A Company of Corpses Intro

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A Company of Corpses Intro

#1 Post by Griffith »

A Company of Corpses
a B/X misadventure in The Mines of Khunmar

[In Hamlet they warned you not to go. Many treasure-hunters enter Khunmar but few ever return. Autumn is long over, cold winds are blowing, and the druids are predicting heavy snows. It is no time to be traveling into the mountains.

But you do not heed their warnings, you are in pursuit of a man named Nigh. He has wronged you and now you seek vengeance. You have tracked him for many days, months, years. He always manages to stay one step ahead, just out of reach.

Who is Nigh? Facts are few. But there are many legends. Most agree that he is a human man. He is likely a priest of some sort in service of an evil deity. But no one knows for certain. Descriptions vary and he has many guises.

Your long journey has brought you here, first to the village of Hamlet and then onward to the foothills of the Red Mountains, to Mount Khunmar itself. You continue up the overgrown trail into a rock-strewn canyon. There in the wall of the canyon, at the top of a winding, stone-work ramp, is an opening, a doorway into darkness...

Here are The Mines of Khunmar.
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Re: A Company of Corpses Intro

#2 Post by Griffith »

General Knowledge and Common History of the Mines:
The Mines of Khunmar are located in the rugged foothills of the Red Mountains just east of Silver Lake. Approximately seven miles south of the mines is a small town named Hamlet. The Red Mountains are well known as a haven for orcs, goblins, ogres, trolls and other creatures.. These mountains are also claimed as territory by the dreaded Red Dwarves.

The Mines were originally founded over 1800 years ago by the Garagur Clan ‐‐‐ a group of Dwarves who came up from the Gray Mountains to the south in search of precious metals and gems. The Silverlake area was, at that time, a wilderness. The Garagurs and their chieftain, Glom “Ironfist” Garagur, were fierce and determined ‐‐‐ they killed uncounted numbers of orcs and goblins while they delved more and more tunnels in the area, eventually building up a tangled warren of mines, caves, underground fortresses and the like. Since dwarves seldom liked to farm or raise flocks, humans moved into the area cleared of goblins in order to trade food, cloth, leather and other needed supplies to the dwarves for silver, gold, gemstones and quality metal tools and weapons. “Old Ironfist” and his clan prospered and traders came from far and wide.

Greed proved to be the undoing. Some say that the great prosperity made for great enemies ‐‐‐ others say that the dwarves dug too deeply and disturbed something better left alone. In any case, after almost 1000 years of prosperity, war returned to the area. Goblins, orcs and worse came down from the mountains. The Orc and Goblins cut the dwarf supply lines and slaughtered the human inhabitants. The Garagur Clan holed up in their tunnels and caves and prepared for a long siege but the orcs and goblins dug their way in and their greater numbers eventually carried the day. It is assumed that they slaughtered the Garagurs to the last dwarf and plundered the caverns.

Civilization has slowly returned and the warriors of the local ruler who has claimed this area as his own patrol the area, keeping the road safe as can be expected for the re‐established town of Hamlet. Treasure hunters and adventurers use Hamlet as a base to explore the mines; a few come back claiming to have found fabulous treasures ‐‐‐ many more fail to return at all.

ooc: Please don't reply in this thread. Questions and other ooc discussions in the OOC Miscellany. Play starts in Part One: End of the Road. Please post your charcters in the Player Character Roster. Thanks :)
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