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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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#1 Post by max_vale »

Hey there peoples; here's a thread for the rules (and house rules) I'll be using for this game. For those that have never played a D6 game (several versions, but the basics are always the same); the most important thing to remember is that all Stats, Attributes, etc. are listed in terms of a number of 6 sided dice to roll. In other words: STRENGTH: 3D; means 3 six sided dice to roll (and add up); and these rolls are then compared to a Difficulty number…which if tied or beaten; the roll is successful. If the roll is twice or three times higher than the Difficulty then this can mean REALLY successful.

For character creation; there are 6 attributes: DEX (Dexterity), KNO (Knowledge), MECH (Mechanical Aptitude), PER (Perception), STR (Strength), and TECH (Technical Aptitude). Please note that Mechanical tends to cover Piloting/Driving/etc. skills as well as control of things like mounted weapons (cannons, bombs, etc.) and usage of Radios; Technical covers most repair skills; Strength is both how physically strong you are AND how much damage/exertion you can take and Perception also covers Charisma skills.

Skills all fall under one attribute (list to follow) and every character can attempt ANY skill. You have a certain number of Dice (18) to split among the 6 attributes as well as more Dice (7) to split among different skills. All skills default to your Related attribute if you don't put any dice in them; i.e. Piloting falls under MECH; so if you have 3D+2 in MECH and put no dice in Piloting; your character would roll 3D+2 when using the Piloting skill.

All attributes must fall in the 2D to 4D range and please keep the following in mind: In the d6 system, each dice can be broken down into 3 'pips'; so that when advancing attributes or skills; the system includes 2 'pips' between whole dice; i.e. the following choices are available for starting attributes:


This means when you roll 2D+2 for example; you roll 2 dice; add them up and then add 2 more; so that a roll of 2 and 5 totals 7, plus 2 more equals 9.

When adding these up to equal the starting 18D to split up; remember that 3 pips equals 1 Dice; so 2D+1 and 3D+2 would add up to 6D total.

When dividing the 7D up for skills; these can be broken down into 'pips' if desired (21 total pips) or can be kept in whole dice for simplicity. No more than 2D (6 pips) can be added to any one skill.


DEX: Guns; Brawling Parry; Dodge; Missile Weapons; Melee Weapons; Melee Parry; Thrown Weapons

KNO: Bureaucracy; Cultures; Languages; Medicine; Academics; Streetwise; Survival; Tactics; Technology

MECH: Animal Handling/Riding; Navigation; Driving; Piloting; Radios; Gunnery; Ordinance; Sailing, Zeppelin Operation

PER: Bargain; Con; Gambling; Hide/Sneak; Leadership; Persuasion; Search

STR: Brawling; Climbing/Jumping; Lifting; Stamina; Swimming; Running

TECH: Demolition; Equipment Repair; Car Repair; Security; Airplane Repair; Ship Repair; Zeppelin Repair

(more to come)
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
Posts: 3991
Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:58 pm


#2 Post by max_vale »

Okay, so building off of the last post; here's a couple of examples of Character Building….

Let's say a player named 'Joe' wants to play a veteran fly-boy whose more brawn than brain, with good reflexes, Excellent flying and repair skills but not the sharpest tool in the shed nor very charming. He decides he'll play a character named 'Johnny Hudson'; a former WW1 ace who has done just about everything from crop-dusting to air mail ferrying to flying for air circuses in the post-war years. WIth the collapse of the U.S.; his flying skills have managed to get him into a gang of air pirates who have provided him with a plane and he's once again trading bullets in the blue sky with other pilots and loving every minute of it….

Here's how he splits up his 18D among his 6 attributes:


He has 7D to spend among the various skills and he decides to spend it like this:

Piloting: 2D
Gunnery: 1D
Ordinance: 1D
Brawling: 1D
Airplane Repair: 1D
Guns: 1D

These skills are then listed under the respective attributes and added to that 'base' attribute rating; so for example; Johnny has a DEX of 3D and has placed 1D in the 'Guns' skill; meaning his skill rating for Guns is 4D. The final results looks like this:

-Guns: 4D


-Piloting: 6D
-Gunnery: 5D
-Ordinance: 5D


-Brawling: 4D

-Airplane Repair: 5D

'Joe's' character has been 'statted out' and now just needs a brief blurb about his age, appearance and background and some equipment and he's ready to go.

A second example of character creation might go like this:

Another player named 'Bill' decides he wants to play a Chinese female pilot by the name of Lyn Shou; who is the only surviving member of her family and fell in with a warlord where she hung around some pilots and tough types and learned how to fly from them. One day, she stole one of the war-lord's precious planes and made a vengeance air raid on those that killed her family and fled the area, knowing that the war-lord she hd stolen the plane from would never have sanctioned the raid; so she kept the plane and fell in with some international air-pirates and travels the world getting into all kinds of crazy adventures.

Lyn's attributes end up looking like this:

DEX: 3D+2
MECH: 3D+1
STR: 2D+1
TECH: 2D+2

'Bill' decides that he wants to split up Lyn's 7D for skills among numerous skills, so he breaks that 7D down into 'pips' for some of the Skills. The spending looks like this:

Piloting: +2 pips
Gunnery: +2 pips
Ordinance: +2 pips
Brawling: +2 pips
Brawling Parry: +1 pip
Dodge: +1 pip
Guns: +1 pip
Streetwise: 1D
Airplane Repair: +1 pip
Hide/Sneak: 1D
Languages: +2 pips
Navigation: +1 pip

The final results looks like this:

DEX: 3D+2
-Guns: 4D
-Brawling Parry: 4D
-Dodge: 4D

-Streetwise: 4D
-Languages: 3D+2

MECH: 3D+1
-Piloting: 4D
-Gunnery: 4D
-Ordinance: 4D
-Navigation: 3D+2

-Hide/Sneak: 4D

STR: 2D+1
-Brawling: 3D

TECH: 2D+2
-Airplane Repair: 3D

So there's a couple of examples that hopefully convey the process of creating a character, d6 style.
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