Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

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Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

#1 Post by Darkmane »

Starting Date:

The 29th day of Tarsakh(April), 2 days before Greengrass, a holiday that is the official beginning of spring, in the Year of the Banner (1368 DR), roughly 1 decade after the Gods walked the realms, causing all manner of chaos!!!

For those of you not into the Forgotten Realms, the time of troubles was a period of dramatic change where the Gods were forced to walk in the realms, battling each other and causing wild magic and dead magic zones throughout the realms. Many of the ill effects have faded, but several of the Gods were killed during the ToT, for example the powers of three evil gods Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul were absorbed by a new usurper: Cyric, the dark sun. There are many other consequences of this, but most of them will have little impact on our game.

Maps and Info on Waterdeep:

I'm not going to upload any material or maps on waterdeep - here are a few maps that you can find with google/image:

https://thirteenth-lord-of-waterdeep.ob ... -waterdeep

Wizards of the Coast put up some really good maps from a more recent publication on Waterdeep here:

While these will give you a rough idea of the city layout, the GM retains the right to change/modify/house rule that any and all of these maps are inaccurate or forgeries :) You won't really need a true map, I'll start making a list of all the locations that you visit and all the NPC's that I use under this thread.
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Re: Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

#2 Post by Darkmane »

Waterdeep locations and NPCs:

The Salted Eel, a trade and transport ship operating on the sword coast.
-Captain Hagrath,

Dock Ward:

The Darkstar Inn (location 276, Gut Alley), formal, quiet, safe, if a bit snobbish
-proprietor, Asyira Boldwinter, aged, elitist
-Porter Elmuln

The Hanged Man (location 258, corner of Net Street and Snail, near docks)
-caters to literary folk, scriveners, scribes, poets, and bard
-PC's met Elphas the book binder, Haeruund the sage, and Delblas the Scrivener (old, drunk, storytellers)

Wally and the bakery:
-Wally was rescued from Undermountain by the PC's. Showed them another way in known as "The Slide"
-Vek gave Wally's parents ~900gp!

Fences and Thief Contacts known by Garl:

Jannaxil Serpentil - book dealer in Dock Ward, also a notorious fence of books and jewels

Cranath Undabar - Hangs out in the Bowels of the Earth from time to time. He can get thieves jobs, and is also an information broker.

Castle Ward:

The Yawning Portal, (location 4, head West off Gut Alley), Contains large Well to Undermountain Dungeon
-Proprietor, Durnan
-Tamsil (Durnan's daughter, works the bar)
- 1gp/each to enter Undermountain via block and tackle, 1gp/each to be hauled back up
- Priests of Tymora on hand to tend to injured adventurers (Theras on shift during first delve, PC's tipped him an expensive dinner, Ellonney, blond, plump woman, gave the PC's free healing tokens in return for rescuing the body of a Cleric of Tymora)
-Olphas, "adventuring wizard", member of the Watchful Order
-Ragnuck - large hulking barbarian, sprouts a mohawk, dyed purple, and a bejeweled broadsword with a mink lined scabbard, became more interested in the party after hearing of their exploits.
- Slipper Jack? -boistrous adventurer in leather, quite knowledgable about the city.

Tower of the Order (Watchful Order of Magists, Tella is now a member)
-Olar, front-desk administrator, middle aged, aloof and bookish
-Mhair, middle aged woman with silver in her hair and a deep purple cloak, leader of the order!
- Xynevell, diviner, a man with a bald head, light grey robes and dark olive skin of a man for other shores. He wears silver hoops in his ears, nose, and eyebrows
-Ben, battle wizard, a bent middle-aged man, with heavy leather boots, a dark green cloak, and most of his clothes are stained in blood or slime of some sort, one eye is green the other brown, carries a heavy ironwood stave

Balthorr's Rare and Wondrous Treasures (location 28, Street of the Sword, south of Selduth)
- Proprietor is Balthor "the Bold", hearty and loud-voiced fellow, energetic, with a firm handshake!

City Guard Barracks and Jail
- Jhaevis, shady laywer type
- Woman in the brown fur robe? She is an agent of the lords.
-Kurnick, drunk dwarf, see update under Illefarn

The Crawling Spider (cold, damp bar that caters to folk used to living underground)
-Hemralt (dwarf who also frequents the Tavemple, working as a mason in the city)

Sea Ward

Irlingstar Villa (NW corner of Sul and Delzorin Streets)
House of the Inspired Hands (Temple of Gond, location 60, SeaWatch Street, near Irlingstar Villa)
-Jhondil - Head Priestess of the Order, broadshouldered robust woman
-Bindaro - Elderly Gnomish Cleric

Trades Ward

The Plinth (inter-denominational temple, location 203)
-High needle-like spire with small shrines to almost every known faith (and maybe to a few unknown faiths)
-Guarded by the City Watch, open 24/7

PC's Apartment
Upstairs from Merioth's Fine Silks, Snail and Scroll Streets, location 197, 2 stories, 4 bedrooms, nice and cozy, right in the heart of the city.

Bowels of the Earth (dive bar/tavern, frequented by lowlife thieves and warriors, location xxx)

Sixth Scents - a candle shop at the edge of the trades ward near the City of the Dead. The proprietor is a black haired lady, who owns a gate to SkullPort that she holds in a secret room behind the storefront and charges adventurers large sums of gold to employ.
Last edited by Darkmane on Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:36 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

#3 Post by Darkmane »

Irlingstar Helm Quest - Locations and NPCs

Derval's Brite Blade (in Daggerford town limits, cozy smithy)
-Derval Ironeater (red bearded/haired dwarven weaponsmith and craftsman, relative of the hireling Kurnick)

Laughing Hollow:
-Melandrach, Elf King of Laughing Hollow, (ancient, white haired wood elf, dresses in enchanted wooden plate mail)
-Myeera, female scout/magic user, guided party to dungeon entance
-Fleddwyr Flam (half elf ranger, aided the PCs during the fight with the skeletal knight)

Underhalls of Illefarn:
-Goddgrieg (old dwarf warrior, grey beard and dark tan skin)
-Derrin Deepwalker (priest of Moradin, fights with a morningstar)
-Flynn (gnomish illusionist, with faerie familiar, favors a small stave or cudgel, walks with a slight limp)
-Heffin (gnome fighter or thief type, wears piece-mail armor, talks with a savage scottish accent, carries a shortsword)
-Korin Ironaxe, King of the Dwarf Mine Under Illefarn (kind but haughty, leads a small band of dwarves and gnomes in the dungeon), promised to take in the PC's if they should need it.
-Kurnick- drunken dwarf, met in jail, became a hireling of Thorax, drank in the Bowels for 80 years following an event that broke his will. Rejoined the dwarves of Illefarn and found his fighting spirit once again!
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Re: Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

#4 Post by Darkmane »

Undermountain NPC's

The Irlingstar Trio - rival dungeoneers! :) - first met in Location 6 (water room trapped area)
-Trevor Irlingstar (leader of the group) - well groomed man, fancy clothes, carries a fencing sabre and expensive walking stick! Known spellcaster, dislikes Cormack for an insult that occurred after the first trip into Undermountain.
- Urlaut and Raggol - two dwarven adventurer sidekicks?/hirelings? to Trevor, heavily laden with adventuring gear (now deceased, killed by a dragon)

Eff urt Floushin (big dead bird) - adventuring party -
-Rhaeggef, leader by default, cleric of tempus, carries no obvious weapons, has "the hots" for Tella
-Wulffage, wears full plate armor and a 2-h war-hammer
-Issef, wears silks, a cape, and a brace of throwing knives
-Deveryl, archer, the "lady of the arrows", half-elf, quiet, leather armor

The Company of the Brass Hand
-Orbin- Tall, thin, black studded leather armor, excellent archer
-Corrus - Priest of Tymora - short, burly, priest in plate and chain, carries shield and mace
Last edited by Darkmane on Thu May 26, 2016 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

#5 Post by Darkmane »

Lady Irlingstar's Birthday Party - NPC's

-Lady Irlingstar, thin, grey/black air, serious, but with a twinkle at her eyes

-Hurkar Cragmantle, gold dwarf of the deep south, traveling warrior merchant, gold tan skin, cat eyes, red hair and beard
-Durnha - Hurkar's daughter, shield-maiden, dark gold skin, red-black hair, wide green cat eyes, beautiful, almost elven looking
-Pietro, halfling "comedian", curly gold locks, and quick blue eyes.
-Elsiif and Morecker - aged wizards, somewhat senile, talked of the magefair.

Edward - wait-staff, long black hair, might be a thief!
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Re: Realms Info, City Locations, NPC's

#6 Post by Darkmane »

Skull Port NPC's and Areas

"Port" Area: Down by the river Sargauth, ships dock in this area
-Buttons, Boots, and Rags (Tailor) - Central Port (2nd story, reached by catwalk) Dour, well dressed moon elf Proprietor (Kestin) has a reputation for sticking mouthy patrons with sleep poison and delivering them into slavery.
-Slave Market; near the river, open air, encircled by food vendors, this market is the main attraction of the Port
-Fish Market; near a large bridge leading to Skull Island out in the river
-Skull Island; owned by the largest organized group of criminal slavers. Many slaves are kept here, their numbers uncertain.

Trade Lanes: Main business district
-Deep Fires (Inn) - located just off the Trade Way in this district, the building has no connections and is three stories high. Seems about as safe an inn as you can get in a place like this, but expensive.
-Altos - fighter, mercenary recruiter, met the PC's shortly after they arrived in SkullPort.

Heart District: Massive cave, non-human population thrives here: mind-flayers, drow, and worse!
-Fat Man's Keep? - a triangular stone wall protects a single tower and perhaps a few other buildings inside. The main gate bears the emblem of the "The Fat Man"
-Spider Castle; home to a full family of evil drow elves, located in the Upper Heart nestled along the ceiling, can be seen everywhere inside the Heart.
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