Characters - Work in Progress

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Characters - Work in Progress

#1 Post by Bloodaxe »

Character work & submissions here.
Rusty Tincanne
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#2 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Gunther Biltimere, peasant-farmer
The eighth son of a peasant-farmer couple, Gunther had absolutely no prospects for inheritance. As such, he sought a position with the Keep's guard but was turned away because his club foot made him too clumsy. Despondent, he sat on the cobblestone street, stomach grumbling. He was about to return home when Clay Dreaver tripped over him as he stormed out of a shop. The two began talking and Clay offered him a job as bodyguard.
Str - 16 (+2)
Dex - 8 (-1)
Con - 16 (+2)
Int - 8 (-1)
Wis - 9 (0)
Chr - 11 (0)

HP-6 (4+2)

6 silvers
leather armor (AC7) - 15lb
a small knife (1d3)
short sword (1d6) - 2lb
a small sack - .5lb
3 days food (preserved rations) - 3lb
a waterskin - 4lb
torches (8) - 8lb
bedroll - 5lb
Clay Dreaver, former locksmith-journeyman (three stats rearanged with permission from Bloodaxe)
Clay had been paying for a pallet of straw in Gaven Loxtley's shop for four years, hoping to learn the locksmithing trade. But Gaven was a cruel master. Forced to hunt rats with a sling, Clay had learned little. Realizing he was being cheated, Clay confronted his master and was promptly thrown out of the shop with his meager belongings.
Speaking with Gunther, Clay noticed a group of well-dressed adventurers pass through the city's gates, and he resolved to seek his fortunes on his own terms. And having a bodyguard around would not be a bad idea, particularly one that agreed to take a mere 15% of the earnings.
Str - 8 (-1)
Dex - 17 (+2)
Con - 13 (+1)
Int - 15 (+1)
Wis - 10 (0)
Chr - 12 (0)


2 gold, 9 silvers
a small knife (1d3)
dagger (1d4) - 1lb
sling and stones (1d4) - 5lb
50' rope - 10lb
backpack - 2lb
a small sack
5 days food - 5lb
a wineskin - 4lb (filled with wine)
bedroll - 5lb
lockpicks/thieves tools - 1lb
Last edited by Rusty Tincanne on Sun Aug 09, 2015 11:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#3 Post by Bloodaxe »

Clay can pick locks & find/remove traps as a level 1 thief.
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#4 Post by ybn1197 »

Adair Dabney; Merchant's Illegitimate Son
STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 8 (-1)
INT: 13 (+1)
WIS: 17 (+2)
CHR: 11 (0)

Adair was born from a tryst between his upper-class merchant father and his low-class tavern waitress mother. Born in a port city, his father had just returned from a lucrative venture and spent the night celebrating his success. Both Adair's parents were too well known around the port for his mother to conceal and his father to take the blame. So when Adair was born, his father made sure he was taken care of and placed in a cloister where he grew up learning the word of his god. When he was old enough, he decided to leave the cloister and try to find his father. His travels have lead him to the keep where someone there may know his father and send him on the next leg of his journey. But his funds are become low and he will have to find a way to pay for his journey.
Adair_Dabney.jpg (61.34 KiB) Viewed 1472 times
Kennard Harrisson; Town Gravedigger
STR: 17 (+2)
DEX: 12 (0)
CON: 14 (+1)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHR: 9 (0)

Kennard is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Complex tasks have always evaded him and he is not very good with social situations. These two facts have led him to be the grave digger for the Keep. The work is strenuous but it is not over-whelming and Kennard has a lot of free time to assist others in the Keep with heavy lifting chores. But now Kennard is thinking of seeing the world outside of the Keep.
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#5 Post by LtTibbles »

Lobo Hornwood, Lvl 0 Halfling Baker
+10% XP Bonus


10 gp
sack of flour
rolling pin
large carving knife
a small sack
3 days food
a water skin
a small knife (d3 damage)

STR: 14 (+1)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 7 (-1)
WIS: 12 (0)
CHR: 11 (0)
A halfling born from a long line of bakers, cooks, and butchers Lobo finds himself afflicted with a sort of midlife crisis, sick and tired of kneading dough and mixing flour the halfling has decided to take up a life of adventure to try and escape the drudgery of common life.

Napius Umbus, Lvl 0 Local Hedge Wizard (Human)
+5% XP Bonus


10 gp
a small sack
3 days food
a water skin
a small knife (d3 damage)
(can cast "cantrips")

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 11 (0)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 15 (+1)
WIS: 10 (0)
CHR: 7 (-1)
Napius is an old hermit that until very recently had lived in the woods just outside of the keep occasionally travelling to the keep to sell the various herbal remedies and charms that he had made. That was until recently he found himself chased out of his home by monsters and living inside of the keep, looking for a way to try to get back his home and take care of the source of these creatures that had chased him away.
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#6 Post by Mister-Kent »

Anne Summerisle, Lvl 0 Plucky Farmer's Daughter

+10%xp bonus
HP 3
STR: 16
DEX: 14
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 8
CHR: 11

5 silvers
large scythe (spear)
large sack of vegetables

Anne is a tough and determined daughter of a local farmer. As some local youths have gone missing investigating the Caves, Anne has taken it upon herself to fight to find out the truth of what happened.

The Summerisle Farm grows wheat, so come harvest time Anne is pretty handy with a scythe. The family also raises a few pigs, cows, and chickens, but Anne's five older brothers take care of the animals. Anne is on fairly good terms with her family, though she has recently expressed her desire to be schooled in the business of the farm--only her brothers are ever allowed to trade their goods at market, and Anne is always forced to stay home. Her parents don't want her to leave home, so she leaves them a note and heads out at night. From Anne's view they don't really need her for daily farm stuff anyway. With finding the missing youths, she can really do something that makes a difference.

Gustav the Grasping, Lvl 0 Greedy Blighter

+5%xp bonus
HP 4
STR: 11
DEX: 15
CON: 11
INT: 10
WIS: 8
CHR: 12

fine clothing & boots
40 gold
shield with coat of arms on it
ring with royal seal of his house

Gustav wants everything in life--the finest in food, clothes, wine, and women. He has none of this. He's always looking for the next con job find his fortune, but the idea of finding a great treasure has become increasingly appealing.

Gustav is the bastard son of the noble house of Garvasson. Kept at arm's length by his father and his father's wife, Gustav was nonetheless brought into the home as a ward. When Lady Garvasson produced no heirs, the Lord decided to legitimize young Gustav and make him his heir. Unfotunately, before this could happen Lord Garvasson died of an apparent foodborne illness. Despite all previous claims to love Gustav as her own son once he was legitimized, Lady Garvasson took the house fortune for her own and cast Gustav out into the streets. Gustav was just barely a man then, and he fell in with bad crowds--gamblers, thieves, and highwaymen. He's older and more bitter now. He carries himself with the posture of a nobleman, but hides a treacherous greed beneath it all.
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
DMing CAT'S CRADLE, Stars Without Number/Other Dust
Constance Wyrdweather and Ruwyn Hollowheart in Labyrinth Lord: West Marches Sandbox (LL AEC)
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Frekken Ribbitowicz in Mutant Future: Tales from Gam'A Zone (Gamma World)
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Elden Vodarte in The Horror at Briarsgate (AD&D 1E)
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#7 Post by jdluna »

Kevam Wilward

STR: 15 (+1)
DEX: 16 (+1)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 09 (0)
WIS: 11 (0)
CHR: 08 (-1)

HP - 4

1 shovel (1d4)
Wheel Barrow
10 Silvers
1 jar of sludge
clothing (leather apron)
small sack
3 days food,
small knife (d3 damage)

Keram Wilward

STR: 11 (0)
DEX: 12 (0)
CON: 09 (0)
INT: 15 (+1)
WIS: 12 (0)
CHR: 09 (0)

HP - 4

1 shovel (1d4)
10 Silvers
clothing (leather apron)
small sack
3 days food
small knife (d3 damage)

Kevam and Keram Wilward. They believe they are identical twins but really they are not brothers at all. They look nothing alike. They were told they were twins by the old seamstress that found them abandoned until her death when they were 11-12 years old. They became night soil collectors for their town. They often experiment with the goods they collect, attempting to make poisons, potions and elixirs in hopes of getting rich.
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#8 Post by idiot »

Jack: out-of-work translator/town drunk
Middle aged, thinning hair, tall, lean, and alcoholic. He's been known to speak a few different languages when really loaded up. His stories have earned him a bit of a following in the local bars. Worked as a translator of old manuscripts in libraries in nearby towns (and consequently he's done quite a bit of reading), but his drinking and general lack of interest in practical matters like showing up to work always led to him eventually losing these jobs. Running low on money and favors, moved on to a new town in search of some new opportunities: an outpost at the edge of the mountains.

Str:11 (0)
Dex:10 (0)
Con:9 (0)
Int:17 (+2 lang)
Wis:8 (-1 save)
Chr:13 (-1 reaction adjustment, 5 retainers, 8 retainer morale)

HP: 4

10 silvers
2 bottles of hooch
one set of clothing
a small sack
3 days of food
a water skin
a small knife (d3 damage)

Horace: wandering former acolyte
A young man, well-built, smells of incense, quiet, mumbles under his breath. Seems to have been an acolyte in a remote church or monastery. Prevaricates when questioned about his background.

Str: 15 (+1)
Dex:9 (0)
Con:15 (+1 HP)
Int:8 (Partial ability to write)
Wis: 17 (+2 save)
Chr:11 (0 reaction adjustment, 4 retainers, 7 retainer morale)

HP: 4+1

10 silvers
3 candles
one set of clothing
a small sack
3 days of food
a water skin
a small knife (d3 damage)
(gets strange visions)
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#9 Post by Bloodaxe »

Please post your finished characters in the CHARACTERS section.
Rusty Tincanne
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Re: Characters - Work in Progress

#10 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Gared Harth - woodcutter
Gared was always a simple woodcutter living off in balance with the land in a simple hut delivering wood to the local towns. He never wanted more than he had until his cousin Rodrick showed up from a job telling him of a scheme that could make them both rich asking him for assistance, so Gared packed up what little he had and set out towards the borderlands. He hopes to be able to return to his nice simple life some day.
HP - 4

Str - 13 - +1 to hit, damage, forcing doors
Dex - 10 - no modifier to AC or missile attacks
Con - 11 - no modifier to HP
Int - 9 - able to read and write
Wis - 14 - +1 on saving throws
Ch - 8 - +1 reaction adjustment, 3 retainers with a morale of 6

1 silvers (owes 5sp to Clay)
2 handaxes - 6lb (total)
a small knife (d3 damage)
an old backpack - 2lb
a small sack - .5lb
3 days food - 3lb
a water skin - 4lb
(8) torches - 8 lb
bed roll - 5 lb
tinderbox (flint and steel) - no weight
rope - 50' (owned by Clay)
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