OOC Thread

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Re: OOC Thread

#281 Post by tooleychris »

Anyone need a boat? :)
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Re: OOC Thread

#282 Post by Rukellian »

We've come to the final stages of the game. What you say here before the king, what you decide to do, it all will reflect how you will start off in the next game. You are free to continue service under King Benagal, or go on your own path if dealing with the threats of magic is more important to you. You might even choose a different route altogether if you are so inclined. Each character may have their own personal agenda to attend to.
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Re: OOC Thread

#283 Post by Rukellian »

The game will now officially come to a successful close. I will leave it open for posting until the end of the month and have it moved to the completed games section in the beginning of February.

This is as good of a spot as any to stop, I think. When the sequel picks up, you will all have some tasks related to what was discussed before the king, most of which will coincide with one another in some way.


On a side note, I would like to end this game with a review from each of you guys, if you don't mind sharing a sentence or two. This has been my first game on the site, and also, my first attempt at dming in general. Your responses to this game will help me understand what and where I need to improve upon in my upcoming games, what I did right and wrong, and how you all felt about the game as a whole (enjoyed it, found it lacking, ect.).

If do you want to share a quick opinion, I would not ask for much, and it can be harsh and brutally honest if need be. Statements may also be used to help update my DM/GM profile so as to better give future players an idea of who I am and how I run my games. I could say what I want in that matter, but statements from the players who played in a game of mine would hold more weight I think.

Thank you everyone for sticking with this game for as long as you all have, even after the hiatus. :) I look forward to having you guys again in another game of mine, sometime soon hopefully (within the year or next)!
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Re: OOC Thread

#284 Post by onlyme »


I loved the game. You did a great job DMing. The story line was certainly felt unique and very vivid. You paint a great picture with your descriptions. I thought the pacing was fine. It wasn't every day, but I never remember it dragging for too many days at a time without reason.

A couple pointers:
Be careful with house rules and keeping balance. It seemed early on, that a few of us were already too powerful for a 1st level PC with specializations and fighting bonuses, etc, either that or we just kept getting really lucky rolls. That said, the house rule regarding having to stop fighting to bind was great. It certainly is a challenge.

I dont know if we found the exit of the "maze" instead of the entrance, but it seemed we found the main loot way too early. Not that that is a problem per se, but it sets up the rest of loot finds to either be anti-climatic or comically absurb.

Again, great job. And Thank you.
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Re: OOC Thread

#285 Post by tooleychris »

Something DMs sometimes forget is that these are characters, not war game battle board pieces. I think it had the right mix of role-playing and action. I personally don't believe balance is as important as finding a way to make each player feel that their character contributed. Something I'm constantly reminding myself to do. I enjoyed the game. Wish my PbP were as fast paced. That said, I also think the players here did a pretty good job of keeping the action going and did great at role-playing as well. Kudos all around!
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Re: OOC Thread

#286 Post by Zhym »

The big problem with this game? It was too short. :)

The game was great. It had an intriguing setting and engaging story. The sequence of events might have been a bit linear at times, but that's a minor quibble. Linear plots are hard to avoid in modules. I do agree that the area under the mountain could have been a lot larger. A bigger "dungeon" might have given a greater sense of accomplishment at finally finding the evil sorcerer and/or demon.

On a related note, I was never sure whether there was anything we could have done to stop the demon from showing up.

The distrust of magic in the world added an interesting dimension to the game. It really paid off, I think, when Rand tried to explore into the temple on his own, then Elethil insisted on helping (partly to keep an eye on Rand, of course), and two others snuck in after to watch Rand and Elethil. The accusations and dialogue that occurred when everyone was back out of the temple was some of the most tense role-playing I can remember. So kudos for setting up a game where that can happen and to all the players for playing it so well. I'm still a little amazed it never came to blows (well, except for Sunshine's little assassination attempt).

As to lucky rolls: I'll confess to having one of my best rolls ever when rolling up Elethil. His first roll for percentile strength was a 0. I was really excited about that until I realized that it just meant the roller was broken. When I tried again later, I got the 100—the first 18/00 I'd ever rolled. Add in bonuses for double specialization and being an elf and his to-hit and damage numbers were pretty gaudy. But it was all by the book.

Speaking of which: is the plan still to run a sequel to this game and keep it in OSRIC?
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Re: OOC Thread

#287 Post by Grognardsw »

Thanks Ruke for DMing this long running game. It is satisfying to complete a PbP adventure in the proper fashion, which is rare. Deceidon became, by attrition, my longest-running character. I can say now that, as some may have realized toward the end, Deceidon was an assassin not a F/TH as his public sheet conveyed. My off-the-cuff backstory mentioned the Order of the Knife, and it was neat to see that element taken and expanded in the story. I was expecting to assassinate the rogue mage and destroy the orb, but the story plot turned.

As far as critiques, I'd echo what the others said. Considering this was your first PbP (and DMing?) experience, you were ramping up on rules, and took on a homebrew campaign, I think you did a great job. The persistence in pushing things through to the end is key, something that many DMs lack (RL excuses notwithstanding ;) ) And I think it's great to have younger folks keeping the early edition of the game alive.
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Re: OOC Thread

#288 Post by Rukellian »

Thank you everyone for your input. It's good to know I am on the right track with things, and I will most certainly keep loot and gameplay balance in mind. I'm relieved to hear that everyone seemed to enjoy the game, I had my doubts at times, naturally, but that is in the past now.
Speaking of which: is the plan still to run a sequel to this game and keep it in OSRIC?
That is a definite yes. As much as I like exploring new game systems, and despite my current fixation on GURPS, the oldies are still the best in my book, and OSRIC I think is the right platform for me and for this type of game. With that said, when I do get around to starting up the sequel (not sure when to be honest), I will be taking a closer look at the rules I have in place and see if anything needs to be changed or further clarified.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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