Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

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Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#1 Post by SilverBen »

Play begins here

Several temples in the local villages have been desecrated. Grave robbers are suspected of unearthing the tombs and strewing bones around the cemetery. Only one cemetery in the area remains untouched. Father Hannes hires you and your party to guard the temple, its caretakers, and graveyard.

Father Hannes: begs you, "Prevent this sacrilege from occurring under my service! You shall surely challenge any trespassers and be prepared to capture any one resisting your authority here. But I urge you not to use lethal force."

"Tell me your names, again. I admit I'm an old man, and I tend to forget. But if you tell me a little something about you, I may remember easier."

Players: Please introduce your characters. Stay in character as much as possible.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#2 Post by Bluetongue »

Stig (of the house of Sterne Cartwright and Celeste Swiftmoon).

Wanders into the town circle and listens to the imploring of Father Hannes. With just 20 silver pieces in his pocket and a growing emptiness in his belly, the half-elf raises a slim hand and acknowledges his desire to help the pastor and the villagers. His father farms locally and he would hate to see the troubles affecting more than just the places of worship and pilgrimage. Not that he is a religious man, too much of his mothers 'elfblood' runs inside him. Still he has a foot in both racial communities but a feeling that he never get more than a leg under the table in either of them. Recently graduating from schools of arcane art and bored of life ranching ignorant herds, Stig plumps for a more adventurous if not dangerous vocation.

He looks around the mass of folk wondering if he notices distant friends within the crowd.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#3 Post by SilverBen »

Father Hannes clasps his hands in gratitude to Stig, revealing the difficulty he had in recruiting a security detail: "You are true to your noble heritage for your willingness to protect our Temple, Stig Cartwright. May your mixed lineage lead you only to wisdom and reward. Go now and provision yourself as you see fit."

Over his shoulder, Stig sees many merchants set up with their wares in the town circle, roughly along the concentric circles of the hilly terrain. There is more than enough space to walk freely between lines of merchants scattered across the rustic landscape. Merchants come and go on a daily basis, but the second and fifth days of the (OOG: seven day) week are always busiest. Today is the first day of the week (OOG: let's use the days of the week, calling this day Sunday for easy reference.)

Merchants vary in quality, price, and variety of goods sold. Some engage in haggling, and some find it an absolutely insulting practice. Currently there are eight merchants:
  1. Several small tables with nuts, fish and sweets are arranged in small cloth pouches tended by a male human with very long hair
  2. Several carts full of hide armor and helmets are clustered together around a frowning female human.
  3. A very young female sits on a stool in front of a permanent wooden structure, 5' square lined with herbs.
  4. A woman gesturing wildly to her customers beside a large cart with potions piled haphazardly.
  5. A fenced area contains various kinds of exotic animals tended by a female who appears worried.
  6. A better than average looking male human manages a hand-cart, which opens to display clubs and other blunt weapons
  7. A woman with a visible twitch oversees a large cart with talismans and salves piled haphazardly
  8. Several small tables with enchanted items and enchantments arranged carefully are guarded by two male humans, one highly unattractive and one appearing wiry
(OOG: Bluetongue, roll 1d8 for which merchant knows Stig and we'll role play the interaction.)
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#4 Post by Bluetongue »


Stig looks around the assembling market. It looks a bit jumbled, much like the after-chapel cart-boot sales Ma often trawled in search of a bountiful trinket or as Pa often called it, "another lot of junk to be traded back at the next one then love!".

He strides about anyway while Father Hannes recruits some other likely lads. An eclectic bunch of traders, never sure if they are charlatans out to make a mint or forest hermits selling potions and lotions full of lore and vitality. The animal calls catch his attention and Stig wanders over to the fenced area and eyes the menagerie of exotic creatures. He throws a titbit of food into a cage to watch an animal sniff it with disdain,"Some of my Maesters at the Collegium had such creatures as these, black cats, impish monkeys, even birds that could talk. Perhaps one day I may call such a companion from the wilds," he says to the lady keeper."where did you catch such creatures? or has the circus gone out of business?"
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#5 Post by Rex »


Tearyrn arrives in town and heads straight for the church to find Father Hannes. The long walk from a nearby village had left her much time to think of the coming nights, she was concerned about what was happening to the local churchyards and determined to make a difference. Just not sure how yet. If nothing else she had decided she could stand watch and alert whoever else the good Father managed to find to help out.

"Hello Father Hannes, I am Acolyte Teaeyrn, Father Garbin sent me to help watch the churchyard in case whoever is grave robbing tries it here as well. I have brought my armor and weapons in case they are needed, although I hope they are not."

Teaeryn looks over the good Father with her bright green eyes, wondering if he will be standing a watch as well.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#6 Post by SilverBen »

Father Hannes greets Teaeyrn with a gentle bow: "I hope your travels were easy, Sister Teaeyrn. I was distressed to hear of the sacrileges your temple suffered and I am indebted to Father Garbin for sending you in answer to my plea. I am even more impressed at the haste of his response after only writing him a letter two weeks ago, shortly after the incident occurred. I am unsure how much he told you of my letter but I will share with you that it expressed concern about the distinct pattern to the recent incidents. That pattern put me and my temple squarely in its path of misfortune, moving this direction."

Father Hannes turns over his shoulder and beckons three teen-aged humans, a girl and two boys wearing simple white linen outfits. Hannes continues, "Tessa (OOC: the NPC girl, perhaps age 16.) will take you to your chambers and ensure your comfort during your stay. Lucas and Raymond (OOC: the two NPC boys, both young but wiry framed. Lucas stands nearly a head taller than Raymond) will carry your equipment.

Father Hannes: "You seem to have brought everything you need, Sister Teaeyrn. Nevertheless, the market is open today and another watchman has gone to procure items. He is easily spotted as a half-elf, named Stig. Father Hannes glances at the setting sun and back to Teaeyrn, "Please find Stig at the market, introduce yourself to him, and extend an invitation to join us for dinner at the temple dining hall just after sunset.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#7 Post by Rex »

Teaeyrn returns Father Hannes bow "Thank you Father I will go find Stig once we have dropped off my gear in my chambers." Teaeryn then follows Tessa to her chambers, making sure that everything is put away neatly. "Thank you Tessa for showing me the way and thank you Lucas and Raymond for carrying my gear. I will be off to the market now, see you at dinner."

Teaeyrn then heads for the market that she passed on the way to the church. Looking around for a few minutes she finally spots a half-elf and approaches him, "Hello good sir, you wouldn't be Stig by chance would you? I am Teaeyrn, Father Hannes sent me to find a half-elf named Stig for dinner."
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#8 Post by wolfpack »

Standing off to the side belnded in with carts in the background Rakious watches the exchange with Teaeyrn. After she leaves he pulls his cloak down low and wraps it around him it skimming the ground giving his small frame the appereence of almost floating as he moves quietly up to the priest.

Hello good priest, I have heard tale of your most stranbge deilemma and I am willing to render my services in finding the culprits

His gloved hand quickly darts out from under his cloak.

I am Rakious the deft
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#9 Post by SilverBen »

Bluetongue wrote:Stig

Stig looks around the assembling market. It looks a bit jumbled, much like the after-chapel cart-boot sales Ma often trawled in search of a bountiful trinket or as Pa often called it, "another lot of junk to be traded back at the next one then love!".

He strides about anyway while Father Hannes recruits some other likely lads. An eclectic bunch of traders, never sure if they are charlatans out to make a mint or forest hermits selling potions and lotions full of lore and vitality. The animal calls catch his attention and Stig wanders over to the fenced area and eyes the menagerie of exotic creatures. He throws a titbit of food into a cage to watch an animal sniff it with disdain,"Some of my Maesters at the Collegium had such creatures as these, black cats, impish monkeys, even birds that could talk. Perhaps one day I may call such a companion from the wilds," he says to the lady keeper."where did you catch such creatures? or has the circus gone out of business?"
Stig attracts the lady's attention and her worried look dissipates. "Thank you for feeding them, my master. Is it a pet you seek, or perhaps a familiar? I have known some of your elven kin have taught men to commune with the animals, especially the animals that have useful traits or abilities. She turns away and steps towards the row of pens.

She waves her hands presenting each of the pens in turn. She reads each sign, not assuming that Stig can read for himself: House cat... Stoat... Ferret... Monkey... Owl. Each pen is a covered basket with a window and handles, except for the owl, which rests comfortably still atop the basket. The stoat grabs the food through the window of its pen and eagerly nibbles at it.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#10 Post by SilverBen »

wolfpack wrote:Standing off to the side blended in with carts in the background Rakious watches the exchange with Teaeyrn. After she leaves he pulls his cloak down low and wraps it around him it skimming the ground giving his small frame the appearance of almost floating as he moves quietly up to the priest.

Hello good priest, I have heard tale of your most strange dilemma and I am willing to render my services in finding the culprits

His gloved hand quickly darts out from under his cloak.

I am Rakious the deft
Father Hannes bows acknowledging Rakious with both his hands ceremoniously clasped in front of him:I am Father Hannes, Master Rakious. The same Father Hannes who seeks watchmen to uphold the honor of those interred in our cemetary. Father Hannes shakes his head: I called upon you, Master Rakious, and others like you, because it is difficult to understand how reprehensible grave robbers have become that they would not only steal treasures buried with the dead but then so disgracefully disturb their remains. You heeded the call and I admire your sense of duty.

30sp will be your weekly pay.
Hannes hands Rakious 15sp.

Feel free to procure what you need from the market, but no need to buy food. Your meals are provided by the temple,
assuming you arrive on time. I now see it is time to make my way back to the temple to prepare the meal. I hope to see you soon and again thank you for accepting upon yourself this burdensome task.

  • Several small tables with nuts, fish and sweets are arranged in small cloth pouches tended by a male human with very long hair
  • Several carts full of hide armor and helmets are clustered together around a frowning female human.
  • A very young female sits on a stool in front of a permanent wooden structure, 5' square lined with herbs.
  • A woman gesturing wildly to her customers beside a large cart with potions piled haphazardly.
  • A fenced area contains various kinds of exotic animals tended by a female who appears worried. (Stig already talking to woman)
  • A better than average looking male human manages a hand-cart, which opens to display clubs and other blunt weapons
  • A woman with a visible twitch oversees a large cart with talismans and salves piled haphazardly
  • Several small tables with enchanted items and enchantments arranged carefully are guarded by two male humans, one highly unattractive and one appearing wiry
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#11 Post by Bluetongue »

30sp will be your weekly pay. Hannes hands Rakious 15sp.
I presume that having raised my hand the generous Father offers us all the same terms, half cash upfront and the other half at the end of the week. Perhaps it is something we can talk over the dinner table if 'bad manners' are excused?

Stig"Familiars are something we learn about in college. They seem fun to have but perhaps a little sorcerous too? For I hear that you bind your own health and vitality to the life of one in exchange for its' skills and persona?" Besides I have studied few enough arcane arts to really be considered any master of trade. A few traits to determine the aura of magic and a rare skill to aid my flight. Still a furry companion to train for the odd trick or two might keep the mind enthralled. Are any of these exotic creatures trained?" Stig chats a little with the keeper hoping that the animals may already have some circus ability."What would stop the creature running off if I bought one, I would hate to keep a wild animal to follow me in chains?"

While chatting to the keeper Stig notices the clerical lady Teaeryn patiently waiting to introduce herself."Yes, I am Stig. Dinner at the vicarage eh? Not sacrificial offerings are we?"he jests.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#12 Post by wolfpack »

I will be certain to be at the meal ontime rakious flashes a disarming smile.

With that he turns and heads to the woman with the cart full of potions to see what she is saying.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#13 Post by Rex »

Teaeyrn chuckles, "No I think not. I couldn't help but overhear the end of your conversation, if you are interested in an animal companion I am quite good with them. In fact I train Ravens and Owls for my order when there is a need." As she finished talking she starts poking around among the cages looking to see that they are well taken care of. Then turning to Stig, "I think we have a few minutes then we should be on our way back, I will wait over here as I have no coin to spend today." Turning she heads over to a bench under the shade of an old oak tree.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#14 Post by SilverBen »

wolfpack wrote:Rakious turns and heads to the woman with the cart full of potions to see what she is saying.
The middle aged woman is modestly dressed in green robes and brown leather. Her cart is newly constructed but not fancy by any standard. She notices Rakious interest, greets him and beckons him closer "I am Celene, herbalist, horticulturalist, and midwife. Do you see anything here that interests you?" She waves her arm dramatically.
The first player to repsond can determine her inventory by rolling 1d100 for each potion listed below. Celene is willing to haggle with the character if you can roll 1d20 less than or equal to your character's CHA score.

Very Rare, 1d100 <= 3%
-ESP 40gp
-Fire Breath 40gp
Rare, 1d100 <= 8%
-Heroism (Warriors only) 35gp
-Clairvoyance 30gp
-Toad's Tongue 30gp
Uncommon, 1d100 <= 20%
-Animal Control 25gp
-Clairaudience 20gp
-Polymorph Self 20gp
-Speak with Animals 15gp
-Windy Breath 20gp
Common, 1d100 <= 70%
-Speed 10gp
-Ventriloquism 5gp
-Healing 5gp
Each potion is simply labeled with a few words inked on the plug. The vials and flasks bubble and some churn colorfully from within.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#15 Post by wolfpack »

SilverBen wrote:
The first player to repsond can determine her inventory by rolling 1d100 for each potion listed below. Celene is willing to haggle with the character if you can roll 1d20 less than or equal to your character's CHA score.

Very Rare, 1d100 <= 3%
-ESP 40gp
-Fire Breath 40gp
Rare, 1d100 <= 8%
-Heroism (Warriors only) 35gp
-Clairvoyance 30gp
-Toad's Tongue 30gp
Uncommon, 1d100 <= 20%
-Animal Control 25gp
-Clairaudience 20gp
-Polymorph Self 20gp
-Speak with Animals 15gp
-Windy Breath 20gp
Common, 1d100 <= 70%
-Speed 10gp
-Ventriloquism 5gp
-Healing 5gp
-ESP 40gp - [1d100] = 95
-Fire Breath 40gp [1d100] = 50

-Heroism (Warriors only) 35gp [1d100] = 4
-Clairvoyance 30gp [1d100] = 35
-Toad's Tongue 30gp [1d100] = 45

-Animal Control 25gp [1d100] = 12
-Clairaudience 20gp [1d100] = 37
-Polymorph Self 20gp [1d100] = 7
-Speak with Animals 15gp [1d100] = 83
-Windy Breath 20gp [1d100] = 3

-Speed 10gp [1d100] = 72
-Ventriloquism 5gp [1d100] = 11
-Healing 5gp [1d100] = 79

the ones in bold passed the roll
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#16 Post by wolfpack »

rakious picks up each potion eyeing them closely. Taking the polymorph self potion he rolls it in his hands.

I will take this one, I assume it works as I imagine and it will allow me to chnage my form.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#17 Post by Bluetongue »


"A trainer of owls eh? More use than keeping the mice numbers down? Well lets take a look at this fine feathered beast." he says to Teaeryn before turning to the keeper of beasts,"This owl then, is it any more use than standing like a book end or turning its head in full circles? Can it be trained for anything."Is there a price list or can she give me a haggling price.
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#18 Post by SilverBen »

wolfpack wrote:rakious takes the polymorph self potion he rolls it in his hands. I will take this one, I assume it works as I imagine and it will allow me to change my form.
The potion swirls with changing colors in dull hues. "Yes, a fast acting but powerful potion you have selected. It changes your body's form, but retains your features and does not change your overall size. Drink it and speak the description you wish to assume, for you can only take on one new shape for its duration. I cannot tell you exactly how long the new shape will hold. but it is assured to be 40 minutes to an hour. It is yours for 20 gold crowns."

Roll 1d20 less than your CHA score to successfully haggle for a discount.
if the 1d20 roll is less than your CHA score, then she settles at 17gp
if the 1d20 roll is less than half your CHA score, then she settles at 14gp
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#19 Post by SilverBen »

The owl is practical only as a familiar for the enhanced eye sight capabilities bestowed on a single class wizard player character. Since this is not your character's intent, we can quickly conclude this encounter here as role playing.
Bluetongue wrote:Stig

"This owl then, is it any more use than standing like a book end or turning its head in full circles? Can it be trained for anything."
The beast master begins a long monologue with these highlights among her ramblings: "Aye, this is a barn owl, once a bird of wild origin that was injured and now permanently disabled. It won't venture far. Nevertheless, its a reliable controller of little pests."

The beast master acknowledges Stig's lack of interest and concludes with: "Barn owls don't make good pets. Unlike dogs, barn owls have no sense of loyalty and cannot be trained in the same way, nor should you expect them to respond similarly. Even birds which have been flown regularly without a problem, can suddenly fly off never to be seen again. But, feel free to come visit me again if your needs change." She politely excuses herself and returns to tend the animals.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Prologue - A Graveyard Vigil

#20 Post by wolfpack »

SilverBen wrote:
wolfpack wrote:rakious takes the polymorph self potion he rolls it in his hands. I will take this one, I assume it works as I imagine and it will allow me to change my form.
The potion swirls with changing colors in dull hues. "Yes, a fast acting but powerful potion you have selected. It changes your body's form, but retains your features and does not change your overall size. Drink it and speak the description you wish to assume, for you can only take on one new shape for its duration. I cannot tell you exactly how long the new shape will hold. but it is assured to be 40 minutes to an hour. It is yours for 20 gold crowns."

Roll 1d20 less than your CHA score to successfully haggle for a discount.
if the 1d20 roll is less than your CHA score, then she settles at 17gp
if the 1d20 roll is less than half your CHA score, then she settles at 14gp
[1d20] = 6

My good lady. 20 pieces of gold seems awful steep of a price. I will gladly offer you 14.
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