0. Prelude

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Re: 0. Prelude

#61 Post by ybn1197 »

Round 5
Stinging from the cut inflicted on him, Athriel shouts, "This is going too far!" as he swings his heavy mace at the head of the nearest creature.

Heavy Mace: [1d20] = 20 or [1d20] = 2 Damage: [1d8] = 8
Wow! What a disappointment. From a critical hit to a spectacular miss.

Round 6
Heart strengthened by Marshal's attack, Arathiel redoubles his swing.

Heavy Mace: [1d20] = 1 or [1d20] = 5 Damage: [1d8] = 6
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Re: 0. Prelude

#62 Post by tooleychris »

Petra, determined not to harm Sheilas prize, attempts to disarm the creature with the knife.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#63 Post by dmw71 »

Initiative Order
25 - Petra
22 - Ty
13 - Monsters
09 - Athriel
04 - Marshal
03 - Sheila, Koriah

Round 6
Petra considers attempting to disarm one of the creatures, but abandons the thought once the door she's standing next to flies open and Sheila and Koriah enter the room. Ty, already engaged with one of the gremlins, attempts another subdual effort, which, again, ends up less successful than the ranger expected and his frustrations begin to mount.

The first gremlin continues to focus its efforts on Athriel, lashing out with its dagger and catches the alchemist weakly (non-lethal damage: -1). The second gremlin keeps on Marshal and stabs wildly at the dwarf.

Athriel, angered at being struck again, flails wildly with his mace and ends up striking and cracking a shelf in a nearby bookcase. Marshal, despite being engaged in melee with one gremlin, leaves his foe in an attempt to flank the gremlin attacking Ty and Athriel. As soon as he turns his back on the goblin he had been battling, the pesky creature lashes out at him again, but is unable to connect. The strategy pays off as Marshal brings his club down on the second gremlin's skull and brains it, dropping the creature.

The combatants, unaware of the arrival of Sheila and Koriah, are momentarily caught off guard when they recognize the unusually deep voice of Sheila express her frustrations at the scene she returns to. "What the..." she barks, but her thought trailing off as Koriah steps forward and sends her bastard sword arcing downward and slices the remaining gremlin nearly in half.

The threat seemingly alleviated, Koriah quickly begins to clean her blade while Sheila surveys the damage caused to the room, shaking her head angrily. "Someone, please, tell me what just took place in here," she demands.


Experience Points
+300 (total), +75 (each)

Notes (A lot of things happening this round.)
  1. While the attempt was unsuccessful (due to the bad luck), I wanted to look up how 'Disarm' worked, and noticed...
  2. A disarm attempt provokes an attack of opportunity. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and allow Petra to not try it.
  3. Marshal, leaving the gremlin he is currently squared off against in order to flank the gremlin engaged by Ty and Athriel, will definitely provoke an attack of opportunity... and allow the gremlin left behind to flank him next round! (Sorry, but the intent was pretty clear ("Walking past his own gremlin he moved and flanked the other") there's really no way to avoid that. Thankfully it didn't matter.)
  4. Now seems like a good time to introduce the rules on 'Attacks of Opportunity' since they were finally needed.
  5. I'll also include the rules on 'Flanking' since they were used as well.
  6. For the life of me, I cannot find anything in Pathfinder regarding rear attacks. In fact, it seems as if that was a rule that was intentionally omitted (and was apparently not a standard rule in 3.0 or 3.5 either). I did find this, 'Combat Facing,' which is an optional rule from 3.5, but since we are playing Pathfinder, and there isn't an official rule I can find, we will simply ignore combat facing entirely. It does seem logical, though, that if a flanking attack would get a +2, that an attack from the rear would get a +4, but we will simply ignore that... for now.
  7. For Marshal's attack, a club is only a critical on a natural 20 (not an adjusted attack roll of 20 or higher). He would still hit, but the hit would not be critical.

Sheila's initiative: [1d20] = 3
Koriah's initiative: [1d20] = 3
Gremlin #1 vs Ty (1-3) or Athriel (4-6): [1d6] = 5
Gremlin vs Athriel (AC 13): [1d20+3] = 14+3 = 17, [1d2-4] = 2-4 = -2
Gremlin vs Marshal (AC 16): [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7, [1d2-4] = 2-4 = -2
Gremlin AoO vs Marshal (AC 16): [1d20+3] = 5+3 = 8, [1d2-4] = 2-4 = -2
Koriah vs Gremlin: [1d20+17] = 11+17 = 28, [1d12+5] = 5+5 = 10
Koriah vs Gremlin: [1d20+17] = 5+17 = 22, [1d12+5] = 6+5 = 11
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Re: 0. Prelude

#64 Post by Das »

Marshal reclaimed his seat trying to clean off his club. "We opened your box and found it not to be as empty as you expected."

Yeah I was aware that the gremlin would get a AoO on me hence why I posted it so obviously. I just figured more mods to my hits was worth the risk of 1 hitpoint, and I totally spaced on the club crit. Guess I am used to using other weapons. Won't happen again. Pathfinder doesn't have anything on rear attacks as they are assuming your combatants are moving around, weaving around one another and so forth.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#65 Post by Alethan »

Ty sheathes his sword and says, "We opened the box like you asked. Those rat-goblin things popped out and started tearing things up. We didn't know if you wanted them alive, so we tried not to kill 'em." He stops upon saying that, then checks the creature that Marshall clubbed to see if it still breathes. If it does, he'll stabilize it and secure it with some rope to make sure it can't cause any more trouble.

Ooc: Ty's touch is enough to stabilize a dying creature.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#66 Post by tooleychris »

"Well that was exciting. " Petra says surveying the room. "Those things really HATE parchment. Is everyone alright?" Petra walks over to and looks in pandoras puzzle box to see if it held anything else.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#67 Post by Das »

"I hope this isn't a terrible time but your messenger who originally found us stated we would be paid for simply coming to your home to meet with you lovely people."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#68 Post by ybn1197 »

tooleychris wrote:"Well that was exciting. " Petra says surveying the room. "Those things really HATE parchment. Is everyone alright?" Petra walks over to and looks in pandoras puzzle box to see if it held anything else.
"Aye," Athriel responds, "but please do not provoke fate by looking for anything else in that accursed box."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#69 Post by dmw71 »

Her blade now wiped clean of gremlin guts, Koriah returns her sword to its scabbard which hangs at her waist. The half-elf nods to Shiela whom bids the half-elf farewell, their meeting apparently concluded. Koriah turns to the four strangers in the room and bows respectfully while wishing them well before exiting. Just as Koriah is leaving, a non-descript Manor employee enters the room and Sheila orders them to collect the fallen forms of the gremlins, but not to dispose of them yet.

Marshal reclaims his seat and begins clean off his club. "We opened your box, and found it not to be as empty as you expected." he says. Ty sheathes his sword and further elaborates on Marshal's statement. "Those rat-goblin things popped out of the box and started tearing things up. We didn't know if you wanted them alive, so we tried not to kill 'em." He stops his thought after watching the worker begin to collect the dead creatures. "Is everyone alright?" Petra asks while she walks over to examine the Paradox Box, against the warnings of Athriel who cautions against provoking fate. Undeterred, Petra peers inside the now opened box as Shiela, her quickly disipating, watches. "You're welcome to anything you find within, but I must insist the box itself remain here."

Inside, Petra finds three small, deep red garnets, a masterwork silver dagger, and a finely crafted ring made of gold with a feather pattern all around its edge are found.

"Please, let's sit," Sheila says, directing the strangers to join her at a table where Marshal is already seated. she begins straightening up a bit in the process. "Those things really hate parchment." Petra remarks as she moves to join the rest at the table.

“First, allow me to apologize for that unpleasantness regarding the pugwampis," she starts, indicating the gremlins now being dragged from the room. "But," she continues. "It does provide an excellent object lesson: The life of an adventurer is not one for the weak-hearted."

"That you not only had the gremlin situation in-hand, but also got the box open in the first place is all the confirmation I need that my gut was right — you’re the perfect group for the job I have in mind."
She pauses briefly, allowing her compliment to sink in. “You see, I’ve recently had trouble with one of my informants here in Magnimar, Natalya Vancaskerkin. She’s a half-Varisian who recently approached me with an offer to serve as a street informant. She runs with the Sczarni, a loose collection of Varisian crime families, with several groups operating here in Magnimar. And, no, I’m not sure with which group Natalya was affiliated with."

"Anyway, Natalya sent me a cryptic hint a week ago that her gang was on the verge of uncovering an item that would be of great interest to me, and the Pathfinder Society as a whole. Since the Sczarnis’ methods of uncovering something often involves an armed robbery or breaking into somebody’s personal chambers, we thought it prudent not to press for further details and instead wait to see what it would produce. Suffice it to say, she hinted strongly that it pertained to Thassilon, and promised to meet with me to discuss this find three days ago."

“She never kept that promise — instead, she seems to have simply vanished. Initially, I assumed that the acquisition of this item was simply taking longer than expected, but now I’m hearing rumors that the Sczarni are looking for her as well, so it seems likely that Natalya has absconded with this item she’s discovered. And this is where you enter, my friends. I want to know what it was that Natalya and the Sczarni found. In fact, I’m more interested in that than in what happened to Natalya herself."

Once Sheila has allowed a moment for the above information to be processed, she continues. "For now, I’d like to keep all of this quiet — if you can find out what happened to Natalya without letting a lot of people know she was also working for me as an informant, that would be preferable. In fact, that is a big part of why I’m coming to you -- strangers to the Pathfinder Society -- with this task. You don’t yet have a reputation in Magnimar, yet, and as such, the lowlifes and criminals you are likely to encounter may be more likely to talk."

“So... go out there and look for Natalya. Find out what happened to her, and to this item she and her gang discovered. If you can secure the item, all the better — bring it back to me and I’ll have a reward of 500 gold pieces for you. And if you can bring Natalya back alive for me to speak to, I’ll double that!”
she says with a smile.

Once the topic of money is brought up, Marshal chimes in. "I hope this isn't a terrible time, but your messenger who originally found us stated we would be paid for simply coming to your home to meet with you lovely people." Sheila considers the dwarf for a moment. "Now, you wouldn't expect me to send you off on a mission of such import without preparing you properly, would you?" she asks rhetorically. "Here," she says, producing four small sacks and four small ceramic vials fitted with tight stoppers. "Upon your acceptance, I am prepared to offer you a 100 gold piece advance and a potion of healing."

"So, who's in?"
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Re: 0. Prelude

#70 Post by Alethan »

Ty furrows his brow, trying to figure out the math, "So... that's a hundred gold and a potion for each of us now and then another five hundred gold for each of us if we bring back the object and information related to it?"
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Re: 0. Prelude

#71 Post by Das »

Marshal didn't think about it all that much he snatched up a vial and a pouch. "I'll do my best on both accounts..." He slipped the two items away into his clothing.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#72 Post by dmw71 »

"Not quite," Sheila corrects Ty."The 100 gold here is an advance. The total reward will be 500 per person -- 100 gold now, 400 more if you're able to retrieve this item for me. Or 900 gold if Natalya is returned as well. Alive, of course."

"Now, if I've misjudged you and you're not interested in helping me with my request, the lot of you can split one of these sacks for your trouble here today."

She smiles warmly as Marshal quickly agrees, snatching up his share of the offering.

"What say the rest of you?"
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Re: 0. Prelude

#73 Post by Alethan »

Ty nods in understanding, then, after a moment of decision, grabs one of the bags of coins and a potion to indicate his agreement to the terms.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#74 Post by tooleychris »

"This is a pretty thing." Petra says holding the ring up to the light then placing it in her pack. "My thanks."
She joins the others. "I for one am not sure of the effectiveness of your tests, lady. I was utterly useless in the taming of those.... things, and I've no doubt any here would have figured out the puzzle without aid. Still, if you'll have me, I am eager to aid the society. But please believe my intentions are deeper than bags of gold." she takes Shelly the rabbit from her pouch and sits, petting its long ears lovingly. "I want to be a member, if you find me useful at all. You see, I'm intrigued by all things and lore of ancient Thassilonian origin. Why, permission to browse a single book shelf in your halls alone would inspire me to your aid. "
She looks to the others, her comrades, and continues. "I may be of some limited use to you in finding this Natalya Vancaskerkin."(with DMs approval of course)
"Though I know nothing of the Sczarni, and little of their families, I have spent a good deal of time in the...seedier parts of Magnimar. Helping the destitute. I've friends who live under bridge who may know an answer or two...at least a beginning to our quest."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#75 Post by Das »

Marshal chuckled. "Don't sell yourself too much there." he seemed eager to head out and get started waiting for the others to join in the investigation or not.

[DM mind rolling my knowledge Local +5, to know what I might know about Natalya Vancaskerkin and her gang
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Re: 0. Prelude

#76 Post by dmw71 »

Sheila is pleased of the acceptance of the group so far. "Your connections may serve you well," she says to Petra after hearing about her dealings in the seedier parts of Magnimar. "Then there was one," she says, looking at Athriel, then the fourth, and final remaining, sack of coins and stoppered potion. "Once I know you're all in," she says, "we can finalize our arrangements and I can answer any questions you may have; though, I must caution you, my know ---"

Sheila stops herself. "No more talk, until I know everyone is in."
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Re: 0. Prelude

#77 Post by dmw71 »

Das wrote:[DM mind rolling my knowledge Local +5, to know what I might know about Natalya Vancaskerkin and her gang.
PM forthcoming.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#78 Post by Alethan »

Noting Petra's actions and finally realizing the box wasn't totally empty after it was vacated by the creatures, Ty says, "Hey... What'd you just pocket, lady?"He moves over to the box to examine the contents. Removing the garnets and dagger from the box and setting them on the table, Ty studies them a moment before looking up.

"I don't give two goblin-rat pugwampi arses what Sheila says about joinin' her guild. I don't join up with no one if I can't trust them not to nick loot before the rest of the team even looks at it, Petra."
OOC: Ahhhh... We've already reached the sticky point of 'proper treasure division' already, then.

It doesn't matter to me what method we use - random dice rolls for choice order, most deserving picks first, group decision to see who gets the best use of something, or some other way - or how we actually play it out IC, but we should have a policy in place other than 'first come, first served'; that makes for messy partnerships. :)
GM edit to spoiler the ooc above, and copy it into the ooc thread.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#79 Post by tooleychris »

"Oh..Oh! Petra exclaims, taking the ring from her pack and placing it with Tys other loot. "Apologies. I'm hardly a thief." she laughs.
"I grew up with such pretty baubles and when lady Sheila said I was welcome to it...well...I...
She blushes slightly.
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Re: 0. Prelude

#80 Post by dmw71 »

I've been waiting for ybn1197 to check in, but, without private forums, Athriel's acceptance of Shiela's offer is pretty much required in order to continue in this adventure, so I'm just going to assume he does. It will also be helpful to get the background and walls of dialogue out of the way leading into the weekend so we can really dive in on Monday (or over the weekend itself).


"Excellent," Sheila says as Athriel agrees and collects the small sack with 100 gold pieces in it and the small vial of healing. "Now that I know you’re all on board, I can share with you the little I do know about Natalya and the Sczarni."

"Unfortunately, I don’t know much about Natalya. She approached me and offered to be a sort of double agent among the Sczarni, which would be an extremely beneficial asset considering the Pathfinders have recently forged alliances with the Sczarni in many cities throughout the Inner Sea region, but there isn’t complete trust in the other by either party. Here in Magnimar, there are six major Sczarni gangs: The Creepers, Doolun’s Lads, the Gallowed, the Tower Girls, the Washside Wringers, and the Wreckwash Blades, with the Gallowed being the most powerful. I don’t know which group Natalya was affiliated with – I couldn’t ask."

" Unfortunately, one of Natalya’s conditions was that she wanted to retain a good amount of anonymity and autonomy, so she’d be free to handle things as she saw fit. Unfortunately, agreeing to these terms may have been a mistake..." she says, falling silent for a moment. Sheila collects herself and, in her now familiar deep voice, continues. "Now, I am not ready to write her off as a traitor just yet. There are rumors of Nidalese slavers prowling the streets of late, and, if these are true, being abducted by a slaver in the middle of the night would certainly explain Natalya’s absence. She might even have been picked up by the city guard for some reason, in which case a visit to the Arvensoar, the garrison for the city’s watch, might yield some clues."

"However, probably the most useful bit of information I have is, I do know that Natalya engaged the aid of a man known as the Amazing Zograthy, a Varisian who keeps a permanent tent and fortune-telling business in Washers’ Row in Dockway — specifically, at the end of a narrow alley that serves as a permanent street fair.”

“I wish I had more to offer, but that should hopefully be enough to get you started. Please, seek out this item Natalya hinted at having, and bring it, and her, to me as quickly as possible... and, I needent remind you, anonymity it of the upmost importance."
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