Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

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Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#1 Post by Rukellian »

Even though we are only starting with a couple of players for this game, I like to keep my threads organized. This thread will be dedicated to everything related to building your character or refining its concept. Questions may be asked about the game setting and history as well as anything about character creation that you do not understand. I will try to reply within a day or so.

For those who do not have the core rulebook, going into to this, the GURPS Lite manual will suffice. From there you can tell me what you want for your character and I can help you fill in the gaps.


The amount of character points you will have to build your characters will be 350, with an additional -75 in disadvantages (bringing it to the potential max of 425). Starting wealth will be TL 8; however, you will have access to equipment and services available in TL 9-11, if you have the funds. The year will be around 2050ish, so there will be robots and lasers and all that, but not everywhere.

I will be using the 4th edition books for all of my source material. If you have older texts, it shouldn't be too hard to bring them up to speed with the current rules.

The campaign ID for the Unseen Servant Dice Roller will be 558.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Code: Select all

4th Edition Skill Cost Table

Your Final           ---------------------Difficulty of Skill-----------------------
Skill Level           Easy             Average             Hard              Very Hard
Attribute -3           -                  -                  -                   1
Attribute -2           -                  -                  1                   2
Attribute -1           -                  1                  2                   4
Attribute +0           1                  2                  4                   8
Attribute +1           2                  4                  8                   12
Attribute +2           4                  8                  12                  16
Attribute +3           8                  12                 16                  20
Attribute +4           12                 16                 20                  24
Attribute +5           16                 20                 24                  28
Extra +1               +4                 +4                 +4                  +4
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread

#3 Post by Rukellian »

Edited first post with campaign ID, added skill table


I looked over your sheet NINJA_HUNTER. I have some questions and comments:

Healing in my book is at 30 points, you have it listed at 20. Are you using any limitations with it? If so, which one(s)?

You have magical aptitude listed at 15 points, in my book that is the equivalent of Magery at level 1. This means that you can learn and use spells up to level 1 in the magic colleges. You don't have any spells listed as far as I can see. Is it correct of me to assume that you want your character to have the potential to learn but does not know any magic currently? Or is it more of a reason behind the Healing ability? If it is the latter, magical aptitude is not required if you say you have an Unusual Background of only 5 points (being born with a super parent(s)).

Psi Resistance in 4th edition takes on the form of an advantages called Psi Static, a 30 point ability. Magic Resistance is more in lines with psi resistance in terms of point costs, so I am modelling the cost of psi resistance off of that. Psi Resistance in this case is only 2pts per level.

Ambidexterity is only a 5 point advantage in my book, not 10.

The Hemophiliac Disadvantage conflicts with your HT score. In 4th edition, it says that if you have this disadvantage, your HT cannot exceed 10.

Your HT based skills are disrupted by the disadvantage conflict. Breath Control at 15 would be worth 24 pts at a base of 10 HT. With Hemophiliac active, you'd have 6 points left from the disadvantage. If you choose to forgo Hemophiliac, and keep your HT at 13, the cost for Breath Control will be 12 pts. In either case, 8pts would only give a +1 to your base HT score, since its a Hard skill.

For the Beam Weapons skill, please specify your specialty: Pistols, Rifles, or Projectors. Also, a +2 to an Easy skill would be 4 pts, if you want your skill at 19.

The Fast-Draw skill, it's broken down into specialties, like Beam Weapons. So Knife fast draw and rifle fast draw, and pistol fast draw would each warrant its own separate skill cost.

Please change the Fencing skill to Rapier skill for me. Costs the same, its just for my benefit, that and there is no fencing skill in 4th edition, its a weapon property.

Your Gunner skill will be at 17, not 16.

The Guns skill is another one that is broken down into specialties, you will need one for each weapon type you will be using (pistol, rifle, smg, etc.). If you want each one at 19, each one would cost 4pts.

The Armoury skill is specialized as well. Please list it as Armor and Small Arms. That's all you'll need.

The Cooking skill in 4th edition is average, so your 15 is pushed down to a 14 if you only want to spend one point in it.

The Leatherworking skill is Easy in my book, so your score of 15 has been bumped up to 17.

The Gesture skill is an IQ Easy in my book, your 18 should be a 15.

Sign Language is not treated as a skill in terms of being based off of IQ or DX. It's just another language in 4th edition; however, since it only has one form (signed) instead of two (spoken and written), the cost is half as much as a regular language. 1 point for Broken, 2 points for Accented, and 3 points for Native comprehension. Your two points mean that you can use sign language well, and those understand it understand you, but its not perfect. You haven't mastered it.

The Gambling skill is IQ average. So a 19 would warrant 16 pts instead of 10, assuming your base in IQ is 15.

The Running skill is HT average, another one that may be affected by your choice in HT after viewing the Hemophiliac conflict. If you want it at 16, it will either cost you 12 from a base of 13 HT, or 24 from a base of 10 HT.

This is it as far as I can see. I won't check your equipment list or double check the point tally until I know we have the above squared away. I will be putting up a skill chart for 4th edition shortly, as a source of quick reference.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#4 Post by Rukellian »

Hey Modric, how are you holding up? Your character coming along alright? Since you have the book, I think you know what you are doing, but if you have any questions, know that I'm here to help.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#5 Post by Rukellian »

S.C.A.M.P. All points were used creating this character.

ST 13 [30] HP 25 [24]
DX 14 [48]* Per 15 [20]
IQ 11 [20] Will 16 [25]
HT 13 [30] FP -- [0] Machines don't use FP

Basic Lift: -- lbs Your a dog, you can't lift things over your head with your paws.
Speed: 6.75 This is what determines the starting order in combat.
Move: 12**
Dodge: 9 You will need to roll a 9 or less to dodge most melee and ranged attacks, attacks that you can see coming that is.

Acute Smell 4 [8]
(+4 to all smell-based Perception rolls)

Contact, Maurice Feldon [9]
(Tech Specialist/ amateur sleuth)

Damage Resistance 5, Tuffskin ™ [15]
(Your DR, or armor score will be 5; however, you cannot wear armor.)

Digital Mind [5]
(You are a machine housing a sentient computer, whose memory units can be copied and used as evidence in the court of law within 47 states, 48 if you include Atlas City.)
(Psionics do not work on your mind, but you can use yours... Viruses and malware effect you instead.)

Discriminatory Smell [15]
(+4 to all smell-based Perception rolls as well as Tracking, stacks with Acute Smell)

Enhanced Move 1** [15]

Furry Biomorphic Lense, Fauxfurr ™ [1]
(The fur is strictly a cosmetic feature, soft and shiny.)

Good Reputation with Law Enforcement and members of the SFH organization [0]
(+3 reaction from honest citizens and law enforcers, -4 from bad guys and underworld types)

Machine Meta-Trait [25]
(Includes: Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance and Unhealing)

Mind Control [55]
(Telepathic ability, changes quick contest to Will vs. Will)

Super Jump 1 [10]

Telesend, Telepathy [33]
(Telepathic ability, changes IQ roll to a Will roll)

Honesty [-10]
(Must obey the law at all times, even the unjust ones. If you must break a law doing something, roll a 12 or less to do so. If you do break the law, roll again, if you fail you must turn yourself into the authorities.)

No Fine Manipulators* [-30]
(You don't have hands or opposable thumbs, just paws.)

Realistic Flesh Biomorphic Lense [-1]
(You look and feel like a dog. People wouldn't know you are a machine unless you got heavily damaged.)

Tracking 19 or 23 [2]
(If you are tracking by Telesend/Telepathy, its 19. If you are tracking using your sense of smell, its 23)

This is how SCAMP turned out when converting him over from 4C. The wealth was dropped, assuming you will have average wealth in this game. I made a few adjustments to the advantages to reflect your character's strong psionic potential and tried to stay true to his character as I remembered it in 4C. Zhym, if you find anything wrong in terms of how SCAMP is presented, let me know, I can adjust and tweak accordingly. If you have any questions about the sheet's items, feel free to ask. All the numbers in brackets are the point costs associated with the upgrades and abilities bought.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#6 Post by Rukellian »

STR 14 [40]
DEX 17 [140]
IQ 15 [100]
HT 13 [30
HP 14 [0]
Per 15 [0]
Will 15 [0]
FP 13 [0]

Basic Lift: can lift 39 lbs, with one hand, over your head for one turn
Speed 7.5
Move 7
Dodge 10

Magery 1 (Healing spells only; -40%) [9]
Acute vision (2) levels [4]
Acute hearing (2) levels [4]
Psionic resistance (1) level [2]

Spells (replaced Healing advantage)
Lend Energy 13 [0]
Lend Vitality 13 [0]
Minor Healing 16 [4]
Major Healing 16 [8]
*Note on healing spells: Minor restores up to 3 HP, costing 1 to 3 FP. Major restores up to 8, costing 1 to 4 FP. Both cannot cure diseases or poison, and when used more than once on a subject, apply -3 penalty, -6 for third attempt. Minor and Major can be used together to avoid the initial penalties of repeated use. Failed rolls for healing will require a roll against HT to prevent any damage.

Ambidexterity [5]
Combat reflexes [15]
Danger sense [15]
Luck (Once every 5 pages in a thread) [15]
Rapid healing [5]

Mute [-25]
Bloodlust [-10] resist roll 12 or less
Overconfident [-10] resist roll 6 or less
Unhealing [-30] Can only recover HP using healing spells.

Acrobatics 1pt 15
Breath control 12pt 15
Beam weapons (pistols) 4pt 19
Brawling 1pt 17
Crossbow 1pt 17
Fast draw gun 1pt 18
Fast draw knife 1pt 18
Rapier 2pt 17
Gunner (cannons; Sniper Cannon) 1pt 17
Guns (Pistols; Glocks) 4pt 19
Guns (Shotguns; Ithaca 10 gauge) 4pt 19
Guns (Rifle; Izhmash AK47/ Kalashnikov rifle, H&KG3) 4pt 19
Knife 1pt 17
Knife throwing 1pt 17
Armory (armor) 1pt 14
Armory (Small Arms) 1pt 14
Cooking 1pt 14
Leatherworking 1pt 17
Gesture 1 pt 15
Sign language (Accented) 2pt
First aid 1pt 15
Surgery 8pt 15
Gambling 16pt 19
Strategy/land 1pt 13
Tactics 1pt 13
Demolition 2pt 15
Detect lie 4pt 15
Holdout 2pt 15
Lip reading 2pt 15
Lock picking 2pt 15
Sleight of hand 4pt 17
Stealth 1pt 16
Acting 1pt 14
Speed load/magazine 1pt 17
Shield 1pt 17
Running 12pt 16

4) Glocks
2) Large knife
2) Small knife
2) Large throwing knife
5) Small throwing knife
Vibro Rapier
Ithica 10 gauge
Izhmash AK47/ Kalashnikov rifle
Combat infantry dress/w/ helm
Black bag (surgical kit)
Lock picks "good"
Personal basics
Tent (for one)
2) Wineskin
2) Gun cleaning kits
Sleeping bag (for freezing)
Used van (100 gal gas)
Kevlar light
Crossbow (20bolts)
Rations (10weeks)
Large shield
Large backpack/frame
Sniper cannon
5) Bottle good liquor
Laser pistol
Ammo (100rds each gun+ 100ap for h&k & glock)

This is what I have for your character so far, Ninja Hunter. When converting it from 3rd edition to 4th, your character became very expensive. So here is all the major changes I made:
I took out Hemophiliac and replaced it with Unhealing. I made use of the Magery skill you have (magical aptitude) and gave you some healing spells. I fixed up your skill list with the character point costs and specializations for 4th edition. I reduced Luck to its first tier, since my house rules will allow flexible use of even this, and I put a discount on Magery by restricting it to just healing spells.

After all of the above changes were made, I managed to bring your character points to a net of 425, the max allowance for a starting character in this game. Your disadvantage points are fully used and everything else took up the rest. You still have all of your skills at the levels you requested, for the most part. Every number you see in brackets [] is just me recording the point costs in my own notation.

Now, I will leave you to review this version of your character. If the changes are acceptable, I will take a look at your inventory and calculate the costs, just to make sure it all fits within your pool of starting funds. One last thing. I cannot find reference to a Sniper Cannon in any of my books. If you could bring up some information on that, it would be appreciated.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#7 Post by NINJA_HUNTER »

Rukellian wrote:STR 14 [40]
DEX 17 [140]
IQ 15 [100]
HT 13 [30
HP 14 [0]
Per 15 [0]
Will 15 [0]
FP 13 [0]

Basic Lift: can lift 39 lbs, with one hand, over your head for one turn
Speed 7.5
Move 7
Dodge 10

Magery 1 (Healing spells only; -40%) [9]
Acute vision (2) levels [4]
Acute hearing (2) levels [4]
Psionic resistance (1) level [2]

Spells (replaced Healing advantage)
Lend Energy 13 [0]
Lend Vitality 13 [0]
Minor Healing 16 [4]
Major Healing 16 [8]
*Note on healing spells: Minor restores up to 3 HP, costing 1 to 3 FP. Major restores up to 8, costing 1 to 4 FP. Both cannot cure diseases or poison, and when used more than once on a subject, apply -3 penalty, -6 for third attempt. Minor and Major can be used together to avoid the initial penalties of repeated use. Failed rolls for healing will require a roll against HT to prevent any damage.

Ambidexterity [5]
Combat reflexes [15]
Danger sense [15]
Luck (Once every 5 pages in a thread) [15]
Rapid healing [5]

Mute [-25]
Bloodlust [-10] resist roll 12 or less
Overconfident [-10] resist roll 6 or less
Unhealing [-30] Can only recover HP using healing spells.

Acrobatics 1pt 15
Breath control 12pt 15
Beam weapons (pistols) 4pt 19
Brawling 1pt 17
Crossbow 1pt 17
Fast draw gun 1pt 18
Fast draw knife 1pt 18
Rapier 2pt 17
Gunner (cannons; Sniper Cannon) 1pt 17
Guns (Pistols; Glocks) 4pt 19
Guns (Shotguns; Ithaca 10 gauge) 4pt 19
Guns (Rifle; Izhmash AK47/ Kalashnikov rifle, H&KG3) 4pt 19
Knife 1pt 17
Knife throwing 1pt 17
Armory (armor) 1pt 14
Armory (Small Arms) 1pt 14
Cooking 1pt 14
Leatherworking 1pt 17
Gesture 1 pt 15
Sign language (Accented) 2pt
First aid 1pt 15
Surgery 8pt 15
Gambling 16pt 19
Strategy/land 1pt 13
Tactics 1pt 13
Demolition 2pt 15
Detect lie 4pt 15
Holdout 2pt 15
Lip reading 2pt 15
Lock picking 2pt 15
Sleight of hand 4pt 17
Stealth 1pt 16
Acting 1pt 14
Speed load/magazine 1pt 17
Shield 1pt 17
Running 12pt 16

4) Glocks
2) Large knife
2) Small knife
2) Large throwing knife
5) Small throwing knife
Vibro Rapier
Ithica 10 gauge
Izhmash AK47/ Kalashnikov rifle
Combat infantry dress/w/ helm
Black bag (surgical kit)
Lock picks "good"
Personal basics
Tent (for one)
2) Wineskin
2) Gun cleaning kits
Sleeping bag (for freezing)
Used van (100 gal gas)
Kevlar light
Crossbow (20bolts)
Rations (10weeks)
Large shield
Large backpack/frame
Sniper cannon
5) Bottle good liquor
Laser pistol
Ammo (100rds each gun+ 100ap for h&k & glock)

This is what I have for your character so far, Ninja Hunter. When converting it from 3rd edition to 4th, your character became very expensive. So here is all the major changes I made:
I took out Hemophiliac and replaced it with Unhealing. I made use of the Magery skill you have (magical aptitude) and gave you some healing spells. I fixed up your skill list with the character point costs and specializations for 4th edition. I reduced Luck to its first tier, since my house rules will allow flexible use of even this, and I put a discount on Magery by restricting it to just healing spells.

After all of the above changes were made, I managed to bring your character points to a net of 425, the max allowance for a starting character in this game. Your disadvantage points are fully used and everything else took up the rest. You still have all of your skills at the levels you requested, for the most part. Every number you see in brackets [] is just me recording the point costs in my own notation.

Now, I will leave you to review this version of your character. If the changes are acceptable, I will take a look at your inventory and calculate the costs, just to make sure it all fits within your pool of starting funds. One last thing. I cannot find reference to a Sniper Cannon in any of my books. If you could bring up some information on that, it would be appreciated.
Looks fine to me thanks a lot for helping me. below is a link of where i found the cannon info

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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#8 Post by Rukellian »

Modric, you still with us? I believe most of the other players are done are close to being done. I expect this game will start soon. How about you?
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#9 Post by BuckshotChuck »

Sorry for the delay, but I changed my mind about what type of character many/many times. Here is a first pass. Let me know if anything jumps out as incorrect.

Also let me know if you need/want me to stat up the 52 point civilians and 87 point police officer group allies, or if you already have them and I need to adjust the values.

Jimmy Nguyen - Atlas City Police

Bio not yet complete. Basically grew up learning Karate and went on to join the Atlas City Police Force where he now , at 32, works as a Detective and sometimes interfaces with the Supers for Hire to coordinate responses when needed. He is known to look after the little guys and as such is able to call on civilians for non-combat help occasionally.

ST 11 [10] HP 14 [6]
DX 15 [100] Will 14 [0]
IQ 14 [80] Per 14 [0]
HT 13 [20] FP 13 [0]

Basic Lift: 24 Speed: 7 Move: 7
Dodge: 12 Parry: 11 Block: 9

Ally Group (Atlas City Civilians) (15% of starting points) (9 or less; Group Size (21-50)) [ 6 ]
Ally Group (Police Officers) (25% of starting points) (9 or less; Group Size (11-20)) [8]
Combat Reflexes [ 15 ]
Enhanced Dodge 1 [ 15 ]
Extra Attack 1 [ 25 ]
Fit [ 5 ]
High Pain Threshold [ 10 ]
Perfect Balance [ 15 ]
Rapid Healing [ 5 ]

Honest Face [ 1 ]

Code of Honor (Police) [ -5 ]
Compulsive Vowing (12 or less) [ -5 ]
Duty (Police Officer) (15 or less (almost always)) [ -15 ]
Insomniac (Mild) [ -10 ]
Light Sleeper [ -5 ]
Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [ -10 ]
Selfless (12 or less) [ -5 ]
Sense of Duty (Atlas City Civilians) (Large Group) [ -10 ]

Alcohol Intolerance [ -1 ]
Broad-Minded [ -1 ]
Nosy [ -1 ]
Responsive [ -1 ]

Acrobatics: DX+2 [ 8 ] +1 from 'Perfect Balance' = 17
Area Knowledge (Atlas City): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Body Language (Human): Per+0 [ 2 ] = 15
Breath Control: HT+0 [ 4 ] = 13
Computer Operation/TL8: IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Criminology/TL8: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Detect Lies: Per+0 [ 4 ] = 15
Driving/TL8 (Automobile): DX+0 [ 2 ] = 15
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security): IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Fast-Draw (Pistol): DX+1 [ 1 ] +1 from 'Combat Reflexes' = 16
Fast-Talk: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
First Aid/TL8 (Human): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Forensics/TL8: IQ+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Guns/TL8 (Pistol): DX+0 [ 1 ] = 15
Guns/TL8 (Shotgun): DX+0 [ 1 ] = 15
Holdout: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Interrogation: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Intimidation: Will+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Jumping: DX+0 [ 1 ] = 15
Karate: DX+2 [ 12 ] = 17
(See Techniques Below)
Law (Criminal): IQ+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Leadership: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Meditation: Will+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Professional Skill (Law Enforcement): IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Psychology (Human): IQ+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Running: HT+0 [ 2 ] = 13
Savoir-Faire (Dojo): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Savoir-Faire (Police): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Shadowing: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Stealth: DX+0 [ 2 ] = 15
Streetwise: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Swimming: HT+0 [ 1 ] = 13
Writing: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14

Back Kick: K-4 = 13
Disarming: K = 17
Elbow Strike: K-2 = 15
Feint: K = 17
Ground Fighting: K-4 = 13
Jump Kick: K-4 = 13
Kicking: K-2 = 15
Knee Strike: K-1 = 16
Lethal Strike: K-2 = 15
Punch: K = 17

GEAR: Total Weight = 22.05 lbs
Qty, Item, Location, Cost, Weight
1, Auto Pistol .40, , 640, 2.1
1, Auto Shotgun 12G, , 950, 8.4
1, Auto Pistol .40 (Ammunition), , 14, .7
1, Auto Shotgun 12G (Ammunition), , 17, .85
1, Cell Phone, , 250, .25
1, Cigarette Lighter, , 10, 0
1, Flashlight, Mini, , 10, .25
1, Handcuffs, , 40, .5
1, Holster, Shoulder, , 50, 1
3, Nanobug, , 300, 0
1, Nanoweave Suit, all, 1200, 8

Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [ 227 ]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarity [ 109 ]
Disadvantages/Quirks [ -69 ]
Skills/Techniques [ 83 ]
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#10 Post by Rukellian »

The character was well made BuckshotChuck. I can tell you know your Gurps. :)

The only thing that jumped out at me was the point cost listed next to your HT stat. Should be a 30 instead of a 20 if its HT 13. If you can find the points for that extra 10, you should be golden. The allied groups do not need to be fleshed out right now. In the future though, I will at least need a few core skills for each one, to help facilitate rolls and all that.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Character Creation Thread (Heroes)

#11 Post by BuckshotChuck »

None of the items changed, just fixed places where I put the wrong amounts in the end summary and the 30 for HT.

Using the GURPS Character Assistant made it easier.

ST 11 [10] HP 14 [6]
DX 15 [100] Will 14 [0]
IQ 14 [80] Per 14 [0]
HT 13 [30] FP 13 [0]

Basic Lift: 24 Speed: 7 Move: 7
Dodge: 12 Parry: 11 Block: 9

Ally Group (Atlas City Civilians) (15% of starting points) (9 or less; Group Size (21-50)) [ 6 ]
Ally Group (Police Officers) (25% of starting points) (9 or less; Group Size (11-20)) [8]
Combat Reflexes [ 15 ]
Enhanced Dodge 1 [ 15 ]
Extra Attack 1 [ 25 ]
Fit [ 5 ]
High Pain Threshold [ 10 ]
Perfect Balance [ 15 ]
Rapid Healing [ 5 ]

Honest Face [ 1 ]

Code of Honor (Police) [ -5 ]
Compulsive Vowing (12 or less) [ -5 ]
Duty (Police Officer) (15 or less (almost always)) [ -15 ]
Insomniac (Mild) [ -10 ]
Light Sleeper [ -5 ]
Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents) [ -10 ]
Selfless (12 or less) [ -5 ]
Sense of Duty (Atlas City Civilians) (Large Group) [ -10 ]

Alcohol Intolerance [ -1 ]
Broad-Minded [ -1 ]
Nosy [ -1 ]
Responsive [ -1 ]

Acrobatics: DX+2 [ 8 ] +1 from 'Perfect Balance' = 17
Area Knowledge (Atlas City): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Body Language (Human): Per+0 [ 2 ] = 15
Breath Control: HT+0 [ 4 ] = 13
Computer Operation/TL8: IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Criminology/TL8: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Detect Lies: Per+0 [ 4 ] = 15
Driving/TL8 (Automobile): DX+0 [ 2 ] = 15
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security): IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Fast-Draw (Pistol): DX+1 [ 1 ] +1 from 'Combat Reflexes' = 16
Fast-Talk: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
First Aid/TL8 (Human): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Forensics/TL8: IQ+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Guns/TL8 (Pistol): DX+0 [ 1 ] = 15
Guns/TL8 (Shotgun): DX+0 [ 1 ] = 15
Holdout: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Interrogation: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Intimidation: Will+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Jumping: DX+0 [ 1 ] = 15
Karate: DX+2 [ 12 ] = 17
(See Techniques Below)
Law (Criminal): IQ+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Leadership: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Meditation: Will+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Professional Skill (Law Enforcement): IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Psychology (Human): IQ+0 [ 4 ] = 14
Running: HT+0 [ 2 ] = 13
Savoir-Faire (Dojo): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Savoir-Faire (Police): IQ+0 [ 1 ] = 14
Shadowing: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Stealth: DX+0 [ 2 ] = 15
Streetwise: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14
Swimming: HT+0 [ 1 ] = 13
Writing: IQ+0 [ 2 ] = 14

Back Kick: K-4 = 13
Disarming: K = 17
Elbow Strike: K-2 = 15
Feint: K = 17
Ground Fighting: K-4 = 13
Jump Kick: K-4 = 13
Kicking: K-2 = 15
Knee Strike: K-1 = 16
Lethal Strike: K-2 = 15
Punch: K = 17

GEAR: Total Weight = 22.05 lbs
Qty, Item, Location, Cost, Weight
1, Auto Pistol .40, , 640, 2.1
1, Auto Shotgun 12G, , 950, 8.4
1, Auto Pistol .40 (Ammunition), , 14, .7
1, Auto Shotgun 12G (Ammunition), , 17, .85
1, Cell Phone, , 250, .25
1, Cigarette Lighter, , 10, 0
1, Flashlight, Mini, , 10, .25
1, Handcuffs, , 40, .5
1, Holster, Shoulder, , 50, 1
3, Nanobug, , 300, 0
1, Nanoweave Suit, all, 1200, 8

Attributes/Secondary Characteristics [ 226 ]
Advantages/Perks/TL/Languages/Cultural Familiarity [ 109 ]
Disadvantages/Quirks [ -69 ]
Skills/Techniques [ 84 ]
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