invocation into a version of 'Mirror Others'. He will memorize two spell slots so that on the day he may cast one 'Mirror Others' on both horse and rider.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#77 Post by Marullus »

Afternoon, July 1, 2021

Clay Weatherwax offers to enlarge the horse before battle while Earc of Toll's Tower grants Foxy a Potion of Growth to enlarge herself in measure to the horse so that the dragon might find a giant woman astride her steed rather than a quailing maid.

Idriss, after an unfortunate mishap lighting the Infirmary on fire, expands his magical knowledge and offers to make both horse and rider appear in duplicate through potent illusion, confounding the dragon's attacks.

Baxtaw and the ArchDuke fund the ballistae, two giant crossbows with crews of guardsmen now are mounted atop the wooden tower, should the creature turn its attention to the town after its tourney with Foxy the Maiden. Baxtaw then posts a notice for others to aid him in seeking the dragon's demise... pending Foxy's failure. Likewise, the town moves from jubilance at Foxy rising as a potential savior to a respectful mournfulness towards her, as one consigned and already dead.

When the battle arrives, the town gathers to send Foxy the Maiden off, then to wait pensively upon word of her success or failure. Foxy is resplendent in her platemail armor and shield, astride her leather-and-plate barded steed. The Priests of Baudh offer blessings upon both her sword and lance while the Sisters of Eruanna pray for her to be protected from the Evil of the dragon wyrm.

Idriss accompanies Foxy as a squire out to the hill where she is to wait; Sir Albrecht does so as well, ensuring she doesn't flee and riding back to town himself before the dragon is sighted. Idriss sets Foxy up with a nice little respite, the piked goblin heads on the hillock above them. He sets out and arranges a couple of extra lances, a new shield, some horse feed and a thick hyssop sweeping brush and body bag to clear up the remains...

The afternoon stretches to evening as they wait for the dragon to appear.

Spell Effects:
-1 AC
+1 Saves
+1 to attack rolls
+1 damage
+1 morale for the horse

Double size (speed and damage) on Foxy and Horse
Haste (double speed) on Foxy and Horse
So... they have 4x movement rate, 2x damage, and 2 attacks/round
(Platemail, shield, Dex, and Protection from Evil = -1 AC and 4 AC for the horse)
Mirror Other: Creates 1d4 illusionary duplicates of the target

Scimitar: (Thac0 15) damage [1d8+2 x2]
Lance on Charge: (Thac0 16) damage [1d6+1 x4]

Final Posts, please.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#78 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Clay spends as much time as he can around the battleground, making tunnels (if time allows) or changing the topography to offer Ms. O'Hare and her steed places to shelter against fire or outmaneuver the dragon. He offers her a potion of healing. He stands at the ready to cast Entangle (twice) to try and befuddle the dragon. (Unless Ms. O'Hare asks him not to since it would interfere with her maneuverability.)

Able casts Resist Fire on Ms. O'Hare and her horse, and on Idriss. He asks Brother Mylo to cast Prayer on Foxy, if possible (the spell doesn't specify if it is available to be cast on others).

Any clerics of Baudh around that want to cast spiritual weapon, or a few magic users with magic missiles? Does anyone have a plan to ground Scatha for a few turns? We could really open up on it then.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#79 Post by Spearmint »

Idriss is on the hill and Amistad in the tavern with the town dwarves.
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Re: EVENT: The Coming of Scatha - June 2021

#80 Post by Alethan »

Earc of Toll's Tower

Earc stands off to the side, with four magic missile spells memorized. He watches tensely to see if the dragon speaks at all with Foxy. As soon as the dragon lands on the ground, Earc casts all four spells in sequence, holding the missiles at his side until after the first attack. Then he will launch all 12 missiles at the dragon at once.

If he has a chance, he will then cast Continual Light at the dragon's eyes. He knows there is a good chance the dragon can resist the spell, but maybe at the very least it will blind it for a round.

OOC: That's about the best offensive spell Earc has right now. Sorry, no fireball or lightening bolt, but about 48 pts of damage on average with all 12 being cast, so nothing to sneeze at. Actually, maybe better than fireball because it's completely contained and there is no save allowed.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.

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