[Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

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[Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#1 Post by ken-do-nim »

April, 1922
Arkham, Massachusetts

You (one character from each player) have been called to the bedside of the dying Rupert Merriweather, who is fast succumbing to the ravages of cancer. Rupert is a professor emeritus of Miskatonic University. Each of you is either a former colleague, past student, friend, or relative of the man. He is confined to his bed at St. Mary's hospital in Arkham and he contacted you by telegraph to urgently request that you visit him tomorrow afternoon - Thursday at 1 o'clock.

In your introductory post, explain your relationship to Rupert and how you became close to him.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#2 Post by Pulpatoon »

Dr. Absalom Pale has been Professor Meriwether's physician since Rupert first came to Arkham. Over decades of professional and social acquaintance, they have become friends.

As the invitees gather around, Dr. Pale quietly busies himself unnecessarily tending to stray medical details—organizing the pill bottles, pestering the nurses to chill Meriwether's water pitcher, flipping through the medical chart and frowning. He is not the attending physician—that role is filled by hospital staff—but acting as though he were in charge gives him a safe foundation in a trying time.

Finally, he settles into a chair by the hospital bed, pats his friend's hand, and watches the other guests arrange themselves.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#3 Post by Stirling »

Jasmine Faversham....(Miss Faversham to you, Jazz to her closest friends)

Miss Faversham arrived in unladylike fashion (as his her want) to St Marys', huddled down in the passenger sidecar, with the collar of her flying jacket pulled high up to her cheek and white scarf flapping like a windsock in the wind. The despatch rider pulls up outside the gates with a final splutter of the engine, oil and exhaust smoke staining the austere courtyard.

Thank you for the ride from the airfield, you're such a sweetie!"she says to the rider, declining an invitation to ' a drink and dance later'.

Jasmine, hurries inside the hospice, still lugging a leather holdall. Checking into reception for directions to Ruperts' room, she makes a quick detour to the ladies to wash and clean the last bits of dust and grime away. The goggles have made a paler mark across her face. Hair combed and lips glossed, Jasmine enters the room quietly. She acknowledges the other guests but fails to recognise any.

Taking Rupert's hand she whispers in his ears, "Father would be so proud of all you have done. I am sure he is waiting too for one last adventure beyond the clouds. So glad you called me, so sad to see you this way."

Miss Favershams' father flew in the Great War with Rupert and after his death he sponsored her flying lessons and first aviatory exploits.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#4 Post by geomys »

A shadow falls across the bed of the dying professor as a figure steps across the threshold. The newcomer is a young man of average height, pleasant looking in a scruffy sort of way, wearing a weathered brown leather jacket. He half shuffles from the doorway as if reluctant to come closer, removing his fedora and running one hand through his tousled sandy hair. As he moves to the bedside, his eyes dart nervously to the other visitors, catching for a moment on Jasmine as they pass. He rotates his hat unconsciously in his hands and clears his throat, realizing that he had a lot to make up to one of his most beloved mentors from his brief time at Arkham. When he speaks his voice is choked with emotion.

"Doc what have you gotten yourself into?" He looks down at the floor. "Doc, I am sorry. I...you know I never would have wanted to hurt Miriam. We were young it was...I don't think the timing was right for either of us. I left for her own good." Archie doesn't raise his eyes, as if there is not much conviction behind his words.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#5 Post by MI70 »

A crusty old man in overalls and a weathered hat peers into the room nervously. He looks lost and you assume he is probably here to fix a sink. Surprisingly, his eyes light on Dr. Merriweather and he gives a tight-lipped smile and begins to cry.

"Geez Louise, Professor, I am sure sorry to see you looking this way. I guess we may not make that fishin' trip. . ." He wipes his eyes on a heavily stained handkerchief and blows his nose loudly.

"How're you feelin'? Maybe it'd do you good to get some fresh air. Hospitals can get you sick, you know and I might have some of Granpappy's 'medicine' to brighten ya up." He grins weakly showing yellowed teeth with a few notable gaps.

Catching himself, he glances at the others. "Didn't realize anyone else'd be here," he mutters, "I'm Jed."

Sensing that he is out of place, he hastily adds, "The Professor asked me come. We're . . . err . . . friends. You can ask'm. He knows me . . . I reckon I'll just wait over here."

He shuffles over by the man holding the fedora and, realizing his own is still on, quickly snatches off his own much older hat, revealing a mostly bald head with wisps of grey hair.
"Nice hat," he mumbles admiringly before looking steadily down at his boots. Turning to spit tobacco juice on the floor, he thinks better of it and expertly spits into a bedpan on a table from three feet away with an audible "Pting!" Embarrassed that this is still impolite, he looks back at his boots, dabbing his eyes, and occasionally glancing at the professor.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#6 Post by Scott308 »

Elmer "Big City" Ramsey

A young man, wearing a denim work shirt with the logo for Beckwith's Department Store embroidered on the back, a pair of work gloves in his back pocket and a baseball cap on his head enters. He looks around uneasily when he notices the other people in the room, before stepping up to kneel by Dr. Merriweather. He removes his cap and begins wringing it in his hands, Hey, Mr. Rupert, sir. It's Elmer. I don't know if you can hear me or not. I think this is the year the Sox win it again. When you get better, we'll go see a game, he whispers before standing up again.

Looking around the room, he sheepishly speaks. I...I didn't expect Mr. Rupert's family to be here. I'll leave you alone with him. I got a telegram saying I should come down here to see him, but I don't think I belong here since I'm not family, just someone he used to talk baseball with. He smiles at the pleasant memory. Mr. Rupert had bought some furniture last summer, and I delivered it. He saw my cap and asked if I was a fan of the Red Sox. I laughed and told him it wasn't a Sox cap, it was the hat I wore when I played for the Braves- this hat, actually- before I got hurt. He shakes his head, slowly, at the thought. Mr. Rupert didn't really know much about baseball, but we spent the next hour or so talking about the game. He had lots of questions, and I had lots of answers.

He bought a couple more things that I delivered before I told him he didn't need to buy anything. I'd be happy to come out here and talk. He always treated me real nice. I was just some kid that could hit a curveball pretty good, and he was a doctor. I never did understand why he didn't help me when I cut my hand one time. He said, I'm not that kind of doctor.
With a puzzled look, he scratches his head. What other kind of doctor is there? Anyway, he never treated me like I was a poor kid who delivers tables and chairs like most people I deliver to do. He treated me like an equal. He's really the only person in the area I would call a friend. I hope he thought- sorry, thinks- of me as a friend, too.

I'm sorry. I'll get out of your way. He turns, putting his cap back on and faces the door, preparing to leave.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#7 Post by coil23 »

Hyacinth Ausby Hudspeth, antiquarian

Hyacinth rushes to the hospital to see Rupert Merriweather, anguished over the failing health of this great man. His was a brilliant, penetrating mind which she saw as soon as she first came across his work. At first just following his writing, she was eventually able to meet the man (what a flustered, blathering schoolgirl I was, she remembers sheepishly) and then established a thriving correspondence which had survived to this day. Proudly, she had even begun helping the man with his research. But the recent questions they had just started exploring must not be lost! You can't leave! This would be your most important work to date.

She had heard of his hospitalization through a secretary at the university. While she felt compelled to come see the man, now that she was almost to the room she began to wonder if others would see her as some interloper who had no place with friends and family. No matter. She must see her hero and give solace, and hopefully to get direction on the research as well. If he did succumb she would do whatever was needed to establish this man's legacy. She enters his room just as someone loudly spits tobacco into a bedpan. Shocked, she does a double-take and steps back to reread the room number. This must be the wrong room. No? The mind of a generation lies ailing in bed and they allow the help to lounge around expectorating in his room?! Hopefully a toilet will need plunging down the hall and clear out this riffraff. She solemnly walks to his bedside and touches his hand. Maintaining her composure while a tear slowly slides down her cheek she whispers, Oh, professor. We weren't done.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#8 Post by Pulpatoon »

Dr. Pale stands and clears his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for making here at this trying time. I am Dr. Absalom Pale. Several of you I have met—many by way of Professor Meriwether's company. Others... well, Rupert is a man with a genius for friendship, and I never deluded myself to think I had met all his broad acquaintance. I count it as a rare blessing on such a day to add you to mine.

"Now, as you can see, Rupert is resting peaceably at the moment, and it may be some little time before he is prepared to share the thoughts and well-wishes that motivated our gathering. Let us arrange ourselves comfortably and quietly until such time. Are there enough chairs? Everyone has a chair? You, miss? Surely this gentleman will give up his chair for you. Let me just find that nurse, again, and I'm sure she will be able to furnish us with... ah, three more chairs? Yes, very well."

Dr. Pale works his way through the closely-packed crowd, out of the small room, to the hospital hall. "Nurse? Nurse!"

After a moment, he returns with a put-upon nurse struggling under the weight of the additional chairs.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#9 Post by geomys »

Archy looks up in confusion at Dr. Pale but does not respond. He walks to the proffered chair and hangs his hat on the backrest but does not sit, fidgeting with the fedora instead and looking awkwardly about the room.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#10 Post by gaylord500 »

Aloysius Taft, forty-ish and in a grimy, brown suit, has made his way in. The bottles of palliative morphine discreetly delivered to Mr. Merriweather's household servants - at cost for the man who was Zelma's dear uncle - Aloysius glowers in a corner a moment. Well, in for a penny, in for a dollar.

"His niece Zelma, my wife, send her regards to you fine folk. And me." He reaches over and moves some of the proffered chairs about to a semi-circle.

"She's too distraught to come, but thought I could be of help, and such." He smiles sadly, and wearily adds, "She was nursing him all this time, but now that it's near the end..." He shrugs and sits.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#11 Post by ken-do-nim »

OOC: Okay, I think that's everyone but calliope's character; which I see hasn't been fleshed out yet. I guess we'll work that character in later.


As it turns out, each of you as you came in did not find Rupert alone. He is attended by his 62 year old wife Agnes, and his, well, off-putting 33 year old son Bertrand. Agnes and Bertrand welcome the presence of Dr. Pale whom they have known for a long time, but they give a different reaction to each of the rest ...

Bertrand smiles lasciviously at Jasmine, "Father sent for you? What a ... nice gesture on his part." Bertrand has often asked to join your flying lessons and in general make any excuse to get close to you, but Rupert was always wise enough to politely decline those requests. Agnes gives you a hug, as a cherished family friend.

Archie's entrance ... and heh, I guess we have to acknowledge there's a daughter Miriam who is off on an archaelogical dig ... brings a shudder from Agnes. "Rupert, you must have been delirious to send for him." Bertrand is even more indignant. "After what you did to sister ... " he stands up to block your way, but Rupert shushes him.

Agnes gives Jed a polite nod, but Bertrand snarls, "Gosh father, the household help too?" Again, Rupert shushes him.

Agnes and Bertrand are completely bewildered at Elmer's entrance. "Who are you?" Rupert answers for them, "His name is Elmer Ramsey. They will need his youth and vigor, if he decides to give it." Agnes looks at Rupert, "For what, dear?" He doesn't answer her.

As Hyacinth enters, Bertrand says, "You must be Hyacinth Hudspeth, my dad has mentioned you before. So nice to meet you." He holds out his hand to shake yours in his slimy way. Seeing you watch Jed spit into the bedpan, he frowns, "I think Dad's lost it, inviting the guy who did some carpentry for us to his sick room."

Aloysius Taft is no stranger to the family, and Agnes says, "Glad you could come."


In a rasping whisper, Rupert formally introduces each of you to each other, and to his wife and son. After the pleasantries are exchanged, Rupert asks Agnes and Bertrand to step outside so he can talk to his 'guests' alone. Bertrand is offended, "Father! What can you say in front of these people that you can't say in front of me?" A hard look forms on Rupert's face - it looks like the pair has had their share of disagreements, but Agnes pulls her son out of the room, but not before he gives each of you a look and growls, "You'd better all tell me later!"

Rupert waits until he hears the door click shut, then he asks each of you to come closer so that he can tell his story.

"In my youth, I and some fellow students became involved in what we believed to be an innocent exploration of the occult. Led by a slightly older man named Marion Allen, the six men purchased an old farmhouse a few miles west of Arkham near the village of Ross's Corners. There we could conduct our seances and other psychic reseach in privacy."

(I have to get going, I'll pick this up later. Feel free to add responses to Agnes & Bertrand before they left the room and other talk amongst yourselves.)
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#12 Post by Stirling »

Jasmine Faversham

"oh I do remember Father telling me how sometimes they would plan their secret flights over enemy territory with a quick reference to a ouija board", she looks round to see if folk are familiar with them." you know they'd use an old gin glass and a smooth wooden board with the alphabet scrawled on, numbers 0-9 , yes and no squares.... He said it often moved to land in a corner where it was written in blood declaring, ' you're all going to die!!'"Jasmine's eyes open theatrically wide.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#13 Post by Pulpatoon »

Dr. Pale looks embarrassed at this talk of the occult. "It's not uncommon, I suppose, to have youthful flirtations with the mystical. I was fascinated with palmistry for a brief spell during my schooling. I fancied a strong lifeline was my most winning feature. But, in the fullness of time, we put away childish things in favor of sober judgment and good sense. Wouldn't you agree?"
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#14 Post by geomys »

Archie appears rattled by Agnes and Bertrand's accusations but does not respond. When they leave the room he sags into a chair and listens to the conversation, leaning forward with his arms across his knees. He smirks at Dr. Pale's last comment but says nothing for now.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#15 Post by Scott308 »

Elmer "Big City" Ramsey

Elmer watches Agnes and Bertrand leave, then shrugs. I don't reckon I'll tell him anything.. He looks at everyone else in the room. Occult? Like, if you are Capricorn or Pisces?
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#16 Post by coil23 »

Hyacinth Ausby Hudspeth, antiquarian

Looking at the hand that Bertrand shook, she considers washing it. How that boorish young man could consider himself better than others is beyond her. It's the difference between condescension and contempt. She shakes her head and returns her attention to the talk around her.

Hyacinth says nothing for the moment, preferring to get the skeptics out in the open. What we call the occult today will merely be the open door to a larger world tomorrow.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#17 Post by ken-do-nim »

Stirling wrote:Jasmine Faversham

"oh I do remember Father telling me how sometimes they would plan their secret flights over enemy territory with a quick reference to a ouija board", she looks round to see if folk are familiar with them." you know they'd use an old gin glass and a smooth wooden board with the alphabet scrawled on, numbers 0-9 , yes and no squares.... He said it often moved to land in a corner where it was written in blood declaring, ' you're all going to die!!'"Jasmine's eyes open theatrically wide.
Rupert nods with a smile, whispering, "Of course that's entirely true, yet nothing to be alarmed about. We're all going to die someday, those of us that are mortal anyway."
Pulpatoon wrote:Dr. Pale looks embarrassed at this talk of the occult. "It's not uncommon, I suppose, to have youthful flirtations with the mystical. I was fascinated with palmistry for a brief spell during my schooling. I fancied a strong lifeline was my most winning feature. But, in the fullness of time, we put away childish things in favor of sober judgment and good sense. Wouldn't you agree?"
Rupert gives Dr. Pale a stern look. "I'm going to need you to keep an open mind."
Scott308 wrote:Elmer "Big City" Ramsey

Elmer watches Agnes and Bertrand leave, then shrugs. I don't reckon I'll tell him anything.. He looks at everyone else in the room. Occult? Like, if you are Capricorn or Pisces?
"Yes, if I thought my son could help, he'd be in the room not outside the door." He pauses. "About the occult, please understand, as you'll see in the tale I'm about to tell, having too open a mind is deadly, but so is nonchalant disbelief."

He resumes his tale ...

"The unexpected result of our last experiment in March 1882 was the summoning of some ... evil ... force into this world. We should have expelled the damn thing, but instead we abandoned the old farmhouse, confident that the magicks which brought it into the world would keep it confined there. And, it has. But the spell that binds the being lasts as only as the casters live. I'm the last of the group. Robert died in the summoning, Harold went insane and died months later, Marion our leader was killed by unknown adversaries in '83, Crawford passed away in 1915 - automobile accident I was told, and Cecil just last month, apparently by suicide, though I wonder. I'm the last, and when I die it's free ... it will wreak untold havoc ... it hasn't been free since Ancient Egypt."

Rupert is suddenly hit with a horrid coughing spasm. "I ... " he tries to get out, " think the spell took its toll ... on me, especially now that I'm ... the last one. The box ..."

Lo and behold, there's an innocuous-looking metal box on the nightstand.

"Take it ... " his voice is exceptionally hoarse now. "All the aid I can offer you lies within. You must find a way to send that thing back to where it came from. You must see that this is done. Do this for me. I made sure your group has young ones; Elmer and Jasmine. I've listened to them talk my head off, and you'll need them to do the chanting."

It seems like the more poor Rupert talks about expelling this creature, the more the sickness ravages his body. He's doing quite badly now.

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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#18 Post by Pulpatoon »

Dr. Pale rushes to Rupert's side, trying to comfort him as the coughing wracks his body. "There, there, old bean." Turning his head towards the rest of the assembly, he adds, "Poor man. Deleriums are not uncommon at this stage. The blood is sluggish, and the brain is poorly fed and begins to fever-dream."
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#19 Post by ken-do-nim »

Pulpatoon wrote:Dr. Pale rushes to Rupert's side, trying to comfort him as the coughing wracks his body. "There, there, old bean." Turning his head towards the rest of the assembly, he adds, "Poor man. Deleriums are not uncommon at this stage. The blood is sluggish, and the brain is poorly fed and begins to fever-dream."

Rupert practically claws at Dr. Pale, "You've got to believe ..." wracking coughs, spasms "me. Talk to Dr. Armitage if you need convincing of ... " He can't complete the sentence. "Beware the Starry Wisdom ..." more wracking coughs and he begins to drool uncontrollably.

You know that Dr. Henry Armitage is the head of the Miskatonic University Library.
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Re: [Scenario 1] The Edge of Darkness

#20 Post by Scott308 »

Elmer "Big City" Ramsey

Knowing he can do nothing to help Mr. Rupert, Big City walks to the nightstand an picks up the box. He looks it over, declaring, Bertrand will not be happy to see us walking out with this box. He will not take it away from me!
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

https://www.extra-life.org/participant/Scott Peterson
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