Chapter 12b - Chet recounts their visit to the prison

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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#61 Post by Storm11 »

marked :)[/

Tempus will return and try and grab the insect creatures sword, and move it to the floating eye room. He will ask for Chets help in throwing the sword into the room, to see what happens when something enters the chamber.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#62 Post by AleBelly »

Tempus takes the toy sword and hands it to Chet, tossing it into the room. It lands with a plunk on the floor. As the druid and monk watch to see what happens, the green squares continue to twirl about the floor. After 20 seconds, the floor appears to swallow the sword as it sinks beneath the surface of the black. 20 seconds later, it has disappeared from sight.

Chet looks at Tempus. "Maybe Gibba's slobber was on the sword. Could it have dissolved the floor?" He digs into his pack and throws out a crossbow bolt. It takes longer, but within a minute it too has sunk beneath the surface.

"I don't think it's safe to go in there" says Chet.

Nice thinking!

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:32
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#63 Post by Storm11 »

why thank you muchly :D

Tempus will try and see if there are any other exits from beyond the hungry floor and nosy eye ball floaters.

"Let's not go in there unless we have to! However, if we want to get passed momma we may need to get rid of the insectoid evidence! The hungry floor might be a great way to do so! What do you think Chet?" the dreadlocked Druid asks curiously
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#64 Post by AleBelly »

I'm certain Chet's player would agree to this idea since he's expressed concern at the body being there for all to see.

Chet agrees, and the halfling and human drag the body into the room with the thick black floor. They toss it in, and it lands with a thunk, slightly depressing the floor, then sinking. The jeweled hummingbird, terribly annoyed, sucks at the marrow of the insect-man's bones as the black murk slowly claims the body. It flies off through the northern archway and out of sight...the only doorway visible in this room (map to come, but just for now think of a 30' square room).

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:35
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#65 Post by AleBelly »

"Tempest, I suggest we leave it alone. I think it will lead us to danger." He pulls out his crossbow, loads a bolt, and fires it at a green tile. It clanks off, and the tile totters ever so slightly. The bolt plops into the black murk and disappears from sight.

"The crowmen must have gone through the white room with the black stripe. Should we follow them?" asks Chet.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#66 Post by Storm11 »

The halfling nods in agreement. "Yes let us follow them throw the white stripe room, carefully though. Can you check it for traps before we enter good monk?"

Once Chet gives the all clear the Druid and his hound will enter cautiously, avoiding the black mark.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#67 Post by AleBelly »

DM rolls dice

Chet nods and gets to work. He first carefully inspects the floor without touching it, looking for weakness or other dangers. Finding nothing, he pulls another crossbow bolt from his pack and touches it to the black line. Then to the white floor on either side. Nothing happens. He leans his head in, inspecting the walls for arrow holes or flaming gas ports. He sees nothing amiss among the gray wall.

He then bunches the leather together at the tip of his shoe, and places it on the black line. Tempus and Chet are astounded to see the line move, forming the outline of a goblin, though still connected on either end to the archway they occupy and the archway on the other side of the room. Chet withdraws his foot, and the line returns to a straight pattern. He then touches his foot to the white floor on the right of the black line, and

Chet [1d20] = 9

pulls his foot back. He sits down on the ground, shaking with fear, and screaming/crying calling out for help. "Mommy! Daddy!"

Fluffy begins barking. As if this weren't alarming enough, the voices of the chess pieces enter Tempus' head. "Behind you! Watch out!"

Tempus turns from the sobbing monk and looks behind him. Without a warning, he would have missed the four figures creeping along the north wall towards them in single file. They look lizard-like in appearance, but it's tough to tell since they blend in with the grey stone wall. The figures are heavily muscled females, nude save belts they are wearing. A pouch hangs from each belt, as do a couple S-shaped throwing knives. Their wield long machetes. When they are 30' from Tempus (the closest one being 30' away), they realize they are spotted and hiss, baring sharp teeth. The front three move to attack, while the one in the rear fumbles with her pouch, appearing to begin casting a spell.

Chet sees them, but appears incapable of doing much of anything to fend off an attack.


Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:40
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded - gripped with fear
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#68 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus asks Fluffy to attack the on rushing female lizard creatures whilst he moves to protect Chet, calling to the monk whilst plucking his sling from his belt and fitting a bullet to it.

"Why are you attacking us?" he calls swinging the sling to fire at the caster, trying to disrupt her spell.

Tempus' attack : [1d6] = 1 : [1d20+5] = 17+5 = 22 : [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4 : [1d100] = 1

Fluffy : [1d6] = 2 : [1d20] = 11 : [2d4] = 7 : [1d100] = 48
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#69 Post by AleBelly »

That's a critical hit! Please roll another d100 if you get a chance. Otherwise I'll include it in my update.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#70 Post by AleBelly »

Luckily, your DEX improved your initiative for missile combat!

"Warm bloods will die!" cry the sorceress in response to Tempus' inquiry.

Target Chet 1 Fluffy 2 Tempus 3 [1d3] = 1

Attack on Chet [1d20] = 1, crit [1d100] = 88, [1d20] = 13, crit [1d100] = 25

The swiftest lizard woman, sensing easy prey, rushes at the shaking Chet. Its bite misses, but connects with its machete, swinging it with great force! A plume of blood sprays from Chet's shoulder as the weapon finds its target. Seemingly dispelling his fear, the monk rises to his feet!

Target Chet 1 Fluffy 2 Tempus 3 [1d3] = 3
Target Chet 1 Fluffy 2 Tempus 3 [1d3] = 3

Two others rush Tempus, but the nimble halfling pulls out his sling and whizzes a stone at the sorceress lizard woman, who is still fumbling with her pouch. It finds its target, delivered with such speed that the top half of the sorceress' skull explodes on impact. She falls to the ground, lifeless!

Enraged, the two rushing warrior women bite and slash at the nimble hobbit! The first, blind with anger, misses wildly.

Attack on Tempus [1d20] = 4, crit [1d100] = 59, [1d20] = 5, crit [1d100] = 83

The second snaps a bite, its yellow teeth unable to penetrate the hobbit's leather. But its machete finds a weakness!

Attack on Tempus [1d20] = 12, crit [1d100] = 14, [1d20] = 15, crit [1d100] = 63

Damage to Tempus [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4

Blood pours from a wound in the hobbit's thigh!

Fluffy, snarling in anger at the violation of his druidic friend, bites in retaliation but the warrior's skin stands firm, repelling the teeth!

The jeweled hummingbird reappears from the room with the sinking floor, flitting about. It descends on the exposed skull of the dead lizard woman sorceress and begins feeding.

Actions? Tempus, Fluffy and Chet are all in melee with the three surviving warrior women.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:41
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Tempus lightly wounded, Chet moderately wounded

FYI, here's Chet's actions:

Chet tries to uppercut one of the warrior women.

Attack 1: 1d20 = 1, crit 1d100 = 39
Attack 2: 1d20 = 9, crit 1d100 = 13
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#71 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus will attack the woman hitting him, dropping his sling and picking up his scimitar if he can.

Tempus possible attack : [1d6] = 4 : [1d20] = 15 : [1d8] = 5 : [1d100] = 54

He will call to fluffy to attack the other creature.

Fluffy attacks : [1d6] = 6 : [1d20] = 8 : [2d4] = 5 : [1d100] = 37
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#72 Post by AleBelly »

Tempus, now in melee, drops his sling and pulls his scimitar from his belt. The mighty druid slices open the belly of the grey lizard woman attacking him, and she drops to the floor, gurgling. The floor is slick with blood.

Chet and a lizard woman duel. He swings mightily, but his fist fails to connect. He's able to dodge the retaliatory bite, but his motion puts him squarely in the path of her machete strike, and another wound is opened on the monk!

Attack on Chet [1d20] = 2, crit [1d100] = 57, [1d20] = 18, crit [1d100] = 23

He staggers, and his follow-up kick finds naught but air again.

Fluffy snarls at the other standing lizard woman. He leaps at the warrior with bloodlust in his heart. But he misses, and even worse, exposes himself to a devastating counter-attack!

Attack on Fluffy [1d20] = 6, crit [1d100] = 71, [1d20] = 16, crit [1d100] = 3 Critical hit!

Effect: Crit hit on Fluffy outcome [1d100] = 23 Double damage

Damage to Fluffy [2d6+4] = 11+4 = 15

The machete severs poor Fluffy's spinal cord, and the dog perishes instantly. :cry: The only consolation for Tempus might be that his animal companion did not suffer at all. The lizard woman laughs gruffy,

DM rolls dice

but seeing half of her retinue dead she garbles something to the other in a strange language, and they begin a fighting retreat back into the sinking room with the black floor. Tempus and Chet can let them go, or continue to attack.

The jeweled hummingbird continues to lick blood from the bones of the dead sorceress.


Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:42
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Tempus lightly wounded, Chet moderately wounded, Fluffy dead
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#73 Post by Storm11 »

The Druid cries out in horror at his poor hounds demise. He leaps at the retreating lizard woman in anger.

Tempus Attacks: [1d6] = 1 : [1d20] = 16 : [1d8] = 1 : [1d100] = 82
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#74 Post by AleBelly »

Chet, bleeding from several wounds, has had enough of battle. "Let them go, Tempest"

He draws his spetum from his sack (two segments initiative penalty) and does not advance. He is ready to defend himself if necessary, though.

Init: [1d6] = 6 - 2 for drawing weapon and two-handed weapon
To hit: [1d20] = 7
Crit [1d100] = 83
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#75 Post by AleBelly »

Tempus, crying out in horror at the loss of his animal friend, nicks the closer lizard (chameleon) - woman with his scimitar. She offers a weak bite and slash in her defense as her comrade behind her retreats to the archway leading to the sinking floor. "qatlh vihoh'a be'nkwi'" she snarls before exiting into that room. Now one chameleon woman remains, wishing to retreat but not willing to expose her back to Tempus.


Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:43
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Tempus lightly wounded, Chet moderately wounded, Fluffy dead
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#76 Post by Storm11 »

"Pass me my sling Chet!" Tempus says dangerously, scowling at the lizard woman.
If the woman goes to flee the Druid will try and stab her
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#77 Post by AleBelly »

Chet grabs the sling and hands it to Tempus, allowing the last remaining lizard woman to escape melee.

To get her before she reaches the archway, he'll need to beat her initiative.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#78 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus hands Chet his sword and fires off a sling bullet.

[1d6] = 6 : [1d20+5] = 4+5 = 9 : [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2 : [1d100] = 6

Not including the plus to hit from behind and her lack of Dex bonus
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#79 Post by AleBelly »

Angrily, Tempus fires off a stone before the last remaining humanoid is able to flee. His aim is true, but it thunks harmlessly off her thick hide. If he peeks around the doorway, he sees her run across the black floor, avoiding the green squares. She does not sink, and runs to the left and out of sight once through the far doorway.

The jeweled bird feeds on the exposed brain of the lizard sorceress. Chet gets out a first aid kit and tends to his wounds. It helps a little, but he's still bleeding heavily. "I think we should leave and get the others. This place is too hard for us alone" he says. He looks at Fluffy sadly.

The sorceress has two belt pouches at her waist, and the warrior has one.

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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#80 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus will kneel quickly beside his faithful hound and see if he is still alive.

"Gather the pouches good Chet. Azupenia may not let us leave without bringing her some treasure. Perhaps one of these bodies and something some of their weapons hmmm. Check the sorceress carefully, she may have some magical effects upon her. Our task was to look into the prison and see what it's state was, and report back on the situation of things down here. So far we have encountered a baby screamer and a puffsuit man, men dressed as crows, chess pieces that are sentient, female lizard chameleon creatures, some of whom have the ability to cast spells, and an insect man. The traps are insidious and we now know how to cross the floor within that chamber. And we have discovered Azurpenia's current motivations to boot. Success of our mission, but at a terrible cost. the Druid says tears in his eyes.

If Fluffy is definitely beyond saving the Druid will cast Cure light wounds on Chet. If Fluffy can be saved he will cast it on the hound.
[1d8] = 1

i knew it was going to be a 1 before I even rolled. Cute light wounds sucks ass!
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