Episode 2 - Intruder detected

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Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#1 Post by SilverBen »

The new moon hides everything in darkness after nightfall. The passing clouds can barely be seen crossing overhead in the breezes. Stig must be getting tired a half asleep, only waking with the rattling of the pans. (OOG: near map coordinates L13.) He is unaware of what is going on to the north.

Rak wanders on guard duty for several hours in the northern area of the graveyard before the alarm is tripped (OOG: near map coordinates 4N)...

The clamber of iron pots tumbling over in two places reveals something active to his immediate west among the rows of obelisks (OOG: map coordinates 3M) or the pit graves (OOG: near map coordinates L2, L3, or 2M) beyond!

With his senses now alerted, he overhears a dull this and whispered cursing.

(OOG: With Kendra's round 1 initiative roll of 1d10=2 she can act first: She trips, stumbles over the rope trap, and prevents any injury. However, she unwittingly reveals her general location to Stig and cannot take any offensive action. Stig hears her but cannot see her yet, as she is too far and obscured behind a row of obelisks. He may be able to see faint heat signals with infravision at a range of 60', which is 20 yards.)
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#2 Post by wolfpack »

Rak readies his bow and heads the direction of the noise staying quiet and in the darkness hoping to locate his target with his infravision.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#3 Post by Rex »


Hearing the iron pots Teaeyrn focuses her attention in the direction of the noise and does her best to keep still and not give her position away. She also tries to get Rak's attention and make sure he heard the noise without making any noise just using hand signals.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#4 Post by SilverBen »

(OOG: Round 1 ends. Round 2 begins.) Rakious notices a vague figure moving west between the obelisks at the edge of his infravision. Although the rows of obelisks would effectively prevent any missile fire from reach a target at this angle and distance, rows of graves begin where the obelisks end, 30 yards to the west. (OOG: map coordinates L3 and M3) The moving figure was clearly heading in that direction whimsically weaving between obelisks.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#5 Post by Bluetongue »


voices a challenge to the intruder to "Step forward and identify yourselves.". Rather than risk being silhouetted himself he will take some cover behind the obelisk and aim his bow in case the 'intruder' is some rogue/skeleton/ danger.

"Shadowy figure could be anyone, even one of the kids messing about" he thinks,"better to be safe than sorry."

If the person does actually appear as if they will attack him, Stig unleashes an arrow into the darkness somewhere...Stig fires an arrow [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6 damage [1d6] = 4
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#6 Post by SilverBen »

Bluetongue wrote:Stig

voices a challenge to the intruder to ...
(OOG: Bluetongue, from where on the map does Stig take this action?)
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#7 Post by wolfpack »

rak followers te figure quietly staying in the darkness manuverif to get a aim for a missle attack.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#8 Post by Rex »


Teaeyrn will hold her position and does her best to keep track of her allies since she hasn't seen the intruder yet.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#9 Post by Bluetongue »

Stig remains behind the obelisk at L13
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#10 Post by SilverBen »

Resolving actions for Round 2
Kendra dusts herself off and will make her way East towards the rows of graves at map coordinates L3. She begins muttering and singing softly, casting her most powerful spell, Animate Dead. Cue the music Danse Macabre, by Camille Saint-Saëns
Bluetongue wrote:Stig

voices a challenge to the intruder to "Step forward and identify yourselves.". Rather than risk being silhouetted himself he will take some cover behind the obelisk and aim his bow in case the 'intruder' is some rogue/skeleton/ danger.

"Shadowy figure could be anyone, even one of the kids messing about" he thinks,"better to be safe than sorry."
Stig overhears the light and rapid pounces of a rabbit or similar small creature fleeing from his challenge buts sees nothing. He holds his arrow in place and relaxes his bowstring, turning north to Teaeryn.
Bluetongue wrote:Stig remains behind the obelisk at L13
(OOG: Since the distance from Stig at L13 to Teaeryn at L9 is 120 yards. Stig will only be able to see Teaeyrn in her lantern or torch light. Both characters can communicate through signalling with their lanterns or shouting out across the intervening distance.) From behind the obelisks in the southern section of the graveyard, Stig looks north through a corridor of darkness between him and Teaeryn. She appears motionless in the distance with the outline of the carved stone fountain illuminated by her lantern light. Teaeryn loses sight of Rak in the darkness as he moves east.
wolfpack wrote:Rak follows the figure quietly staying in the darkness manuver, if to get a aim for a missile attack.
From a distance of 30 yards, Rak sees the figure faintly with his infravision but is confused by what his elven eyes see, more than anything they have ever seen before. The heat patterns he expects to see dimly at this distance appear also now to shimmer in waves, just as the surface of the water reflects sunlight on the shores of a lake when disturbed. The figure moves between the gravestones that vary in height, partially concealing the intruder's lower half. (OOG: For combat, these gravestones are rectangular and waist height, about 3 feet tall. Rak will be aware that any attack made on the figure with a missile will be more difficult with gravestones as obstacles. However, if you wish, you can have Rak make a called shot at -3 penalty)

Rak overhears the figure begin to sing out loud and is certain it is female. She begins an eerie and dissonant melody while dancing through the graves.

(OOG: Round 2 Ends. Round 3 begins. Please declare actions and make any rolls necessary in the OOG post for this episode.)
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#11 Post by wolfpack »

Recognizing the sing song language of magic rak knows this is no lost child. he takes aim and releases arrows at the caster while calling out.


[1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10

[1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13

unlikely either hit but just in case
[1d6] = 6
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#12 Post by Rex »


Upon hearing Rak yell Necromancer Teaeyrn drops her staff, draws her Holy Symbol and runs towards the singing. Trying to locate the Necromancer. As she does she yells "I am coming in!" (OOC: Her actions after this depends on what she sees. If she sees undead anywhere she will attempt to Turn them at first opportunity. If she sees no undead but does see the Necromancer she will attempt to cast her Light spell on them so that they will be easy to target and not lose track of. If neither of those arise she attempts to distract the Necromancer until she can locate them)
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#13 Post by Bluetongue »

Stig cautiously waits thinking he ought to act like a fox stalking the rabbit and hide in the undergrowth and behind the stoneworks. He moves along to the other end of the line trap and waits to see if he can find a significant target to snip a couple of arrows at. He is not convinced that arrowheads are the best for dealing death to undead skeletons, maybe he will shoot and the arrow go between the ribs. But he doesn't want to get to close to melee with their razor sharp claws. So he thinks about all the spells he may have learned back at the college.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#14 Post by SilverBen »

Resolving Round 3 actions

The necromancer completes her spell and reveals her intentions to Rakious.
wolfpack wrote:Recognizing the sing song language of magic, Rak knows this is no lost child. He takes aim and releases arrows at the caster while calling out.
Rak fires off two arrows. The necromancer staggers backward from the first one but releases a shriek of pain when the second one strikes her. (OOG: -6hp) She drops to the earth, disappearing behind the gravestones. (OOG: Map Location L3)
Rex wrote:Teaeyrn

Upon hearing Rak yell "Necromancer" Teaeyrn drops her staff, draws her Holy Symbol and runs towards the singing. Trying to locate the Necromancer. As she does she yells "I am coming in!"
(OOG: Bluetongue, you can have Stig make two Hear Noise rolls or simply react to Teaeryn's sudden movement - up to you.) If the first 1d6 results in 1, then Stig hears faint echoes of Rak calling out "Necromancer!" One the second 1d6, Stig hears Teaeryn yelling "I am coming in!" on a result of 1,2, or 3)

Stig suddenly notices Teaeryn rush north at full speed. Her lantern wildly illuminates the corridor of darkness with flashes and streaks of light against the surrounding trees as she runs.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#15 Post by Bluetongue »


runs up the path to the north taking the most direct route. firing an arrow into the shadows at the position of the necromancer if he can see her. Stig fires an arrow [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 damage [1d6] = 1
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#16 Post by SilverBen »

(OOG: Round two ends. Round three begins. Map coordinates L3.)

The intruder fumbles but manages to rise to her feet. She holds her wound with one hand while supporting herself against the gravestone in front of her.

She still appears in an enchanted haze above the top of the gravestones but clearly turns in Rak's general direction. She releases a raucous clucking cry of a bird, similar to a hen or a goose. She raises one arm and points east before calling aloud, "You are free and I have released you. Now kill all who live here and destroy their temple!

(OOG: Wolfpack, please make a 1d6 roll to Hear Noise, where a result of 1 or 2 is successful and Rak hears the sounds of 11 skeletons rising from their graves. Please role play the result and add the description to your response post.)
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#17 Post by wolfpack »

[1d6] = 2

init: [1d10] = 6

Just as rak goes to release an arrow at his target he hears the sound of the ground rending causes him to tremble with the knowledge of the rise of the dead and sending his arrow aschew.
[1d20+4] = 2+4 = 6
The dead rise all around the necromancer beware!

he releases a 2nd arrow at his target

[1d20+4] = 7+4 = 11

[1d6] = 2
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#18 Post by Bluetongue »

(DM Edited)

Teaeryn runs from the fountain at north along the stone path at full speed to join Rak at the pit graves.
Stig runs from his post north along the stone path behind her at full speed. He shouts up from the south path,"I'm coming along.".

Rak sends a warning shot wide towards the necromancer but she is focused on a new spell. Rak nocks a second arrow and prepares to release it as the necromancer mutters and giggles aloud:
Clever spider spins a thread
To make a trap we call a web.
Clever spider knows that she
Will have some insects with her tea.

She completes a spell and sends a Web of luminescent energy spinning from her hands that expands rapidly as it comes directly at Rak.

(OOG: Wolfpack, the necromancer has cast a Web spell. Please make a saving throw vs Spells for Rak at -2 penalty. If the saving throw is successful, then Rak can jump or tumble free with room to escape the area. Otherwise, Rak will be immobilized and suffer the results described in the Web spell in the PHB. Round three ends after Rak's action, either caught in a web or ready to combat 11 skeletons with his fellow heroes of our game.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#19 Post by wolfpack »

Raks quick twitch muscles react almost involuntarily as he dives over the gravesstones behind him and rolls back staying low.

The granite stones save the elusive elf from the the sticky spindrels of the necromancers spell, as he rises to one knee and lets loose the nocked arrow.
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Re: Episode 2 - Intruder detected

#20 Post by SilverBen »

Rak's arrow grazes the necromancer, which is only evident to him by her muffled gasp. She turns north and what Rak sees next is again confusing. He sees the necromancer pull her cloak over her head and then disappear into the shimmering blur of heat. (OOG: She wears the cloak of displacement again.)

The sound of running footsteps approaches from the south as Teaeryn arrives at Rak's side. A peculiar clattering sound then rises through the momentary silence. Teaeryn and Rak then see in the edges of the lantern light (Distance: 10 yards) the clattering sound is from the dry bones rising of animated skeletons approaching.

Round three ends. Round four begins.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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