In Game Thread

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In Game Thread

#1 Post by Bhart »

It seemed like a good idea at the time. You just had to sign on as guards with a merchant vessel sailing out of the Hold of the Sea Princes. Then sit back and get paid to see the exotic ports of the Olman islands and the other wild tropical lands south of there. Everything was going well until one night of drinking and revelry brought that to an end. Fueled with drink and a bit of cultural ignorance, someone in your party (you're still not sure who) insulted the honor of the local royalty.

Now you are running for your lives and you are lost!

You should never have abandoned the ship and struck out into the marsh, but your pursuers were closing on your trail, and it seemed the only way. Stumbling onward through the fens, your party makes for higher ground ahead. As you cross the ridge, the sun sinks below the horizon and night comes. Breathless, the party drops to the ground and you try to catch your wind with the welcomed rest. Somewhere behind you comes the sounds of distant shouts. Scrambling back to your feet, you force your way further into the brush, past great carved stones which lie overturned on the ground.

A full moon rises, sending moonbeams and ghostly shadows to flicker through the branches. Ahead in the jungle a light glows and seems to beckon - perhaps a shelter for the night. Though thorns tear at you and impede your progress the source of illumination is reached at last.

Before you is a clearing. There is an ancient ruin - a worn and overgrown pyramid fills the clearing, shinning in the moonlight, seeming almost brighter than the moon itself. A refuge? Perhaps; tomorrow with daylight the party may explore, but tonight you must have rest.
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Re: In Game Thread

#2 Post by Recklessfireball »

OOC: Alright- I guess I'll try to get the ball rolling here. :)

Thundrigore staggers against the trunk of an ancient, vine covered tree. He looks haggard and weary. He raises one flabby arm and wipes perspiration from his forehead, then leans back gasping. Still, for all his apparent discomfort, he has demonstrated remarkable stamina during your gruelling flight into the jungle.

"By all the gods of the Baklunish and Suel, I may stew to death in my own juices before those savages even manage to lay hands on us! This is no way for a man die. What do you suppose got them so riled up, anyway?"

He reaches down for the wineskin at his side, uncorks it, and takes a healthy pull. The drink seems to restore him, somewhat.
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Re: In Game Thread

#3 Post by onlyme »

Sterling shakes his head while likewise catching his breath.
I don't know. One thing I have learned about royalty and nobles over my ventures with them... they can act very cordial one moment and murderous the next. Must be in the blood, or the heart.

My age is catching up to me, I can tell. Just 5 birthdays ago, I would say we should head into that shining mount without delay...

Now, despite all, I think we should take turns watching over each other's rest. Then find our way home in the morn...

He looks around to see who might want the first watch.
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Re: In Game Thread

#4 Post by Vargr1105 »

"Well darn and tarnation..." says Oiran as he sits on the nearest rock, "These savages could learn a thing or two from Fharlanghn's concepts of hospitality to travelers. I do declare them to be anathema; creatures of an heretical nature, and I shan't hold back my blows if it comes to confrontation."
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Re: In Game Thread

#5 Post by Slighted »

As the group gathers themselves, Rollo turns slightly away in an attempt to hide his heavy breathing. As his fingers absently pull leaves and twigs from creases in his armor, his eyes lock on the nearby ruins.

It pains my pride to run as we have, but there's no point dying to such a group as that for such a reason. I agree a watch should be set, but maybe we should move closer to that structure and see if shelter is provided or at least a fortified position as we rest.
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Re: In Game Thread

#6 Post by Bhart »

The Temple Pyramid:
As you rest your gasping breaths slow, and the burning feeling in your lungs begins to subside. All around you the jungle is alive with sounds, a cacophony of buzzes,chirps,hoots,and howls.You are relieved to not hear the sounds of your pursuers among them. It seems you can stop running for now.

There is some talk of moving closer to the ruins and taking turns on watch.However, most of you are too exhausted to move and sleep quickly claims you.

You are woken by the feeling of wetness as drops of water strike your face. Blinking and squinting at the light of day you can see the sky above is partly overcast and a light rain has started to fall. You snap awake with the sudden realization that you all fell asleep in the middle of the jungle. A quick look around reveals that everyone is alright. Amazingly, nothing disturbed your camp while you slumbered.

After a hasty breakfast of cold rations the party gathers up their equipment while they discuss the next course of action. Before anything can be decided an unwelcome sound comes from the south and east. In the distance you hear the shouts of men. Your pursuers are drawing closer and you know you must move or be found!

Shouldering your packs you move north toward the pyramid hoping to find a hiding spot or at least a more defensable position. You tread quickly and carefully across the cracked and overgrown flagstones, stepping over fallen and shattered pillars, pushing aside vines and briars. As you draw closer to the temple the sound of men crashing through the underbrush comes from behind you. Turning around you glimpse several dozen native warriors come into the clearing. At the sight of the temple pyramid they come to sudden stop and seem reluctant to move any closer.

You only have a moment to ponder why. Suddenly the earth shudders and gapes open beneath the party's feet and you are falling and tumbling amidst the roar of collapsing masonry. Dust fills the air and daylight disappears as darkness swallows you!

Breathing heavily, you find that the world has stopped tumbling and you now sit on cold damp stone. The coughing and wheezing of your companions can be heard nearby, hidden in the darkness. To your back are rough rocks and broken earth. The rumble and clatter of rocks diminishes to the occasional rattle of pebbles and the soft shushing sound of sliding dirt.
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Re: In Game Thread

#7 Post by Slighted »

As Rollo slowly waits for his eyes to adjust, he softly whispers, Everyone alright? Who's got a light handy?. Although anticipating a quick answer, his hands probe his belongings to confirm their presence before resting on his sword's hilt.
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Re: In Game Thread

#8 Post by onlyme »

Sterling shakes off the dust as he attempts to stand. Though he doesnt see anything, he also checks to confirm nothing was damaged in the fall, including his lamp.
He yells back...yeah, I think I do... as he lights his.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: In Game Thread

#9 Post by Vargr1105 »

Oiran's voice joins that of Rollo and Sterling and he fumbles with something attached to the side of his backpack.

"When upon unlighted and unknown places, two luminous sources are better than one."

His hands find the hooded lantern and he opens it to remove the flint and steel placed inside. With experience gained by familiarity with his items Oiran proceeds to light his own lantern.

"That was Stanza XVI...I think, from the Admonitions of Bishop Telvard to the Fharlanghn travelling faithful. I see no reason why we shouldn't abide by it while we're in this predicament."
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Re: In Game Thread

#10 Post by Bhart »

Groping in the dark Oiran and Sterling both find their lanterns intact. The two men strike flint to steel and in a few moments have them lit. But, the flames do not burn very bright. They burn low and weak with a reddish hue like a glowing ember, as if the fire cannot get enough air.The lanterns only cast dim light about 10 feet as if in a dense fog.

Rollo is the first to notice that the air doesn't smell right. There is a faint odor, reminiscient of ammonia that stings the nose.

In the dim light you can see that you are in a long narrow chamber running east-west. In the center of this room is a domed shape on the floor. In the east wall is a blank faced stone door and the west end of the room is blocked by fallen stone and rubble.The north and south walls seem to have several niches cut into them.
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Re: In Game Thread

#11 Post by Bhart »

Slighted wrote:As Rollo slowly waits for his eyes to adjust, he softly whispers, Everyone alright? Who's got a light handy?. Although anticipating a quick answer, his hands probe his belongings to confirm their presence before resting on his sword's hilt.
Nothing seems to have been damaged in the fall.
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Re: In Game Thread

#12 Post by Bhart »

onlyme wrote:Sterling shakes off the dust as he attempts to stand. Though he doesnt see anything, he also checks to confirm nothing was damaged in the fall, including his lamp.
He yells back...yeah, I think I do... as he lights his.
All items seem to be intact.
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Re: In Game Thread

#13 Post by Recklessfireball »

Thundrigore groans and, with considerable effort, manages to haul himself to his feet. He wrinkles his nose in annoyance and says, "Boccobs balls! It smells like a privy pit, in here."

Holding up a hand to cover his nose and mouth, he peers at his companions through the motes of dust hanging in the air and remarks, "Well, at least we know what their plan was- chase the outlanders into the ancient, unstable ruins and let them fall into a hole that smells like cat piss. Diabolical."
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Re: In Game Thread

#14 Post by onlyme »

Sterling looks around in the dim light, thankful his equipment made it through the fall. He checks with the others to confirm everyone's health.

Leomar, Cirdan? Anyone hurt. He spots Xam sitting up in some rubble, looking a bit confused. Good man, you look like you aren't all here yet. Give it a week, you'll be back to yourself.

He starts to investigate the rubble and the walls around them...
Folks, we need to find a way out of here, as I'm sure you all know. Let us look for any easy way out, but listen for those men up top, not sure if we are still in danger.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: In Game Thread

#15 Post by Bhart »

onlyme wrote:Sterling looks around in the dim light, thankful his equipment made it through the fall. He checks with the others to confirm everyone's health.

Leomar, Cirdan? Anyone hurt. He spots Xam sitting up in some rubble, looking a bit confused. Good man, you look like you aren't all here yet. Give it a week, you'll be back to yourself.

He starts to investigate the rubble and the walls around them...
Folks, we need to find a way out of here, as I'm sure you all know. Let us look for any easy way out, but listen for those men up top, not sure if we are still in danger.
Is Sterling investigating the rubble, north wall, or south wall first?
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Re: In Game Thread

#16 Post by onlyme »

Since he appears to have fallen nearest the south wall, that one... starting with the western edge rubble... but, he is not going to be sticking fingers into crevices, etc. Just a quick walk over to see if any openings are apparent. If anything looks suspicious, he will stop and relay the thought.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: In Game Thread

#17 Post by Bhart »

onlyme wrote:Since he appears to have fallen nearest the south wall, that one... starting with the western edge rubble... but, he is not going to be sticking fingers into crevices, etc. Just a quick walk over to see if any openings are apparent. If anything looks suspicious, he will stop and relay the thought.
The paladin takes a closer look at the rubble and sees no sign of openings, the blockage is complete. The rubble seems far from stable as it takes very little to send more sand, pebbles, and rocks tumbling further into the room.

The wall to the south is made up of unmortared stone blocks covered with a thin layer of beige stucco. The stucco is cracked and crumbling away in spots.
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Re: In Game Thread

#18 Post by Dogma »

Out of the frying pan but hopefully not into the fire Leomar thought as he dusted himself off and checked his gear.

"No harm done other than to my pride," he responded to Sterling. Always a cautious man, he unlimbered his bow and fit an arrow to its string while scanning the darkness beyond the lantern light. Never know what might be lurking in a dark hole like this...
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Re: In Game Thread

#19 Post by onlyme »

Sterling hails back toward the crowd as he walks around...
Guys, nothing appears of use along this wall. If anyone is better at doing recon, please assist.

He will continue his investigation of the room using his dim light source while others are coming to/shaking off the dust, etc. next the east wall, and then north.
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: In Game Thread

#20 Post by Recklessfireball »

Sterling hails back toward the crowd as he walks around...
Guys, nothing appears of use along this wall. If anyone is better at doing recon, please assist.

Thundrigore nods at Sterlings suggestion. "A sensible proposal. If it's not too impertinent, might I suggest Cirdan and Leomar as the two most likely candidates? I daresay they both have more skill at such things than the rest of us."
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