Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

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Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#1 Post by AleBelly »

The party studies their cups. With the recent loss of Hellebore, none are in a particularly celebratory or talkative mood. Guffy puts them up for the night in his common room and feeds them.

7 Culling

Galan, Arnulf, you’ll need to become visible to interact with others…if you wish to stay invisible deduct a day’s rations.

The next morning, some depart for training, while those interested go with Yenny and Angus to the sage. They are kept waiting for hours in the library, but every time they make a motion to leave, a thin young scribe beseeches them to sit. ”Just wait. Just wait. Won’t be long!”

Finally, around lunch, a corpulent man of about thirty comes from the back. ”Targus is ready for you. Follow me.” As you get close to him, you sense a sour smell, and you see his eyes are bleary. You turn a corner and enter a large room. On a large table sits the moldy book of interest, still in its cradle. Candles, many burned to the nub, are placed at erratic intervals about the room. A few pieces of parchment are disorderly stacked next to the book. Several other volumes lie open on the table.

Targus turns to you. His fine articles of clothing are rumpled and dark bags trace the lower rims of his eyes. He seems excited, and agitated. [quote]”Barney, close the door.”[/dialog]

The portly young man closes the door, and Targus speaks again. ”Are you sure you weren’t followed?”

Satisfied, he picks up the stack of parchment. ”Make yourselves comfortable. This may take some time to explain. But first, you must swear to not divulge what I’m about to tell you to anyone without speaking to me first. It would put us all in grave danger.”

At this point, I need to know who is the room. Chet, Yenny, Angus…Dandelion and Hyde are training as I understand it, Tempus is out and about and Arnulf and Galan are visible if they are here.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#2 Post by Zhym »

"Swearing not to talk wasn't rightly part of our arrangement," protests Angus as he finds a comfy spot to sit. "But alrighty. I'll go along."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#3 Post by Keehnelf »

Though no one is sure who invited her, Ilfrien is there, silent and hooded.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#4 Post by onlyme »

AleBelly wrote:

At this point, I need to know who is the room. ...Dandelion and Hyde are training as I understand it.
confirmed... dandelion is training.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#5 Post by »

Yenny climbs onto a chair. "A surprising request considering we brought the book in, but presuming it doesn't go against my oath to Veles, I agree."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#6 Post by AleBelly »

Zhym wrote:"Swearing not to talk wasn't rightly part of our arrangement," protests Angus as he finds a comfy spot to sit. "But alrighty. I'll go along."
"The reasons will become apparent soon" snaps Targus, in an unusually crabby mood.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#7 Post by Zorroroaster »

Arnulf pipes up - he's been standing there with his arms crossed watching the proceedings for some time, though none have noticed his return to visibility, a fact that hasn't escaped him given the somewhat sour look on his face.

"I solemnly swear, blah blah blah...absolutely. No take backs. Now, what's it say?"
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#8 Post by AleBelly »

The room is suddenly crowded. Our adventurers find a table to lean on or otherwise comfortable spot, and Targus speaks.
”I see none of you are outward followers of Perun. So first, a primer from one of my apprentices. He is a specialist in knowledge of the gods.”

He waves towards Barney, who begins to speak. He is a bit nervous.

”Ah, um, yes. Perun. Um, as you know, half of the common folk profess faith in the sky god. Law, order, all are good things to him. Suits authorities too. He blesses the farmers with rain upon sacrifice of wealth, and so forth. And that’s as far as it goes for most.”

Beads of perspiration stand out on the portly scholar’s forehead.

”The official texts of Perun set forth many rules. But they also contain several prophecies.”

Barney is hitting his stride now, and his confidence increases.

”One that deserves much attention is the Prophecy of Cataclysm. It describes the near extinction of mankind and his allies. And that’s how we know this is a religious tome of Perun. Have a look!”

Barney waddles over to the cradle, and carefully turns through several pages that are blank, ink washed away by moisture and time. He reaches one with streaked writing across the page. ”This are several of the middle verses. It’s hard to make out, but you’ll get the meaning.

His harp striking, on hill there sat
gladsome Ygther, he who guards the ogres;
o’er him gaily in the gallows tree
crowed the fair red cock.

Crowed o’er the gods, did golden comb;
wakes he the giants of the iron wood;
another crow summons those beneath
they march on man with souls of red.

Garm bays loudly, forth from his cave,
breaks his fetters and freely runs.

Brothers will battle to bloody end,
and sisters’ sons their sib betray;
woe’s in the world, much wantonness;
will the spear of no man spare another.

Garm feeds on the flesh of fallen men,
with their blood sullies the seats of the gods;
will grow swart the sunshine in summers thereafter,

‘Neath sea the land sinketh, the sun dimmeth,
from the heavens fall the fair bright stars;
gusheth forth steam and gutting fire,
to very heaven soar the hurtling flames.

Barney looks around. ”The rest of this page is ruined. These passages, and there are many, are meant to illustrate what happens when Perun’s laws aren’t followed. They comprise the Prophecy. Except the end, which describes the triumphant return of Perun to remake civilization.”

He thumbs forward several pages. ”There’s more of Perun’s triumphant return, blah blah blah…then

I see green again with growing things
the earth arise from out of the sea;

I see a hall than the sun more fair,
thatched with gold, to Perun’s like.
There will the gods all guiltless throne,
yet in thrall to the great Perun.

So Perun will rule all.”

Barney prepares to keep speaking, but Targus cuts him off…

”Thank you, Barney, I think they get the idea.”

tl;dr The sage and his apprentice have just told the party of Perun's prophecy of armageddon, and his return.

Family just showed up, will continue later.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#9 Post by Zhym »

"Welp, that's all mighty interesting," muses Angus from his chair—the library is much more comfy than anywhere he's ever parked his butt in the woods, he has to grant it that—"especially to a follower of Perun, I reckon. But I ain't quite cottoning yet to what's got you so het up."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#10 Post by AleBelly »

Targus smiles wearily. They lost Chet's attention awhile ago. The monk picks his nose while swatting at a moth that flies around the room.

"Do not fret. This is not a history lesson. What you will find of interest is the translation of the priest's personal notes. For that what was written in the script of the lizard folk. Much of his ink has bled from the page, but we have been able to piece together several things.

The teachings of Perun are almost always interpreted in such a way that the Cataclysm is to be avoided. But the priest - in these very pages - describes a sect within the Church of Perun that seeks to bring about, not avoid, the Prophecy of Cataclysm. These fanatics see this is the path to Perun establishing dominion over all god and menfolk. There have been whispers of this theology for some time. But this is the first proof. You should not underestimate the import of your discovery."

Targus pauses solemnly, perhaps for dramatic effect.

"Now, the priest here doesn't exactly name these fanatics. But he despairs that the leader of the entire church is among them. Indeed, it was Adalbert, the same leader that presides over the faith of Perun here in Alleborg today, though he wields much more power." everyone in town knows Adalbert

With a troubled look on his face, Targus carefully turns a few pages backwards. "It seems this priest achieved a high position of authority within the hierarchy of the church. He probably represented the highest Perunic authority to the town of Knob Forest. Upon attaining this rank, he was informed of Adalbert's intentions. He would not go along with these intentions, and was worried for his future. Considering there are but a couple entries afterwards, I venture to guess he met the demise he so feared."

Targus rubs his eyes, giving the magnitude of these revelations to sink in. Then, he addresses the party again.

"Angus, you remarked earlier how expensive my services are. True, I live a relatively lavish lifestyle. But I also pay my associates well. To buy their trust and loyalty. For Adalbert has eyes and ears everywhere. You will do well to remember that. In fact, I would venture to say that except those you trust completely, this town will not be safe for you if he knows what you know. I, and those who have suspected him of treachery and treason for these many decades, now have some concrete proof. We can begin to put some actions in motion. As for you, I know many of you are associated with Captain Castleman. He is a trustworthy soul. But speak of these secrets to no one else. In fact, it would be best for you if you left town for some time. To ensure your safety. Have you any questions? This must come as a shock indeed."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#11 Post by Zhym »

Angus chuckles grimly as the sage reveals the high priest of Perun to be a threat. Instead of the expression of surprise Targus no doubt expects, the woodsman nods his head in dawning comprehension.

"Actually, things're finally starting to make some sense," he says. He looks to the others, then back at Targus, as if trying to decide whether to speak in front of the sage. He shrugs and continues. "Y'all remember them papers we found in the goblin hole? The one what caught our attention had guard schedules for the farmlands around Alleborg. But the other pages were all full up with gabbing up how great Perun is. I remember we were mighty puzzled at the time that Perun would feature in a goblin hole. And didn't y'all say Castleman suspected the church's involvement? Now I reckon we know how high up the rot goes.

"We have to tell Castleman,"
he says with a look towards Targus. "His neck's on the block too and he needs to know who's holding the axe."

I couldn't quite tell if Targus meant don't talk to Castleman or don't to to anyone besides Castleman.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#12 Post by AleBelly »

Targus was suggesting you could talk to Castleman
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#13 Post by Keehnelf »

Ilfrien nods. "Castleman's a git, but he deserves as much warning as we can give."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#14 Post by Zorroroaster »

Arnulf throws up his hands. "What IS it with these priests, man? Always screwing with people! Is it the robes? The kneeling?"

He stops himself before he really gets going. "Before we leave this room, I should make someone invisible. They can sneak around, find Castleman and deliver a message for him to meet us somewhere out of town. Alone. Then we can talk to him."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#15 Post by »

Yenny - "I would like to speak with Castleman, but don't need to see him invisibly. It seems unlikely that anybody knows yet of our finding of this book.

Targus, based on what you've read here, does it seem at all likely that Adalbert and his cult would have gone so far as to raise the dead and use them for their purposes? It seems it would twisted for a worshipper of Perun, but once the words get spun about, almost anything is possible."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#16 Post by AleBelly »

Zhym wrote:"Y'all remember them papers we found in the goblin hole? The one what caught our attention had guard schedules for the farmlands around Alleborg. But the other pages were all full up with gabbing up how great Perun is. I remember we were mighty puzzled at the time that Perun would feature in a goblin hole. And didn't y'all say Castleman suspected the church's involvement? Now I reckon we know how high up the rot goes.

"We have to tell Castleman,"
he says with a look towards Targus. "His neck's on the block too and he needs to know who's holding the axe."
"If I did convey my suspicions, it was foolish of me to do so. These papers you speak of are interesting. They sound evangelical in nature. Hmm..." wrote:Yenny -
Targus, based on what you've read here, does it seem at all likely that Adalbert and his cult would have gone so far as to raise the dead and use them for their purposes? It seems it would twisted for a worshipper of Perun, but once the words get spun about, almost anything is possible."
Targus goes quiet for at least a minute, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I think not. I know that Adalbert has not ventured forth from the walls of Alleborg for some time. And the undead can be difficult to control, as I understand it. Barney?"

His pudgy apprentice pipes up "Much against their tenets, my good madam gnome."

The sage replies "Yes, his powers are still intact. You must keep in mind that he is possibly mad, but not evil. He believes he is serving his god. And the continuity of his powers will reinforce that idea. Goblins, yes, I understand his choice of them as allies. They may overrun the town, or cause chaos, but eventually they can be vanquished. I do not think he would ally with a powerful foe to destroy Alleborg. Though he may be getting impatient. It is difficult to say, but very doubtful."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#17 Post by Zhym »

AleBelly wrote:"If I did convey my suspicions, it was foolish of me to do so."
I did a poor job of conveying it, but Angus was talking to the other members of his party, not Targus, in your quoted text.

"If Adalbert ain't waking the dead, then he ain't our only enemy. I reckon it'd be too easy to have our enemies all bundled up together nice and neat. Talking of which, you ever heard of 'Saphrax of the Herulics?'" he asks Targus.
Last edited by Zhym on Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#18 Post by »

Yenny nods to Angus and looks back at Targus with interest.
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#19 Post by AleBelly »

Targus replies almost immediately "Yes, of course. They are a rather unruly tribe that inhabited the southwestern area of the erstwhile Masmuria. Saphrax, however, is a name I do not recognize."
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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

#20 Post by »

"Somebody claiming to be this Saphrax of the Herulics sent some undead to greet us while we were camped out in the city whence came this book. He left a message asking for a parlay in the old tower. Some of us went and were offered the opportunity to join with him against the civilized peoples. Not sure why he thought we'd be interested, but it seems he kept his word as far as a peaceful parlay goes. The enemies of our city are popping up all over." Yenny slips off her chair and begins pacing a little as she speaks, and looks towards Chet to see if adds anything.

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