Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#181 Post by Pulpatoon »

After an hour of hushed swearing, the boat is finally maneuvered through the trap door and into the room full of rope. The pirates are now sweating and frustrated, and their movements are noticeably sloppier.

In case this needs to be clarified: Ondrj, the remoras, and a larger body of pirates have stayed behind in the cove. 12 pirates are heading to the portal room with you. 6 will travel to Castle Gargantua, and 6 will return to report to Ondrj.

The boat is carried through the corridor, where there is another delay fitting it through the right-angle turn. And then you come to the door that leads to the large room with the glowing pink gem.
Random Enconter: [1d6] = 2
The pirates most definitely count as encumbered, so this result becomes a surprise attack.
[1d3] = 2
[1d8] = 3
The pirates carefully crack the door, peering into the pink gloom of the room. Once they are confident it is empty, they do their best to tip-toe the longboat across the floor to the door you have indicated. But their weariness and frustration hampers their stealth, and after some precarious shifting of the boats weights and a few muffled swears, you here a loud void crisply enunciate words in a language you do not understand.

Three figures are rushing down the ascending stairs. They are tall—taller than any of you—and almost impossibly slender. They have pale-whitish skin, long backward-sloping skulls, and delicate, tapering fingers. Each is dressed in enameled armor of a different brilliant hue: cerulean, magenta, and viridian. They carry elaborately-flourished pole-arms that gleam like silver.

There is burst of alarm from the pirates, and you distinctly hear the word "Eld." The pirates carrying the longboat move to set it down on its side and use it for cover.

The 3 Eld will reach you next round, at charging speed.

More on Friday!
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#182 Post by Starbeard »

The Princess grows a little alarmed at the hubbub and cowers behind the longboat with the pirates. In an attempt to be useful, she uses her wand to create a peephole through the boat's keel.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#183 Post by Urson »


The overconfident young man readies his maul, planning to smash Eld knees when they come within reach.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#184 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Not my fight, thinks Flintlock, as he rushes toward the door of if this room (toward the rat-head and rag room.

I am hoping to use this as an opportunity to unlock the door make sure the tapestry is hung, and hide the space suit. Anyone want to come along?
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#185 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Wikerus hauls ass alongside Flintock towards the door with no particular strategy in mind but escape from this entirely ambiguous situation, of which he can make heads, nor, for that matter, tails...
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#186 Post by Pulpatoon »

Wikerus and Flintlock dash for the door of the rag-room.
Jake stands his ground and prepares to meet the charging Eld with his maul.
I will assume the rest of the party joins the Princess in taking cover behind the boat. Deet and Splinters steady their muskets on the boat's gunwale.

The Princess tries to create a peep-hole, but the wand turns the entire boat transparent. To both Eld and pirate eyes, it looks as though the boat has vanished. The sailors scramble away from it, while the Eld charge at what they assume are now uncovered targets.
Jake targets Eld 1: [1d8] = 8 (-1 for armor)
Deet targets Eld 2: [1d8] = 7 (-1 for armor)
Splinters targets Edl 3: [1d8] = 1 (-1 for armor)
Jake lands a blow directly into the mid-section of a running Eld, who was so focused on the group cowering behind the invisible boat that he missed the peg-legged boy with the maul. The Eld is lifted off his legs and falls prone, trying to regain his breath.

Deet delivers a flesh wound to the second Eld, which halts his charge, although he remains on his feet.

Splinters misses a third. This Eld continues his charge , aiming his polearm for the center of the Princess' torso, only to be ram it into the invisible boat. The unexpected shock makes him lose his grip on the weapon, which is now sticking out of the bottom of the boat. It's pointed end has pierced the wood, and quivers a few inches in front of the Princess.

One Eld is prone, another wounded but armed, a third is unwounded but unarmed. The scattered pirates collect themselves are are ready to punce upon the Eld.

Meanwhile, Wikerus and Flintlock:
You make it through the rags room, which is unchanged from the last time you saw it.
Next round you will be at the door of the portal room.
More on Monday!
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#187 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Wikerus flinches at the sound of the clashing tumult behind them. He continues running alongside Flintlock, for the moment having given up on "planning" or "decision making."
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#188 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Flintlock huffs and puffs as he races, headlong for the door. Once there, he uses his gavel on it and rushes into the room with Wickerus, gaveling the door behind them. We got some time to pull a trick. What should we do besides hide the funny suit?
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#189 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"Ahh... ah..." says Wikerus, turning this way and that, flustered. "Well... there's nowhere to hide the suit, really, is there? Ah... we could...we could each grab two corners of the tarp and rush the pirates, right now, while they are bunched up behind the boat? If we let them get this far, into this room, some of us non-fish folk will die. Of this I feel certain.... What do you think?" He looks to Flintlock for confirmation, not at all sure whether his idea is a good one. It is then that he realizes, that it really sinks in, that Flintlock is a very weird looking dude made of metal.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#190 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

What he wanted to say was that Wikerus's plan wasn't nearly chaotic or diabolical enough. It lacked all sense of "do something not very well thought out and hope to kill or maim as many of the pirates as possible without much care regarding the safety of our own group." But how could he say that? Wickerus wasn't one of his brothers and wouldn't get it. So he just nodded a moment, then offered an alternative. Could work. Maybe. But what about this? Run the suit next door and hide it behind the urns. Then bring in a few Urns of Confusion here. We could either pour it on them (or the floor to slip in) or try and convince them it'll make the trip safer. Then push them into the tarp. Because you can't touch it safely to carry it, can you?
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#192 Post by coil23 »

Horton will come from the side and try to lever his wooden sword between one of the standing elds to send the thing sprawling on the floor. Trying a simple strike against that armor would just likely shatter it.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#193 Post by Urson »


Jake plats his scuffed wooden boot on the Eld's throat. Yield? Or die? Your choice.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#194 Post by Pulpatoon »

The Eld under Jake's boot struggles briefly, but is utterly unable to dislodge his captor. Instead of continuing the struggle, it says something something in a level, declarative voice to the second Eld.
Jake STR (14) [1d20] = 1
ELD STR (8) [1d20] = 18
The second Eld turns towards the stairs, but is interrupted by Horton, who tumbles him over.
Horton STR (12) [1d20] = 8
Deet and Splinters reload their muskets behind the still-invisible boat.

The pirates, each individually deciding to go after the most vulnerable looking target, descend upon the the two prone Eld with kicks and knives. Blood pools.

The third, unarmed Eld makes a break for the stairs. He will be up the stairs, next round. There is an opportunity to make a ranged attack before he disappears.

Elsewhere, Wikerus and Flintlock debate on a plan of action.

More on Wednesday!
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#195 Post by Urson »


Get the hell back! Jake yells at the pirate critters before he begins going through the Eld's pockets.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#196 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"aaAh... ok, fine! I don't feel good about this, but I'm not thinking clearly. I hope you know what you're doing!" says Wikerus. He grabs up the suit and runs for the urn room.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#197 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Flintlock runs with Wickerus, bringing two urns back, stowing them in the boat. He chooses the two most-different urns he can find, hoping the pirates won't recognize them.We'll say It's a magical drink, needed to make the voyage safe! That it makes you hallucinate a bit... Flintlock begins to doubt his own words.

Once in the boat room, he makes sure the canvas is hung properly and asks Wickerus to push their boat out of the way, to a corner.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#198 Post by coil23 »

Thanks for the warning, Horton throws out sourly to the pirates. We will keep to ourselves from here on out. You know the way to get your plunder on. Horton picks up his sword and will make his way to where Flintlock and Wickerus are since there is nothing he can do to stop the fleeing eld.
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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#199 Post by Pulpatoon »

Flintlock and Wikerus, confidence flagging, set a plan into motion. The reed boat is pushed into a corner, the portal is hung with care, the silver suit is hidden behind some urns, and two urns (they are all precisely identical) are brought back to the portal room.

Horton joins them in the portal room, having lost his faith in honor among scallywags.

Jake muscles in among the pirates to see what can be found on the Eld bodies. As soon as the body stops twitching, the pirates are also set on plunder, and quickly snatch at anything they can find. There are several small pockets on the Eld outfit, but they contain esoteric oddments: a complexly folded piece of metal foil with a series of green dots; a dozen small grey cylinders, about the length and width of Jake's pinkie finger; what might be a smooth stone, polished into a perfectly circular lentil. The only item of immediately discernible purpose is a compact wire net. The pirates are disgusted by the lack of gold, and scatter these items across the floor.

The Princess, Deet, Schroff, and Splinters remain huddled behind the boat, which has resumed visibility.

The remaining Eld disappears up the stairs.

The pirates gather themselves after the fight and notice for the first time that some of the party have disappeared. The largest among them yells something alarmed and threatening in the unknown pirate-language, brandishing his rusty cutlass. He points the cutlass at the various doors and then at Jake, and yells again.

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Re: Chapter 3: The Glittering Tower

#200 Post by Urson »


Don't look at me! I was busy helping kill this dude. Jake readies the maul, prepared to bust some heads if they attack him.

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