Interlude- Tech 3220

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Interlude- Tech 3220

#1 Post by Urson »

As soon as you pull off The Highway, you're in a glass-and-steel city. Axel may feel a bit nervous- some of the architecture is unpleasantly like his home. Ike will find himself in moderate aircar traffic- a mix of saucers, flying sedans, and people wearing some sort of anti-gravity belts.

In general, it has the feel of an industrial district; small factories, lots of cargo movers of all sizes, smoke and chemical stenches in the air.

Harry leads the way to an uassuming warehouse. The door rolls up, and all the vehicles are let inside. SamanEric is there, his side heavily bandaged and one leg in a cast. He smiles to see his truck arrive.

Harry climbs down from Mother Beast and waves for the group to join him.

Ok, ya'll done good for yerselves. Now ya need to decide a few things- are ya keepin' your current vehicles? Are ya gonna sell that big-assed wrecker? What kinda upgrades ya'll want? And how soon ya gonna be ready to rollout again?

As far as upgrades go- the field is wide open. Weapons, gear, vehicle upgrades, you name it. Post what you want in-character, and we'll figure out the details.
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Re: Interlude- Tech 3220

#2 Post by Grognardsw »

Ike Heinlein, of the double minds

Ike sets his lo-jack, climbs out of the saucer and helps with any unloading.

The ex-space marine knows how dangerous combat can be with unpredictable other-world weapons and aliens.

"I'd like a personal force-field belt if you have it."
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Re: Interlude- Tech 3220

#3 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel pats the hood of the Citroen. "This old beauty is my absolute favorite piece of tech in Creation, but I have to admit she may not be the most practical for the sort of work we're doing. Can you give a sense of what sort of work you expect to be sending out way? More smash-and-grabs? Or something else?"

Thinking for a minute, Tel says, "Actually, I have something in a storage unit that might work well. It'll need a new coat of paint... It's a concept vehicle from Corona Motors. I fished it out of a river in a particularly colorful universe a few years ago. Hang on, I should be back in a couple hours."

Hopping back into the sleek black Citroen, Tel drives off towards the Highway, returning a few hours later in a fresh set of clothes and behind the wheel of...


"What do you think? Should I keep the red and blue color scheme, or paint it something more subdued?

"It has a non-polluting engine, off-road capability, it can auto-drive, it can actually drive up sheer vertical surfaces and even upside down, and it... uh, well, this is weird, but it shoots synthetic spider-webs. I have no idea what kind of fever dream this came out of, and I've had no luck finding a buyer for it. But, I dunno, it could work, right?

"Oh, and it has a weird spot-light."
Tel reaches in and pulls a control on the dash.


"Kind of hard not to love something so goofy, huh?"
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Re: Interlude- Tech 3220

#4 Post by ylinett »

"Lawyers, guns, and money" says the man. As the others take their breaks and go about their business so too does he. First he charges up the brick to full then begins looking for stores that stock high tech. What kind of high tech doesn't matter. He has a way of lucking into what he will need, and usually it is on sale...
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Monsieur Rose
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Re: Interlude- Tech 3220

#5 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Axel is loath to leave the warehouse. Rationally he knows it isn't the same world he came from, but people don't change and he's had enough of that life.

"That hauler might be more practical, but I've grown attached to my bunk in the bus. Some upgrades might do it well, however.
I'd like to attach a trailer hitch so it could haul moderately sized vechicles behind it. I'd like it armored and bulletproof; its going to take days to get all this broken glass out of here. Maybe a mounted .50 cal on top. I don't know much about this guide thing, but if there was a way to have an interface that would allow the guide to drive the bus, I'm all for it. Oooh, and one of those personal jetpack things I saw on the the way in here."

"As for the hauler, if there was a place to keep it for situations that we know we may need it, that might be best."
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Re: Interlude- Tech 3220

#6 Post by Urson »

Before anyone goes anywhere, Harry calls a quick meeting.

I just realized Ya'll don't know what comes next. I'm sure that'll make a difference in what ya buy an' what preparations ya make.

Jump to Dark Pharoh- Eldritch 1985 for the mission brief.
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