Ambergris Cays exploration:

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#141 Post by Spearmint »

Siggard rearmed and reunited with Face at least, presses on determined to not let the hag flush the baby out with the bathwater. (if she ever had one?).

You arrive at a small cave mouth, more like a thin cleft inbetween some loose cliff rocks weathered away and eroded by time and tide. You can hear the hag cackling away and the cry of baby. No doubt that beyond the hag lairs. Creeping slowly through the tangle of thorny briers which guard the way, dripping with several fat ichor stained slugs inching their way down the vine roots; horned toads croak your arrival, swelling up gluttoneous throats to rivet and chirp, hopping madly at your foosteps. Their chorus echoes down a short hallway scraped out by pickaxe chiselled marks. Many human skulls, bovine jawbones, matted animal scalps and scores of broken limb or rib bones litter the corridor. You are not surprised to find that they have been sewn together like a long rug, bits of sinew and tendon neatly knitted to weave the welcome mat. A blunt shark skull grins at you with some waxy candle, lit up like a jack o'lantern pumpkin, eyes glowing with a reddened flame, highlighting the corridor with flickering shadow. Dangling bone windchimes move about slowly with a fetid breeze adding to the nausea and dread resonance from the place. You hear the occasionally drip plinking into bowls made of heads and a two headed snake writhes about on a rock shelf, snatching passing dung flies with each of its flickering tongues. The carpet bones crack and crunch in unison with the croaks as you step along until the corridor ends in another cleft about twenty feet along. As you peer in to listen beyond and get some bearings a large cloud of minute dust particles erupts from a blowpipe spore trap 50% set off [1d20] = 7which begins to irritate and water your eyes and you immediately begin to sneeze. save vs poison please

Pocc urges his comrades to run, hoping to finds rest in ruins. Where to go? Stumbling out of the cove the trio, supporting each other as best they can limp away to the interior of the island. The ogre, straining through his release roaring not far behind. The noise from the cove though unseen indicates that the ogre is hunting you, a blessing for Siggard perhaps but you curse your luck). Big Ambergris Cay is not a wide island, so heading owards the interior and central point does not take long, hurried along by the unseen but nearing growlings of the ogre you frantically seek a place of refuge. Moving, stopping to catch breath, moving again through bush and shrubbery, keeping low to avoid being seen. It is as you crawl away, hands and knees scraped and bleeding that you stumble literally into a broken drystone wall. Following the edge it opens through a gated entrance, the wooden hinges and bars long since broken and rotted. A small ruin of a farmhouse appears. A rocky overgrown courtyard and then the shell of a building in the midst of which spurt several small sycamore fig trees and overgrown vines. A one time stable or pigsty is the only roofed building but that is further from the ruins. The ogre appears on the horizon, huffing and puffing, the gills on his neck extending out and in with a hyperventilation, huge bulging eyes look around. Perhaps his visionextends a long way around his head for he doesn't seem to move his thick neck at all. Sniffing the air and swishing the bracken and overgrowth with his trident he looks at the ruins and begins to beat his chest like a silverback defending his territory. Then like a bull, scraping feet in the ground before a charge the aquatic ogre readies himself and then with a blood curdling and frothy mouthed cry, he charges down the path and towards the ruins.

actions please...

and any last requests.... ;)

only joking....
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#142 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Yeah...a better weapon than a sling and scimitar would be of great far as last wishes go...looks like dead meat for us three...

Pocc not really sure what to do...looks to Eli and VPD for advise....whispering "What the heck do we do now...I've but only a sling and sword my spells fairly close to spent for the day. Damned thing could easily get us in the boat as well. We need a miracle my friends."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#143 Post by Spearmint »

well Pocc you are -3 to hit and -1 damage in melee with a d8 scimitar or no penalty to attack with range efforts....or a spell or you could choose to surrender or run or crawl away... in terms of advice, since I am NPC'ing both Elijah and Van de Poel, it is best for you to lead the efforts and they will support your actions. In terms of location you are outside a ruined farmhouse, the outside walls remain but the roof has collapsed. A middle chimney and hearth holds up the remains of the timbers. Trees have grown through one side, boughs knocking walls over and growing through the former window frames. Steps leading to a higher storey still go a few flights but only a minimal landing survives attached to one corner.
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#144 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Save vs. Poison (14) [1d20] = 18

Sig instantly stops breathing. He does not inhale the disgusting spores, instead closing his mouth and eyes then holding his breath and moving forward until he is out of the cloud.

The mage knows that he is in a very dangerous predicament here in the lair of the she beast. The only thing keeping him moving forward is the thought that the others must be almost right behind him by now, ready to pounce once the hag shows herself.

Every fiber of his being tells him to turn and run from here, especially after seeing the lovely décor of this hellish place. Unfortunately, deep down in his soul, he knows that he could never live with himself after abandoning the poor little baby to its horrible fate. He now knows that he must try to do everything that he can to save the baby, even if it costs him his own life. So, he proceeds into the lair using as much caution as possible. He steps as lightly and carefully as his elven heritage allows, trying not to give away his position.

He holds his guns out straight ahead as he motions for Face to move up ahead of him and tear around in the cave as soon as he catches sight of the hag. He hopes that the distraction of the monkey bouncing around off of the walls and ceiling, making a loud ruckus, will distract the hag long enough for the mage to finish the hideous bitch off with his pistols.

He continues forward into the monsters lair......... :shock:
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#145 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc being no leader decides "We need to run, I hate to suggest it but we may need to split up as well." the druid takes a quick look around at the surrounding area...hoping for some place good to run for that would provide better cover.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#146 Post by Spearmint »

Dismayed at Poccs' response, the pair look downhearted as he departs to seek cover, counselling "Each man to his own.".

Elijah Crowthorne, looks at the tattoo on his knuckles. Steadfast and True are the motto's and he does bravely. Uttering the words of a prayer, an old sea shanty of a chian ripped sail still pinned to a mast in a flailing wind refusing to be blown away over the over oceans swells. He steps... forward... to meet the ogre at the vanguard of his charge.'Gin' Van de Poel, hardened by the storms of the sea pats his sea born comrade on the shoulder, struggling to stand his knees begging to give way under him. "I will not abandon this ship either, though the devil drives the wind before us onto accursed reefs and the very deep calls our souls. My sails will furl free, untainted with yours." He levels his heavy crossbow, pointing it at the great hulking scaly ogre and pulls the trigger...

Van de Poel heavy crossbow [1d20] = 16 damage [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

It strikes, true and deep into the ogres' chest, greenish hued red blood spurts out, the bolt snapping in a violent twist through the ogres ribs. It roars in agony and coughs as if its lungs were choking on swallowed fluid. "By Poseidon's blessed crest you shall be driven back into the salty depths." Elijah calls, throwing his hooked net to entangle the ogres' steps and stabbing at his legs.

Elijah net and trident [1d20] = 11 [1d20] = 12 damage [3d4] = 7

The ogre, is pierced bloodily by the trident and is hurled back by the ferocity (and audacity) of the pair. It charge towards them momentarily halted, allowing them to retreat further into the ruined farm shell. The Merrow halts snarling and grimaces with bulging eyes, wet and glistening with salty tears rolling unorchestrated. Like a shark circling to snap an unwary prey, put off by the barbs and talons from these creatures lair, the predator seeks a more casual meal to ambush and feast upon. He aims his two pronged spear, looking to skewer some revenge.

Pocc, weakened in both body and spirit so it seems, decides to crawl away, hoping against hope that the overgrowth grows over and provides a covering for him. Suitably the sycamore fig trees, budding in season, branches heavy with ripening fruit and luscious spreading leaves looks a likely place. On knees and hands as in penitent pose, the druid calls on mother earth to save him. Scything through the overgrowth and branches the ogre swishes aside the coverings revealing the druid, with forked prongs he stabs at him like a man picking waddling catfish from a pond of mud in dry season, writhing and burrowing into the earth to gain what precious wet mudloam it may shield itself. Looking up at his impending doom, Pocc Vorche, first and last of his name is reminded of the scriptures learned from those soul searching hours of personal study.
Genesis 3 v10: "I heard your voice in the garden and I hid because I was naked and afraid."
Pocc closes his eyes......

Aquatic ogre spear [1d20] = 4 damage [2d5+2] = 5+2 = 7

perhaps hunting on land disadvantages the aquatic ogre, perhaps the wounds bleeding fresh have sapped his strength, rather than lifting this leather wrapped flapping fish, the ogres shafts a gnarled old tree stump. Pocc whoops in delight at his luck, given a second chance he must snatch this opportunity or surely be on the wrong end of those wicked barbs.

time to man up and stand up, round two actions please
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#147 Post by Spearmint »

Siggard, his eyes winces and tear up, the dust particles seering his face and skin. They begin to burn the inside of his nostrils and mouth, blistering patches form and across his exposed skin welts appear and burst like lanced boils, exuding raw pus and blood. Rubbing salt in the wounds may be a very painful but necessary forfeit. and another d20 roll please. Clutching at your throat you raise the dampened sloop tartan to breathe through it and step back through the cloudy haze. This would make a great answer for what Captain Lazarus ordered you to study comes to mind, as does one of the arcane powders usually associated with such disabling and long lasting effects.

Dust of Sneezing and Choking: This fine dust appears to be either of the above types of magical powders. If spread, however, it will cause those
within a 20 radius to fall into fits of sneezing and coughing, those failing to save versus poison die immediately, those who do being disabled by the choking for 5-20 rounds.

It is a good job you take the step back, stumbling over the brittle bone carpet and toads, for through misty eyes and bouts of coughing you duck a rusty iron blade aimed to incapacitate you further as the hag lurches from the shadows, so close by, close enough even to see her black rotted teeth and breathe in her own exhaled foul breath.

Haggers' daggers [1d20] = 6 damage [1d4] = 4

The hag cackles and steps back into the gloom. Somewhere within the bay cries, the toads croak, the mage coughs, the monkey...

The bout of wheezing, coughing and what-not will affect Siggard for the next quarter of an hour approx. The hag does not follow you out of the entrance chamber if you proceed that way. Round two action please.
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#148 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc without even standing stabs at the ogre's feet with his sword Scimitar [1d20] = 11 to hit, [1d8] = 5 dmg

I did not add the minuses from the strength decrease to my macro sorry.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#149 Post by Spearmint »

Pocc slashes away, his curved blade cutting through roots and the fig branches but he harvests nothing but air. The ogre hops over the blade smartly though now on the back foot and losing the initiative.

initiative party [1d6] = 6 ogre [1d6] = 4

Caught up in overbearing his crawling quarry the ogres back is turned. Elijah tempts fate and fortune with casting his net and then impaling the ogre on his trident though its back.

Elijah net and trident [1d20] = 18 [1d20] = 15 damage [3d4] = 7,

Van de Poel cranks back his crossbow furiously hoping for another opportunity to bolt the beast, now snared by the gripping hooks and half covered in scrim netting and strong fishing line. ogre dex save [1d20] = 8 hampered in its' efforts to free itself it does the reverse and entangles itself more on the fig tree. Once again the beast fights to be free. The more it fights, the more the net seems to tighten around him and as he thrashes the ogre in his rage misses the druid with the prongs of his spear, each biting deep either side of the blessed druids head and snagging truly in the tree roots.

Aquatic ogre spear [1d20] = 1 damage [2d5+2] = 6+2 = 8

Van de Poel takes his opportunity but wastes it, the bolt flying high wide and not very handsomely away, Van de Poel heavy crossbow [1d20] = 4 damage [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

Elijah, strengthened by the turnaround of fortunes, stabs again at the beast, pushing the trident through the ogres back and snapping rib cage bones and sternum.

Elijah net and trident [1d20] = 17 [1d20] = 13 damage [3d4] = 10.

The beast clutches both hands over his chest in a feeble attempt to staunch its life giving blood flowing from massive wounds, draining away quickly into the sun baked earth. Its grimaces and calls, raging and now in his turn crawling hands and knees into the covering of figs.

next attack please Pocc. -3 to hit, -1 damage
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#150 Post by Spearmint »

Siggard, choking and coughing from the sudden exposure to the ejected dust. Temporarily half blinded and shuddering from violent chest spasms the hag takes her chance and stabs at the mage. Siggard dodges the blade true enough but not her gaze, the hag standing in a face off with him. Evil and ugliness melting together to create a living zombie face of corruptness. It seers the very blood within Siggards' veins and pounds wicked beats into his already nervous heart. The fear of nightmares in a visage of terror, the sight sucks the very marrow from his bones and thoughts, stronger men would yield willingly to faint in the arms of death than be loved in such a disgusting embrace.

The hag grips the babe, struggling and kicking by one arm, she holds it upside down and kisses it softly on the forehead before manifesting such a demonic face that hell itself would freeze over if it saw it.

"If I can't have you, no one will." she cackles evilly.

Siggard and babe for a moment shiver in disgust and then as if a guardian angel was watching over their shoulders they briefly meet contact, eye to eye, the baby blinks and stops crying.
Save vs. Poison (14) [1d20] = 20

Man! I have been nailing the saves lately, I just wish I could roll like that when I attack!!! :)
actually a save vs death, the hag look kills instantly...

baby: baby save vs spells roll[1d20] = 19

Siggard, the floor is yours....
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#151 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc starts to stand up and slashes at the Ogre's legs Scimitar [1d20-3] = 19-3 = 16 to hit [1d8-1] = 1-1 = 0
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#152 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard is again disgusted by the actions of this vile beast as she attempts to kill him and the baby too now. He can not see much or even breath very well and he knows he must get some fresh air before he sustains any permanent damage to his senses. His fears grow even more when he realizes that none of his comrades are rushing to his aid. He silently wonders if the sea ogre got out of the entangling weeds and killed off the rest of his landing party. Even though he has been completely abandoned to his own fate, the mage does not lose all hope.

After he catches just a quick glimpse of the hag kissing the baby, he decides that this must be his opening. Aiming his pistols directly at her chest, not wanting to hit the babe, he pulls both triggers.

Pistol Attack [1d20] = 10 Damage [2d4] = 5 :cry:

Pistol Attack [1d20] = 16 Damage [2d4] = 5 :twisted:

If the sea wench finally falls from the second blast, he tries to grab for the little child so it doesn't also hit the rocky floor.
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#153 Post by Spearmint »

Pocc slashes away at the ogres legs, a bit like a golfer driving off the tee after a weekend session. He aims to cut him down to size,, his thrust further hamstrings the beast, doing minimal damage you always do at least 1 hp worth whatever penalty , it severs through the tendons and ligaments, exposing bony cartilage and torn muscle. Elijah pulls free his trident, and with an extra leverage from Van de Poel adding his weight if not his strength, they thrust the forked arm back through the chest cavity and out through the stomach, ripping bloody entrails and spilling his guts. A cry of 'Hoorah' goes up from the victorious trio as the ogre dies gruesomely and ravaged into quarters.

well done guys, some key rolling and poor ogre dice saved the day.

Elijah passes around his water skin of refreshing cool spring water which sates the parched men. "Evil may still prosper this day while good men do nothing, let us seek our mage friend and hope he fares as good as we."

A quick search of the ogre reveals, one 9'ft pronged spear, similar to a farmers pitchfork. It is a hefty blade and awkwardly balanced and unless you want to thresh the kelp not a suitable weapon for any of you. Around the waist of the ogre he wears a thick patterned scaled belt, it fastens a pair of leathery pouches with shark tooth buckles and given the size of it would make a great bandolier. Inside one are several carved coral pieces shaped like dolphins or a rough seven legged octopus, the other contains some weathered coins, 31 gold pieces the size of half sovereigns bearing a Gauloise stamp. Several ankle trinkets and a thigh band, made of glistening shells and highly polished further decorate the beast. The only armour it seems is the huge banana shaped cod piece shell coverings the loins of the man. It reeks the distance two pistol shots echo somewhere.

Siggard, they say 'love is blind', but so is rage and the mage, almost. Firing instinctively at the hag, Siggards' first shot ricochets around the cave wall, pinging off an ornamental shelf and cracking open a scurrying crab. His second, well he would tell it in 'Woo' style slow motion detail. The musket ball spinning in powered revolutions, hot and sharp fired from a smoking barrel unerringly through the air. The metal bearing destruction scorching across the tilted wicked visage of horror. It burns through her long drooping warty tumour, splaying fat and hard skin in the air like a wiggling maggot, carrying on to chip her bent nasal bone, drilling a hole straight through and rushing ever onwards spinning like a drill to screwball through the eye socket, blackening already black eyes and detaching retina with shattered lens, burrowing through like that fiend the 'brain mole' ever fought one of them?, cerebral matter melts and tears until the bullet exits the back of the hags head, sending shards of mattered hairy bone across the cave. The bullets journey ended with a 'plink' into glass jar of sea gherkins and pickled eyes.

For a moment the body of the hag remains stationary, the baby held aloft like the headless horsemen holding a lantern. Then with muscles relaxed, the hag releases her bowels and mats the floor with a slurp and a still wiggling intestinal worm. Spinning the dual pistols around his fingers like a futuristic gunslinger and sheathing them in his belt he nimbly catches a cooing babe in his left palm and clicks a finger to Face who jumps on his right shoulder to 'high five' the side of his head.

The baby girl stinks, has yellowing skin and is completely wet through. Exhausted from her ordeal, the babe simply gives up fighting to be free and nestles in the fur lining of the cloak. Looking around the cave you find lots of broken vessels, shards of ancient pottery, twisted decorations of gnarled roots and barbed corals. Surprisingly a corner niche has what seems to be a walk in shower. The huge clam shell basin screened by a curtain of decorated string quartz nuggets and topped by a blubbery spread eagled octopus whose legs have been pinned to the ceiling. The body is bloated with fresh spring water, run off from the land above and drips through the tentacle infundibulum suckers like a shower head. Several small fragrant pumice like stones stand around the basin and in small decorative dishes of shell. It seems the hag still kept a feminine side after all.

well done to Siggard who survived a seriously deadly task alone to emerge relatively unscathed

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after what seems to be a long time, the slow cracking of bones and the croaking of frogs herald the ogre trio.

Decide where you wish to spend the evening, hag lair, ruins, boat?
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#154 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc "I'm sorry Eli and Van de Poel I surely figured us doomed though seeing you both fight inspired me. In the end twould appear luck or Poseidon was with us. Let us hope Siggard is having the same fate." the sea druid heads off with the others to seek out Siggard to aid.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#155 Post by Spearmint »

After an hour of resting and securing the ruins, the trio of Pocc, Elijah and Van de Poel, , strengthened in body and resolve go to hunt this time for Siggard. Navigating clear of the scattered retch plant groves which rim the edge of the seaweed cove, the guys wade again in the fading light across kelp covered rocks and knee deep seaweed masses. You call out the mages' name but nothing is heard, not even a faint baby cry though occasionally a deep animal growling is heard in distance. Coming around the rock you first noticed the hag breast feeding the terrified babe, you have a quick search for anything. The rock has been shaped and hewn to fit as a place the hag might bask in the sun and several jars of various mud loams and body waxes litter the floor. They smell terrible, a couple of sea urchins have been nailed to a stick to serve as a back scrubber and a couple of rough pumice stones with dried hag skin and attached toe nails lie on a shelf. Nearby the remains of a wicker crib, wet blankets and straw mattress, ripped and scattered among the kelp. A twinkling filigree necklace, chain broken but with a pink ruby pendant casually tossed aside. It reminds the group of the urgency of their search. Redoubling their efforts and seeking westwards in the direction you last saw Siggard, you come to a small niche between some boulders. As you approach you hear a sound of frogs croaking and a steady crunch and cracking come closer. Armed and hidden you are relieved when Siggard emerges from the hag lair with a baby nestled asleep under his cloak. Over his shoulder a large sack which occasionally clinks like glass and he carries a staff with a hairy matted hags' head leering at you from the top. The eyes roll and the tongue wags but it is Siggard who laughs.

The night is drawing in, decide where to stay and I will narrate the next hours if you want to continue beachcombing or return to the sloop.
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#156 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc "The ruins aren't looking well enough to provide good shelter what do you guys think we should make camp in the ruins anyway or look for better shelter?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#157 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard Hagslayer is somewhat astonished that the first thing his men want to discuss is shelter. Especially while he is flaunting a severed head and a baby in front of them.

"I am doing well! Thanks for your concern!" He looks at Gin and Eli, hoping for some answers.

"I see you all still live! I am glad that you escaped from that merrow! Nasty beasts, those things!"

He looks closer at all three men, noticing a few more things of interest.

"We need to get to the ruins now and make camp. As you may have noticed, I GOT A BABY HERE! Any place with a few walls has to be better than anything else we will find.

We can rest out the night, search the beach a little more in the morning, and then we are going to get this gypsy baby back to the ship so the captain can decide what we do with her!"

With that, the mage begins heading towards the ruins, pressing Eli for details of their encounter along the way.
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#158 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc "Sorry Siggard I was overcome with the current matters at hand. Of course I am glad you live though I had much higher faith that you would survive where as I felt much more that Eli, Van and I would surely meet our end at the hands of the overpowering brute. Though I must admit the hag's head on the staff is quite disturbing. I do see the baby and understand we are now forced to take care of it until we make it back to the ship for the Captain to decide what is best. However I wonder if her parents were on that wrecked ship. Also these ruins if you had not yet noticed are weak and barely safe for grown men to take shelter in do you not think it unsafe for a baby?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#159 Post by Spearmint »

Debating the merits of the ruins for shelter the group (dis)united together once more make their way over rock and scrub to the forlorn walls of the once standing farmhouse. Turning down using the covered pigsty, cleaned out and bleached it might be fine but rotting faeces and lizard carcasses covered in huge maggots makes it an unwise choice. In fading light you have no other choice but to make the best of camping in the open and find that despite the ruins being pretty much a broken shell, the remaining walls are fine to use. A make-do lean to can be created from chopped branches and long fronds of the sycamore leaves. An open fire gives comforting warmth and hasty meal prepared, a guard is set for watch guard and nursing duties for baby Amber. Mashed up bananas, stewed rootstock vegetables and clean towels for nappies, she soon sleeps recovering from her ordeal wrapped up in the warmth of Siggards cloak.

A fitful night is interrupted only by waking Amber and the flutterings of hunting sea owls searching for small game prey. The spell users may regain their spells and after a morning lie in return to a last ditch attempt to search the cove for drifting ambergris nuggets. It looks a forlorn hope, the reef is heavy with surf and broken up in many places by patches of coral and rocks. The seaweed cove is thick and heavy with stranded piles of thick kelp, mounding on boulders like huge piles of compost.

seek and find e,p,vp, s[1d100] = 18 [1d100] = 5 [1d100] = 74 [1d100] = 41

After several hours only Pocc finds anything remotely interesting. A bloated dead body, perhaps washed around the cove from the wrecked ship. The sailor deceased from wounds and his legs gone, bitten off from below the knee. Shark tooth marks scar his torso and his clothing his ripped. A buckled belt, several glinting gemstone flakes sewn into the pattern catch the reflections of sun. A gaudy trinket maybe but worth a few gold.

After two days away from the sloop, Elijah and'Gin' Van de Poel counsel it would be a good time to return. The party +1, find the boat and after crowning inquisitive crabs with the oars set off back across the ocean swells, putting strong arms and backs into the boat and heave-ho the tiny jolly for several long arduous hours.

Pocc navigation [3d6] = 9

Pocc directing the way through his reading of the stars and taking his bearings from the setting and rising sun, he accurately courses the boat towards the Cockburn Harbour.

Okay, you guys have successfully explored and returned unharmed. Let me know of any last minute things you would like to do that I didn't narrate about before you left Big Ambergris Cay. Read back through the encounters and let me know what you do with the stuff you found, add to your sheets. I will tot up the XP so far but expect you both to advance to second level, 600xp just for killing the hag+ ! Money you find or equipment you keep does not count towards XP, but extra is earned through good RP. Going forward Van de Poel returns to normal crew and Elijah will be NPC'd further as needed.

I want to get all three teams together on the sloop before we progress further so after we tie up loose ends here I will focus on those groups and then pick up back on the McGregors' Revenge. Any questions or actions please post. Thanks and well done for surviving a tough encounter.
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Re: Ambergris Cays exploration:

#160 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Pocc takes the jeweled belt from the dead saying a quiet prayer for the deceased and brings it back to the others. "So unfortunately we didn't find the ambergris we came for but this gaudy belt might get some coin, and of course the baby, I suppose if we bring the orge's trident back that might help if it will fit in our row boat. Sorry Siggard for getting snippy with you. It is good to see you survived the hag." if we can manage to return with the ogre's trident Pocc will work to get it into the boat to take back to the ship.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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