Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

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Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#1 Post by Rukellian »

It would be a good idea to talk with each other about what your characters are and how you plan on starting off in this game before we begin. I can provide customized starts for each of you if you give me some information to go off of.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#2 Post by Zhym »

How about a location to start with?
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#3 Post by Rukellian »

We can say that S.C.A.M.P. is currently in Atlas City, stationed at a local SFH building. After the events of the Rook Industries Power Plant shut down, Flicker decided to work more closely with the SFH organization. S.C.A.M.P. followed suit and proved to be a valuable ally for justice, even in a city full of heroes. Raven and Elsa have gone their separate ways as well, but their stories may come up again depending on how the plot progresses in this game.

I'm not entirely sure what Modric is up to with his character, but I may have a tie-in for Ninja_Hunter's. His character is not licensed, meaning his heroics are being down outside of the law. Naturally, some heroes and local law enforcement would be made aware of this. They don't know the name of this person, or if he's even human, but they do know where he last was....
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#4 Post by Rukellian »

Here is the epilogue from the hero side of the story in the last game.

Steve Sanderson, a.k.a. Flicker, escapes the Rook Industries Power Plant station, using his state of the art combat suit and teleportation disc technology. All of Atlas City is now safe for the time being, having nearly escaped an ichnorite explosion that would of put the atom bombs of years past to shame. Though only a few high ranking officials know of what happened today, due credit is rightly given to the brave heroes who helped make this all possible: Steve Sanderson, Maximillian Arikas, Professor Perrtyon, SCAMP, and a mysterious individual who seems to go only by the name of 'Raven'.

The heroes are ushered into the heart of Atlas City to be presented with accolades of achievement by their fellow veteran heroes. Though, this is done privately for the public as a whole does not know what happened this day, nor will they for some time lest a panic break out. Secrecy is sworn and favors are asked to continue their good work in other areas of the world. New dangers are around every corner it seems, and the faces of evils old emerge once more to wreak havoc.

Steve's personal vendetta against Rook Industries is still at large. Though he obtained some incriminating evidence showing that the organization has dealt in the black market before, perhaps currently, he still cannot seem to convince enough people of the group's evil intent. The brave hero now works with SCAMP, under the super alias of Flicker in order to continue demining Rook Industries' vile plans, and perhaps one day, dealing a huge blow to the evil corporation and getting revenge for the fall of his own family and friends.

Professor Perryton continues his role as a teacher and educates the young Arikas in the ways of life, grooming him to be the heir of his own family business and to become a super hero worthy of legend. Maximillian's ambitions are big, and each challenge that comes his way is met with fierce determination and a smidge of 'god-given' talent. Under the Professor's tutelage, he travels the world, honing his mind and body for the day when both will be needed most. The looming threat of Ichnorite seems to approach day by day, and the professor never seems to lose sight of this.

Elsa continues her valiant efforts in repelling the air pirates' attacks on her homeland. Having raised a sizeable group of heroes to help her out, victory seems all but assured. However, dark shadows creep across the island as the defeat of the sky pirates reveals startling information, information that casts suspicion upon the royal family of Elsa's homeland, and the twisted politics that are taking place. Who is funding who? Will the Vibranium reserves on the island be put to good use, or black marketed away to a mysterious and powerful new buyer?

Raven has departed from the public scene and abruptly broke off ties with the group of supers he used to work with during the ichnorite crisis. He has his own agenda to follow, slowly uncovering fragments of his past and finding out who his true friends and enemies are. Blake, a person from his past, hounds him each day he gets the chance. The world may be in danger from an alien crystal and a myriad of evil corporations, but Raven's own world is in a much more dire state. Will he lose his last ties to humanity as he ventures into the abyss of his past, his mind... or will he pull through and find the light of hope, the path that will set him towards a promising future?

The heroes may be scattered, doing their own things and following their own agendas, but some day, some day they may return as a group and change history itself once more!
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#5 Post by Rukellian »

and here is something to get the ball rolling...

The media is in a frenzy right now as a string of multiple terroristic attacks has just occurred. The hero agency of Atlas City, SFH, is deploying everyone they can. The monument site that was recently erected to honor the Spectacular 8, is in rubble, a police station has recently been hit with a vehicle filled with explosives, and the hospital that all the injured are being transported to has just gone up in flames. SCAMP, Flicker, and various other heroes have their work cut out for them. Due to SCAMP's ability to fish out other people's thoughts via telepathy, he is proving instrumental in helping track down the perpetrator(s) of these attacks. SCAMP is currently situated in a police station, a short drive from all the events that are taking place, and Flicker is currently accompanying him.

Flicker is worried about the hospital first and foremost, because without a safe place to perform live saving procedures on the wounded, the death toll of these events will continue to rise. Though he also realizes that if the police took a huge hit in that attack, it will only be a matter of time before the local criminal activity will rise and take advantage of the situation. Going to the station and helping rally the police with other heroes could help prevent future chaos from erupting. The memorial site situation also bears some consideration. There are probably countless citizens and heroes alike there that need immediate help. The buildings hit by the blast have become unstable and risk collapse. Many could still be saved there if someone acts fast.

Modric, if you have a character ready, this would be an excellent point in the game to jump in. Ninja_Hunter, when you are ready, your character can make an appearance too, I don't have a name for him though....
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#6 Post by Rukellian »

The police station that SCAMP is currently assigned to is much more chaotic than usual right now. With the series of attacks occurring throughout the city, the entire staff has more work than they can handle right now, even when coordinating tasks with the SFH organization. Maurice, SCAMP's handler and close friend, finishes some final adjustments to his robotic limbs, allowing SCAMP to super jump and land successfully without risk of damage to the joints and fragile mechanisms within. "There you go, that should be the last of the changes. How does it feel boy? Legs move fine, no hiccups?"

The professor is more worried right now about his robotic friend than the chaotic events around him. He's always been like this, his focus on his work absolute. That, or he has placed SCAMP's well-being as a higher priority then the problems at hand. SCAMP assumes it is the latter.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the maintenance bay under the station, Flicker's suit is being repaired by Miss Cortez. Steve says that his suit has taken on quite a lot of wear and tear from his frequent teleporting exercises. It will take some time for his suit to be in good working order again.

The police chief of the station enters the room with a grim look on his face. "The hospital has just went up in flames." Steve just pounds his fist onto a nearby work table in frustration.


The chief nods in silent agreement, his frown speaking where words would be too weak. "It would appear as if our terrorist is also well-adept in grand arson." He then turns to SCAMP. "Are you ready to start sniffing out the culprits? We believe the three events are connected somehow and that there is more than one person working together on this. Security footage from a few black boxes have yielded as such."

Maurice speaks up after hearing the chief's request. "Though I have no doubt SCAMP would be fine on his own, I'd feel much better about the situation if he was sent out with a protective escort."

"Your concern has been factored into our operations professor. We wouldn't feel comfortable sending out someone as important as SCAMP alone. Originally Flicker was to accompany him with some of our men, but since his suit is currently out of commission, we have radioed in support from the SFH, and another.... well, 'independent' source. Not really licensed legally speaking, but he has shown an interest in helping out when called upon. Since the situation is dire, we feel it necessary to take such a risk, and hope he doesn't do anything too extreme."


You have two means of searching for leads in this criminal investigation. SCAMP can use his heightened sense of smell to figure out what explosives were used, and potentially help trace them back to its owners. He can also reach out telepathically to see if there are any criminal thoughts lingering in the nearby population, thoughts that may be tied to recent events, and go from there.

The smell based search will require a 3d6 roll against your Tracking skill of 23, a 17 or 18 being an automatic fail. The telepathic approach will be using the Tracking skill as well, but at its 19 value.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#7 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

"Luckyshot" is his name I will sneak around the area where people who were caught in the blast are being brought in and help them avoiding as many cameras as possible if i get caught on a camera it will be with my back to it also i will wear a doctors mask or dustmask i try to gather as much info from the victims as i can (of course i don't ask questions i let them talk)
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#8 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

LOL idk why i quoted my text is blue in that sea of text! additionally while i try to gather intell i am watching for more bad guys as we all know first responders make great targets!

I fixed it up with an edit.
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#9 Post by Rukellian »

Luckyshot is a hero in every sense of the term, he was raised by good parents after all; however, because he is not officially licensed, he is a vigilante and it will not bode well if something bad happens around him when he is trying to help. Something bad did happen, a blast at a nearby park. The forces of the explosion were tremendous and many buildings collapsed. Fortunately for Luckyshot his survival training kicked in and he managed to avoid the worst of the aftershocks from the blast. He'd soon learn about what happened in the news, but his immediate thoughts were to investigate the source and quickly.

Not having a gas mask or protective helmet at hand, he raises a dust mask to his face and enters the blast site. The scene is tragic to say the least. Many people died in the initial explosion, citizens and supers alike. You hear the sounds of a desperate plea for help, muffled though. It doesn't take you long to find a partially collapsed building with a hero and a young man pinned down underneath. "HELP!! I'm trapped here! HELP!" He croaks out in a weak voice. The young man is alive but clearly hurt and cannot seem to move himself from under the hero. The hero does not move and is either unconscious or dead.

While helping the young man out, you can tell a few things about him through appearance alone. He is in his mid 20's, and works for Chiron Pharmaceuticals. The title of technician is displayed on a badge hanging from his work shirt.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#10 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

Rukellian wrote:Luckyshot is a hero in every sense of the term, he was raised by good parents after all; however, because he is not officially licensed, he is a vigilante and it will not bode well if something bad happens around him when he is trying to help. Something bad did happen, a blast at a nearby park. The forces of the explosion were tremendous and many buildings collapsed. Fortunately for Luckyshot his survival training kicked in and he managed to avoid the worst of the aftershocks from the blast. He'd soon learn about what happened in the news, but his immediate thoughts were to investigate the source and quickly.

Not having a gas mask or protective helmet at hand, he raises a dust mask to his face and enters the blast site. The scene is tragic to say the least. Many people died in the initial explosion, citizens and supers alike. You hear the sounds of a desperate plea for help, muffled though. It doesn't take you long to find a partially collapsed building with a hero and a young man pinned down underneath. "HELP!! I'm trapped here! HELP!" He croaks out in a weak voice. The young man is alive but clearly hurt and cannot seem to move himself from under the hero. The hero does not move and is either unconscious or dead.

While helping the young man out, you can tell a few things about him through appearance alone. He is in his mid 20's, and works for Chiron Pharmaceuticals. The title of technician is displayed on a badge hanging from his work shirt.
Check the "heroes" vitals to see if he is alive if so apply first aid or "heal" him a tad also tend to the lab tech guy and i will swipe his badge in case i need it or he dies anyways. Also to note if need be i will use breath control to minimize my intake of particulate matter/smoke. "heal" < heal in quotes is me specifying I'm using magic for future reference
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#11 Post by Rukellian »

Before we continue, I'm going to need you to make a few rolls.

The breath control skill requires a roll against your current level in it. 3d6 result needs to be 15 or less to succeed.

You feel a faint pulse in the hero, but its distant and on the verge of collapsing. If you want to "heal" him, that will require a skill check against one of your healing spells. The details for how much FP used is and how much is healed can be found on your character sheet in the spell section.

To take the technician's badge, you would need to pull off a successful Filch Skill Check, a skill that lets you steal objects in plain sight. The badge is considered to be in plain sight, and since the young technician is still alive and conscious, it would be an act of stealing. Since you do not have the filch skill, you would need to roll against a default of -4 Dex since you at least know slight of hand.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#12 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

Rukellian wrote:Before we continue, I'm going to need you to make a few rolls.

The breath control skill requires a roll against your current level in it. 3d6 result needs to be 15 or less to succeed.

You feel a faint pulse in the hero, but its distant and on the verge of collapsing. If you want to "heal" him, that will require a skill check against one of your healing spells. The details for how much FP used is and how much is healed can be found on your character sheet in the spell section.

To take the technician's badge, you would need to pull off a successful Filch Skill Check, a skill that lets you steal objects in plain sight. The badge is considered to be in plain sight, and since the young technician is still alive and conscious, it would be an act of stealing. Since you do not have the filch skill, you would need to roll against a default of -4 Dex since you at least know slight of hand.
To save time it's fine with me if you made all the rolls
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#13 Post by Rukellian »

Gurps Skill Roll [3d6] = 10 You are breathing fine through your breath control. You've trained yourself to breath in worse conditions and the dust kicked up in the air right now is nothing to you.

Gurps Skill Roll [3d6] = 12 The hero needs help if he is going to make it through this crisis. His life is just about to slip over the edge into the eternal darkness of death, but your hands have light, the light of healing. Pressing your palm against the back of the hero, it glows a faint glow and you feel some of your own vitality transfer into him. He convulses for but a moment, and then starts to cough. He will make it. I healed him for 1 point of HP, so you lost 1 FP.

Since you are a hero, a good guy, I decided against using the Filch skill. He'd have no reason to steal from a citizen who is in need of his help.

"Thank god you're here! I think I'm ok. Get me out of here!" Says the young man, Hector Smith, with a relieved voice. He can't move from under the pinned hero, but he seems well enough to struggle and try anyways. He looks at you with a funny expression, not quite understanding why you aren't responding and remaining quiet.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#14 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

Rukellian wrote:Gurps Skill Roll [3d6] = 10 You are breathing fine through your breath control. You've trained yourself to breath in worse conditions and the dust kicked up in the air right now is nothing to you.

Gurps Skill Roll [3d6] = 12 The hero needs help if he is going to make it through this crisis. His life is just about to slip over the edge into the eternal darkness of death, but your hands have light, the light of healing. Pressing your palm against the back of the hero, it glows a faint glow and you feel some of your own vitality transfer into him. He convulses for but a moment, and then starts to cough. He will make it. I healed him for 1 point of HP, so you lost 1 FP.

Since you are a hero, a good guy, I decided against using the Filch skill. He'd have no reason to steal from a citizen who is in need of his help.

"Thank god you're here! I think I'm ok. Get me out of here!" Says the young man, Hector Smith, with a relieved voice. He can't move from under the pinned hero, but he seems well enough to struggle and try anyways. He looks at you with a funny expression, not quite understanding why you aren't responding and remaining quiet.
I will try to move the hero from off of him-OOC I was trying to take the badge for ease of moving through the remainder of the facility either to help/reach more people and/or if need be to escape.
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#15 Post by Zhym »

Sorry I haven't jumped in. Is SCAMP with Luckyshot or elsewhere now?
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#16 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

My votes for us just being together to save time
Zhym wrote:Sorry I haven't jumped in. Is SCAMP with Luckyshot or elsewhere now?
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#17 Post by Zhym »

Please don't post in giant blue letters. It's like blue. :) If you want to talk OOC, please use the tags, like this:

Code: Select all

[ooc]Please don't post in giant blue letters.  It's like blue. :)  If you want to talk OOC, please use the [ooc] tags, like this:[/ooc]
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#18 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

Zhym wrote:Please don't post in giant blue letters. It's like blue. :) If you want to talk OOC, please use the tags, like this:

Code: Select all

[ooc]Please don't post in giant blue letters.  It's like blue. :)  If you want to talk OOC, please use the [ooc] tags, like this:[/ooc]
The giant letters are so i can read my posts easier they are blue because that the color the gm asked me to use!

BTW it's all caps that's "yelling" :P i don't yell it's a waste of energy

any strategy ideas?
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#19 Post by Rukellian »

The technician you helped free from under the hero, Hector Smith, coughs and thanks you for your help "Thank you so much, I thought I was never going to be found." He pauses for a moment, then "You're one of them, aren't you? I saw what you did to that cape that was on me."

"You aren't like him though, are you?" He then quickly adds "I mean, you don't want attention. Don't worry, I won't tell."

He looks carefully at you, then turns away. "Let's look for more survivors, there just has to be others..."

Scamp has yet to be placed somewhere. I left that as an option for him in his last post in the police station. If you want to be told where to go, the blast site is as good a place as any, at least in terms of grouping up the players.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 1 (Hero Arc)

#20 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

Rukellian wrote:The technician you helped free from under the hero, Hector Smith, coughs and thanks you for your help "Thank you so much, I thought I was never going to be found." He pauses for a moment, then "You're one of them, aren't you? I saw what you did to that cape that was on me."

"You aren't like him though, are you?" He then quickly adds "I mean, you don't want attention. Don't worry, I won't tell."

He looks carefully at you, then turns away. "Let's look for more survivors, there just has to be others..."

Scamp has yet to be placed somewhere. I left that as an option for him in his last post in the police station. If you want to be told where to go, the blast site is as good a place as any, at least in terms of grouping up the players.
Whenhe comments i'm not like the others I shake my head in acknowledgement and when he suggest finding others i give a thumbs up!
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