Shangra Lambda

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Shangra Lambda

#1 Post by kmbll »

Please do not post until your character sheet has been finalized - including goals and a brief background.

March 25, 3200
Wayfair, Nudar

Shangra Lambda. What is it? Ask a thousand different people and you'll hear a thousand tales. Archeologists' finds indicate that it was a pre-Scream classification for the sector for either the Terran Mandate or the Exchange. Fortune seekers spin a far more interesting tale – that it's a pre-tech wonder with has untold power.

More immediately, however, it's the name of a certain establishment. They have a certain saying in Wayfair – and it's not so different from the legend – anything you want you can find in Shangra Lambda. By that they mean there's a certain gentleman named Jack Fyfe – a man with a knack for procuring items and information.

Whatever has brought you to Wayfair has left you stranded, alone and caught behind a blockade. Rumor is that Jack knows a way off.

As you walk into the dimly lit tavern, you marvel at the terrible job they've done converting it from a shuttle. They've gutted it and plopped three small tables along the wall and placed a bar along with wall opposite along with some non-descript bottles. Bullet holes line the entrance. A short, bald man in a leather jack with a nose ring and cybernetics covering his face walks out from the cockpit with a shotgun resting across his shoulder, “'oo the bloody fuck are yer? “
Last edited by kmbll on Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#2 Post by Spectreman17 »

Aren't you a friendly feller, I'm just a poor sod who's down on his luck and looking for a drink and a chat? Who the bloody hell are you? and why the shotgun? I mean honestly 90% of your customers come in armed to some degree. A merc with light armaments has to be standard loadout for your evenings.

I ignore the glaring man and take a seat at the bar

Whatcha think, you available for a chat? I'm in the friend making mood and you seem friendly enough.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#3 Post by kmbll »

Robert J. Withers
"China Plate, ya must not be from 'round 'ere." He sits down at the table behind you and puts his fit up on the table, resting the shotgun on his legs pointing towards your back. He whistles and after a brief pause, a tall man crouches under the door to enter from the cockpit. He’s wearing a black domed hat tilted forward obscuring most of his face but you can see that his mouth is spread into a huge smile. He’s wearing a plain suit. The man at the table orders Jack, get this gentleman a Tiddley Win'.” Jack lets out a very unsettling chuckle and very lithely moves towards the bar.

Turning his attention back to you, the man at the table says, “I’m the bloomin' bouncer. Ya can call me Blast. As ter our clientele, what’s it ter ya? And ter your luck, we don’t sell that 'ere but just abaht aahhht else…What 're ya 'eaven and 'ell after?”

Jack sets a glass with a solid black liquid in front of you. He tosses a different bottle to Blast who catches it and starts drinking.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#4 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

I take a sip from the drink before me,
Jack was it? You might be just the friend I'm looking for, but it appears I have you at a bit of advantage. I'm Robert, pleasure's mine. Anyway I'm in need of a friend, I'm looking for someone in particular. A Jack who has an answer to the question of "What am I doing here?"

I want off this god forsaken wreck of a world, I have the skills to earn my keep, but I'm so broke I can't even buy a box to ship myself off world in. Rumor has it, this Jack I'm looking for has an answer. You wouldn't happen to know where i could find someone like that, now would you Jack?
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#5 Post by kmbll »

Robert J. Withers

The drink is strong and extremely bitter. Jack leans on the bar and chuckles his eery laugh; the bar seems to shift up and down for a moment with only Jack's laughing mouth staying in focus before everything settles to normal. Can I get a mental saving throw? Straight d20.

Even though you address Jack, it's Blast who responds. "Jack ain't much of a talker, ya know?, but 'e'll cop yer wotever yer need and that, I spose, right, is why yor 'ere."

"Yor lack of creds would normally be an issue - there's no incentive for us ter be kind in these tryin' times. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you? But from the bleedin' sounds of it, we share a common interest. The Sodality fuckers are 'urtin' business wiv their righteous blockade. A couple of me contacts 'ave been makin' inquiries - 'ave a lookin' for not so bad gentlemen as yorself willin' ter lend an 'and. Yer 'ave a gun for 'ire 'ave a look ter yorself - are yer, luv? Tsubasa of the chuffin' West Wind is 'irin' mercs and wants ter take the bloomin' fight ter ffem."He pauses a moment and then continues hesitantly, "Then there's the uvver option... "
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#6 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers

Mental Save: [1d20] = 5
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#7 Post by kmbll »

Robert J. Withers

That's a fail. So Jack used Memetic Probe on you - he's effectively looking for what kind of person you and whether you're reliable. You can choose from your characters perspective what he sees - my thinking would be that from that brief dizzy spell, you just spontaneously started thinking of these things but it's up to you.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#8 Post by dok-el »


Kaz eyes up the interior of the tavern, her gaze rapidly shifting about like the small wild creature that she essentially is. Satisfied that there is no immediate danger, she lights up a cheroot and takes a deep drag. She blows out a couple of smoke rings and then addresses the room,

"Sup twerps?"
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#9 Post by kmbll »


As you enter the room, you note a short, bald man with his feet on a table. He's finishing saying,"Then there's the uvver option... " as you enter and say "Sup twerps?". The bald man has cybernetic enhancements across his face and a prominent nosering. He's also currently sitting with a shotgun on his lap, pointed at the back of another man sitting at the bar. A third man stands across the bar, polishing a glass. He's tall and thin and his face is completely obscured by a hat. At your entrance, he turns from the other two men and tilts his head in your direction. You can't see his eyes but you can feel that he's intently staring at you. The man at the table looks concernedly at the man behind the bar before taking a swig from a bottle. He shifts focus back to you. "Wotcher want?"
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#10 Post by dok-el »


"Keep yer 'air on," replies Kaz to the bald man, a slight smirk playing across her face, "Any chance of 'avin' a word with the boss? I don't usually like discussing me private business with minions."
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#11 Post by kmbll »


The bald man laughs uproariously; it's a horrible, gruff cackle."I like yor attitude girl. Yer remind me of 'ome." He looks you up and down. "'oo exactly is it that ya fin' you're lookin' for? And wot is it that ya 'ave that 'e'll want?"
Last edited by kmbll on Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#12 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

His reading tells him I'm a very trustworthy person, a bit too trusting of others at times. Very reliable when it comes to getting a job done and not asking too many questions. Honor our deal and I'll make you very happy, cross me and I'll make bad things happen

Wait, your telling me there's a merc group hiring planetside and no one told me. That God Damn clerk is gonna get it if i ever see him again, took my last creds and told me no one was hiring guns right now. I didn't buy it for one second but he said he'd keep me on file. I bet my creds went right into his god damn pocket.

How do i find these West Wind fellas?
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#13 Post by kmbll »

Robert J. Withers

Blast scowls at Wither's response drawing his focus from the girl that burst in, clearly agitated to have so many factors in play and diverting his attention. Jack continues to focus solely on the girl. Blast turns back toward Withers and says, "Same clerk that indicated ya should stop by 'ere? Seems as though ya got your money's worf after aw...should've mentioned it sooner. " Jack lets a heh. Blast continues, "Tsubasa 'angs aahhht by the bloody eastern gate. 'e...stands aahhht. 'ave ya Pearly Queen a 'ma? 'eaven and 'ell. butcher's for the chuffin' gigantic turtle shaped powered 'rmor. 'e's lookin' ter Crust of Bread aahhht at at nightfall tomorra."

Jack subtly hands you a playing card. It's a Jack of Clubs.

I'll create a thread for the West Wind when more people have chosen their path.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#14 Post by dok-el »


"I'm 'ere to parlay wiv' some twerp called Jack Fyfe," Kaz replies to the bald man's questioning, "On account of the fact that I 'eard he might know a way off this crapsack planet."

"I 'ave certain useful talents," she adds.

Kaz will attempt to use Telekinesis to take the man's bottle of booze away from him and bring it into her own hand (and take a swig). Not sure how this is resolved. Maybe skill check with discipline level as modifier? Unmodified roll: [2d6] = 9
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#15 Post by kmbll »


The bald man mindlessly lets the bottle float away. He glances over at the tall man behind the bar. You hear a voice in your head excitedly say, "Oh aren't you a specimen. So you're looking for the piper? Be careful where he might lead." Jack lithely moves over to the cockpit portion of the once shuttle tavern. He moves the curtain separating the section and smiles a Cheshire grin, indicating that you should follow. Once there, you realize that the floor has been remove and a staircase leads down.

So you're precog and telekinesis? I just want to make sure I have your sheet right. You don't need to make any roll for that though Blast could roll a physical save against it. You're down to 0 PP though.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#16 Post by Mister-Kent »

A stern-looking woman with dark hair in a "Let's get down to business"-style ponytail overhears the man (Robert) asking about West Wind. "If you're heading to see Tsubasa at the east gate, I'll accompany you," she says.

"If I stick around this dive any longer I know I'm gonna blow the last creds I've got to my name..." She gives Jack and Blast a smirk.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#17 Post by Das »


[Eli Alexander, Psychic]
A younger man with a military gait to him entered the place with a revolver resting on his hip, countered by a monosword on his other hip. Sticking out of his belt in the back was a monoknife. He wasn't armored but that wasn't entirely uncommon in the world, it kind of made him seem less dangerous which is exactly what he wanted. He had a carefree smile despite the scars on his face. He took in the place for a brief moment. He found himself a seat and ordered himself a drink...taking in the place with interest.
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#18 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers

Seriously Blast, look at this crowd, I honestly think your shotgun is misplaced. Tese guys all look far more dangerous than me

I'm a average height heavy set man wearing full metal plate, with no helm, and a Heavy Assault rifle strapped over my shoulder and a simple revolver on my hip
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#19 Post by kmbll »

Jenny Body

Blast gives you a half wave and scowls.

I'm assuming this means you have history with Jack, Blast, and Tsubasa. So the question is how? Tsubasa is a unique individual.

Eli Alexander
Entering the room, you note a a tall thin man in a simple black suit with a hat obscuring his face with a chilling smile holding open a curtain to a back room at the far back of the room. A woman stands just inside the entryway and a bottle floats to her hand. There are three tables to the left of the room, a short bald man sits at the middle one with a shotgun, resting on his legs, pointed another man at the bar. The man at the bar is an average height, heavy set man wearing full plate armor with an a heavy assault rifle on his shoulder and a simple revolver on his hip, who appears to be getting agitated at having a shotgun pointed at his back. You pass by a stern-looking woman with dark hair with a ponytail on your way in, saying, "If you're heading to see Tsubasa at the east gate, I'll accompany you," as you pass.

The short bald man scowls as you sit at the bar and order a drink from no one in particular. "It's a bloody party in 'ere." He looks over to the tall thin man and mutters, "Damnit Jack, this is nah time for your psychic fixation." He bangs on the wall and an average height woman with dark skin and short green hair and a large gun strapped to her back comes out from the behind the withdrawn curtain. "Get the bloomin' new gentleman a Tiddley Win', will ya? Wot can we do for ya China Plate?" She sets a black liquid in front of you and winks.

If you want more specific details about anything then roll a perception check and tell me specifically what you're looking for .

Robert J. Withers
At your comment, Blast turns toward you with a smirk. "'oo 're ya ter come into me Drum of employ and comment on me shotgan?" He glances over at Jack. He points the shotgun loosely towards the door. "Jack thinks you're alwigh' though and that's Robin Hood in the buff for me. Aahhht else we can 'elp ya wif today?"

Can I get a perception check? That'll be 2d6 plus your intelligence modifier plus your perception skill (0 points in= -1, 1 point in = +0, 2 points in =+1
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Re: Shangra Lambda

#20 Post by Spectreman17 »

Robert J. Withers:

Perception: [2d6+1] = 4+1 = 5

I'm not worried about your shotgun, in fact it's a very nice shotgun, I'm just worried about where you point it.
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