The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#21 Post by KingOfCowards »

Bertram will accept the non-hereditary title of Knight
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#22 Post by AleBelly »

Ok, will update sheet with 883xp. I can't remember, do you give xp bonuses for pre-req scores?
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#23 Post by Keehnelf »

Yes, for expedition XP.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#24 Post by Spartakos »

Galen, flush with the thrill of victory, will take the knighthood.

Rhodri, the more pragmatic sort, will take the Guild Membership.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#25 Post by KingOfCowards »

While technically a "survivor" of the battle, Kennit will only ask for the return of his halfling-sized armour, which shouldn't be much good to many others, and a replacement of weapons if his cannot be located. There should be no shortage of those I presume.

Certain that he will be questioned, Kennit tells of running into the army while looking for Rhodri and his eventual defeat in the duel with Catstrangler. He cannot explain how or why they kept him alive in such a sad state.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#26 Post by Keehnelf »

There were no other non-goblinoid demihumans with the army, and he's recognizable from previous time in town, so it's easy enough for the townsfolk to welcome him back and attempt restitution of his items, offering him replacement arms from the recovered goods.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#27 Post by Spartakos »

Hate to steal a good idea, but any chance Rhodri was able to scavenge a suit of armor (any sort) and a sword of some kind after the battle?
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#28 Post by Keehnelf »

Studded leather and a short sword are yours for the taking!
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#29 Post by Zhym »

Ulf Stronghammer takes a membership in the Adventurers Guild. "Sergeant Ulf" is all the honorific he needs. Besides, with Tarmerlin handing out titles like he'd just hit a vein of them, a copper and a "Sir" in front of your name will just about get you a pint of ale.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#30 Post by Zhym »

Harold Willoughby decides that it is not meet for a member of the clergy to take on an earthly title of nobility. So though he does not expect to engage in much adventuring in the future, he accepts a membership in the guild, figuring that it might be useful for a cleric of Branwyn to know what's going on in the adventuring world.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#31 Post by Zhym »

Lug pouts that he can't get a title. It's not his fault he missed the fun! He'd have totally killed a bunch of Vaul's enemies if he'd made it back in time!
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#32 Post by Keehnelf »

May 19, 1 VC

It has been a tumultuous ten days in the small settlement of Vaul. Since the arrival of the goblinoid army, the town has struggled to find its rhythm again, and only through days of toil and grim determination has something like a routine returned to the sleepy village. The field to the north remains blackened from the corpse-pyres, the earthen ramparts still stand outside the town's walls, and construction on what's been dubbed the Tower Road--heading north toward the home of the Order of the Skull--lies unfinished after only two miles of stone-lined lane has been established.

The majority of the southern mercenaries who had arrived as if by magic and managed to survive have begun the long caravan trek back to more populated lands with a bit more steady coin to earn, though a handful have chosen to remain, one young female mercenary choosing to enlist with Vaul's resident mercenary troop but most setting up their swords to take advantage of the surplus of land available for those willing to farm and defend it. The beginnings of several new earthen houses have sprouted up, as a result, to the west of the town, and fields have begun a late tilling. One mercenary, having brought along a horse of his own, has begun to lease it out to farmers in the community for plowing. The war-bred stallion seems none too pleased at the new tasks it's been laid, but in the end he doesn't get much say.

Construction and reconstruction proceeds at top speed per the Regent's orders: the tavern is rebuilt, the walls mended. The new Adventurer's Guild, two levels with a perimeter fence and a handful of outbuildings comes to dominate the square across from the Wooden Keep, with the tavern and the inn standing on the opposite sides around the public square with the bulletin board. Largo Goodbarrel, the halfling adventurer-turned-guardsman, is now sergeant-at-arms of the town watch and drills his meagre complement of men every morning in that same square, preparing for the worst.

The remains of the Ducal Guard, with both the Duke and his captain lost in the fighting, scatter to the winds, a handful making off into the wilds of the north with laden packs, the remainder accompanying the mercenaries south. None elect to remain within the safety of Vaul's wooden palisade.

With a new minor nobility arising from the ashes of the recent fighting, the Regent declares that he will hold an open court to address issues of importance to the town. These will take place on every fifth day, and allow for public petition as well as a short agenda of his own devising. All members of the nobility (bearing a title, hereditary or non-) are invited and expected to attend, if they are able. In the meantime, the elf Valorei has established the business of the Adventurers' Guild, a clear adjunct to the powers of the throne, underwritten and provided limited direction by Tamerlin himself. Tamerlin and Valorei make it clear that great trust, and great reward, will be given to those who dedicate themselves to it. On the evening of the 19th, before the doors officially open, all those who have signed the charter of the Guild are gathered for a formal dinner within.

Outside the town, all seems quiet. The smoking heap of the Finger of Doom continues to smolder--a sullen heap of ash and cinder on the horizon beyond the blackened remains of the Goblin Forest. There has been no sign of the dragon that took flight over that forest days past, nor have the escaped lieutenants of Viscarg the Hobgoblin made an appearance near the town. The Regent's moratorium on exploration beyond the town is nearly at an end, and he makes it clear that there is much business still to be done, for those with the will to do it. Word among the shopkeeps and farmers is that he plans to lay out his goals for the year at the first open court, to be held the next day...

The town is now completely open for RP. Feel free to stop by the Wooden Keep, the Adventurers' Guild, or anywhere else that is described in the Vaul forum! Once the Visitor expedition returns, we'll do another update on Open Court for the 20th and folks can choose to stick around or head out at that time.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - The Aftermath (reboot update)

#33 Post by Keehnelf »

Closing this up and moving it to history. Go ahead and get your expeditions underway!

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