On the island: Exploring the southern trail

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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#321 Post by onlyme »

Manoah quietly listens and thinks through some of his recent ambushes. He looks ahead in an attempt to see what might be up ahead.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#322 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna looks Bogdan in the eye. With a quick series of hand motions, she indicates Bog to continue as she will split off to the left and gain another perspective. With the she disappears into the tree line. She moves at an angle so the she might be about 150' away. She moves at ease, quickening pace to make up for lost ground.
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EST: The party hears the booms & begin to react...

#323 Post by Argennian »

~ The loud, back-to-back booms catch the party's attention. There's been no lightning and resulting thunder in the area since last night, according to the weather report they received at their early breakfast briefing...

The southern trail strike team group up and look about to one another with grave concern as Emm states the obvious. Perhaps some of the veteran members that tangled with the missing Karagonian Lieutenant and mage recognize the sounds for what they truly are, even muffled as it was by the winds and rain...

DefCon1 status is quickly initiated and everyone begins looking about for trouble with suspicious eyes. Ulrich, being in the rearguard, is certain that the dual explosions came from the east, up ahead in the direction they are traveling. He signals as much to the others and prepares to get underway. Bogdan nods and indicates to the others to follow him and move out.

The big fighter once again takes the lead and starts to head toward their intended destination but is intercepted by Lauranna. The High-elf magic-user/thief relays her intent to move off from the main group and get a better perspective. Bog shrugs indifferently and indicates he plans on moving forward. Lauranna breaks away from the group and begins heading north (to their left as they head east) through the thick brush and undergrowth*...

Griffo and Thalion see her do so and immediately look concerned. The halfling archer hustles forward to approach Bog and the others.

"Should we be letting her go off on her own like that? Especially in these conditions?

"Remember Commander Ziller's warnings about not isolating oneself from the party. Thalion and I are both fleet of foot and stealthy enough. Should one or both of us go with her?"




* ~ pm going out to Nuke for Lauranna!

OOC: okay gang, please feel free to respond and discuss and/or declare actions to continue moving forward. Or anything else! :)

~ I want to make sure everyone understands the movement rate mechanics/restrictions of their PC moving through the thick, restrictive flora off of established game paths/trails, which are now soaking wet, muddy & slippery!*

(* with exceptions for Emm's Wilderness Movement as a 3rd+ level Druid and Bogdan's Ring of Free Action!)

POP: Movement rate: movement rate when marching normally (not forced) is considered half maximum movement rate (up to a certain distance of miles), which is dependent upon a character's armor worn & their total encumbrance.

~ Movement off established game trails/paths through the thick island flora will reduce movement to 1/3 normal maximum rate in normal conditions. Adding in the current weather conditions: muddy, wet, slippery, etc., will reduce movement to 1/4 normal maximum rate.

TOD: 6:54am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 38/38 ; Emm 20/20 , Lauranna 19/19 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – Karagonian masterwork spear* & shield / longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – spear & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs, short sword & throwing knives & SC (& Wily!) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – +2 short bow* & fine flight arrow / +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – +1 mace & shield / holy symbol & SC
Griffo - short bow* & fine flight arrow / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Thalion - dagger / longsword & longbow (fine arrows fired: 0)
Hollis - magical crossbow* & special quarrel / hand axe & dagger (normal/special quarrels fired: 0/0)
(S.C. = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

Headed east on southern trail towards watch blind: Bogdan , Emm , Manoah , Ulrich , Griffo , Hollis & Thalion
Moving off into the brush to the north...: Lauranna (& Wily)
Last edited by Argennian on Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: OOC POP details entered for correct clarifiction!
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#324 Post by Alethan »

unless you have a ring of Freedom of Movement...
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OOC POP confirmation & supplemental for Bravo Alpha & party!

#325 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:unless you have a ring of Freedom of Movement...
Point of Order Pomegranate most assuredly noted, Big Al! 8-)

... and whilst we be discussing the movement issue, good people, Emm's got an advantage as well...

Osric,p12/13 wrote:Wilderness Movement (3rd): At third level and higher, a druid can move through any natural undergrowth leaving no trace of his or her passage, and may do so with no reduction in his or her normal movement speed.
Not too shabby for the druidess! :P

(edited the previous action post!)
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#326 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna moves into the brush a little before re-thinking her actions. She didn't expect the going to be so slow. She moves back toward the path waving off her previous actions.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#327 Post by onlyme »

Manoah thinks about setting off to scout, but knows the others have more intel regarding this place. He whispers a request for what is happening.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#328 Post by Alethan »


With the rest of the party back together, Bog continues moving forward, quietly and slowly.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#329 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich follows the others, maintaining his spot in the rear.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#330 Post by tkrexx »

Emm continues on, her mind searching for a reason their foe might be using his fire wand again, and hoping he uses it too much, with nothing left to attack the party with.
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EST: The party reaches the watch blind...

#332 Post by Argennian »

~ The halfling archer's queries of concern and subsequent points of order are not immediately answered, until such time as Lauranna pushes back out of the choking flora of the northern treeline. The High-elf wears an obvious disgruntled look, at least by elvish standards, but quickly reequips her businesslike visage and waves off any questions as she moves back into line with the others. Griffo and Thalion nod their understanding and readiness, and fall back into their previous positions in the marching order. Manoah considers following the magic-user/thief's idea and scouting up ahead in the vanguard with Bog, that he may apply his unique class skill set and perhaps get a chance to prove himself, but thinking the others already know the way and terrain, decides against it. The ranger does tender a hushed sitrep request, however.

The only response proffered is Bogdan making the hand signal and moving out along the trail. The big fighter stays low to minimize his silhouette and begins creeping forward. The others follow in much the same manner. He and Emm have the easiest go of it in the conditions, due his magical ring and her druidness, but the others manage it the old fashioned way nonetheless. Senses are piqued and adrenaline flowing as nervous eyes dart up, down and all around for any sign of danger or subterfuge. Wet but skilled hands remain ready on melee and missile weapons. Emm considers the what and why behind the back to back reports in the not too far distance. If it is indeed their assumed adversary, she can only hope his wand's magical magazine is running low. Lauranna leaves the druidess to do that math and simply applies her entire focus to her readiness and surroundings. When they run into that bastard again, and she finally gets a shot, damn right she'll be ready...

~ The wind and rain remain merciless as the expeditionary force and relief team press forward, methodical and ready for anything. Everyone was filled in on the location of the watch blind during the morning briefing. Caelvanna and Cutler set up and have maintained the lookout ever since the party tangled with the Karagonian Navy contingent. It's positioned just off the east side of the trail that leads up to the plateau with the cave where the party ambushed and fought the soldiers, and is camouflaged within the heavy brush at the base of a tree overlooking one of the switchbacks of the Z-shaped trail.

The waterlogged game path descends again, and within a handful of painfully-long, slippery and soaking wet minutes, the party approaches the familiar-to-most cove where the Karagonian soldiers landed and they ambushed young Tally Brevins and his poor sergeant. At the edge of the treeline, before the path leads out through an open field, Bogdan halts so everyone can spread out and move up to get a proper look at the cove ahead. Dawn is finally come and there is now much better light to see by. The Karagonian longboat is still present down there and the small beach appears empty in the not too far distance.

Suddenly, up to everyone's left, there is a flash of light and subsequent ball of fire that erupts from the hillside and streaks down toward the canopy below to land in a clump of bushes at the base of a tree with a resounding boom! If there was ever any doubt as to what generated the sound of those previous explosions, it's now confirmed. The party quickly turn their full focus that way, although the distance is a good 200-250 yards off through the wind-whipped rain, and can see a dark figure outlined at the edge of the cave plateau. Another shot is let loose and the resulting fireball impacts close to the same spot the previous one did...

The southern trail strike team spring into action and proceed out of the trees to double-time it downhill through the tall grass, cutting a trail northeastward as they go to remain close to the treeline cover and out of the open. The going is quick and the party soon reach the thicker brush at the western side of the cove. Other than the empty navy dingy, its negative on anything not sand and surf, nor wind and rain. Bogdan takes the lead again and the others follow him out of the bushes, across the sandy cove and to the game trail that leads northward to the cliffs above. There is another set of back to back explosions as the party push into the wet foliage. This time they are close enough to feel the ground shake from the blasts...

The path rises in elevation, and with their heightened pace, the party soon reaches the edge of the thick brush and treeline. Looking out and up from the cover of the canopy they can see the Z-shaped trail that leads to the first of the two plateaus some 200 feet above. The dark figure they spotted previously is not present. About 60 feet up the path to the right of a switchback is the location of the magical fire impact zone. What was a good sized tree and surrounding brush has been flattened and burned, and although the rain continues to pour, some residual smoke wisps up and away. Just before the blast zone, lying face down on the game path and emanating the same burned and slightly smoking conditions, looks to be a body...




OOC: I had originally thought to split the above action into a couple of posts but due my lateness to respond and get something up earlier this week, went ahead and took the liberty to get the party to where they are now.

POP: the party is still within the thick brush and canopy of the lower treeline and out of sight from anyone or anything up above.

TOD: 7:05am Day 13 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: almost 23 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 38/38 ; Emm 20/20 , Lauranna 19/19 , Manoah 43/43 , Ulrich 28/28
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – Karagonian masterwork spear* & shield / longsword, axes of hurling & dagger
Emm – spear* & shield / SC
Lauranna - none / magical DDDs, short sword & throwing knives & SC (& Wily!) (daggers thrown: 0)
Manoah – +2 short bow* & fine flight arrow / +1 longsword, dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Ulrich – +1 mace & shield / holy symbol & SC
Griffo - short bow* & fine flight arrow / longsword & dagger (fine arrows fired: 0)
Thalion - dagger* / longsword & longbow (fine arrows fired: 0)
Hollis - magical crossbow* & special quarrel / hand axe & dagger (normal/special quarrels fired: 0/0)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded & ready to fire/or to throw at beginning of round)

Light Sources / Illumination:
- none / Light of dawn

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

At the edge of cover @ 60' below the former watch blind: Bogdan , Emm , Manoah , Lauranna (& Wily) , Ulrich , Griffo , Hollis & Thalion
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#333 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna, flushed with excitement or simply bloodlust, quickly turns to the others, "Huddle up" as the rest of the group assembles, she continues. "That son of a bitch has gotta die." The little elf turns to look the half-orc in the eye. "You and I invisible but I strike first, got it?"

OOC: moving along,

The elf-maiden first casts the first spell on Bogdan, then upon herself before continuing up the trail. "Stay close." she whispers hoarsely.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#334 Post by Alethan »

Bog nods and asks, "How do we keep from bumping into each other?"
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#335 Post by SocraticLawyer »

"Before you leave," says Ulrich, picking up a small rock from the ground, "I have magic that will make you inaudible as well as invisible. I will cast it upon this stone, which you will take with you. All within fifteen feet of the stone will be silent. If you must communicate, cast it away.

"We will wait here until your task is done."

When the party is finished conversing, Ulrich casts Silence, 15' Radius on the stone, and gives it to one of his invisible companions.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#336 Post by Nuke66 »

Alethan wrote:Bog nods and asks, "How do we keep from bumping into each other?"
"Fifteen feet of rope, that's what we need." Lauranna says, "Each on an end." She turns to look Bog. "With the Silence, we are gonna run, I got his back. Stay close."

Lauranna waits for a rope before rendering herself and Bog invisible and watching Bog accept the stone.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#337 Post by Alethan »

Bog cuts a 12' section of rope and holds one end of it in his hand and gives the other to Lauranna.

When she is ready and spells are cast, he heads out, letting the tug of the rope tell him where his invisible companion is.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#338 Post by tkrexx »

Emm reaches out to the brave Lauranna and Bog. Take care, Sister, we'll do our part. Bring that big Half-Orc back alive, if you can. Give us a sign, you can be certain our enemy's eyes will be upon us. She looks to Ulrich. None of us will die by fire today.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#339 Post by onlyme »

Manoah will quietly wait for their return. He will keep an arrow ready, just in case.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the southern trail

#340 Post by Nuke66 »

"Oh, I figure you will see the fireworks dear, See if you can't help that poor soul, I mean, an enemy of mine enemy is a friend." Lauranna says as she departs. She turns and starts out, pulling slightly on the rope before easing into a jog, then a run.
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