Protectors of the Crown

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Protectors of the Crown

#1 Post by AleBelly »

I'm posting this publicly, but only 'Protectors of the Crown' (Yenny, Dandelion, Tempus, Galan, and Chet) are invited to meet with Jobin to discuss potential missions for the group.

Protectors are:


Benefits/duties of Protectors of the Crown

1. There will be several potential objectives passed down from the king. Often protectors may choose from these, but some circumstances may require the protectors to focus on a singular task.

2. Rations (trail), accommodation in Masmuria-controlled lands, and food will be covered by the crown. Rations must be requested before leaving town. This benefit does not extend to animals or henchmen.

3. Protectors must report all recovered treasure. It will be theirs to keep except in cases where crown property has been recovered. In this case the protectors will be reimbursed for the property surrendered to the crown.

4. Protectors may be subject to rare spot tests to determine if they are telling the truth regarding their findings of the outside and treasure.

5. Training, where possible, will be covered by the crown. Assassins are not encouraged by the crown, and training will not be covered for them. High level training may not be available in Masmuria and may require travel to remote locations.

6. Party members may be initiated into the Protectors group if they are part of a party completing a mission (from start to finish). Some objectives may change over time (that is, scouting could morph into expelling a hostile force).

"We took Strod, but much remains to be done. Truth be told, the more we learn, the further we patrol, the more problems we encounter. The lot of you will be very busy. The king has approved the following duties:

>>A sensitive matter. It is true that we have recaptured Strod. What is not well known is that orc filth still dwells below the city. They have caused no issues, but the situation is still unstable there. We can't spare the men to go beneath and root them out. And it's not just orcs down there. Accounts vary from the chaotic battle, but I saw large wolves and a manticore fighting alongside the orcs. They also had the aid of ogres. Which brings me to a second mission:

>>We have reason to suspect there is a well-ordered ogre dwelling north of Strod. They seem well-organized, and a couple of our patrols have gone missing in the vicinity. No good could come from ogres. We would like you to root them out and destroy them.

>>There are roving bands of humanoids to the south. Mainly goblins, but some wolf-men too. This seems beneath you, and our patrols have them well-handled.

>>Boar hunters have reported a particularly nasty strain of boars manifesting themselves in the north. It's unusual enough to warrant investigating.

>>Farmers to the north are reporting raids. One child was abducted. These raids always happen at night

>>We have little knowledge of what lies east of the goblin lair you rooted out those couple years ago. We have not yet the manpower to patrol these areas. Some scouting would be helpful, but less useful than the other items I just mentioned. I would like you to choose one of the above."

>>"Our patrolmen have seen signs of a small band of elves, likely a few miles northwest of the lair Tempus, Zo, and Lucas liquidated. There's a chance the elves could be friendly. This is a diplomatic mission, but not without danger"
Last edited by AleBelly on Thu Nov 01, 2018 11:54 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#2 Post by »

"It is hard to protect the land when one's own home is insecure. Perhaps we should start here. The only danger I see is that we could really foul things up for the King's guard. If it is calm underground, and we rile things up, I could imagine blame could fall upward a bit. We'd have to be careful to keep whatever trouble may be down there confined." Yenny is dressed down today and looks ready for work. Her embroidered cloak has been replaced with a short, dark cape that shows patched tears and some dark stains. Her armor is clean and looks well tended.
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#3 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion discusses the options with her peers.

" I suppose we need to investigate the ogre leads either way. They have the potential to create much more havoc.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#4 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus listens to the ladies ruminate. "I for one am keen to see what is so unusual with the board around these parts. That sounds alarming indeed. Do you have any more specific information on what exactly is so unusual about the ones recently encountered? I intend to do some training before I head out, it seems a natural fit right now without anything truly pressing. I will admit thought the ogres and the orcs are troubling. If the orcs aren't currently causing any trouble it might be wiser to focus elsewhere for now. Do you have spies underground at all Jobin?" the little Druid asks curiously.
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#5 Post by AleBelly » wrote:"It is hard to protect the land when one's own home is insecure. Perhaps we should start here. The only danger I see is that we could really foul things up for the King's guard. If it is calm underground, and we rile things up, I could imagine blame could fall upward a bit. We'd have to be careful to keep whatever trouble may be down there confined." Yenny is dressed down today and looks ready for work. Her embroidered cloak has been replaced with a short, dark cape that shows patched tears and some dark stains. Her armor is clean and looks well tended.
"The underground dwelling is in Strod, not here in Alleborg. Located in the center of the city, it was impossible to block the retreat of the orc-folk underground" replies Jobin. He turns to Tempus. "No, we have no spies underground. As you know, the orcs kept human and half-human slaves both above and below ground. We have found precious few that served underground - most of them are still there. Or dead. But we know from the above-grounders that the entrance was well-guarded when Strod was controlled by the orcs to keep access restricted."
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#6 Post by »

underground dwelling is in Strod, not here in Alleborg.
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#7 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion nods,

I suppose the boars would be a quick investigation, and he didn't think it was lower priority.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#8 Post by CAI4 »

Hmmm interesting. The boars sound intruiging
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#9 Post by Zhym »

Angus isn't in the discussion, obviously, but he'd be up for rooting out orcs or ogres. The boars seem up his alley too, but he doesn't get his swell damage bonus against those, so I'd lean toward the other two.
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#11 Post by »

ooc happy with any of these and prefer quicker decision to lengthy debate.
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#12 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion nods.
Boars it is, I believe. Which is good. They actually have better manners than the ogres.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#13 Post by CAI4 »

Chet thinks and his expression changes as he makes sure nobody is looking so he can pick his nose.maybe the reason the orcs arent coming out is theyre planning to uh.. maybe they're :?: making a.... thing like a umm bleh i dont know can someone else come up with something I dont want to think. :?:
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#14 Post by CAI4 »

yah lets go maybe we could bring some logs to cook a boar and then... chet's mouth waters as he thinks. eat BACON YES I AGREE I LOVE BACON :shock:
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#15 Post by CAI4 »

Also, I would like to greet the new folks with a warm welcome. I am Chet and i like kicking and punching eyes. Please to meet ya
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#16 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion purchases a few rations to replenish and prepares to head out to wherever they decide to go, first.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#17 Post by AleBelly »

6 Grasses (April), Year 44

After several days in town, the Protectors are summoned to the palace to speak with Jobin. He never looks particularly joyful, but the lines of worry on his face are evident.

"Yenny, Dandelion, Tempus, Lucas, Zo." He pauses. "You have all served the crown faithfully. First, I commend Zo, Tempus, and Lucas for easing the worries of the settlers in the northern farmlands. We sent a small team of inspectors to the lair you vacated. You killed many of those foul dank-dwellers. And we were able to recover the body of the child they abducted for a proper funeral ritual. We may make good use of this as a storage facility, and I ask you not to speak of its location too indiscreetly in town." Lucas, a young boy with red hair and a Zo, a slight shabby looking elf answer to the praise of Jobin uneasily.

"And the rest of you - and your companions - continue to root out the evil that dwells beneath. You did very well to capture the wizard. A most unexpected, and as it turns out, ominous finding."

Jobin paces up and down the smooth stone floor, his boots muffled by the ornate rugs that cover nearly every square inch of it. "Renard was cooperative to our interrogations. We were unable to detect any falsehoods in his testimony. I will spare you too much detail, but as he told you, he was tasked...nay, unleash an onslaught of creatures into Strod. To terrify the occupants and our guards. This to prime the town for invasion again, you see."

Jobin's brow furrows more deeply. "He claimed to be doing so unwillingly, compelled by dark magic. And indeed after just two days his constitution deteriorated rapidly." The voice of this large, mail-clad man turns weak. "We summoned the most powerful mages in town. Yet we were unable to reverse this process. A very powerful magic was behind this. Renard claimed it was Trona. And two days later, Renard was gone. We let down our guard, and with a few words he disappeared. He had the gift of teleportation. He hinted at this, and I hope if he crosses paths with a Masmurian he will be on our side."

Jobin lets the words sink in. "Yet he provided us with much that we did not know of the west. I will tell you of this and the ring you found. But first are there questions?"
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#18 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus greets Yenny and Dandelion warmly, and listens to Jobin as he expounds on what he is uncovered.

The dreadlocked Halfling nods at the mention of the clearing of the mound, and promises to repeat it to no one outside this room.

When Jobin pauses for questions the Druid looks around at the gnome and the half-orc, before tentatively raising his hand.

Did this captured wizard seem to take on board our plight here once liberated from his current bind before he vanished, or was he still determined to see the town fall? Do you think he will go straight back to this Trona and resume his attacks upon Alleborg and it’s lands? Also, did he give any clues as to what this Trona’s plans are for the town, or when they are likely to strike here? And why?
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#19 Post by onlyme »

Dandelion shakes her head, ( though not in a Prell Shampoo type of way) at the confirmation that the mage escaped.

Who were the guards that failed us? She asks, fearing that there may be trouble within the ranks.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Protectors of the Crown

#20 Post by »

Yenny is happy to see Tempus again, and cheerfully greets the new Protectors as well, "Hello, may the light of Veles shine forth upon you all! Jobin, I hope you are well."

After his news, Yenny lets outs a low whistle, "Boy do I not want to be the one to tell a certain ranger about this. Jobin, I would not be surprised if our friend Angus comes storming about, threatening to cut whatever inept or worse guard let the mage slip away. I must say that Renard barely made it here alive. I hope the information he gave was worth whatever cost we must pay for his still being alive. If he reports back to Trona, we will be marked and I imagine the plans against the town will be accelerated. It seems we must seek this Trona out directly. Veles grant that we are ready." Yenny smiles weakly.
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