Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

#41 Post by Pulpatoon »

What follows is a long interview where the harpy asks for a detailed account of all your dealings with the cultists. She asks many detailed and incisive questions, and the scribe has to send for extra tablets to continue his note-taking.

If there is any sort of editing you would care to do to the story, or any spin you want to put on events, let me know, and provide a CHA roll.

As you begin to recount the events under the Tree, your two cultists neighbors become silent and alert. When you mention the Beast, they shake in what might be fits of pleasure. The man intones, "Praise the Black Goat of the Forest." The woman continues, "The crib is empty, the moon is cold; the blood's hot both to feed the mold. Flesh and spirit, witch and king; teeth will gnash o'er voice unring'd."
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

#42 Post by KingOfCowards »

Simon will be as honest as possible when speaking about the group's dealings with the cultists, he hopes that adding details about what they have observed will help to validate their story. He wasn't present for the dead priest in the river, but he and Jonas had some firsthand accounts dealing with Hag Sal's cultists and the Miller, before they visited the tree.

Afterwards he thanks the advocate and the scribe for listening, its more than any other harpies have done since the time of their capture.
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

#43 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Marcus will step in, providing an honest and detailed recount of the priest in the river, the forest with the dogs and bear, and then any information that Simon was not present for.

He seems to be in the right mind now, the unusual act earlier seeming to have passed.
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

#44 Post by Pulpatoon »

The interview at last concluded, Stormqueen Lilquathe thanks you for your time. "Your testimony has been noted, and will be presented in the proper quarters. We will look into the possibilities of corroboration."

The harpy and her guard leave. Half an hour later, a serving harpy brings you several platters of food. It is much higher quality that last night's slop: loaves of barley bread, dried meat, apples, boiled potatoes, and a pot of hot, bitter tea with a large chunk of some kind of butter floating in it.

The cultists are brought another bucket of slop.

More to come in just a bit. Need to wrap up Bürd and Mournath's side adventure.
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

#45 Post by DavetheLost »

Desmond casts an eye over the improved fare being offered.
"Well, we seem to have risen a bit in their eyes at any rate. These cultists may present a common enemy, though I'm not sure I'd stretch to the enemy of my enemy being my friend just yet. Glad I am to hear the tale of your adventure, but it's just as well I hadn't heard it when we found the body at the pass."

With that the halfling avails himself of the harpie's hospitality.
Playing: At the Forest's Edge: Desmond Halfling Vagabond
The Northern Marches: Hengist Cleric of Baudh
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2b: Among the Harpies

#46 Post by Pulpatoon »

New thread starts tonight, bringing the party back together!
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