Town Business IV - Vaul

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Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

#121 Post by Keehnelf »

Levio sighs, and says, "Well, I did bring coin as well--but that is a large weight of coins to carry with you. I have fifty platinum I can spare, and that would leave five hundred gold pieces--sixty pounds of coin, but it's yours if you wish it!"
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Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

#122 Post by Zhym »

Ulf has a hard time taking his eye off of the diamond. "" he replies slowly. "You're right. Gold and platinum are a lot of weight to carry around. We can convert gold to platinum at the assessor for a fee, of course, but..." He still hasn't looked away from the diamond.

Greed is an evil thing, Ulf knows. And gold and platinum both spend. Easier than a diamond, definitely. But a fine diamond is a piece of art.

Let's pause here while we figure out in the treasure thread what we want to do.
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Re: Town Business IV - Vaul

#123 Post by Keehnelf »

To go back in time just a little bit...

June 15, 1 VC - 11:00am

The caravan from over the mountains arrives without fanfare in the late morning, the caravan master in front in his finest silk clothes, undoubtedly not worn during the journey, leading a train of a dozen wagons and twice as many mules laden with goods. The captain of the guard greets the master, Piecro Levio, and begins conversation about the goods being brought at the behest of the departed arch-duke that will now be needed by the regent. Piecro sighs unhappily at the news, but is glad for the coin the captain presses into his palm and his stolid assurances.

Meanwhile, in addition to goods for sale, a farmer has come north with his family of four children and his wife to join the community, leading a swayback old mule behind them with their assembled worldly goods. Even further behind the line, almost lagging, is an ornate carriage pulled by a pair of black horses wearing velvet masks. A young man of seventeen wearing gray-green robes holds the reins from atop the coach, and when it pulls to an abrupt stop to one side of the caravan proper, the doors fly open and two more robed men step forth. One, clearly older, perhaps in his late forties, stands tall and quite stiffly erect as he inspects the town square. His head is almost completely bald and upon his long, thin nose a set of flimsy pince-nez precariously wobble. His mouth is thin, but soft, as is his chin, though his frame is best described as spindly. Out of the other side of the carriage climbs a similarly attired man, in his late twenties, with a short red beard and squinting, crinkled eyes in his round face. He is not exactly heavyset, but he does not appear to be all that athletic either. The two younger men defer to the older, as he instructs them to begin removing several containers from the top and trunk of the carriage and then the two older men make their way to the inn while the youngest begins unharnessing the horses.

Once the trio has settled in at the inn and the horses are stabled, the two younger men can be found in the tavern while the oldest attends the regent's court.
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