Kudos and Artha Awards

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Kudos and Artha Awards

#1 Post by Marullus »

Making this a placeholder thread. I will award Artha on a rolling basis. If you'd like to recognize another player for their role in a scene, feel free to post here with a link to that thread to give them the compliment. In addition to basking in the accolades of your peers, I will periodically announce awards from them. Placing these kudos here also memorializes them and keeps the IC play threads a little cleaner. :)
Humor (Fate)
A fate point is earned if a player can stop the table dead with humor
while in character. Dramatic play gets even greater rewards. See
Embodiment and Moldbreaker below.

Right Skill, Right Time (Fate)
Lastly, if a character has the right skill (when no one else does) to keep
the story moving, he should be rewarded with a fate point. Consider it
a reward for clever character burning. Keep this award rare.

Embodiment (Persona)
When a player captures the mood of the table perfectly and further
drives the story onward, one persona point is awarded. Moments like
great speeches, desperate decisions or gruesome revenge fall into this
category. This is a tough award to get, as a player really must go above
and beyond in his roleplaying.

Workhorse (Persona)
Being the workhorse character-the most relied upon in a given
scenario-is worth a persona point. This is for the mundane stuff -- having
that piece of gear to make a scene go, having that skill to get
the other character safely through danger and just generally slaving
away behind the scenes to make it all work.

MVP (Persona)
Being voted the "most valuable player" for a scenario earns a persona
point. MVP is for the character who drives the story to its conclusion,
the character who shines in the last moments and about whom
everyone agrees, "Damn, we couldn't have done it without him!"
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#2 Post by Marullus »

First round of posts:

Kudos to Starbeard in the Chapter 1 post. This is a great example - it is good writing, shows your character's depth, touches two of your own beliefs, and pushes action forward on another PC's belief. Well done. :)

Kudos to lupinelegend as well for his post. It was subtle, but you attracted action of all other players.

Just two for now as examples - I encourage you to give kudos to each other which I will turn into awards at Scene End.
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#3 Post by Marullus »

New Rule added:
Marullus wrote:Starting Artha:
All characters will begin with Two Fate and Two Persona.
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#4 Post by Marullus »

Tests Logged for Advancement: Chapter 1 - Chaos at the Lakeside

Durgar: Routine Test for Conspicuous.
(Glaiz: Routine Test for Soothing Platitudes - no credit at that level.).

Durgar: Difficult Test for Intimidation.
Whitfield: Challenging Test for Fear-of-Mirkwood-Wise.
Glaiz: Difficult Test for Family-Wise.

Please record these on your sheets, and see page 42 of the book for how many tests are needed for advancement. I'd like you to track this on your sheets - ask if you need help.
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#5 Post by Marullus »

Starbeard wrote:The haggard dwarf listens with some distant interest, but eventually turns back to the fire and the elf to mutter something gruff about the impertinence of Dalefolk. In surprise, his muttering is cut short when Whit hops up and bounds over to the commotion, offering up the roast as a peace bribe. Niping bolts upright with a burst of energy and shakes a broad finger at Whit.

'Now hear, woodsman! That is not a token to be given off so hastily! Though everyone here is going hungry, yet there were already folk here at the fire, with little enough left for you to be tossing rabbit about as though they swam up from the lake into pots and pans. Those Dalefolk have given themselves their own problems if they have tried cheating the Ironpulls in a trade, for the Ironpulls are more than capable of handling their own affairs.'
Starbeard wrote:'Ah! Such petulance in men,' gasps Niping to himself, shocked at how quickly the confrontation has escalated into violence. With a reactionary step back his heel kicks at a stone around the fire, reminding him of the fire and its warm food, a luxury he has not experienced since the attack. Using the chaos of the brawl as a distraction, the aging dwarf stoops greedily to the fire, picking bits of rabbit and vegetable and shovel them into his mouth as quickly as possible, heedless of burnt tongue and fingers. After only a few small bites, however, he witnesses the fight spilling into the Ironpull camp—not too distant from his own wagon. With a leap and a cry Niping is up and bounding through the brawl. 'Not one of you touches my camp! Away! Away with you all!'
  • Never works on an empty stomach
Kudos! This is some fantastic Embodiment. :) I am loving watching this.
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#6 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote:Tests Logged for Advancement: Chapter 1 - Chaos at the Lakeside

Durgar: Routine Test for Conspicuous.
(Glaiz: Routine Test for Soothing Platitudes - no credit at that level.).

Durgar: Difficult Test for Intimidation.
Whitfield: Challenging Test for Fear-of-Mirkwood-Wise.
Glaiz: Difficult Test for Family-Wise.

Please record these on your sheets, and see page 42 of the book for how many tests are needed for advancement. I'd like you to track this on your sheets - ask if you need help.
Beginner's Luck: Durgar has one-of-six tests against Brawling. After five more it will open.
Glaiz records a Challenging test for Ugly Truth.
Niping records a Challenging test for Dragon-wise.
Whitfield records a Challenging test for Spear.

You get to wrap up the scene. Artha awards will be given at scene-end.
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#7 Post by Marullus »

Here's my first swipe at awards for Scene 1. I'll now open it for further nomination - you can nominate each other (which I'd really like you to do in an ongoing way as we play because everyone likes compliments) or yourself to remind me of something I missed.

Remember - playing your Traits and Instincts well earns you an Embodiment award. Invoking them to your own detriment earns an additional Fate point.

Beliefs get a Fate for pursuing them and a Persona when you accomplish/resolve them (which also allows you to then redefine the next goal). If you struggle mightily and then abandon the goal, you can earn a Persona for Moldbreaker.

Artha Spent!
Durgar spent 1 Persona to invoke his Greed pool.
(Did I forget any?)

Instinct Awards:
1 Fate for Durgar for "I always step into harm to defend a friend, no matter the cost."
1 Fate for Glaiz for "I will never let anyone weaker go unprotected."

Trait Awards:
1 Persona for Durgar for Aura of Martyrdom
1 Fate for Whitfield for Wary
1 Fate for Ilreth for Circumspect

Belief Awards:
1 Fate for Favrick for "Oath: I swear to sing lullabies to the children in Hagatha's care until she finds me humble."
1 Fate for Durgar for "Oath: I swore to my father to gain honor and renown for my middle class family name (Ironpull) by making a name for myself amongst the Dwarven Host."
1 Fate for Durgar for "I must regain my honor from fleeing from the fight with Smaug, I will protect survivors till they can settle in a new place"
1 Fate for Glaiz for "Belief: I am a great mother and I just need a chance to prove it. I will protect my friends like I would a child."
1 Fate for Niping for " I will make the men and elves aware that it was they who brought Smaug, by relying so much on our industry that we became a defenseless target of the dragon's greed."

(A lot of you have "convincing" beliefs - let me know if you find any of these resolved in Chapter 2 or 3.)

(Is FantasyChic coming back? There is a good opportunity in Chapters 1 and 2 for "Family is important. I will strive to keep families together of any race, no matter the difficulty." She can pursue the other beliefs in Chapter 3.)

Humor Awards:
1 Persona for Niping
1 Persona for Whitfield Newell
(That arguing over the rabbit was really delightful!)

Right Skill, Right Time:
None this scene... we cooked without cooking and brawled without brawling. :)

Embodiment Awards:
1 Persona for Glaiz Goldenhook
1 Persona for Niping
1 Persona for Whitfield Newell
1 Persona for Favrick

Workhorse Award:
1 Persona for Durgar

MVP Award:
Not for scene 1.
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Kudos and Artha Awards

#8 Post by Marullus »

Kudos to Fulci. That is some good embodiment and tale-telling.
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