IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#241 Post by dok-el »

The party prepares itself for whatever new challenges lie ahead - readying weapons, lighting torches and so forth.

Loman moves quietly up to the closed door in the east corridor and checks it for traps. He discovers none. Then he presses his ear up to the door, listening for any sounds from the other side. He distinctly hears a good deal of shuffling and scraping about going on. And some weird clicking sounds too.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#242 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman raises his fingers to his lips and points at the door and then speaks in a low voice, "Something in there is shuffling about and making 'clicky-clacky' noises. Spiders maybe? Any of you stout lads or lasses want to barge in there and see what's what or do we move on?"
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#243 Post by triplehappiness »

Herbert whispers to the group, "Perhaps we could have one swift of foot open the door and flee towards the group. Then we wait for something to give chase, and exit. We then assault them from range, with close arms cleaning what's left?"

Crenshaw likes the idea, but is curious what would happen if nothing gives chase. He stows his dagger and once again takes bow in hand. But he waits to hear any other plans before knocking an arrow. Best to keep his options open.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#244 Post by Zhym »

"It's a good plan," says Reginald, who well knows that the alternate plan would be to have the fighter bash the door down and take the brunt of whatever attack follows.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#245 Post by Zorroroaster »

Marcus nods in assent, and prepares his bow, moving back from the doorway.

"Run back down here once you've opened the door and we can take them on ground of our choosing. "

Katarina holds her mace ready, wishing she could be of greater help.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#246 Post by dok-el »

A plan begins to emerge.

The party assembles itself in the area near the stairwell, facing the east corridor. Everyone who is able to prepares missile weapons. The most competent melee fighters move to the front.

Now all that remains is for one (or more) brave soul to go and open the door, attract the attention of whatever waits behind it, and then quickly scarper.

Door will probably need a shove to get it open (as usual). DEX roll to run fast enough to avoid anything unpleasant, whatever that might be ;)
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#247 Post by Zorroroaster »

Marcus raises a hand. "I'm pretty nimble. I can do it, if no one else wants to. Or we can draw straws for it."

Katarina rolls her eyes at his bravado. I'm going to be wasting my only spell of the day on your sorry carcass, aren't I? she thinks.
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#248 Post by dok-el »

Someone hands Marcus a crowbar and everyone looks at him expectantly.

Marcus sneaks up to the door and levers the crowbar into the gap between door and frame. The door resists for a moment and then suddenly swings open. The stink of rot and mold wafts out from the other side.

Marcus takes a look...

And sees a room full of giant ants! He doesn't have time to notice much of anything else as a couple of the ants spot him and immediately start scurrying towards him.

Marcus starts running. He can hear the ants just behind him, clicking their mandibles hungrily.

The rest of the party can now see the ants too, chasing the thief down the corridor towards where they are waiting.

I went ahead and made the 'open door' check for Marcus. I need him to make a Dex roll please (Dex or less on 1d20).

The party has one free round of missile fire (or spell usage) before the ants will have reached them and engaged them in melee.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#249 Post by Zorroroaster »

Marcus opens the door and is horrified at the mass of insectile bodies writhing around within. "Ants! Ants! Goddamned ants!"

He begins to backpedal towards the group, but his feet don't want to cooperate with the rest of his body.

Marcus: DEX check (13) [1d20] = 15
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#250 Post by Zhym »

Zanzibar recoils in disgust. "Ew! This place is infested with giant vermin!" He ducks out from behind Rhed and fires a magic missile at one of the ants.

Magic missile: [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4

Reginald fires two arrows when the ants come into view, but his shots clatter harmlessly off the walls.

Short bow (THAC0 19): [1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7, Dmg [1d6] = 5
Short bow (THAC0 19): [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6, Dmg [1d6] = 5
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#251 Post by dok-el »

Marcus runs as fast as he can, but it isn't quite fast enough. One of the ants makes a lunge at the back of his head...
2HD monster vs AC13: [1d20] = 10
...and misses! Its goo-dripping mandibles close on thin air as Marcus finds a last burst of speed and races ahead, heading straight for the safety (?) of his assembled compatriots.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#252 Post by Zorroroaster »

Katarina breathes a silent prayer of thanks as Marcus narrowly escapes the oncoming insect.

Reaching into her pack, she pulls out one of her packages of rations. Breaking it up into chunks, she tosses them down the corridor towards the ants.

"Perhaps this will interest them long enough to delay their arrival. How smart are giant ants, anyway? Hopefully we can get a few more shots at them this way."
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#253 Post by triplehappiness »

Crenshaw sights down the arrows shaft as he watches Marcus pry on the doorjam. He takes a breath as the door snaps open. He squints to see the look on Marcus's face in the flickering torchlight and hears his shout of ANTS! Despite his preparations, the idea of giant ants unsettles Crenshaw leading to him to releasing the arrow too soon, before the Ants even clear the door way, just narrowly missing Marcus' shoulder as he turns to run. Crenshaw quickly regains his composure and releases a second arrow at the nearest ant scurrying toward the group.

Shortbow to hit [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4 damage [1d6] = 2
Shortbow to hit [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20 damage [1d6] = 3

Herbert sees Marcus' trouble and breaks ranks in an effort to interpose himself and hold off the ants while the archers do their jobs. He raises his mace in preparation for the impact and positions himself such that Marcus can quickly get behind him should he choose to do so.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#254 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Anrthorr lets loose a volley of two arrows down the hallway

Longbow attacks [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4 , [1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21 , Damage [1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5 , [1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5

One strikes true.

Loman carefully aims down the length of his crossbow and follows suit.

Light Crossbow short range [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6 , damage: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2

But his shot sails past.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#255 Post by dok-el »

A half a dozen of the oversized ants scuttle down the corridor in pursuit of Marcus. As planned, the party launches a volley of missile fire at the foul creatures, both magical and mundane.

One of the lead ants is hit by Zanzibar's spell and then an arrow from Arnthorr's bow. It crumples and falls dead on the dungeon floor. Another ant takes a hit from Crenshaw, but it's not quite enough to stop its advance.

A third ant spots the food rations that Katarina has thrown into its path. It stops and greedily starts to consume the offering.

Marcus slides into the back row behind Herbert, who has bravely stepped forward to engage the enemy head on.

Four ants move in to attack the party at close quarters. But the adventurers are ready for them.

Party Initiative [1d6] = 4
Ants Initiative [1d6] = 4

It's a draw. According to my overly-generous houserules that means the PCs go first :)
Round 2 Actions Please
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#256 Post by Zhym »

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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#257 Post by Zorroroaster »

Having managed to slip past Herbert to relative safety, Marcus yells in gratitude at his stalwart ally and wheels about drawing his bow. He fires at the ants closing in on the party.

Shortbow (THAC0 19): [1d20+1] = 2+1 = 3 to hit, [1d6] = 1 to wound
Shortbow (THAC0 19): [1d20+1] = 4+1 = 5 to hit, [1d6] = 2 to wound

Clearly, he's too shaken by his brush with mandibular death to properly aim.

Katarina hangs back, looking on. She's ready to leap forward to either take place of someone in the front ranks, or pull someone to safety and give aid.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#258 Post by triplehappiness »

Crenshaw curses at the thought of his first arrow skittering off the stone flooring uselessly, and nearly injuring a member of his own party. Thankfully his second shot found its mark. And now that creature was bearing down on Herbert, who took up a position to defend Marcus. So Crenshaw steadied himself, breathed deeply and invoked the mighty Valadon. "May your wisdom guide me, and project upon my enemies a dire result." He took aim and released 2 more arrows down the corridor, doing his best to avoid his comrades.

Shortbow to hit [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18 damage [1d6] = 3

Shortbow to hit [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20 damage [1d6] = 3

Herbert sidestepped as Marcus barreled past, arrows flying over and beside him. Then once again took up a widened stance in an effort to keep the ants from advancing beyond his position. He shouted over his shoulder as he prepared to pepper the charging ant with the head of his mace. "Marcus, be ready, I will swing my mace while simultaneously shifting my stance. It might give you an opening to fire your arrows without....." He trailed off as the arrows he was about to mention came flying by him. Marcus had already fired. "You took the words right out of my mouth, well done, man!". Herbert turned once again and swung the heavy steel headed mace he had nicknamed, "Mr. Clean".

Mace to hit [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2 damage [1d6] = 3
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#259 Post by dok-el »

I will take actions for Himmel and Werhas

Himmel stands quietly in the back rank hoping that no one will notice him.

Werhas swings his sword at one of the approaching ants...

to hit [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2 oh dear :(

... and just about manages not to chop his own foot off.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#260 Post by dok-el »

Crenshaw puts two more arrows in the same creature as before, stopping it dead in its tracks. The rest of the party struggle to maintain their composure as the ants descend upon them.

Three giant ants assault the party head on, snapping at them with razor-sharp mandibles.
2HD Monsters

vs Werhas (AC14): [1d20] = 12[1d6] = 3 Werhas takes 3 damage
vs Herbert (AC17): [1d20] = 2[1d6] = 6 Miss
vs Reginald (AC17): [1d20] = 11[1d6] = 1 Miss
Werhas the dwarf, unbalanced after his own last fumbling attempt at a strike, is unable to avoid a nasty bite on the upper arm.

Round 3 Actions please
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