Action Thread 2: Boarding the Seahawk / Departing Karagonia

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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#81 Post by Alethan »

Bog raises his silver cup to the toast, then brings it slowly under his nose and he sniffs the strange drink.

"To the lost..." he says in a gruff voice.

Without even a tentative sip, he opens his mouth and pours the contents of the entire cup in, letting it slide down his throat easily - something he'd learned how to do from his aunt.

With the invitation to start eating, Bog reaches across his plate and grabs an entire roasted chicken, tearing off a leg after he sets it down in front of him. He tries to remember everything his aunt ever told him about eating etiquette as he puts the entire leg in his mouth, stripping off the skin and meat as he pulls it back out.

He can't remember much.

Using his new Karagonian dagger, Bog carves large chunks of meat out of the bird, eating them as he works. Grease drips down his fingers and chin. He does not bother to wipe it off, for it will just return...

After he's completely stripped the chicken carcass of anything edible, he starts to reach across Thalion to stab a slab of steak. He stops half way and returns his arm to his side.

"Could you... please... pass me a steak... Thalion?" he asks, with determined effort. He is obviously ill at ease with such fancy settings and secretly hopes other dinners on the ship are in a more casual environment. If not, he'll probably have to start feigning sickness and eat with the kitchen crew later...

Once a large steak is settled onto his plate, he looks over at Billings and, between shoving large slices of it into his mouth, asks, "What can you tell us of Newshore? And what is expected of us once we're there?"
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#82 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna spends her time between topside and the infirmary. When dinnertime approaches, she joins the table, intending to sit as near to Captain Billings as she can. Reaching for her glass, she also raises it for "The Fallen" as the toast is made.

Adding a bit to her plate, the elf dines on fish, vegetables and fruit, going easy on the spirits.

After Bog starts the conversation, she thinks 'how back-assward is that.' While not wanting to interrupt the captains response, she waits a bit before asking, "Can you tell us what transpired on the shore. What information you have pieced together?"

She waits to hear and pick a spot where she can add some additional detail.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#83 Post by tkrexx »

Upon the Captain's summons, Emm will lead the young girl by the hand. Come, Little One, we will dine well tonight! But, she adds, looking into the child's eyes, We will talk of the things last night. You don't have to say a word, but I want everyone to see you are well...And hungry. Just don't be afraid of anyone who dines with us, even if they are... well, ugly. We are all good people here. The Captain will tell us of the place we sail to...Won't that be exciting?

Emm will offer no words upon entering the captain's quarters, but will seat herself and the child at the chairs nearest the portal. She will nod and smile slightly at Lauranna, then busy herself getting the child a plate, dipping a small portion from anything she points at. At last she will quell her hankering for bread, along with some vegetables. The chicken smells delicious...A pity only the bones of one are near enough to reach. She will allow the girl to drink water from her skin, and will quietly raise her goblet for the toast, thinking also of her Teacher. Though she merely sips the blue drink, Emm's normally fair face contorts in a hideous grimace at the taste. She is certain everyone in the room now realizes this is her first experience with spirit. How did her Father do it?
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk headed west...

#84 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich downs the blue brandy, finding it quite enjoyable. He fills his plate with steak and bread, and fills his cup with ale. He looks for any he might recognize, striking up conversation if he does.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#85 Post by Thalion »

Thalion smiles warmly at Bog upon hearing his uneasy request.

"It would be my pleasure, friend Bog," he replies as he passes the plate to the half-orc.

He leans over and whispers in Bog's ear.

"Do not feel unease. We are among friends. At least... I hope we are."
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Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Billings

#86 Post by Argennian »

~ The captain’s solemn toast is returned or at least reflected on in some way by all that occupy the banquet table. The food and drink is set upon with great gusto. As promised, the fare is far more incredible than one would ever expect sailing across the Bay of Ghosts aboard a eastern merchant ship.

Billings reaches for the blue bottle and pours himself another cup. He sips it deeply but slowly and looks around the table at each person present. When he sees Bog struggling for some kind of proper manner and others appearing hesitant, he smiles and waves off the uncertainty with his hand free. “Eat and drink as you will, please. And yes, we are all friends here. There be no special manner at my table. Eat and drink as much as you like, but use caution with the Corenthian Brandy, I would warn!” His officers all laugh and slap gramps on the back. The old seaman displays his less than toothy smile and signature winks all around!

Alethan wrote:… Once a large steak is settled onto his plate, he looks over at Billings and, between shoving large slices of it into his mouth, asks, "What can you tell us of Newshore? And what is expected of us once we're there?"

The captain considers Bog’s query and nods. “I can tell you that Newshore is a quickly growing port town and somewhat of a trade hub already. Maybe a few hundred local residents and farmers there now. The mayor there is a retired Karagonian noble named Kavis. He and his constabulary keep the peace but rest assured that they are no friends to King Karagonia or his cruelties. There are about a dozen local merchants that have set up their businesses there and make up a town council. She has deep enough water off the ends of her main dock to allow for much larger seafaring ships than the Seahawk. They allow almost any trade or merchant vessel to port there, as long as conducting or at least soliciting legitimate business. Now from time to time, she does get visited by Karagonian Navy ships that patrol the shipping lanes for pirates in the Bay of Ghosts. Mayor Kavis allows them port there just like the others but he makes it known that Newshore be a free town and not under the King’s purview. They seem to respect that, far as the friends of the people have taken note.

"As to what’s expected of you once we arrive there? Well, I be guessing that would be up to each of you.”

Nuke66 wrote:… While not wanting to interrupt the captains response, she waits a bit before asking, "Can you tell us what transpired on the shore. What information you have pieced together?"

Billings looks over for a moment at the druid and then smiles at the young child with her. He looks back to the High elf and shakes his head. “Well, we still be trying to figure all that out, milady. Although we have not all the particulars of yet, it be obvious that someone working with the King’s Eyes intended to… do in the lot of you, frankly. Or perhaps worse. Shanny says them humanoids you battled be some ancient race of shadow goblins that have not been seen in ages. That wizard and warrior that appear to have led their numbers looked to be part man and part… humanoid. And not orc, closer to goblin, maybe. We gathered some of their weapons and gear from around the trail, so that we can take a closer look at them for clues.

"Those that were wounded and those that were lost back there were among the greatest and most loyal friends to the people. Shanny will be using her magics to find out what happened and how they did it. Rest assured. She might be an old, blind sea witch but she ain’t never been wrong yet. Speaking of which, Billy be doing much better now and Shanny thinks he’ll be up and about in a few days!”
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Billings

#87 Post by Nuke66 »

Argennian wrote:
Nuke66 wrote:… While not wanting to interrupt the captains response, she waits a bit before asking, "Can you tell us what transpired on the shore. What information you have pieced together?"
Billings looks over for a moment at the druid and then smiles at the young child with her. He looks back to the High elf and shakes his head. “Well, we still be trying to figure all that out, milady. Although we have not all the particulars of yet, it be obvious that someone working with the King’s Eyes intended to… do in the lot of you, frankly. Or perhaps worse. Shanny says them humanoids you battled be some ancient race of shadow goblins that have not been seen in ages. That wizard and warrior that appear to have led their numbers looked to be part man and part… humanoid. And not orc, closer to goblin, maybe. We gathered some of their weapons and gear from around the trail, so that we can take a closer look at them for clues.

"Those that were wounded and those that were lost back there were among the greatest and most loyal friends to the people. Shanny will be using her magics to find out what happened and how they did it. Rest assured. She might be an old, blind sea witch but she ain’t never been wrong yet. Speaking of which, Billy be doing much better now and Shanny thinks he’ll be up and about in a few days!”
"Frankly Captain, that does not tell us anything. The intent was obvious, but the details are sketchy. Did this Shadow Mage actually summon the demon? How did he create or summon the Shadow Goblins?" Lauranna pauses to eat a bite of fish before continuing.

"I guess we should try to debrief each other so we can at least start to put this together." Turning to look at the halforc, "Friend Bog, what did you run after to the south? By the time I had got there, the battle was over. Did anyone actually get a look at this mage?"
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Billings

#88 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:"Frankly Captain, that does not tell us anything. The intent was obvious, but the details are sketchy. Did this Shadow Mage actually summon the demon? How did he create or summon the Shadow Goblins?" Lauranna pauses to eat a bite of fish before continuing.
Billings considers the High elf and shrugs. "I agree, but that is all that we know at the moment. The other survivors below could offer little more than speculation. You were there, I was not. As I stated, now that Shanny has done what she can for the wounded, she will be using her magics to try and gleen this on the morrow when she has had a chance to rest up."

Nuke66 wrote:"I guess we should try to debrief each other so we can at least start to put this together." Turning to look at the halforc, "Friend Bog, what did you run after to the south? By the time I had got there, the battle was over. Did anyone actually get a look at this mage?"
The captain sets down his cup of spirits and looks around the table. "Yes, do tell. I am as curious as you are about what transpired and what you all saw..."
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#89 Post by Alethan »

Bog leans forward and scowls at the elf maiden's lurid request, pointing a greasy thumb into his chest. "You'll not be debriefing ME any time soon, maiden Lauranna. You're not me type," he snorts with a shake of his head and sits back in his chair. "But I will tell you what happened south of the main trail."

"When trouble started, so many arrows flew... I couldn't compete with the archers. And I didn't want to get in their way, end up a pin cushion," he glances at Caelvanna and Griffo, "so I sneaked off to the side. I wanted to slip past their line, thought there had to be a leader keeping them together. Too organized not to."

He takes a long drink of mead and sloshes the mug down on the table with a thunk!

"By the gods, there was! Dark shape, following along, about 30 yards behind the line." He closes his eyes, trying to remember...

"He had black eyes. Black skin. A big club that looked like... like he'd broken off one of those things that hangs in the cave. One a those 'hang tights' or sommit. Creepy looking thing, gave me the chills." He opens his eyes and chuckles at that thought. "But he didn't look that big, so I figured I could take him. After all, the others were going down fast with an arrow or two in 'em. He couldn't have been much tougher."

He shakes his head again, "But I was wrong. I charged him down, swinging at his head. He was fast, though. Faster'n anyone I've ever seen. Sometimes it was like I was swinging at a ghost. But I hit him, I did - probably a good seven or eight times, all said'n done. Any normal creature would have been dog meat, cut to ribbons and bleedin' out in the street. But not this thing. He just kept grinnin' at me, like he enjoyed it. Never seen nuthin' like it."

Bog takes a deep breath...

"So I get frustrated and find myself getting sloppy. He hits me with that club and I start going numb, cold. For a moment, I couldn't move..." He rubs his left upper arm, subconsciously indicating where he was hit. "I remembers what me trainer taught me, though, and regained me focus. Somehow, I breaks free from his hold..."

He looks over at Thalion, as if suddenly remembering. "It was when Thalion hit him. Like he made the thing lose his concentration or something. Then I was free. I swung again. I couldn't help myself, but I kept staring at that big medallion he had hanging from his neck. I wanted to drive that disc through his chest. I guess that's what I almost did, because I hit it and the thing exploded. Knocked me and Thal back and threw the thing 10 feet the other way."

He stops and scratches his jaw with his right hand.

"The bloody git just stood up like nothing had happened and came right at us. He hit me again and I couldn't feel anything once more. I think that was when that young guard from the caravan showed up. He fought well... for a while, before he was overcome." Again, Bog looks over at Griffo and Caelvanna. "Griffo and Caelvanna tried to help, too. They stuck a few arrows in him. Somehow the guard went down and..."

He pauses again. "Not sure why I should know any of the rest of this. I couldn't move. I was hurt bad. It's like... I was floating or sommit." He looks at everyone else at the table, to gauge if they believe him. "I looked down and saw me body. Then I saw the guard's body and Thalion's body. We was all shining with a little blue light still, but that guard was fading fast."

"Then the thing starts chasing Griffo and Caelvanna. I don't know what happened after that..." He nods over at Lauranna. "At some point, Lauranna shows up. I remember screamin' at her to save the guard. Save the guard! But she can't hear me! She takes off again and he..." He stops.

He picks up his drink and looks into his mug for a moment. "He died." Then he drinks the rest of the mead in one gulp.

"I remember hearing a loud noise and seeing... or feeling... or... whatever, there was this big green flash far away. I don't know what happened to the black thing." He looks up. "That's all I know. Next thing I remember is waking up with some piece of cloth on my face." He waves his hand in the air, like he's shoeing away a fly, "you know the rest."

Bog grabs a pitcher and fills his mug with mead again, sitting back and drinking it in silence.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#90 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna sits and listens to the story from Bog, finishing her fish and veggies. After the first sentence she can't help but look him in the eye and wink.

As his story ends, she speaks up. "When the fighting began, I found myself next to Emm. I could not see any threat for a bit, but then located a crossbowman. As I outflanked him Emm finally saw and acted." Setting down the last bit of her brandy she uses her hands to illustrate, "As I was attacking the foes body glowed blue in the dark" drawing a human outline with her fingers. "The Druidess then charged with her spear timing it perfectly."

Pausing for some dramatic effect she take another small sip of the liquor she goes on. "At that point our adversary was running, she lit out of there so damn fast, I damn near couldn't keep up. I whistled a couple daggers her way and, as the gods would have it, hit 'er in the leg. She stumbled, hard, I knew I got her." Looking over to Emm, gesturing with her right hand, "This young lady opened her up a bit as she was now slowed down."

"But that wasn't the end of it, oh no. While Emm was yielding quarter, that bitch popped something into the air that blinded Emm." Pausing for another sip, the High Elf looks around the room, particularly at Captain billing before continuing. "But, as she turned and ran, I got her"

At that point in the story she pauses for Emm to reply.

(OOC Literally as well. I will continue the story)
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#91 Post by tkrexx »

Emm feels her face flushing, and hesitates before she speaks. It was stupid. I should have...I wanted to protect this child, but there were so many of them. I was able to slow a few, then people around us started getting shot. I called for help, but everyone was fighting for their own lives. I finally saw the Assassin and took what action I could, but in the end, I failed. I, the child, Lauranna, all could have been killed by my weakness. I was blinded, useless. I could not help myself, much less this girl. Lauranna then took after the villain...And I hid. This child has more courage than I.

The Druidess swallows before continuing, now aware she has said more than she intended. Luckily the Gnomes found the child, and then me, and led us to safety. Would that more of our original number had been able to follow.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#92 Post by Nuke66 »

Continuing, the elf maiden adds "So, I find myself without friend or foe, not really sure what was going on other than the Demon battle going on. I headed south of the trail as that battle was ending as it happens. As I approached, that Medallion exploded, I now gather." Nodding to Bog, then looking to Griffo and Thalion.

"Still not sure what was happening, I quickly checked the wounded, but moved off to lend assistance with whatever battle was still raging. Little did I know that it was over until I see the other elf racing back to help the injured." This time turning to Caelvanna, pausing and sipping a bit before returning to her story. "She told me that their foeman was down, so I raced off to help with the last remaining battle."

"Not so sure I could even help, I eased up on the east side of the demon, hoping to do some damage. As I was approaching, the Halfling revealed himself."

Pausing again, putting both hands over her face and bowing her head slightly before wiping her eyes and reaching for her glass. Draining the rest in one swallow, she returns it to the table, indicating to Captain Billings for a refill.

"It was horrible, I don't know how he was still alive, and even still fighting the beast. Half of him was severely burned, yet there was still a twinkle in his eye. We spoke, only for a moment as he told me to leave him, as the mage was going to unleash a powerful magik." Again looking to Captain Billings, she goes on. "I ran back to the last group to share what I knew, and to help get that group moving as soon as they could. Then IT happened."

Looking down to her now full glass on the table, she raises it to take a swallow before going on. "As I came to, I had only one thing on my mind, as foggy as it was. I went to search for that man who saved my life. I knew about where he was, but was still unprepared for what I found." Looking directly at the Captain now she adds, "If it weren't for that healing potion, I don't know if he would have made it through, he was in bad, bad shape."

Stopping for a moment she finishes "I think you know the rest of the story."

(OOC: Just a question, how much of this are we going to roleplay vs rollplay?)
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Captain Billings

#93 Post by Argennian »

~ The banquet is even more filling and satisfying than hoped and expected. Cutler and his serving boys bring more food and drink and take away the scraps to make room. Zimba moves back over behind the hanging cloth and seems to be checking on something. The shady looking cook leans down and whispers something to the captain. Billings nods his acknowledgement and he and the two lads depart his chambers. The captain offers refills of the Corenthian Brandy to Lauranna and any other that wish it. He and his men listen intently to first Bog, then Lauranna and Emm, and finally the High elf…

Nuke66 wrote:"Still not sure what was happening, I quickly checked the wounded, but moved off to lend assistance with whatever battle was still raging. Little did I know that it was over until I see the other elf racing back to help the injured." This time turning to Caelvanna, pausing and sipping a bit before returning to her story. "She told me that their foeman was down, so I raced off to help with the last remaining battle."
Caelvanna stares down, nodding woodenly, and acknowledges the High elf’s account. “He, I mean the halfling, used lightning from a wand and then finally his sword to slay that armored menace. I get the impression he was also the one that slew that shadow wizard Lauranna speaks of, from the north side of the trail. The wand appeared to be the same kind that was used against our wizard, Lathalamas. He also gave me a greater curative potion and a means to help the others that were unconscious and hurt. I fear that without that, some of us here might not have made it clear the blast…”

Nuke66 wrote:… Looking down to her now full glass on the table, she raises it to take a swallow before going on. "As I came to, I had only one thing on my mind, as foggy as it was. I went to search for that man who saved my life. I knew about where he was, but was still unprepared for what I found." Looking directly at the Captain now she adds, "If it weren't for that healing potion, I don't know if he would have made it through, he was in bad, bad shape."

Stopping for a moment she finishes "I think you know the rest of the story."
Billings looks the High elf in the eyes and nods. “Aye, and it is most fortunate that you found him indeed, milady. I would have been terribly loath to depart without him, as would the others. Anyways, what matters is that he is alive, as well as you all, and will make his recovery soon. Shanny was near wiped out with bringing you all around and helping with the others still infirmed below. She insists the halfling, whose name is Ziller by the way, is much better off than the other two that were struck down by the assassin you slew. Billy is resting more comfortably and will hopefully come around on the morrow. The young Karagonian prince was not injured physically in any way, but continues to sleep and dream fitfully. Shanny does not want to awaken him just yet, mayhap on the morrow, when we know more…”

The old seadog leans back and lights up a pipe that crackles and pops with a pungent smell. He takes a deep draw and blows the thick smoke upward before leaning forward to assess the party members. “Alright friends, when Masters Billy and Ziller awaken and are well enough, they will tell us what they know and remember. Shanny will be using her magics to discover more about what happened as well. That includes the items that were found back there around the crater, a positive identification on the bodies we recovered and whatever else she can glean.”

“Anyways, as I stated before, you are welcome anywhere on the ship, save my quarters here or the front hold and brig area without me. There is no need to wear metal armor, or any armor for that matter, while on the Seahawk and under my hospitality. But if you so wish that is your choice, just please stay away from the sides and rails. You can claim any bunks or hammocks in either the forecastle up front or anywhere down below in the hold, past the infirmary. Your armor, weapons and gear will not be molested and you are welcome to use an empty footlocker if you wish. And please do let me know if any of you have need of any equipment or supplies. We have a good amount of gear, as well as some weapons and a few specialty items to boot. As for the remainder of the evening, you can stay here to eat and drink until content. The galley is located under the landing at the stern of the ship and there’s always plenty to eat, so help yourselves there."

"Our voyage will last 12-14 days depending upon the wind and weather. We will be traveling to the north of the normal shipping lanes but will eventually have to turn southwest and cross them to sail towards Newshore. We plan to avoid all unknown ships during our sail, save perhaps some that be known friends to the people. The Karagonian Navy have been more active of late, and we definitely need to avoid them at all costs. There are also occasional encounters with pirates on the Bay of Ghosts, but they have not been seen in some time since the navy became more active.”
He assesses you all again as he pours more of the powerful blue Corenthian spirits and settles back into his chair.

Nuke66 wrote:… (OOC: Just a question, how much of this are we going to roleplay vs rollplay?)

OOC: And miss all this incredibly awesome role-playing? Are you kidding me?! :shock:

Let me just say that we’ll be rolling some dice very soon, Nuke! :wink:

I thought it would finally be good to be able to role-play and interact together for a bit! Regardless, I'll continue to move things on every few days at the least. We're only a few more posts away from discussing training opportunities and such In Game, too!
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#94 Post by tkrexx »

Emm takes note of one of those Captain Billings referenced. Your pardon, Captain, you said the young man is a Karagonian Prince?
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Captain Billings

#95 Post by Argennian »

tkrexx wrote:Emm takes note of one of those Captain Billings referenced. Your pardon, Captain, you said the young man is a Karagonian Prince?

Billings smiles and laughs at his apparent slip-up. He nods his head knowingly before slamming the remainder of his bluish spirits and reaching again for the bottle. “Tis not necessary for it to be secret any longer, I’d wager. Perhaps the fact that none of you could have known be the very reason that Socratis picked you then. Anyways, his name is Aramis and he is the youngest and last living son of Crown Prince Aragoth who fell in the Battle of the Namblin Valley defending King Amstillion of the Elves. The lad has been in exile since the last years of the Great War and his father’s death, hidden by the Archmage Lathalamas himself from those that would seek to severe once and for all the royal bloodline. From what I am told, if anything were to happen to our poor benevolent King, he is perhaps the only one that could lay legitimate claim to the Karagonian throne. That ambush must have been about his demise and that of those that have protected him until now. At least that’s my suspicion of it all…”

The captain offers to pour more spirits but realizes he has extinguished the bottle. “Beggin your pardon then friends, let me get us that other bottle…” He gets up from his chair, moves solemnly over to where the chest lies by the silk screen and kneels down to rummage it. The dark-skinned southern sailor finishes whatever it was he was doing back there and pushes aside the hanging curtain to whisper something to the captain. Billings posture freezes and he looks up at Zimba with wide eyes. “Awake you say? Then go fetch the gnomish woman, quickly!”

The muscular sergeant in arms moves to exit the chamber quickly while Arak, Gramps and Bradley all get up and move over to follow Billings behind the silk screen. The sea captain’s form can barely be made out as he appears to lean down next to what must be a bed of some sort. “Lord Jovak, can you hear me?”
A low and shallow grating responds.
“You are safe aboard the Seahawk. I am Captain Billings.”
The low grating replies after a few moments.
“You have been unconscious for almost a day. I am afraid you were burned very badly…”

Zimba returns and opens the cabin door, allowing the old female gnome to enter before him. She carries a satchel and scurries over to where the captain and the others are behind the screen, not sparing even a fleeting glance at those sitting around the table. She parts the group of gawkers and moves over next to Billings. Arak waves Gramps and Bradley aside, as there’s no longer room behind the silk curtain.

The second and third officer of the Seahawk return to their chairs at the table. Gramps grabs up his tankard of ale and slams it while Bradley pours himself a cup of tea with a nod of what could seem to be disbelief. With his signature not so toothy grin, the old sailor sets down his tankard and looks around the table excitedly. “Heh, you just cannot keep a good dwarf down, I always says. Let us drink on that, then!” he opines with a wink at Ulrich as he reaches for the pitcher.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#96 Post by Alethan »

While the captain and crew are fussing over the dwarf, and most of the others seem to be busy with other things, Bog stands up and approaches Caelvanna the elf. He bends over, hands her a piece of folded paper, and whispers something to her.

Once she has finished reading the paper, he takes it back and folds it up. He then approaches Griffo. Once again, he bends over, passing the halfling a folded piece of paper while whispering something to him.

PM Sent.

Once Griffo is done reading the letter, he retrieves it and returns to his seat.
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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#97 Post by Nuke66 »

"Lauranna sees the conversation falling away as Lord Jovak awakes. The elf will apply her keen sense of hearing to listen to what is happening behind the curtain. She looks to the doorway, waiting for he others to speak.
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Captain Billings

#98 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Argennian wrote:
tkrexx wrote:Emm takes note of one of those Captain Billings referenced. Your pardon, Captain, you said the young man is a Karagonian Prince?

Billings smiles and laughs at his apparent slip-up. He nods his head knowingly before slamming the remainder of his bluish spirits and reaching again for the bottle. “Tis not necessary for it to be secret any longer, I’d wager. Perhaps the fact that none of you could have known be the very reason that Socratis picked you then. Anyways, his name is Aramis and he is the youngest and last living son of Crown Prince Aragoth who fell in the Battle of the Namblin Valley defending King Amstillion. The lad has been in exile since the last years of the Great War and his father’s death, hidden by the Archmage Lathalamas himself from those that would seek to severe once and for all the royal bloodline. From what I am told, if anything were to happen to our poor benevolent King, he is perhaps the only one that could lay legitimate claim to the Karagonian throne. That ambush must have been about his demise and that of those that have protected him until now. At least that’s my suspicion of it all…”

The captain offers to pour more spirits but realizes he has extinguished the bottle. “Beggin your pardon then friends, let me get us that other bottle…” He gets up from his chair, moves solemnly over to where the chest lies by the silk screen and kneels down to rummage it. The dark-skinned southern sailor finishes whatever it was he was doing back there and pushes aside the hanging curtain to whisper something to the captain. Billings posture freezes and he looks up at Zimba with wide eyes. “Awake you say? Then go fetch the gnomish woman, quickly!”

The muscular sergeant in arms moves to exit the chamber quickly while Arak, Gramps and Bradley all get up and move over to follow Billings behind the silk screen. The sea captain’s form can barely be made out as he appears to lean down next to what must be a bed of some sort. “Lord Jovak, can you hear me?”
A low and shallow grating responds.
“You are safe aboard the Seahawk. I am Captain Billings.”
The low grating replies after a few moments.
“You have been unconscious for almost a day. I am afraid you were burned very badly…”

Zimba returns and opens the cabin door, allowing the old female gnome to enter before him. She carries a satchel and scurries over to where the captain and the others are behind the screen, not sparing even a fleeting glance at those sitting around the table. She parts the group of gawkers and moves over next to Billings. Arak waves Gramps and Bradley aside, as there’s no longer room behind the silk curtain.

The second and third officer of the Seahawk return to their chairs at the table. Gramps grabs up his tankard of ale and slams it while Bradley pours himself a cup of tea with a nod of what could seem to be disbelief. With his signature not so toothy grin, the old sailor sets down his tankard and looks around the table excitedly. “Heh, you just cannot keep a good dwarf down, I always says. Let us drink on that, then!” he opines with a wink at Ulrich as he reaches for the pitcher.
Lord Jovak! exclaims Ulrich. He runs behind the silk curtain, pushing aside any in his way. Ulrich Rachstaad, at your service! he says, bowing.

If a CLW will help Lord Jovak, Ulrich will use it on him.
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Re: Aboard the Seahawk: dinner with Captain Billings

#99 Post by Argennian »

~ The gnomish woman applies her special ministrations to the low grating voice with Billings, Arak and Zimba in audience. She speaks softly, in what a few recognize as dwarvish. The low grating voice responds, also in dwarvish.

The captain leans over and whispers some words to his first officer. Arak heads back through the silk curtain and over to the table. He takes up his tea and a chunk of bread without sitting down and nods to Bradley and Gramps, motioning they have to go. The third officer grabs his tea and a chicken leg makes to leave while the second officer frowns vehemently and then slams his ale. The first officer rolls his eyes while the third officer smiles. Gramps beams his signature grin and salutes the party. “Welcome to The Hands then, mates! May ye all be enjoying the rest of the banquet then!” he declares with a wink and nod at each of you! The trio of officers head out the cabin door and leave the party sitting alone at the table. The low grating voice begins to argue with the gnome woman.

After a few moments, it speaks louder and more clearly, this time in common. “Help me up, captain.”
Billings leans down and protests. “But Lord Jovak, you should not try and rise so soon…”
The rough grating voice clears its throat purposefully. “I wasn’t asking your permission.”
Billings begins to protest but stops himself. He motions to Zimba and they both lean over the bed to carefully help a broad figure to sit up. The gnomish woman shakes her head and stands in front of the figure. “Drink the rest of this then.”
“Don’t want any more,” the grating voice explains.
“I wasn’t asking, you stubborn dwarf!” the gnome woman dictates roughly. Billings and Zimba both look at the gnome in shock and then to each other nervously.
A deep laugh followed by a series of coughs erupts in response. After the coughing dies down, the figure acquiesces. “Very well then, my lady!” the grating voice concurs purposefully. He takes the glass from the gnome woman and pounds it forthwith. “Much better!” he exalts sarcastically, coughing in the process.
The gnomish woman harrumphs. “And do NOT mess with these bandages,” she explains specifically. “And do try not to drink too much tonight, general. You’ve only just awoken,” she retorts acerbically.
“Understood, my lady!” the figure responds with what looked like a slow and pained salute.
The gnomish woman grabs up her satchel with another harrumph and makes her way through the curtain. She stalks forward past the table shaking her head in disbelief and rolling her eyes. “Men!” she cackles as she opens the door and lets herself out.

SocraticLawyer wrote:Lord Jovak! exclaims Ulrich. He runs behind the silk curtain, pushing aside any in his way. Ulrich Rachstaad, at your service! he says, bowing.

Captain Billings near jumps out of his skin when Ulrich almost bowls him over. The broad figure turns and blindly assesses the new arrival to his bedside. "Rachstaad, you say? Ah yes, of course. You are one of the two clerics of the Dwarf Father that were with us back on the trail. Your request is duly noted and recognized lad," he offers before lowering his voice and speaking some words in dwarvish*. The figure nods to Ulrich and gestures he return to the table so that he may finish his conversation with the captain.

“Well don’t just stand there gaping like a babe, captain!" the figure declares, "help me over to the table for some of that fresh food I smell and get me a glass of that wonderful blue Corenthian Brandy. I can smell it on your breath like a dragon’s fire, man!”
Billings and Zimba look at each other incredulously again and help the stout figure to its feet. The three of them then part the silk curtain and head for the table. You see the captain and his sergeant struggle under the weight of the biggest dwarf you have ever seen. He wears only breeches and large head bandage that covers his eyes. His massive, muscled arms and chest are covered in the scars of many battles and there is a large tattoo with two crossed axes over his heart. He grunts as they shamble over to the table and help him into the captain’s seat. The dwarf grimaces in pain and leans back, breathing heavily with exertion. You can see that covering what’s visible of his face and neck is burned horribly and with a green tinge. He takes a deep breath and pulls himself up stoically with some effort. Billings and Zimba stand there stupidly and look nervously from him to each other and then around the table at each of you.

“So what’s an old soldier got to pay aboard this tub to get a bloody drink, captain?” the dwarf asks suddenly and matter-of-factly.
“More than you got, you old scoundrel!” responds a dramatically deep voice from behind followed by the slamming of the cabin door. It is the halfling from below! He is still wearing his burned out leather armor and sword at his side.
“Scoundrel?!” harrumphs the dwarf defiantly in disbelief as he flexes his massive fist in the air threateningly. “Come forward and tell me more then!” he exalts back in challenge. Billings and Zimba look from the halfling to the dwarf and back to the halfling. The captain’s face is white as a sheet and he looks ready to pass out!
The halfling looks around the table at each of you and smiles before walking with a heavy limp to where the first officer was sitting. The dwarf cocks his head blindly as if struggling to hear the halfling’s approach.
“So you’re hard of hearing and blind to boot then, dwarf?” the halfling questions sarcastically, this time in what appears to be a more normal voice and tone.
The dwarf goes from a determined scowl to smiling grandly and relaxes his knotted muscles. “Ha! And you call ME a scoundrel then?!” he bellows as he reaches out his hand blindly and meets the awaiting halfling’s in an excited and strong, muscle-rippling grasp.
“Aaagghh! Well you don’t have to wrench my bloody arm off about it! Didn’t anyone tell you that we damn near died?!” the halfling cusses accusingly in obvious pain, letting go of the dwarf’s huge forearm and twisting out of his grasp not too easily.
“What, again?! HA!” the dwarf bellows. “It’ll take more than an ancient demon to do ME in, laddie, especially with mighty Morkaldaddin in my hands, rest assured!” He then looks up blindly at Billings with an exaggerated grimace. “What’s the matter, captain? Have you gone daft? By Clanggedin’s Beard, man, get me and this dirty scoundrel a drink!”

Standing there looking dumbfounded, Billings snaps to out of his state of shock. “Yes sir!” he responds crisply and with a smile, heads back over to his still opened chest to retrieve that second bottle. Zimba offers a massive toothy-white smile and walks over to stand directly in front of and up against the doorway.

The dwarf cracks a burned smile back towards the halfling and then looks around the table blindly at each of you. “So then, you will have to forgive my lack of sight, friends. With whom do we share our drinks with this eve?” he queries curiously.

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Re: Action Thread 2: The departing

#100 Post by tkrexx »

Emm takes in all that transpires with wide eyes, the questions she had temporarily forgotten. She looks to the child to be sure she is not too frightened by the sudden influx of boisterous activity. The billigerent Captain cowed by the enormous Dwarf (A General??), old friends with the Halfling she had not trusted, tended to (And scolded) by the Gnome who saved her and the child....And now Emm is a member of the Hand?? She feels her Father's fiery temper at war with her Master's teachings of patience, acceptance and understanding.

Finally, she stands.

Lord Jovak, I am, as are we all, I believe, happy you are so difficult to kill. If not for you, I doubt so many of us would be here this day dining at good Captain Billings' table. I saw you fight, my Lord, and this commands my respect, and I grieve for the mighty Paladin and the Mage who perished fighting by your side. To you, Master Halfling, I offer my most sincere apologies. Upon first sight of you I did not trust you. This was completely opposed to all I have been taught, and it now shames me. It is obvious the events now in place are far too great for one such as I. Therein lies my dilemma.

Emm's eyes dart about the room as she hesitates. I am Emm Hildebran, daughter of Reuben Hildebran, called the Red Rook by the Elven allies along the borderlands during the Great War. I am but a simple Aspirant under the tutelage of Master Kahya, and my fate was to be equally simple, as keeper and protector of the lands and farms of my ancestral homeland. This simplicity has been snatched away from me, and I am at odds with this. I know nothing of this Socratis, and little of the King's Eyes, yet I find my name has been uttered by both. Clearly I can be of little threat or boon to either, so I am at a loss as to how to proceed.

The Druid's eyes lower before she continues. This I do know. My Master was taken by the King's Eyes. I learned of this at the same time I was summoned by Socratis. My options were few, and still are. I would have my Master returned safely, but I would have answers....More correctly, I would be educated, of what plans are being made for me, and of what is expected of me.

Emm dallies a moment, stroking the child's hair. This innocent has been tossed into the fray also, and I can find no reason for anyone to put her into such danger. I can't help but wonder what will become of her? She reseats herself and looks to the Captain and the Dwarven lord.

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