A Brief History

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A Brief History

#1 Post by AleBelly »

For those that haven't been here since the beginning, this is probably a bunch of jumbled nonsense. So I'll add some brief summaries of the chapters to date.
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Chapter 1

#2 Post by AleBelly »


Ilfrien Shub'Tovar
Hyde the Heartless
Eduard d'Arnise


The group answers a bulletin for adventurers to venture out to the unknown. This is their "training." They fight their way through a dungeon full of goblins, undead, and ogres. There's also a puzzle to solve. All party members survive, and many show their heroics. The training was orchestrated by Captain Robert Castleman, who rewards them with a magical item each.
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Chapter 2

#3 Post by AleBelly »

The party decides to explore the great unknown. They are joined by Twix, a gnome, Arlandria Frogmorton, a halfling and Jana Nez, a human cleric of Jari.

They head south along a stream, leaving the safe zone for the first time in their lives.

Eventually, the group of 11 splits. Twix heads back to Alleborg. One group encounters what they will later find to be the Sambords in an underground bunker. There is a scuffle. Arlandria is killed, as are several of the Sambords. They eventually reconcile with Finbarr, the leader of the small band of Sambords. From the Sambords the party learns of a great orc-city to the west of Alleborg. There are reports of human slaves working the surrounding farms.

The other group encounters a group of nixies, who enchant Jaspar (they inhabit the eastern lake of the pair of large lakes directly south of Alleborg). To secure his return, the adventurers must aid the nixies in defeating an evil rival tribe. They accomplish this. The 'evil' nixie tribe is killed and the remainder are taken hostage. Many of the party feel ambivalent about the deal.
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Chapter 3

#4 Post by AleBelly »

The party is joined by Hellebore Frogmorton, sister of the slain Arlandria.

Perhaps as an offering of peace to the Sambords, the party decides to attempt to liberate human slaves from the orcs. They encounter such a band of some 15 or so orcs at a farm. Eduard is killed as they destroy the orcs, liberating the slaves. One is actually of Alleborgian descent, several are Sambords and others are utterly broken humans and half-orcs who have lived their entire lives under the yoke of the cruel orcs.

In possession of the orc leader they find a spell book and an ornate silver box that contains an incredibly large emerald. Later they discover this is the key to the tower of the powerful magic user Sigyllus.

The party is met with a chilly reception at the Sambord fort. Hellebore demands an apology for the death of her sister. The Sambords see the party as the aggressors.

The Alleborgian turns out to be Arnulf, a novice magic user. Neglected by his family, he decides to join the party.
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Chapter 4

#5 Post by AleBelly »

Jaspar decides to retire from adventuring. Yana finds she has much to do at the Sambord village, and remains behind.

The party is joined by Angus, a ranger with questionable hygiene. They intent to scout the orc city, but along the way find a brick tower a mile south of the road that leads there. They encounter a band of men who attempt to rob them. The men have bizarre tattoos on their foreheads.

Arnulf and Hyde debut their "snooze missile" tactic, which proves to be quite effective, and the men are defeated. They find the Fork of Tritherton, a powerful magical weapon that can transform from a trident to a spetum.

The men follow a prophet called Trona who serves the god Zerbog - the tribe is based somewhere to the southwest. The party returns to town with the loot.
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Chapter 5

#6 Post by AleBelly »

Enraged by the murder of a farm family by a band of goblins, the party follows their tracks to a lair just outside the safe zone. They kill many goblins and wolves, but don't manage to finish the job.
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Chapter 6

#7 Post by AleBelly »

The party empties the goblin lair. They destroy an altar with strength-draining powers within the lair's temple, and kill the chief. The group finds evangelical writings proclaiming the virtues of Perun within the goblin chief's possessions.

The party -> Angus, Arnulf, Yenny, Hellebore, Chet, Dandelion, Hyde, Galan, and Ilfrien are hailed as heroes, especially after the goblin raids on farms east of the city have stopped. The group is recognized in an official ceremony in Alleborg, but also learn that they have made some powerful people angry and a bounty has been put on their heads.
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Chapter 8

#8 Post by AleBelly »

Chapter 7 was a brief adventure with Sev and Tempus, where Sev was killed by skeletons.

The party clears out the tower where they previously encountered the men who follow Trona. There, they find the husk of a dead giant spider and eggs carefully wrapped within webs and secured against the cold. They also fight more batsquitos.

Chet and an elf named Khahl-Ehl return to Alleborg to deliver a message.

The others continue onto Town No-Go, which is an abandoned town south of the tower. There, they wipe out a nest of more batsquitos who had taken refuge in a dilapidated church. Inspection of said church yields jewelry and other valuables hoarded by the batsquitos.

From there, they investigate a grand brick mansion. Within they discover many hanged corpses. They have been there for many years. They defeat two zombie-like creatures that rise several times after being defeated. Several flee in fear at the sight, and in a moment of desperation Arnulf attempts to wield Hyde's sword. As a consequence, his magical powers temporarily leave him.

The party continues on towards the Sambord fort.
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Chapter 9

#9 Post by AleBelly »

The party has a rough encounter with the Sambords. Yenny attempts to cast a spell to ensure they are of good alignment, but she is caught by the Sambord chief. He submits, but grows angry when Angus won't submit to a similar spell in return.

As promised, they are able to check on the slaves they liberated from the orc farm a few weeks ago. Some are captivated by the beauty of Leylana, the woman in charge of their integration into Sambord society.


On the way back to Alleborg, they encounter a band of goblins. They learn the goblins avoid the orcs. They also learn that kobolds were also active along the Safe Zone's eastern perimeter, but they have been decimated by a white dragon.
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Chapter 10

#10 Post by AleBelly »


The party agrees to escort some Alleborg dignitaries to the Sambord fort, but things go pear-shaped. Hellebore (among others) take offense to their stuffy attitude and poke fun at them. Hellebore's prank is not well-received, and they reach the Sambord fort with relations to the diplomats very strained. The party is reunited with Chet and Tempus. They find a crusty old man who runs a magic item shop...and he will even let them dice for items that they can't quite afford.
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