Djebel Tarik

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Djebel Tarik

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This is the forum for the captain's visit to Djebel Tarik camp.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#2 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin "Devil's Scowl" Dupre

After leaving Old Eli with a feeling of foreboding at what the old sea dog might cook up for him to do, Rexlin begins making preparations to join the Captain's party ashore. For the veteran warrior, this means sharpening blades and checking equipment before setting off. He tightens his sash and secures his scimitar and crossbow before heading to the deck to await orders. Looking out over the rail at the island, he tries to do a preliminary scout of anything in sight to see if there is anything of interest.

ooc: What do I need to do for a perception check. I want to take a good hard look both near and far.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#3 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey does his best to freshen up. He hopes his normal charm wins the other pirates over moreso than it did his own crew-mates.
He will follow the captain as an escort, hoping to pick up some intel and ,perhaps more importantly, some island cred.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#4 Post by Spearmint »

Captain Lazarus, dressed for the occasion in long jackett, covered dress tabard and highland kilt makes his way down the sloops gangplank. The previously drowning Magic Mouth animates to announce the "Officers on deck." and the Captain is leaving ship. He is followed by Mr Simonsen, Cravat, a quarter of musket bearing marines and three of the crew, Rexlin, Geoffrey Blood and shaman may each bring whatever weapons, equipment you deem necessary.

Waiting by the dock quayside is a large bench seated wagon pulled by a couple of scraggy mules. The driver whips the animals into pace and they try off up a steep incline following the face of the cliff and beyond the verge of Cockburn. Also in the wagon is one of the men left behind by Djebel Tarik and a miserable looking whiskered fellow. He has a hood up over his face and carries a long slim blade.

As you get higher you can see across the bay and harbour frontage. Counting the ships their appears several small traders and native vessels and another 'bermuda' sloop, similar to your own vessel. On the horizon a larger speck if white confirms some kind of small frigate or brig. Certainly an armoured hunter. It heads towards the south east and Turk Straits.

"Djebel has plans, he's not happy just to maintain the status quo." says the scholar. "wants to keep on top of things."
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#5 Post by Bluehorse »

Relix "Devil's Scowl" Dupre

Settles into place on the wagon and looks around taking in the scene of the town and the bay, looking over the ships coming and going and makes mental note of the path through town they are taking in case an escape or runner is needed to get back to the ship. In between, he'll make passing conversation with the musketmen to inquire first about their weapons to break the ice, saying "I prefer the newer rifle bore guns myself, but my first lessons from my old man was with a beat up old musket with the barrel sawed to 2/3 the way. Your's look well oiled and kept." After that he'll inquire what they know about where they are heading and what they know of their host. He'll subtly nudge Mr. Blood as a silent way of saying "Pay attention, lad."
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#6 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey comes with his weaponry worn, hoping to at least look like he belongs. He enjoys the chatter, but mainly listens for any intel.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#7 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway Gwequay is adorned wearind her moonstone amulet from Seminola, shaman beads, and cheetah headdress...she also applied crushed kohl to line her dark eyes. Iggy has brought her Staff, medicine pouch with the caduceus Vayne gave her and 2 of the magic candles.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#8 Post by Spearmint »

The wagon bearing the crew climbs a steep incline to the crest of the cliff face. At the top a small track leads by a cemetary dotted with white tombstones and rock cairns. A ruin of a chapel stands as a burned out shell in the midst.

"Buried the slaves who took part in the revolt up here. They dug up the remains of the Ibs' and threw them over the cliff top too. Santa Martha went up in flames, the women and children stayed inside begging for mercy while the menfolk took a quick death over the cliff. They got one as well, a few bolt shafts sorted them and their ashes lay inside, no folk go in their now except scavengers.", the scholar chap says. He points out various landmarks as the wagon journeys on, who owned the land, who planted such a tree. You might guess he has been around long before the revolt which happened a decade ago. Cockburn Harbour seems built at the foot of the cliff, on a thin wedge of land, a few terraced villas and gardens taking spots like nesting buildings.

Over the hill, the land falls away to a basin of flat land dotted with small white 'boiling hole' structures. A few scattered folk pan the salt and open sluice gates in the walled places to let the undersea currents agitate the water making it foam like a boiling pot. A few wading birds stand further out in the sheltered bay, picking clams and shellfish carefully from among the reef rocks and salt drains. "One of the few industries left, we are becoming just a market and unless farms are revived the prospects look poor."

Captain Lazarus asks the man about the camp of Djebel Tarik. "He has the brig in the creek close to Lorimor, on the Middle(Middle Caicos), several vessels already off here and there." The man taps his nose knowingly and urges the driver to press on, whipping the ponies to gallop along a thin flat land mass that resembles a crescent shape and handle. At the end the track stops and a large sea going raft awaits, to carry the passengers over the couple of miles of open water to the shoreline of East Caicos. A small holding cottage overlooks the ferry.

Whiskers, the crew nickname for the silent companion stares a lot from under his hood at Rexlin. He seems very interested in your tattoo and the takes an interest in Iggway."Lucayan, Tainio, Arawark?" he asks regarding your native tribe.

As the wagon gallops towards the ferry the hooded man, taps the scholar and says, "Not siesta time yet, where are the fellows?" indicating his expectancy of a few men at the place.

He gets an answer soon enough, but not one you may have antcipated as a volley of musket shot gets fired from one of the windows.

Musket fire [1d20-5] = 17-5 = 12 damage [2d4] = 4

Musket fire [1d20-5] = 19-5 = 14 damage [2d4] = 3

Musket fire [1d20-5] = 17-5 = 12 damage [2d4] = 3

Musket fire [1d20-5] = 9-5 = 4 damage [2d4] = 5

The first shot hits the wagon driver in the chest, he keels over and falls from the wagon bringing the horses to a stuttering halt. The second shot seems to ricochet off the shoulder of Mr Simonsen while the next tags a marine who slumps over dropping his musket.

The scholar protests his innocence saying there is no trap and he jumps the seat rails to take cover under the wagon.

Captain Lazarus, orders the men to return covering fire.

Actions please
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#9 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin "Devil's Scowl" Dupre

Dives to the floor out of sheer habit at the sounds of musket fire. Seeing the marine fall, he makes a quick grab for the musket he dropped and checks the prime before pointing it out the window and shooting towards the powersmoke from the volley, trying to pick out a target and get some details about who is attacking.

[1d20-5] = 20-5 = 15

"Aim high, Lads!" he shouts as he sees his own shot make contact. He ducks again dragging the fallen marine in front of him for cover and an extra layer between him and the gunfire that he has certainly just made himself a target for. He begins grabbing what he needs to reload off the corpse even as he tries to relay anything he may have seen while he was taking aim.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#10 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey tends to the reins, knowing if they stay in place they are easier targets. He calls out in a confident but ignorant manner,"Aighhh, Foward" as he pulls on the ropes.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#12 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway Gwequay is startled by the unexpected musket fire, she takes cover and tries to verify who is shooting at them.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#13 Post by Spearmint »

Round 2

The musket volley surprises the crew who heed the warning of 'Whiskers' just in time.

Geoffrey Blood, jumps into the front hotseat and grabs the reins released by the fallen driver. He shakes the ponies and roughly giddys' them up, driving them across the track towards the ferry. The wagon darts forward hurriedly and just as quick three men, black bandanas and uniformed trousers emerge from the marsh rushes. They make a grab for the ponies, brandishing long bladed swords.

"Secure the ferry Mr Simonsen," barks Captain Lazarus, who together stand to fire a loaded pistols, cocking back the triggers and aiming at the sudden movement.

Capt pistol fire Med range [1d20] = 5 damage [2d4+1] = 5+1 = 6

Mr Simonsen pistol fire Med range [1d20] = 2 damage [2d4] = 7

In the back of the wagon the marines fire back at the silhouettes behind the windows of the cottage, striking brick and glass, perhaps all put off by the sudden jolting wagons movement. Everyone seems affected except for Rexlin whose aim is truer and finds he his mark, even at range to strike a man, who gasps at a throat wound feebly and slowly disappears from view.

Cravat points out that the long sea hauling ferry ropes have been cut and are left dangling loose in the sea. Whoever did this does not want the crossing to work. He throws a dagger at one of the assailants, it sinks deep into the guys chest, just above the ribs and he keels over gasping for air, momentarily stunned.

Cravat dagger throw [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17 [1d4] = 4

Following the Scholar out of the wagon and under the wheels Iggway is dismayed to see it abruptly start moving and has to roll to stop being run over. She hears the scholar intone some arcane ritual in a panicked voice, shaping a round motion in front of his body. 'Whiskers' grabs at the prone drivers legs and begins to pull him to one side into a small drainage culvert. The dirty ditch giving a little protection but not much. The hooded man looks at him and shakes his head, "Only good for the birds now, he's gone."

Actions for round 3 please.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#14 Post by onlyme »

How far does teh wagon have before it deadends into the dock?

Trying to determine if Geoffrey attempts to stop this round, or continues forward to get the captn out of trouble
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#15 Post by Spearmint »

You were fired on from the cottage at a range of >150'ft, and jolted the ponies to the end of the track, still at long musket range. The track basically just finished where you are now. A few marsh trees and salt drainage ditches cover the area. You could try to go straight on the ferry but then what, the ropes have been cut, turn around and bolt off or whip the ponies to run these attackers over. (So basically you can either go forward coaxing the ponies onto unfamiliar ground or try to turn the wagon if you want to keep driving)

The ferry raft is a solidly built flat structure about 15x30'ft. It is about two miles to the East Caicos but the reef inbetween is a large wide expanse and not very deep. Hence a pulley system ferry.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#16 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin " Devil'sScowl " Dupre

Reloaded and half raging the boarish man takes aim again where he saw more musket smoke in one of the cottage windows. Knowing at this range it will be more of a pop shot than a snipers aim, but wanting to make them think twice before showing their heads anyway. Taking a careful aim he fires.

[1d20-5] = 12-5 = 7

[2d4] = 4
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#18 Post by Spearmint »

from Weapons and Armour forum:

Similar to pistols, muskets rely on the weapon being loaded with shot and powder before the trigger is pressed. They have increased range and damage capabilities and may also be upgraded and enhanced. It takes two rounds to reload a musket after it is fired so it fires once every three rounds.

Point Blank: There is NO point blank range for Muskets.
Short Range: 0'-60'ft -1 to hit penalty damage 2d6
Medium range: 61'-120'ft -3 to hit penalty damage 2d6
Long range: 121'-180'ft -5 to hit penalty damage 2d4 due to lessening of shot power over distance.

Muskets may only be fired by the following class: Fighters including Rangers but not Paladins. Thieves and Assassins.

The marine is injured not dead, but searching his waist pouches you can find a small drawstring bag contain musket balls and another with powder. Like cannon, the musket is loaded, primed then fired. So you can search and find this round and begin to prep the musket, or do another action.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#19 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin "Devil's Scowl" Dupre

my mistake

Realizing the marine is still alive after all he pats him down saying, "Good Lad. Got a strong gut. You'll be fine. We're going to get you outta here, alright? I'm going through your stuff to reload. You should be happy to know i put a ball throat the bastards throat that got you."

He continues reloading as he finds what he needs.
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Re: Djebel Tarik

#20 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey yells back to the others.
We got to fight our way out apparently, and driving toward the dock seems to paint us in even worse. Let's stop and use the wagon for shelter till we find what we are fighting.

With that he attempts to halt the horses.
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